divine talisman

Chapter 270 Dangerous Attack

Just three strokes.

It's no wonder that Lin Qiuling, the Golden Core female disciple of the Wuyuan Sword Sect, died on the spot. After witnessing the battle between Chen Xi and Wei Yuezi, her fighting spirit lost her fighting spirit, and she had the intention to retire early, while Chen Xi had the intention of killing people to silence her. With all his strength, how could Lin Qiuling have a chance to survive under the ebb and flow?

Not only Lin Qiuling, but Meng Chixing, who was seriously injured and unconscious, and more than a dozen servants of Huang Tingjing who followed them were also mercilessly killed by Chen Xi.

At this point, all the people sent by the Wuyuan Sword Sect to come to the rescue were all executed. This was an ending that no one present had expected.

The blood filled the air, choking people's eyes and noses.

Everyone present looked at the puddles of blood and corpses on the ground, and felt mixed feelings in their hearts. Up until now, they still couldn't believe that all of this was caused by Chen Xi.

Especially when they saw Lin Qiuling, a lively woman, killed by Chen Xi without batting an eyelid, and her soul died forever, it made all of them terrified. In their hearts, Chen Xi had already become a cold and heartless person. The executioner, who kills without batting an eyelid, is ruthless and ruthless. He has no fear of killing people and silences them. He doesn't discriminate between men, women and children.

However, it was also precisely because of Chen Xi's iron-blooded skills that he fully demonstrated that he frightened everyone present, so that they did not dare to reveal this matter, fearing that he would offend such a murderous star and bring himself a fatal disaster.

"Fellow daoists, these people are greedy, and death is not a pity. Now that my brother has come out of closed doors, everyone must have seen his strength. With him, you don't have to worry about the spread of animal disasters. But just in case, everyone Or rush back to the clan quickly and move the children of my family to live in my Chen family's mansion, so that it will be safer, what do you think?" Chen Hao said suddenly, sweeping his eyes across the crowd.

"Of course."

"Patriarch Chen thinks about me waiting, there is no reason for me not to obey."

"Exactly, I'm going to gather the clansmen here, come to the Chen family, and tide over the difficulties together."

The leaders of the major forces in Songyan City all agreed with each other. After seeing how powerful Chen Xi was, they naturally knew what to do.

"Are you really going to take in the family members behind these people? Does elder brother agree to do this?" Fei Lengcui asked with a frown in the backyard of the Chen family mansion.

Chen Hao let out a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Brother doesn't care about these trivial matters, not to mention, it is for our Chen family's consideration to accommodate members of these major families in our Chen family."

Although Fei Lengcui is a mother now, she was the leader of the younger generation of Liuyun Sword Sect back then, and she was extremely intelligent. The disciples of the Wuyuan Sword Sect, and we accommodate the clansmen behind these forces in our Chen family can also serve as a warning, anyone who wants to leak this news must also consider the safety of these clansmen, right?"

Chen Hao laughed loudly, nodded and said, "Exactly."

"Father, what are you laughing at? Hurry up and practice swords with Yu'er. When I grow up, I want to win the No. 1 Qianlong ranking competition like my uncle." Little Chen Yu ran into the house with a small wooden sword in his hand. .


In the house, Chen Xi sat cross-legged.

Today's battle made him have a clear understanding of his own strength, especially the starry sky and sword talisman, which gave him a big surprise.

One has an overwhelming advantage in speed.

One has a powerful blessing effect on the Taoist martial arts that he has displayed.

The combination of the two made his own strength skyrocket by at least [-]%. According to Chen Xi's guess, Huangfu Chongming, Liu Fengchi, Man Hong, Lin Moxuan, Xiao Ling'er and other top-level Gold Core Realm powerhouses are probably far away now. It's not his opponent anymore.But compared with Qing Xiuyi, it's obviously a little worse...

It's not that Chen Xi is not confident, but that with the improvement of his cultivation, his understanding of Qing Xiuyi's strength has become more and more profound. You must know that this woman can compete with Fan Yunlan in Nirvana. Although it is in the Golden Core realm, its combat power has already exceeded the scope of the Golden Core realm and cannot be measured by common sense.

"Perhaps, when I advance to the Jindan stage, I can stand shoulder to shoulder with Qing Xiuyi? No, this woman is the reincarnation of a celestial being. When I am improving, she is also improving. If I want to catch up with her, I am afraid it will not be so easy. ..."

Chen Xi thought about it, but couldn't come to a result, so he couldn't help but shook his head, focusing on himself.

"The Wings of the Starry Sky is a supernatural power technique. It is very easy for people to recognize your body training. It is not appropriate to expose it in future battles. Fortunately, in the inheritance of the Wings of the Starry Sky, there is a way to conceal the breath. I don’t need to think about it any more.”

In Chen Xi's mind, body training can be used as his own trump card, and the fewer people know about it, the more it can be used to surprise people.

"As for the sword talisman, there is no need to hide it. This sword is a treasure of talisman weapons. No one can tell its grade. As long as no one knows its secret, that's enough."

Thinking of the sword talisman, Chen Xi's heart moved, and he opened his mouth to spit out a glow, which immediately turned into a three-foot-long sword talisman. The simple and simple shape, and the obsidian-like dark and dull sword body made it not very eye-catching.

But only Chen Xi knows how powerful the sword talisman is. It has almost unlimited room for evolution, and it has a blessing effect on the power of Taoism. If it falls to the outside world, it will inevitably cause shocks in the entire cultivation world.

