divine talisman

Chapter 272 5 Lines of Divine Thunder


As soon as his figure appeared, Chen Xi came to the side of the city wall in an instant. Without saying a word, he slashed the big monster who was entangled with Ning Daofu with his sword. This big monster had the strength of the Huang Ting realm, but he only wailed and fell to the ground tragically. 1 product book()

Among the people guarding the city wall, Ning Daofu, the head of the Songyan Academy, is the one with the highest cultivation level, but his opponent is also a Gale Fox from Huang Tingjing, whose strength is even higher than him, and he can use all his tricks. , still helpless by this beast, but was scratched on the arm.

At this moment, seeing Chen Xi's sword easily obliterating the Blast Fire Fox, Ning Daofu opened his eyes wide. Apart from being surprised, he also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Originally, he was already prepared to die.

Chen Xi didn't pay attention to these, he skimmed up to the city wall, swept around, and suddenly found that the situation was worse than he expected.Almost all of these Patriarchs were covered in blood and suffered numerous injuries. Not to mention, there were more than a dozen big monsters of the Purple Mansion who rushed into the city gate. If they were not killed in time, they would most likely harm the people in the city.


When the Wings of the Starry Sky were fully deployed, Chen Xi's figure was completely blurred and disappeared in an instant. Immediately, everyone saw that the dozen or so big monsters of the Purple Mansion who rushed into the city were originally rushing in all directions, but after a few breaths, In the meantime, all of them were killed!


Incredibly fast!

It was so fast that everyone present didn't see Chen Xi's figure at all, and they didn't even see clearly how he made his moves, and those big monsters of the Purple Mansion were completely dead.

"You go back to heal your wounds first, leave this place to me." Just as everyone was shocked, Chen Xi had appeared on the city wall again, and ordered.

These people are already scarred and wounded, and if they continue to fight, their lives may be in danger, and with their strength, they will not be able to play any more role, so it is better to go back to heal their wounds quickly, and still have hope of surviving.


Everyone hesitated, as if they felt that it would be an extremely shameful thing to retreat at this time.

Chen Xi frowned: "You guys here will only affect my battle, understand?"

This is indeed true, the monster group is too big, if he fights with all his strength, he will not be afraid, but if he is distracted to help other people, it will be too troublesome.

Everyone was a little embarrassed by what was said, knowing that what Chen Xi said was true, they immediately stopped insisting and bid farewell to Chen Xi.

Seeing that everyone was retreating, Chen Xi had no more worries, and after beheading more than a dozen monsters that rushed up the city wall with his sword, he took advantage of this short gap to look into the distance.

Among the group of monsters, the two Gold Core realms sitting in charge fled one after the other. The strength of the remaining monsters could no longer pose any threat to Chen Xi, but the number was still astonishingly huge, at least there were more than a thousand of them.

This number may seem ordinary, but when there are so many monsters in sight, you can understand how shocking the scene is. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as overwhelming the sea and covering the sky.

Moreover, each of these monsters is astonishingly large in size, some tens of feet in size, and seven to eight feet in size, densely appearing between the heaven and the earth, like a vast ocean, with no end in sight.

"It's really troublesome..." Chen Xi muttered to himself, put away the sword talisman, and with all the witch power in his body, he raised his hand and slapped it towards the void.


A palm of hundreds of feet in size appeared in the void, and the whole body was filled with colorful and gorgeous rays of light. On the lines of its palm, countless bright stars revolved endlessly, flickering and flickering, as if containing the profound and boundless meaning of the Dao, which has existed forever since ancient times.

Supernatural powers, Star Dou Mahamudra!

Different from the first time practicing the Xingdou Mahamudra, now this supernatural power has already contained the power of Shutu, Gengjin, Yimu, Binghuo, and Renshui with the improvement of Chen Xi's body training. As soon as it appeared, there was a terrifying fluctuation , with these five kinds of original power as the center, it spreads loudly in all directions, and the breath alone shakes the void into layers of ripples, and the hard ground is squeezed into cracks, cracking countless spider-like cracks .

And on his palm prints, the endlessly rotating billions of stars seemed to come to life, flying and fluttering, exuding a clear and dazzling star brilliance, reflecting each other with the five original forces, as if they had turned a hundred miles around. All kinds of rays of light and air flow inside were evacuated and condensed in the big hand, causing the world to feel a sense of turmoil collapsing.

Cover the sky with one hand!

The situation has changed!

However, this scene was already in Chen Xi's expectation. After engraving the five divine talismans, his understanding of the Xingdou Mahamudra improved by leaps and bounds, and he deeply understood the horror of its power.He also realized how naive and ridiculous the way he used the Star Dou Mahamudra before was, at best it only exerted less than [-]% of its power.

This supernatural power technique is definitely not a head-on attack method, but another mystery. Only by comprehending all kinds of Taoism can it release its true power.And the more Taoism one controls, the greater its power, all-encompassing, all-encompassing, completely beyond the scope of Taoist martial arts.

