divine talisman

Chapter 265 Five Yuan Sword School

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Knowing that there will be several Jindan experts coming to help within three days, the dignified and silent atmosphere in the hall suddenly disappeared, and everyone present showed a relaxed expression. (+ Find this book quickly)

Someone couldn't hold back their curiosity and asked aloud: "Palace Master Ning, how dare you ask who are those seniors at the Golden Core Realm?"

Hearing this, everyone else also showed curiosity.

Ning Daofu was stared at by many eyes, and felt joyful in his heart. It felt like returning to the past. At that time, the Chen family had not yet risen, and he, the palace master of the number one power in Songyan City, was often watched by such eyes. It's a pity , all of which no longer exist.

After calming down, he smiled and said, "Everyone must know that this old man is from the Central Plains Wuyuan Sword Sect, and the several Golden Core Realm experts I invited this time are from the Central Plains Wuyuan Sword Sect."

"A sect in the Central Plains?"

"Excellent! The cultivation world in the Central Plains is not inferior to our Nanban cultivation world. There are outstanding people and strong people like a forest. With the help of the experts from the Wuyuan Sword Sect, this disaster will definitely be saved."

"Exactly, exactly."

When the others heard the words, their hearts were excited again. They were just the leaders of the forces in a remote town in southern Xinjiang, and even a big man from Longyuan City in southern Xinjiang was an existence they admired most. Now they heard that the person who came to help them, unexpectedly He is an expert from the Wuyuan Sword Sect in the Central Plains, so the excitement in his heart can be imagined.

Ning Daofu listened to everyone's admiration with a smile, and he was greatly benefited. Seeing Chen Hao's silence, he froze immediately and said with a smile: "It's nothing, if Patriarch Chen comes forward, he must be able to invite the experts of Liuyun Sword Sect to help , in that case, what else do we have to worry about?"

He originally intended to compliment Chen Hao with good intentions. After all, he still has to rely on the Chen family's Tai Qi and Dust Sword Formation for protection, but he never thought that as soon as these words fell into the ears of other people, the atmosphere in the hall would once again change. Falling into silence, everyone stopped talking, as if they were thinking about other things.

Of course Chen Hao knew that these guys were blaming him, but he didn't intend to explain anything.

It's not that he didn't think about asking Liuyun Sword Sect for help, but he quickly rejected the idea. Now that the Chen family is in ruins, and he is the head of the Chen family, if he encounters some troubles, he will turn to Liuyunjian for help. Zong, when will my Chen family become truly powerful?

Moreover, Chen Hao still has deeper considerations. Now he is no longer a member of Liuyun Sword Sect, and his elder brother Chen Xi is about to go to the Central Plains Splendid City to participate in the Stars Conference within two years. Once he wins the top ten, he may completely Leave the Great Chu Dynasty.At that time, the revitalization of the entire Chen family will depend entirely on his own efforts. Liuyun Sword Sect can help him once or twice, but he will not help him endlessly.

It was precisely because of this consideration that he decided to rely on himself in everything, and would never ask Liuyun Jianzong for help unless it was a critical moment. (+ Find this book quickly)

The beast attack happening before him could not threaten the survival of the Chen family. Naturally, he would not waste the opportunity to ask Liuyun Sword Sect for help on this.

As for the safety of other families, Chen Hao doesn't care about it. He is not a saint, so he can't take care of everyone, right?It's still the same sentence, if others help you, it's love, if you don't help you, it's your duty, and you can't blame anyone.

Ding Ding Deng

Outside the hall, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps, Xiao Nu ran in, bowed and said, "Patriarch, there are three monks outside the gate asking to see you, have you seen them or not?"

Is someone visiting?Chen Xi was startled, and asked, "What did those three people say?"

"According to them, they are monks from the Wuyuan Sword Sect of the Central Plains. They came to our Songyan City this time at the invitation of Senior Ning Daofu, the master of the Songyan Academy."

"Come here so soon?" Ning Daofu was overjoyed, couldn't sit still anymore, cupped his hands and said: "Patriarch Chen, do you want to open the Tai Qi Mo Chen Sword Formation and let them in?"

Chen Hao also stood up and said with a smile, "We are guests from afar, not to mention they are here to help us tide over our difficulties. Let's go, let's meet these three guests who came all the way from the Central Plains."


Outside the vermilion gate of the Chen family mansion, there was a group of people standing at the moment.

Among them, three young people are the most conspicuous, two men and one woman, all wearing moon-white Taoist robes, with a graceful and luxurious demeanor, looking around and talking in a low voice.

Behind these three people, followed twelve servant-like figures, said to be servants, but each of them had a vigorous posture, sharp eyes, and a mountain-like aura surging around them.

"Hmph, Master is really nostalgic. For a disciple who was expelled from the master's school back then, we were asked to come to this dilapidated place to help. Now he is still rejected by others. I am really mad at me."

It was the woman who spoke, with almond eyes and lips, fair complexion, slim figure, pretty and charming appearance, her name was Lin Qiuling, and she was a Jindan disciple of Wuyuan Sword Sect.

"Brother Wei Yuezi, aren't you angry?" Lin Qiuling pursed her lips and complained angrily when the young man in charge ignored her.

"Junior Sister Lin, Elder Brother is studying the formation in front of him. He didn't mean to ignore you." On the other side, a tall and burly young man with a foolish look said with a smile. His name is Meng Chixing, just like Lin Qiuling , is a Jindan disciple of Wuyuan Sword Sect.

"Study formations? Is there a formation in such a remote place that deserves the attention of senior brother?" Lin Qiuling was still very unhappy and said angrily.

"Who knows." Meng Chixing curled his lips, with a trace of ruthlessness in his eyes, "If you want me to say, we can just break the door and break in. Why is it so troublesome?"