"Now the four treasures of Qingyi Shenmu, Taichong's Gold, Binghuo Shenjing, and Renkui Xuanshui sit in the four kinds of divine scriptures, which can nurture the spirituality of the sword body and sharpen the sharpness of the blade at all times. The sharp air, refining the impurities of the sword body, and washing the texture of the sword surface. The Yellow Emperor Earth Emperor's sacred book on the spine of the sword is also surrounded by me with the chaotic breath soil, which also has a great benefit to the hardness of the sword body. It is reasonable Speaking of it, the quality of the sword talisman is no less than that of the top grade magic weapon..."

After thinking about it, Chen Xi still decided to try the true power of the sword talisman with his own hands.


A dazzling golden long sword appeared in his hand. The blade was narrow and long, as thin as a cicada's wing. It was engraved with dense and mysterious rune patterns, exuding a strong Qi of Gengjin. This sword was left behind by Wei Yuezi after his death. The broken scar is a top-grade sword weapon of the earth level.


As soon as he gritted his teeth, Chen Xi turned the sword talisman with all his strength, and slashed fiercely on the Smashing Scar Sword. The golden light burst out, and after hearing a deafening sound, a gap suddenly appeared on the Smashing Scar Sword. break from it.But the sword talisman in his hand was safe and sound.

"Excellent, the power of the sword talisman has almost surpassed the best of the earth-level!" Chen Xi was amazed in his heart, and he could roughly confirm that the quality of the sword talisman should be above the best of the earth, but it was slightly inferior to the magic weapon of the heaven, because It is enough to cut off the best magic weapon of the earth rank with a single sword.

Of course, it depends on the cultivation level of the user. In the hands of a celestial being, even a scrap of copper and rotten iron is enough to smash a heavenly magic weapon. This is caused by its own strength, not determined by the quality of the magic weapon itself.

Although Chen Xi's testing method was rude, it was a competition based on the quality of the magic weapon, and the result would not be much worse.

After summing up the experience and shortcomings of today's battle, Chen Xi didn't slack off in the slightest, and non-stop took out the dark golden jade slip that recorded "The Great Annihilation Fist", and began to study it carefully.

In less than two years, the Stars Conference will begin. At that time, geniuses from all regions of the Great Chu Dynasty will gather in Jinxiu City from all directions for an unprecedented feast of martial arts competitions. For the Jindan Realm powerhouse below, it is undoubtedly a good opportunity to make a name and make a sound.

And the top ten players in the Stars Conference can even represent the Great Chu Dynasty, enter the ancient battlefield, and strive for the place to enter the Xuanhuan Realm!

The ultimate goal of Chen Xi's participation in the Stars Conference is to win the qualification to enter the Xuanhuan Realm. As for becoming famous and becoming famous, he doesn't care.

However, leaving aside the qualifications to enter Xuanhuanyu, even in the Stars Conference, it is not as easy as imagined to win the top ten.

Think about it, the characters who can participate in the Stars Conference are all Jindan Realm powerhouses under the age of 30. They come from all corners of the country in the Great Chu Dynasty. There must be more than one or two genius-level figures of the stunning level, even if there are monster-like existences like Qing Xiuyi.

With so many talented and strong players vying for the top ten places, the difficulty can be imagined.

It was precisely because of this consideration that Chen Xi practiced so desperately and did not dare to slack off. Compared to other people, he is not even qualified to participate in the Stars Conference!

The reason is very simple, he has not advanced to the Jindan realm, according to the regulations of the Stars Conference, only Jindan monks under the age of 30 can participate.

It can also be seen from this how much pressure Chen Xi is facing now.

And if you want to advance to the Golden Core realm, you have to go through a catastrophe that makes any monk talk about it, which is also not as easy as imagined.

In the 30 years of retreat in the world of stars, he has already cultivated Qi refining to the perfect state of Huang Ting, and there are faint signs of breaking through the golden core state, but he dare not take that step because of the catastrophe of wind and fire The presence.

However, Chen Xi is not in a hurry, there is still more than a year before the Stars Conference, and there is enough time, he intends to find the best time to break through the realm, and then break through the Golden Core realm, this is the best choice.


Just when Chen Xi was concentrating on comprehending the "Great Annihilation Fist", there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, just listening to the sound, it caught Chen Xi's attention, "My brother seems to be in a bit of a panic, what happened again? "

He stood up and opened the door. Chen Hao had already arrived at the door. Seeing Chen Xi, he said with a little embarrassment: "Brother, I'm afraid I have to trouble you again this time."

"What happened?" Chen Xi waved his hand, interrupting Chen Hao's words. He knew that since his younger brother said that, it meant that the trouble this time must not be small, otherwise he would never have come to disturb his hidden cultivation.

"Just now, another group of monsters rushed out from the deep mountains of Nanban. There are about a thousand of them. Among them are hundreds of big monsters in the Purple Mansion Realm and warlocks in the Yellow Court Realm. They are menacing and the scale is far beyond the past."

Chen Hao quickly said: "What's more serious is that among this group of beasts, there are two big monsters at the Golden Core Realm sitting in the town. If they rush into Songyan City, the entire city may be destroyed."

Chen Xi raised his brows. The herd of beasts reached this size, which was almost the same as a beast tide. Thinking about it, thousands of monsters flooded the sky and covered the sky. That scene was indeed extremely terrifying.

Chen Hao licked his lips, and continued: "Originally, I wouldn't bother you, but now people from other families are rushing towards our Chen family. I'm afraid we won't be able to finish the relocation soon." , like a herd of beasts coming, I'm afraid..."

"Let's go!"

Before Chen Hao could finish speaking, Chen Xi had already stepped out and flew towards the outside of Songyan City. He knew that if he delayed a little longer, it would be more dangerous for others, so he had to react quickly. .

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