divine talisman

Chapter 271

The second update!Thanks again for the two 888 rewards from the "four weeks" brother. In this situation, I just want to shout out, local tyrants, let's be friends!


On the city wall, Chen Xi stood alone, looking up at the vast Nanman Mountain in the distance, when a gust of bitter wind blew his long hair flying and his clothes fluttering.

I don't know when, the clear sky gradually dimmed, and dark clouds gathered over the deep mountains of Nanman, covering the sky and covering the sun, moving towards this side very fast, and the terrifying monster energy escaping from it, even Chen Xi secretly Startled.

"You don't need to go back and help?"

Chen Xi withdrew his gaze and looked at the other leaders around the city wall, Ning Daofu, the head of Songyan Academy, Ye Qiu, the head of Hongye Academy... at this moment, they were all gathered around the city wall.

"There are people in the school to take care of them. As the head of the family, we should fight at the forefront, fight the enemy bravely, and buy a little time for them to transfer."

"Exactly, the scale of the herd of beasts is unprecedentedly strong. According to reports from spies, among the thousands of beasts, there will be two great monsters of the Golden Core Realm sitting in town. If they invade the city, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Everyone said aloud, their expressions were determined, and there was a taste of going all out. Obviously, in order to win time for the people behind them to move, these leaders also put aside life and death, and planned to do their best.

Chen Xi nodded, and he really appreciated the determination and courage of these people.

"Look! They are coming!" Someone exclaimed.

Chen Xi raised his eyes and saw that in the distance in the deep mountains of Nanban, the sky was black and dense, and the monster aura was billowing, filling the sky and the earth. Some low-level monsters, such as the red flame tiger, the purple horned lizard, the blood shadow two-headed bird, and the eagle-headed ghost face The eagle rushed to the forefront, mighty and overwhelming, looking from a distance, it was like a flood.

Whoosh whoosh!Whoosh whoosh!

Behind those densely packed ground-level monsters, silhouettes with soaring monster aura flew in mid-air. These monsters are all existences that have cultivated to the realm of the Purple Mansion, and they have already turned into human forms, but no matter men, women, old or young, people of all ages, Regardless of his appearance, there was a ferocious aura in his expression, which was completely different from that of human monks.

And among these figures flying into the sky, there are more than a dozen demon cultivators with more powerful demonic aura, surrounded by two tall figures like stars arching the moon. These two figures are shrouded in a cloud of black demonic energy, The aura emitted violently rushed in all directions, straight to the sky, disturbing the clouds, making it very frightening.

No need to guess, these two tall figures were transformed by monsters at the Golden Core Realm, and the dozen or so demon cultivators around them must also be at the Huangting Realm.

Roar!Roar!Roar! ...

The earth-shattering roar of the beast rumbled, shaking the mountains and ravines trembling, and the trees and rocks were smashed to pieces. It was as if the doomsday was coming.

"Shake the sword!"

The sword talisman appeared in his hand, and Chen Xi rose into the air, facing the place where the crowd of monsters and beasts was most dense, the long sword swept through the air, chopping down.


Just like a thunderbolt falling from the sky, the dazzling and dazzling lightning arc entangled into a nearly hundred-foot-long sword energy, instantly breaking a blank crack in the group of monsters. Under this terrifying and sharp sword energy, all kinds of monsters, whether they are Running on the ground and flying in the sky, hundreds of them were disembowelled and died on the spot, and a long and narrow crack was cut on the ground.

The power of a sword is so terrifying!

The heads of the major forces on the city wall widened their eyes. Even though they had already seen Chen Xi's strength, seeing such a scene at this moment still made their hearts sway in shock. Afterwards, a touch of excitement and excitement surged into everyone's hearts, including Chen Xi. Now, no matter how powerful the beast herd is, what is there to be afraid of?

"Jie Jie! Human beings, court death!" A sharp and strange voice pierced through the void, and a purple mansion realm demon cultivator turned into a huge blood eagle, rushed over the herd of beasts, and came violently. A pair of golden beasts the size of a dustpan The eagle claw slammed Chen Xi hard.

