divine talisman

Chapter 267 Jinyan Sword Art

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Sowed the root of disaster for the downfall of my Chen family?

Hearing this, Chen Xi's eyes turned cold, and murderous intent surged in his heart. He has shouldered the burden of the family since he was a child. He has practiced hard and worked hard to survive these years, in order to rebuild the Chen family, restore the family's former glory, and make the deceased grandfather Smiling Jiuquan. (..)(+quickly find this book)pinbook()

It can be said that Wei Yuezi's threat has undoubtedly touched Chen Xi's Ni Lin and completely ignited the murderous intent in his heart.

"I can give you a chance, as long as you destroy your Dao foundation and offer this Taiqi Mochen sword array with both hands, I can save your Chen clan from death, how about it?"

Wei Yuezi said leisurely, he sensed Chen Xi's murderous intent, but he didn't take it seriously at all. How much trouble can a guy with a half-step Golden Core cause?

One must know that he is the Great Golden Core Disciple of the Wuyuan Sword Sect, and he is also a Golden Core Perfect Realm cultivator. He is favored by many elders of the sect and believes that he will definitely have a place in the Stars Conference in two years' time.

"Self-destruct Daoji? Senior brother, that's not too cheap for him. Brother Meng was paralyzed and he was attacked by him. He is still in a coma, so he must take his dog's life to make atonement!" Lin Qiuling's beautiful face He sneered again and again, looking at Chen Xi with a look of loathing and loathing.

"So, today's matter can only be endless." Chen Xi listened indifferently to Wei Yuezi and Lin Qiuling's conditions, and his breath became more and more calm, peaceful, peaceful and steady, as if these conditions had nothing to do with him, "If you have the guts, follow me Come out, kill me, and you can take the Taiqi Mochen Sword Formation, it depends on whether you have the ability."

While speaking, Chen Xi turned around and walked out. The space in the hall was too small, and once the battle started, it was extremely easy to be destroyed. He didn't want to destroy his own house because of this matter.

"Since you want to die early so much, is there any reason for me not to grant you?" Seeing that Chen Xi was overpowering himself and wanted to fight him, Wei Yuezi couldn't help laughing angrily, his figure flickered, and he fled towards the outside of the hall with lightning.


Two escaping lights shot up into the sky, Chen Xi and Wei Yuezi stopped talking nonsense, and came to an empty martial arts arena outside the Chen family hall.

Other people sitting in the hall also came here one after another and stopped to watch.

Of these two people, one is the Jindan Consummation Realm, the core disciple of the Wuyuan Sword School of the Central Plains, who is cold and aloof, and his cultivation base is superior to everyone present, extraordinary.

Although one has only a half-step golden core cultivation base, but the prestige is well-known in southern borders, and he has won the first place in the Qianlong list. He is powerful, and he is sworn brother with the elder of the Liuyun Sword Sect. (+ Find this book quickly)

This is a real fight between dragons and tigers.

Of course, in Lin Qiuling's eyes, there was nothing to look forward to in this battle. Isn't it easy for the senior brother to personally deal with a half-step Golden Core guy?

"Half-step golden elixir, it seems that my brother only needs to survive the catastrophe of wind and fire to condense the golden elixir and become the root of heaven and earth..." Chen Hao stood aloofly outside the martial arts arena, looking at his brother Chen Xi and Wei Yuezi, his heart But there is no worry.Ever since he was a child, he has blindly worshiped his elder brother. No matter what Chen Xi does, he firmly believes that he will definitely succeed.

"Father, is uncle going to fight with someone?" At some point, Fei Lengcui came to her side with little Chen Yu in her arms. The little guy opened his big clear and black eyes and stared at Chen Xi in the distance. Said.

"Uncle is not fighting, but killing people." Chen Hao patted his son's head and said calmly.

"Murder?" Little Chen Yu was taken aback for a moment, then excitedly said, "I've only seen killing chickens and fish, but I've never seen murder."

Little Chen Yu's excitement stunned Chen Hao. If it were any other child, they would cry in fright when they heard the word murder. How could this little guy be excited?

"Uncle, come on!" Little Chen Yu yelled loudly, making trumpets with both hands.

Chen Xi seemed to have heard little Chen Yu's voice, looked this way, and nodded.

"Chen Xi, are you still in the mood to look around at this time?" The cold and stern voice reached Chen Xi's ears, but it was Wei Yuezi who spoke. He was dressed in a moon-white Taoist robe, with a sword on his back, and he hadn't drawn it yet. With his hands behind his back, his dark eyes were like cold electricity, with strands of electricity glowing.

He was not in a hurry to act, but everyone could feel that there was a huge power slowly circulating in this person's body, and the energy around him was like a great river, forming a vortex, and the spiritual power in the world seemed to be collapsing , collapsed with him as the center.

This is the expression of the harmony between Qi and heaven and earth. The body is like the root of heaven and earth, and the eight poles of the soul are combined. It can attract the power of heaven and earth, and play an excellent advantage in every gesture. With a single thought, you can control the power of heaven and earth and seal off all the enemy's escape routes.

"A golden core cultivator is really extraordinary... I don't know how Chen Xi will deal with it? Since he dares to fight, he must have something to rely on."

Sensing the terrifying aura emanating from Wei Yuezi's body, everyone present was worried about Chen Xi in their hearts, but when they saw Chen Xi's random body movements, seemingly unaffected by the collapse of heaven and earth's spiritual power, they immediately felt relieved and understood Chen Xi's Xi's strength seems to be beyond the reach of ordinary Huang Tingjing monks.

"Your cultivation base is far from my opponent. In order to convince you to die, I advise you to use your most powerful magic weapon." Facing the battle, Wei Yuezi seemed to be a different person. The aura of power in his hands, and the condescending look in his eyes have not changed at all.

