divine talisman

Chapter 266 The Swordsman

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Inside Chen's Hall. (+ Find this book quickly)

Meng Chixing's voice echoed endlessly, carrying a strong sense of confidence.

In his eyes, all people are like a bunch of chickens and dogs, not even as good as the servants who follow him. If he wants to live, he will definitely agree to his conditions.

"Three fellow Taoists of the Wuyuan Sword Sect, this sword array is the foundation of the Chen family's survival, and it is absolutely impossible to hand it over. Look at this, I will present some expensive treasures to you, and I would like to express my gratitude , how?" Ye Qiu, the master of Maple Leaf Academy, said.

"Hmph, if you want to live, just shut up obediently, you don't have a place to intervene here!" Meng Chixing snorted coldly.

Ye Qiu's complexion turned green and pale suddenly, and he felt endless shame in his heart, but he didn't say any more.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of the leaders of other forces, the few who originally wanted to speak out to persuade them suddenly extinguished their thoughts and shut up.But in their hearts, there was a deep sigh, this can really be called as luring wolves into the house!

"Excessive!" Ning Daofu, the head of the Songyan Academy, could no longer hold back the anger in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Three, Master Xuanyan sent you here to ask for other people's property?"

Meng Chixing was stunned for a moment, his face darkened immediately, and he sneered, "You are a waste who was expelled from the sect by the master master, you are already old, and you have not even stepped into the golden core realm, what right do you have to question us?"

Was expelled from the sect?

Everyone present was startled, and their gazes at Ning Daofu also became strange.

The scar hidden in the depths of his heart was uncovered, and Ning Daofu's face immediately turned extremely red, his breathing was heavy, his chest rose and fell sharply, like an angry trapped animal, but he finally sat back in the chair slumped and powerless.

Yes, I am a waste, what qualifications do I have to ask?

At this moment, Ning Daofu felt deep remorse in his heart. He regretted seeking help from his former teacher, but in the end he attracted three arrogant and domineering juniors...

"Patriarch Chen, my brother Meng is right. If we don't take action, you probably won't be able to resist the attack of the herd of beasts, and you will end up destroyed in the end. Don't you have the heart to see all your colleagues present in a desperate situation?" Lin Qiuling said goodbye No one dared to resist, and there was a smug look in her eyes, and Yoyo said.

"Without your help, all the comrades present staying in my Chen family will surely save their lives, so don't mention this matter again." Chen Hao replied with a blank expression.

"What if we fight each other? Can you stop us?" Wei Yuezi, who had been silent since entering the hall, suddenly raised his head and said, his voice was cold and threatening. (+ Find this book quickly)

Everyone in the room was stunned, they didn't expect this cold and arrogant young man to say such naked words.

"You mean, if I don't agree, you will take action to seize my Chen family's Taiqi Mochen Sword Formation?" Chen Hao's eyes turned cold, and the anger in his heart was on the verge of erupting.

"Taiqi Mochen Sword Formation...a good name!" Wei Yuezi murmured to himself, but his face became more and more aloof and serious, and he said calmly: "If you don't have the strength to protect the treasure, you should be ready to be taken away." Prepare, your understanding is not wrong."

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

All the people present were apprehensive and all looked at Chen Hao, wanting to see how he would make a decision.These people are all Golden Core Realm monks from the Central Plains, and they are not afraid of any threats at all. Even if they ask for help from Liuyun Sword Sect, the distant water cannot save the nearby fire. At this moment, it seems that there is only one way to choose, and that is Accept their request.

However, with Chen Hao's temper, would he agree?

"Father, come and play with me."

At this moment, a childish and crisp voice sounded from outside the hall. A three-year-old kid with big clear eyes looked into the hall. It was little Chen Yu.

In three years, the little guy has grown a lot taller, with a handsome and fair face, standing there, his body straight as a gun, very much like his father Chen Hao.

Chen Hao's heart skipped a beat, why did the little guy come here?

"Yu'er, hurry up and go with your mother. Your father is discussing important matters and has no time to play with you." Fei Lengcui in a green dress appeared outside the hall, picked up little Chen Yu, and cast a reassuring look at Chen Hao, Just turn around and leave.

"Well, that little guy just now is your son? He looks really handsome, but it would be a pity if something happens." Meng Chixing looked away and said slowly.


Hearing that this guy was threatening his son's life, Chen Hao couldn't hold back the anger in his heart any longer, he jumped up and said coldly: "Get out! Get out now!"

"What did you say?" Meng Chixing's complexion changed suddenly, and there was an undisguised murderous intent in his eyes.Not only him, Lin Qiuling and Wei Yuezi on the side also had cold eyes, staring at Chen Hao coldly, as if staring at a dying person.