"It turned out to be an iron-feathered blood eagle. Although it is only in the realm of the Purple Mansion, it has a trace of the blood of an ancient beast in its body. In addition, its speed is extremely fast and its spirit is so strong that even a monk in the Huangting realm will be helpless if it encounters it."

Ye Qiu, the head of the Hongye Academy, said in a stern voice that he is still only in the realm of the Purple Mansion, so he naturally finds it extremely difficult to face such monsters.

However, Chen Xi didn't care about such a thing. Compared with the Thunder Eagle King he had seen in the deep mountains of Nanman before, this Iron Feather Blood Eagle was too weak.


A sword swept across, like wind and electricity, puff!This iron-feathered blood eagle came quickly, and died even faster. Before it was close, it was split open by a sword, and the feathers mixed with blood flew all over the air.

Seeing this scene, Ye Qiu felt a huge gap in his heart. Chen Xi casually wiped out the fierce bird in his eyes with a single sword, which made him feel full of emotions. After killing him, he was no longer on the same level as himself, and his mood recovered a little.

Chen Xi didn't pay attention to these, his mind was all on the herd of beasts.

"I'm going to kill those two golden core demon cultivators. You guard here. After I finish them off, this beast attack will be defeated." Chen Xi's figure flickered, and the next moment he had disappeared behind the city wall. superior.

He rushed up?

When everyone saw this scene, they were shocked, but they couldn't help but feel a surge of pride in their hearts, yes, why can't they take the initiative to attack, but wait for them to bully them?

"I will guard the city wall well, and I will definitely not let Chen Xi down!"

"Life and death are critical, if you don't fight the enemy bravely at this time, when will you wait?"



Chen Xi didn't know it at all, because a small action of his own stimulated the leaders of the major forces in Songyan City to be high-spirited and bloody, and they had the lofty ambition to wipe out mountains and rivers and bring peace to the world.

He was rushing towards the back of the herd of beasts at this moment, and any monsters that stood in front of him died tragically on the spot. His whole body was like a sharp cone, blood and flesh flew everywhere he passed, and screams were everywhere.


A great monster of the Yellow Court Realm held a pair of hammers in its hands and blocked it from coming, but was pierced through the throat by Chen Xi's sword, and crashed to the ground.


The other big monster of the Huangting Realm, which turned into a huge fire centipede, sneaked up from the shadows, but Chen Xi realized it early and slapped it out with a palm, and the hard body more than ten feet long was turned into powder.

All the way, there is no enemy!

"Everyone back down, this human cultivator is handed over to me!" A voice as deep as thunder rang out, and this person's eardrums caused severe pain to the soul.


Accompanied by a thunderous sound, a purple handprint with a size of more than ten feet condensed in the air, descended from the sky, and slapped Chen Xi fiercely.

The purple handprint is filled with demonic aura, like a real substance, exuding a monstrous ferocious aura. Before it even approached Chen Xi's body, the terrifying force tore apart the void, crushing the surrounding aura to burst every inch of it. This aura caused some nearby monsters to explode. All suffered seedlings, seriously injured and fell to the ground.

"This big monster is not bad. There is a sense of the mountain in his palm. If ordinary people touch it, it is no less than being hit by a heavy mountain and crushed to death. But it is useless to me."

Facing this palm, Chen Xi shook his head, his body suddenly stopped halfway, the sword talisman swept across the air, and the sword crushed it away. This sword also had a dignified and heavy aura, like mountains condensed, ten thousand mountains in the sky, because Because of the thickness of the space, the void was squeezed out into pieces of broken ripples.


The purple handprint was like paper paste, crushed and exploded by this sword, turning into shattered rays of light and disappearing, but Chen Xi's sword power did not dissipate, and it was still rolling across the sky like mountains, rumbled and crushed in the distance and go.

There, there stood a tall figure, it was the great monster of the Golden Core Realm who had just cast the purple handprint. His eyebrows and eyes were like electricity, his complexion was snow-white, but his lips were extremely bright red and coquettish, giving people a cold and evil visual impact.

"Huh? You were able to block my Kai Hong's blow and not die, little baby, you can be proud..."