It's no wonder that no one who can become a monk in the Golden Core Realm is mediocre. Wei Yuezi has fully demonstrated the strong confidence and demeanor above all living beings possessed by a monk in the Golden Core Realm at this moment.

"To deal with a character like you, I also don't use any magic weapon, because you are not worthy." Chen Xi said softly, without any fear.

"I'm not worthy?" Wei Yuezi was stunned, and then he sneered coldly: "If you have sharp teeth and sharp mouth, then I will smash your mouth and pull out your tongue!"


Before the words fell, Wei Yuezi's figure flew like a shuttle, piercing the air and attacking.

From his palm, a sharp golden glow gushed out, with a metallic icy luster, and instantly appeared on top of Chen Xi's head, cutting down with one palm, and everything between the heaven and the earth was locked by the golden palm print, making people feel like they were alive. A feeling of nothing to hide from.

Jin Yan Palm, a Taoist martial art of the Wuyuan Sword School, contains the aura of sharp gold and is fierce and sharp. This move "Shattering Cloud Slash" is famous for its cutting, sharpness, and extremely fast speed. It is most suitable for instant Kill the enemy.


The sharp palm print was like a golden sharp blade, and it sliced ​​into Chen Xi's head with one palm.


Chen Xi's head was cut off, and it was crushed with a bang, and his whole body also turned into nothingness, disappearing like shattered ripples.

This turned out to be a phantom!

Did this guy have practiced some kind of phantom skills?Wei Yuezi was shocked in his heart, but his reaction was not slow. The moment Chen Xi's afterimage disappeared, he suddenly turned around, and suddenly saw that Chen Xi had stood a hundred feet away at some time.

Fly away a hundred feet in the blink of an eye?How could he be so fast?

Wei Yuezi's heart twitched for a while, and he instantly understood that the afterimage just now wasn't some kind of cultivation technique, but just an illusion caused by Chen Xi's too fast speed.

"Use your most powerful means. My speed is beyond what you can imagine. If you only cultivate at this level, you are doomed to die in my hands today." Chen Xi shook his head and said calmly.

"It seems that I underestimated you, but from now on, I will use my real power, so don't die too early!"


The sword on his back was unsheathed and appeared in the palm of Wei Yuezi. The sword was two feet and three inches long and as thin as a cicada's wing. The sharp and dazzling golden awns swam endlessly on the sword, like golden snakes twisting and flying, cutting the surrounding void There were cracks, like broken cotton wool.

This sword is an extremely high-grade magic weapon of the earth rank.

"Jin Yan startled the dragon and slashed!"

Wei Yuezi's eyes were cold, his figure flashed out, and he slashed down with his long sword. Suddenly, the fierce and fierce sword light swept out like a horse, like a hundred-foot-long golden dragon piercing through the air, slashing towards Chen Xi like lightning. Down.

This sword, like a golden lightning suddenly appeared in the clear sky, the air flow on the sword alone shredded the void, and the first-class dragon steel rock paved on the ground of the martial arts field was cut into shocking cracks.

"It's still too slow!"

Amidst the soft sighs, suddenly, a pair of phantom wings appeared behind Chen Xi, overflowing with starlight, covering the starry sky, sacred and deep, with a slight flap, the whole person melted into the wind and disappeared.


A sword fell, and the ground was broken into a crack that was thousands of feet long and bottomless.

"Jin Yan Lock Kong!"

Wei Yuezi seemed to have expected that Chen Xi would dodge him, and before his moves were exhausted, the sword's momentum changed, and the golden light soared into the sky, like a golden crow rising, and immediately transformed into countless golden sword shadows overwhelming the sky, these sword shadows shuttled back and forth It goes on and on, intertwined vertically and horizontally, forming a huge gold, covering all directions and eight poles, and covering the bottom.

This side is golden and big, woven with sword light as a rope, and every tiny hole seeps out fierce fluctuations, cutting the spiritual power of the whole world to pieces and smashing it to pieces.The momentum is terrifying.

Obviously, Wei Yuezi used his real trump card at this moment!

"To be able to force senior brother to use Jin Yan's technique of locking the air, this guy is a bit capable, but it can only stop here, because senior brother obviously wants to make a quick decision and stop spending time with this guy... Seeing this scene, Lin Qiuling also showed a hint of surprise in his eyes, and immediately recovered, looking at Chen Xi as if he was looking at a dying person.

Like Jinyan Palm, Jinyan Sword Jue is also a Taoist martial art, but it is more than ten times more powerful than Jinyan Palm. Dan's core disciples can't learn at all.

And this move of Jin Yan Locking the Space is a unique move of Jin Yan's sword art, which contains surging Jin Yan's Taoism, locks the space, and cuts the four corners and eight poles. Once this move is used, few people can escape from the sword. Covering, the end result is that the body is cut into countless pieces of meat, and the death looks extremely miserable.

This scene also caused a drastic change in the faces of many people present. Wei Yuezi's offensive, if they had played, they would have been obliterated into a puddle of flesh in an instant, which was extremely terrifying.

"Brother's speed is extremely fast, and he has a certain advantage, but under the cover of this sword, the speed seems to be unable to deal with the predicament in front of him..." Chen Hao also clenched his fists, staring at the distance. Covered by the heaven and earth-like golden sword, the figure of his brother Chen Xi appeared extraordinarily small and weak.

And under the gaze of countless tense eyes, Chen Xi's expression was still calm and calm.In the confrontation just now, he has already tested the speed of Starry Sky Wings, and he can definitely crush Golden Core cultivators across borders, which makes him quite satisfied.

Looking at the golden dragon falling from the sky at this moment, a sword appeared in his hand at some point, a simple and simple sword.

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