divine talisman

Chapter 268

A golden giant composed of countless finely divided sharp sword lights descended from the sky, covering all directions, locking onto the four poles, and Chen Xi who was in it could no longer hide.

But he didn't intend to escape either.


The clear and faint sword chant resounded, and a simple and simple sword appeared in Chen Xi's hands. The sword was three feet nine inches long, the hilt was slender and powerful, and the blade was pitch black without impurities, like a pool of autumn water. Thick and protruding, like a mountain occupying straight on the body of the sword, and the blade is extremely sharp, shining bright and dazzling sharp light.

The whole sword gives people a very strange feeling. It integrates lightness, dignity, vitality, publicity, and smoothness into one, which is integrated into an indescribable atmosphere. The feeling is like looking up at the vast starry sky above the head. The power of palpitations.

This sword is exactly the Talisman Weapon and Dao Treasure that Chen Xi has been refining for 25 years in the Star World——Sword Book!

The inside of the sword body is enshrined in the Qingdi Wooden Emperor's sacred talisman, which nurtures the spirituality of the sword talisman.

The surface of the sword body is surrounded by the Red Emperor Fire Emperor's divine talisman, which melts the impurities of the sword talisman.

The spine of the sword is enshrined in the sacred talisman of the Yellow Emperor and Earth Emperor, which condenses the hardness of the sword talisman.

The edge of the sword is guarded by the Baidi Jinhuang divine talisman, sharpening the sharpness of the sword talisman.

The texture of the sword is enshrined in the Black Emperor Water Emperor divine talisman, washing the flexibility of the sword talisman.

And its sword embryo is refined from the fairy killing sickle, which is used to refine fairy treasures.

The five sacred talismans and the killing scythe each use different methods to make this sword talisman a magic weapon with unlimited room for growth.However, the five divine talismans are only in shape, and have not yet integrated into the Dao, Dao domain, and the "power" of heaven and earth, and have not condensed the gods of heaven and earth, so at this moment, this sword talisman can only be called a prototype .

Even so, the power of this sword is quite astonishing. Chen Xi once tested its sharpness with a black-grade top-grade sword, and in the end, it was easily cut into two pieces by a sword talisman, which was extremely powerful.The most important thing is that this sword talisman has five divine talismans, which are cyclically generated and derived from all kinds of wonderful functions. It also has an incredible blessing effect on the operation of Taoism!

chi chi...

There was a sound of shattering air as sharp as a knife, Chen Xi squinted his eyes, and saw that the sky filled with gold was about to approach his head, and the sharp air flow made his eyelids sting.

"From the way of the sword!"

Chen Xi didn't hesitate, he raised his wrist lightly, raised his sword, and swept out towards the sharp gold above his head. The violent and wanton fire spirit turned into billowing waves of fire and roared out.


There was a roar of a beast that no one present had ever heard before.

Then everyone saw that a terrifying flame shot up into the sky. It was a scarlet red bull with a height of more than ten feet and a length of nine feet. The unicorn pierces the sky like a scimitar, flashing red flames, as if it is about to incinerate the sky.

"Absolute Beginning Divine Beast, Lihuo Mang Niu!"

"It is said that this beast is an innate spirit beast conceived in the original fire path, and it is one of the incarnations of the fire spirit. Only monks who control the fire path can produce this kind of beast when they use Taoism and martial arts. Vision!"

"Excellent. Could it be that Chen Xi's control over the Huoxing Dao has already reached the level of Xiaocheng?"

The fire ox flew into the sky and appeared in the world, and the whole world seemed to be dyed with flames. Seeing this scene, everyone present couldn't help but think of a golden rule that the practice world has always followed.

It is said that the Taoism between the heaven and the earth, no matter the great way or the small way, can be divided into four realms according to the degree of comprehension: basic, small success, great success, and consummation.Each realm is divided into three levels.And these four realms, the twelve stages are also known as "the four realms of Taoism ascend to the sky and twelve floors"!