A sinister swishing sound came from the bright red lips, and this Jindan Realm demon named Kui Hong stretched out his hand and slapped the oncoming sword energy.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi shook his head again. His own sword is the "Kun Sword Dao" that contains the Dao of the Earth, and it has been blessed by the sword talisman. It is heavy and heavy, like a giant mountain approaching. easy next?


"Ah! My hand!" As expected, the big demon Kaihong, who thinks highly of himself, had his entire right hand crushed by the heavy sword force and his muscles and bones were broken. If he hadn't reacted in time, his entire arm might be injured It has to be crushed into powder.

But even so, the pain made him howl incessantly, the whole right hand was bloody and bloody, the bones were shattered, at least at this moment he could no longer use it.


Chen Xi rushed straight up without hesitation, and every time he was delayed, everyone on the city wall would be in danger, so he had to quickly get rid of these two Golden Core Realm monsters who threatened the most.

"Xun Sword Way!"

At a distance of more than ten feet, Chen Xi used his Wings of Starry Sky with all his strength, and the Xun Sword Dao, which is known for its extremely fast speed, stabbed out with a sword. In less than a thousandth of an instant, Chen Xi had already arrived in front of Kai Hong. The speed was so fast, There is no doubt that it has been teleported.

In Kui Hong's eyes, Chen Xi was indeed teleporting at this moment, especially the sword in Chen Xi's hand, which seemed to appear in front of his throat out of thin air. The terrifying speed made his soul tremble, and he almost subconsciously turned to one side. Raid away.

"Lie Jun, you haven't made a move yet, what are you waiting for..."

Wei Hong, who thought he had escaped a catastrophe, screamed angrily, but the next moment, the screaming stopped abruptly, because the sword pierced through his throat like a maggot on the tarsus bone, and he even saw a smear of extremely bright red. The blood sprayed out, as bright red as his own lips...


Kui Hong, the golden core demon, had not had time to transform into his original form, and before he had time to explode the golden core, he died completely in shock and fell to the ground.

"It turned out that it was cultivated by a red-billed red-crowned crane. It's a pity that the cultivation time is too short. It's only in the middle stage of the golden core. Its power can't be compared with some monsters with the blood of ancient gods and beasts. How can they be my opponent?" Chen Xi Glancing at the ground, he saw Wei Hong's body turned into a red-crowned crane, and he immediately understood Wei Hong's identity.

"Give me death!"

A loud shout exploded in the ear, and immediately, above Chen Xi's head, suddenly appeared an incomparably huge blue mouse, which was as big as a hill, opened its bloody mouth as sharp as a sharp blade, and devoured the sky and the moon. It's like being swallowed by a big piece, it's extremely terrifying.

"Mountain Devourer?"

Chen Xi seemed to have expected this scene long ago, but when he saw the appearance of this blue mouse, he was still a little surprised and recognized the origin of this monster.

It is said that when this beast is an adult, it can swallow a huge mountain with its mouth open, and dry up a torrential river with a single inhalation, which is extremely powerful.

The huge cyan rat in front of him was undoubtedly a mountain rat, and its cultivation was around the late Golden Core stage. It hadn't appeared just now, and it just waited for this moment to suddenly attack and devour Chen Xi in one bite.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time, your companion is dead, now you go with it too!"

Almost at the moment when this mountain rat appeared, the sword talisman in Chen Xi's hand had pierced through the sky like a startled dragon, and the sword light shot straight into the sky. "In the midst of it, there was a sudden eruption, like a dazzling sun suddenly rising into the sky, immediately wrapping the mountain mouse in an endless sea of ​​flames and sword lights.

sigh sigh...

The Mountain Mouse had no idea that Chen Xi would react so quickly and attack so fiercely, and immediately the cyan fur all over his body was incinerated until his flesh was ripped apart, and he cried out in excruciating pain.

"What a treacherous boy! When my master takes action, you will surely die!" Amidst the angry roar, the Mountain Mouse suddenly flickered, turned into a streamer, and fled towards the deep mountains of Nanman.

"Can you actually escape from my Li Sword?" Chen Xi was startled, but he didn't pursue him either. It would be most appropriate to wipe out all these monster beasts right now.

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