Taoist martial arts is just a way to use one kind of Taoism.

But the Xingdou Mahamudra can cover all kinds of Taoism without any conflict.The reason for this is because these powers of Taoism are condensed in the hundreds of millions of stars in the palm lines. It is the orbits of these stars that ensure that they will not conflict, and instead generate various magical effects, making the Star Dou Mahamudra The power also increased dramatically.

In the final analysis, the power of this supernatural power lies in the word "Xing Dou". The stars are infinite, the Tao is infinite, and the power is infinite!


The Xingdou Mahamudra appeared across the sky, and there were bursts of thunderous sounds, which spread out from his palm, and the sound shook the nine heavens and the ten earths, making the beasts restless and bewildered.

And within the coverage of Xingdou Mahamudra, large expanses of cyan clouds suddenly appeared, densely covering the sky, within which cyan lightning arcs rolled endlessly, and wisps of Yimu Divine Thunder fell like distorted cyan hailstones.

This Yimu Shenlei is clear and translucent, with twisted arcs, showing an irregular shape, like the texture of a big tree, but it contains extremely terrifying power. As soon as it landed, dozens of monsters were killed immediately. It was killed, annihilated, and cracks were broken on the ground.

In the soil struck by the Yimu God's lightning, there are even traces of tender green plants taking root and sprouting, and they grow vigorously one foot high in an instant!

Faced with such divine power, the monsters running and roaring nearby were all startled, but they didn't stop their attacking pace. They bypassed the coverage of the Xingdou Mahamudra and flew towards the city from one side.

boom!boom!boom! ...

The Xingdou Mahamudra changed for a while, in addition to the cyan clouds, there were also red, gold, black, and yellow water vapors gathered in a mighty way, and then expanded violently outwards, stretching across the city wall all of a sudden, forming a multicolored thundercloud. Covering a thousand acres.

Immediately, countless colorful thunder arcs poured down like a pouring rain. Yimu Shenlei, Gengjin Shenlei, Shutu Shenlei, Binghuo Shenlei, and Renshui Shenlei bombarded the entire world.

In just a split second, the void with a radius of a thousand acres, in front of the city wall, and even the outer side of the Nanman deep mountain, was filled with the power of violent and severe thunderstorms.

This is no longer a single-range attack, it is even better than some group attack spells, fully blooming, every inch of space, every inch of the ground, is shrouded in this piece of thunder's critical strike, there is no escape void.

This blow completely emptied the witch power in Chen Xi's body, causing his face to turn a little pale, and a deep astonishment welled up in his eyes.

Although he already knew that the current Xingdou Mahamudra is not what it used to be, but he still couldn't imagine that just one blow would completely consume his magic power, which simply exceeded all his predictions.

"However, this kind of power is really too terrifying. Dao will be condensed in the witch pattern in the palm, and the witch power will be transformed into divine thunder, which will cause an attack that covers all directions. I'm afraid no one can escape from this kind of power? Unless the strength is stable and I can do it..."

The shriveled feeling of Wu Li being emptied made Chen Xi feel extremely uncomfortable, but when he saw the damage caused by Xingdou's big handprint, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Outside the city wall, as far as the eye can see, there are cracks in the scorched earth on the whole land, the ground is cracked, dead bodies are scattered all over, and the broken bones and flesh are turned into wisps of scorched smoke and drifting. Not a single monster survived.

In other words, all those thousands of monsters died under this blow!

Wisps of thunderstorm energy transformed by Yimu, Gengjin, Binghuo, Renshui, and Shutu filled this world, ethereal and lingering for a long time. Even Chen Xi himself could feel the terrifying and destructive power contained in it. palpitations.

He knew that it was not the real Thunder, but an attack derived from the combination of witchcraft and Taoism, released in the form of Thunder, but even so, the power was still terrifying, at least half of the real Thunder power!

"It is said that the heavenly talisman can turn the power of heaven and earth into thunder, and my star big handprint can do this now. If it is used against the enemy, it may kill Wei Yuezi with one blow... …

While feeling emotional in his heart, Chen Xi felt the shriveled feeling after the witch power in his body was exhausted, and he couldn't help shaking his head, "Unfortunately, with my current level of body training, I can only use it once. After one time, all the witch power will be exhausted. , so in the future against the enemy, it can only be used as a trump card."


At this moment, a silver ray of light rushed out from the deep mountains of Nanban in the distance, and a two-winged silver wolf with a size of more than ten feet broke through the air and came at an extremely fast speed, like lightning.

The wolf's fur was full of silver, its wings were like snow, and its edges were as sharp as knives. It exuded a proud, noble, and aloof aura.

Just judging from the aura that emanates from it, it is also a big monster of the Golden Core Realm.

However, upon seeing this two-winged silver wolf, Chen Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, but a vaguely familiar feeling surged in his heart, as if he had seen this monster somewhere before.


ps: I want to build a dragon building and open a new map immediately. Some supporting characters are not enough. Are you willing to actively participate?I want to hear opinions before deciding whether or not to engage in a set-up.

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