The meaning of this sentence is very simple. The realm of Taoism can be regarded as a ladder to the sky. There are twelve steps in total and four realms. A monk can practice step by step, and he can ascend to the sky and ascend to immortality.

And when the realm of Taoism controlled by the monk reaches the stage of Xiaocheng, the vision of Daoyi will appear, just like the Lihuo bull in front of him, it is the fire that walks the road and reaches the stage of Xiaocheng. a kind of vision.And when a monk comprehends the Tao to this extent, he can already start to gather the Tao!

What I want to say in particular is that the vision of Dao Yi transforming into form can only be born in the artistic conception of the Dao, but not in the Xiao Dao.



Amidst the sound of roaring up to the sky, the Lihuo Mang Bull soared into the sky, rampaging, its four hooves were like the imprint of collapsing sky, it stepped out with one foot, the void shattered, easily tore apart the gold covering it, and with a pick of the bull's horn on the top of its head, the whole sheet was made by Jin Yan The big sword light was picked up and flew, and then trampled, crushed and melted by the bull's hooves carrying the raging flames.

In just an instant, Wei Yuezi's move Jin Yan Suo Kong was destroyed like a rotten one, without any threatening power, and the Li Huo Mang Niu also disappeared.

This was naturally done by Chen Xi on purpose, he didn't want to kill Wei Yuezi right now, and retreat in the star world for 30 years, except for the first 25 years of refining sword talismans, for the remaining five years, apart from meditating and practicing, he was just comprehending the Tao , and rehearsed "Wan Zang Sword Code" and "Great Annihilation Fist".

It seems that because of the refining of the five divine talismans, which strengthened the power of the soul, when Chen Xi was practicing these two martial arts, he had a special comprehension, and his ability to operate and deduce the will of the Tao became stronger and stronger.

It's a pity that in the world of stars, there is no sparring partner, and he doesn't know how far his martial arts cultivation has reached. Now that he has caught Wei Yuezi, a formidable opponent, he naturally has to feel the changes in his strength over the years.

"Taoist Transformation? According to the level of Taoism, my Fire Avenue should still be at the basic level, at best it is at the third level. It should be possible to conceive such visions as the Lihuo Bull. The power of the sword talisman..."

Chen Xi is very clear about the level of his mastery of the Huoxing Dao, not only the Huoxing Dao, but other avenues are almost at the basic level, the highest level is only the third level, and there is still a long way to go before the Dao Yi Xiaocheng. Way to go.

But the reason why the vision of the Lihuo savage bull appeared in the sword force just now was because of the sword talisman in his hand.

When he performed "Li Jian Dao", he was keenly aware that the Red Emperor Fire Emperor's divine talisman sitting on the surface of the sword talisman suddenly started to run due to the influx of true energy, and the countless rune structures that were as vast as a sea of ​​smoke simultaneously There was a kind of sympathy, which led to his own strength, which was blessed on Li Jiandao's sword momentum, so the scene just now appeared.

In short, it was because of the blessing effect of the sword talisman on the Dao Intent that Chen Xi's control over the Huo Xing Dao Intent reached a small level, and the vision of Lihuo Mangniu evolved.

Of course, the Dao grade martial arts of the Wanzang Sword Code is also indispensable. One of the eight great sword powers contained in it, "Li Jian Dao" is originally a kind of sword method about how to use the fire to travel the Dao, and then cooperate with the sword talisman. The blessing effect has produced incredible magical effects.

How can it be? !

At this moment, even with Wei Yuezi's aloofness and conceit, there was a shock in his heart, and a trace of uneasiness spread out from the depths of his heart like a vine, lingering quietly.

If such a level of enlightenment appeared in a highly gifted Golden Core cultivator, Wei Yuezi would not be surprised if it appeared in the Great Way of Fire, a small achievement level above the third level, but it was unacceptable for him to appear in Chen Xi .

When, even a guy who is half a step into the Golden Core Realm can control the Realm of Enlightenment to this point?

There is also that kind of swordsmanship, which is clearly a precious Taoist martial art.