As for the rest of the audience, when they heard Chen Hao's words, their hearts were hanging in their throats. It was too unexpected. No one thought that Chen Hao would be so strong. Isn't he afraid of causing the Chen family to die?

From their point of view, it is not too late to cut these bastards and contact the experts of Liuyun Sword Sect to help them after sending these bastards away.However, Chen Hao's performance completely exceeded all their expectations.

"I told you to get out, get out of my Chen family!" Chen Hao paused every word.

"Say it again!" Meng Chixing yelled violently, his voice was like thunder, he couldn't believe his ears, a little monk in Huang Tingjing dared to insult himself and others one after another.


Now that the herd didn't come, the entire Chen family was about to perish...

The others were also stunned, leaving only this thought in their minds

Just then-

An indifferent and calm voice came from outside the hall, "He said to let you go, didn't you hear that?"

"Who! Which bastard is hiding outside and dare not show his face?" Meng Chixing was completely enraged, burst into rage, and exuded an extremely tyrannical aura, forcing everyone present to hold their breath, feeling like facing a flood of beasts.


Before the words fell, Meng Chixing rushed out of the hall. He was extremely angry. He thought that a sword formation could be obtained at his fingertips. Who would have thought that he would be provoked by a group of ants three times in a row, and his self-esteem would be humiliated. The anger in his heart.

"Hey, that guy who hides his head and shows his tail is dead. The furious Brother Meng scares even me." Lin Qiuling shook her head and sighed.

"Let him see the blood, maybe he can calm down some anger." Wei Yuezi said lightly, and then he looked up at Chen Hao, "Killing people is not what we want to see, if Patriarch Chen can agree to my request, maybe I can can……"


Before Wei Yuezi finished speaking, a black shadow was suddenly thrown in from outside the hall, rolling straight to Wei Yuezi's feet like a rolling gourd. During the rolling process, the black shadow let out bursts of mournful howls, as if Suffered excruciatingly, horribly.

"Brother Meng!"

"Brother Meng!"

Seeing the black shadow on the ground, Wei Yuezi and Lin Qiuling's expressions of pride froze immediately, and they exclaimed.The two originally thought that this black shadow would be an unknown young servant of the Chen family, but how could they expect it to be Meng Chixing who had just rushed out?

Everyone else in the room was also taken aback, and looked up, the black figure on the ground covered in blood, with red and swollen cheeks, who was screaming shrilly, wasn't it Meng Chixing?

How could this be?

This Jindan strongman from the Wuyuan Sword Sect of the Central Plains, how could he be beaten into such a horrible appearance just after taking a few breaths?

Seeing Meng Chixing's injuries, everyone gasped, shocked and speechless.

This scene seemed to have been expected by Chen Hao, so he became the calmest moment present, and he had guessed the result as early as that voice sounded.But he never expected that this Meng Chixing would lose so quickly.

"Eldest brother, avenge me, I was attacked..." Meng Chixing cried out miserably, but the voice was indistinct, but it turned out that the teeth in his mouth had been knocked out seven or eight times. Quite, passed out.

Everyone was startled again, how terrifying would it be to be able to trample a strong man in the Golden Core state into a coma?

Da Da Da...

A burst of footsteps sounded from outside the hall, the sound was very soft, but in this silent hall, it was like a drumbeat, beating heavily on everyone's heart.

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, a tall and thin figure walked into the hall and appeared in the sight of everyone.

This person was dressed in a green shirt, with clear cheeks, eyes as deep as the vast starry sky, and an aura that was ethereal, exuding an aura of peace of mind.

"It was him."

"Chen Xi! It turned out to be Chen Xi!"

"It's amazing, I can't see the depth of his cultivation. Could it be that he has advanced to the Golden Core realm?"

When they saw the appearance of this figure clearly, all the leaders of the major powers in Songyan City present a look of horror in their hearts, as if they did not expect that the person who knocked out Meng Chixing in a few breaths would be him.

This person is naturally Chen Xi.

"Brother, you are here." Chen Hao smiled, feeling extremely at ease in his heart for no reason, as if the sky was falling, as long as his brother was there, he no longer had to worry.

"Leave it to me." Chen Xi nodded, turned around to look at Wei Yuezi and Lin Qiuling, and said calmly, "I set up the Chen family's sword array, and you want to keep it for yourself. Have you obtained my consent?"

"Hmph! You are only a half-step Gold Core Stage cultivator, yet you dare to act presumptuously in front of me? If it wasn't for a sneak attack, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to do anything to me, Junior Brother Meng. Do you know that by doing this, you have already offended me, and you will also be buried for the demise of your Chen family?" Is it a disaster?"

Wei Yuezi was originally worried that there was a formidable expert hidden outside the hall, but when he saw Chen Xi's appearance, especially when he sensed Chen Xi's cultivation level, his heart felt relieved, but his face became more and more serious. Get cold.

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