"It's exactly what I want, Senior Brother Meng. You quickly smashed down this rotten door. We came all the way to help, not to be rejected. No matter how great this Chen family is, I'm afraid they wouldn't dare to offend us." Lin Qiuling glanced at the door. The hanging plaque rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

"That's right, I'm going to smash this broken door right now, and open a road to the sky for my junior sister." Meng Chixing said, and walked forward eagerly, wanting to make a move.

"Nonsense! If you don't want to die, back off!" The young man in the lead who hadn't spoken all this time frowned and scolded. His name was Wei Yuezi, he looked handsome, but his expression was unusually cold, with his hands behind his back, he looked extremely lonely.

Meng Chixing was taken aback for a moment, his face flushed for a while, but he didn't dare to say anything, and stepped back angrily. Obviously, he was extremely afraid of his elder brother.

"Eldest brother, why are you angry? Could it be that there are extremely powerful formations around the Chen family's mansion?" Lin Qiuling was also startled and asked.

"It's a very powerful sword formation. If we forcefully break through, we are afraid that we will be killed in an instant. If my guess is correct, even a cultivator in the Nether Transformation Realm will die if he enters it." Its power is probably no less than that of our Wuyuan Sword Sect's Great Mountain Protecting Formation, the Gang Sha Wuyuan Sword Formation."

Kill the strong in the underworld?Meng Chixing was taken aback, thinking of his actions just now, he felt terrified for a while.

"Since senior brother Wei likes it, why don't we help them repel the herd of beasts and let them offer this sword formation with both hands, as a reward for us." Lin Qiuling thought thoughtfully.

"Yeah, our help can't be in vain. Since this formation is as powerful as what the senior brother said, let them contribute, and I forgive them for not daring to disagree." Meng Chixing also suggested aloud.

Wei Yuezi's heart was greatly moved, he did not expect that in such a remote city like this, he would encounter such a powerful sword formation, it would be a lie to say that he was not moved.

He even thought that if he could bring this sword formation back to the sect, the head teacher and all the elders would definitely reward him heavily, even if he cultivated himself to become a core disciple of Jindan, it would not be impossible...

But out of caution, he still shook his head and said, "Let's talk about it later."

Lin Qiuling and Meng Chixing looked at each other and smiled knowingly. Since the elder brother didn't refuse, he must want to take it for himself, and then just play it by ear.

As for offending the master of the Chen family, they really don't care. A family in a small city can't even resist a herd of beasts, so what if they are offended?

What's more, when they came, their master had already confessed that the monks in Songyan City were only at the Huangting Realm with the highest strength.This kind of strength is worthless to any of them, like ants, they will die if they are pinched.

It was precisely because of this recognition that they dared to direct their attention to the Chen family so recklessly.


The arrival of Wei Yuezi, Meng Chixing, Lin Qiuling and others was welcomed by the leaders of the major forces present, including Chen Hao.

Although these three people are all young, they all have the cultivation base of the Golden Core Realm. In this practice world where strength is respected, the leaders of the major forces had no choice but to lower their stance, and respectfully welcomed the three into the Chen's Hall middle.

However, Chen Hao dismissed it. On the contrary, he vaguely felt that when the three of them learned their identities, there was a strange look in their eyes, as if there was something about him that aroused the other party's interest. The feeling made him feel quite uncomfortable.

But when these three people came to Songyan City to help, Chen Hao didn't express his dislike, but his attitude seemed a little cold.

Everyone took their seats in the Chen's hall, and after a short exchange of greetings, Meng Chixing suddenly said: "Everyone here, it stands to reason that I shouldn't ask for rewards when I come to help, but my elder brother is obsessed with the way of talisman formations. Around this Chen's mansion, there is a mysterious sword array protecting each other. I can't help seeing Lie Xinxi, and I want to bring it back to the sect to study it with great concentration. I wonder if you can bear the pain and give up this sword array to my elder brother? "


As soon as the voice fell, the noise in the entire hall disappeared without a trace, and everyone looked at Chen Hao in unison, with strange eyes.

"This... seems a bit inappropriate?"

Seeing Chen Hao's indifferent expression, Ning Daofu, the master of Songyan Academy, jumped in his heart, but he didn't dare to offend the three people he had invited, so at this moment, he could only bite the bullet and speak out to persuade them.

"What's wrong?" Meng Chixing frowned and said displeasedly: "I've worked so hard to come to help, can't you even agree to this small request?"

"If you agree, I will guarantee that we will wipe out all the monsters and beasts, and return Songyan City to a bright future, how about it?" Lin Qiuling also spoke from the side, but there was a hint of confidence and pride in her eyes, as if It's because he didn't take those monsters seriously.

Ning Daofu groaned in his heart, originally he wanted to invite some powerful helpers, but how could he attract hungry wolves?If I let them do this, wouldn't I also indirectly offend the Chen family?It doesn't matter if you offend the Chen family, the Liuyun Sword Sect behind it is probably not going to let you go...

"This formation is the Chen family's protective formation. It is extremely precious, and the three of them are not as good as..." Ning Daofu said again.

But before he finished speaking, Chen Hao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly interrupted him, looked up at Wei Yuezi and the other three, and said expressionlessly: "If I don't hand over the sword formation, are you planning to stand by and watch? "

Stand by?

Meng Chixing was taken aback, as if he didn't expect Chen Hao, the little Patriarch of Huang Tingjing, to dare to speak like this. He looked at the senior brother Wei Yuezi who hadn't opened his mouth all this time, and seeing that the other party didn't intend to stop him, he snorted coldly: "I think Patriarch Chen should think twice before acting, don't try to be quick and put everyone present in a desperate situation."

The meaning of the words is already obvious, if they don't hand over the sword formation, they will definitely choose to stand by and watch.

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