Where did a monk in a small city in a poor country get his Taoist martial arts?Could it be that those who have a lot of Taoism and martial arts are already rotten?

But no matter how he thought about it, Wei Yuezi finally began to feel that this half-step Golden Core guy who he thought he could kill at will already had the qualifications to fight him, and he didn't dare to underestimate him.

"If there are any other powerful means, let's use them all!" Chen Xi said calmly, but in his heart he couldn't wait to try some other sword moves.

In fact, from the beginning of the battle until now, he has not exerted his full strength, even if he is fighting against a cultivator in the Golden Core Perfection Realm.

As early as in the depths of the vast sea desert, his cultivation base was enough to kill the monks in the middle stage of the golden core, and he could fight against the top golden core masters like Huangfu Chongming. Huo Dajie will be able to enter the realm of Jindan, and his strength has improved by more than before. In addition, his realm of enlightenment, Taoist martial arts, and magic weapons are all top-notch, which makes him have the cross-border extermination. enemy capital.

As we all know, in the battle between monks, there are too many factors that affect the combat power. One's own cultivation, Taoist realm, Taoist martial arts, combat experience, combat talent, and the strength of magic weapons are all closely related to combat power.Being strong in one aspect is nothing, but being strong in all aspects is the real strength.

In his own cultivation, Chen Xi is already at the half-step Golden Core Realm. The Ice Crane Jue and the Hundong Taixu Kungfu he cultivated are both top-level qi-refinement techniques, which make his true energy ten times thicker than that of ordinary monks. about.

In the realm of Taoism, he has mastered more than ten kinds of Taoism, and all of them are great ways, and there is no small way, which is also a lot beyond ordinary monks.

Dao-grade martial arts, "Wan Zang Sword Manual" is recognized as the most difficult swordsmanship in the cultivation circle of the Great Chu Dynasty. If you divide it carefully, this sword method is also among the top ranks in Dao-grade martial arts.

Combat experience, since Chen Xi left Songyan City, he has been in constant battles. In terms of danger and richness, it is definitely not comparable to characters like Wei Yuezi.

Combat talent involves mastery and control of combat. In this regard, Chen Xi can also be said to be absolutely amazing. As early as in the innate realm, he used an ice cone talisman to successfully win the battle from the hands of the head of the Li family. He rescued his younger brothers Chen Hao and Bai Wanqing. His keen insight into the battle and his mastery of strategizing have won praises from many people even today.

In terms of magic weapons, this may have been Chen Xi's weakness before. Limited by the influence of his cultivation level, he could only use all his strength to use the best magic weapons of the mysterious level, and he could not compete with the magic weapons of the ground level in the hands of monks at the golden core level.But now it is different. The appearance of the sword talisman has already surpassed the best of the mysterious rank, and there is still unlimited room for growth. It is definitely a magic weapon.

These aspects are only a part of Chen Xi's strength. If you count his body training cultivation, the supernatural powers he has mastered, the power of the soul, and the attack method of the soul, he will scare a group of people to death if he speaks about it.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Wei Yuezi's complexion was extremely gloomy, his aloof and stern temperament disappeared, and it all turned into a cold and furious murderous intent. Although Chen Xi's voice was light, it pierced his heart like sharp arrows, making him feel endless Shame and anger.

"Slash the sky with one sword and cut all directions, Jin Yan smashes and kills to cover the sky, shatters the earth and kills demons, the world is impermanent and the sword has permanence...Chen Xi, I will let you experience my three ultimate moves of Jin Yan's kendo, Sword Rain Kill!"


Wei Yuezi suddenly showed his power, and the sword in his hand flew through the sky, like a big river across the sky, the golden waves roared to the sky, and the turbulent waves crashed on the shore. A group of dazzling meteor showers pierced the sky.

At this moment, the entire world was covered by golden sword rain.


ps: The Daoyi realm described in this chapter was originally intended to be described in a large space, but it was too boring, so I cut more than half of it, leaving a small handful. When I have a chance, I will write an article about Daoyizi posted it in the book review area for everyone to understand.

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