divine talisman

Chapter 273 Master and Servant Reunited

The first update!Thank you brother "such and such" for the reward and support, and brother "user 46761996" for a valuable monthly ticket!


In front of the city wall, the ground was cracked, thousands of miles of scorched earth, dead bodies everywhere, a miserable scene, wisps of violent thunderstorm breath lingered in the air, adding a chilling air. 1

In this atmosphere where everything was quiet, only Chen Xi was standing on the city wall, his tall figure was extremely eye-catching, and almost instantly, the two-winged silver wolf saw Chen Xi.

Um?This human monk is...

In an instant, it was as if a hole had been opened in the dusty memory deep in my heart, and a long-lost familiar feeling came to my heart. The big golden core monster was startled, stopped in mid-air, and his green eyes stared straight at him. Looking at Chen Xi.

"Don't fight, don't fight, I admit defeat, please forgive me, senior, please forgive me!"

"Now, do you still want to eat my meat?"


"Oh, I heard that the two-winged silver wolf has a trace of the blood of the ancient beast Kuimu wolf. Is it true?"

"Uh... indeed, but Xiao Xiao's bloodline is very mixed. His father is a green-winged wind wolf, and his mother is a two-winged silver wolf, so I'm not sure if he has the bloodline of Kuimu wolf."

"Well, it turned out to be a hybrid, but you named yourself Mu Kui, so you must be eager to be as powerful as the beast Kui Mulang, right?"

"Senior is indeed as insightful as a torch, the young one is extremely admired, the admiration in his heart is like the surging river..."


"Haven't you thought about running away by yourself?"

"How can I do this, but I said that I want to be with my senior for the rest of my life!"

"I tell you to run away. As long as you are alive, it is more important than anything else. Here is my qigong method. You just accept it."

"Senior, don't worry, I not only want to live well, but I also want to become stronger!"


"Master, if you don't take me away this time, I don't hate you. When I become stronger and you don't keep me by your side, then I will wipe my neck in front of you and commit suicide!"


All kinds of familiar memories flooded into my mind like overwhelming rivers and seas. Those familiar voices and scenes imprinted in my heart seemed to happen yesterday, so vivid and so vividly presented in front of my eyes. Could it be true that tall figure and familiar face?


The two-winged silver wolf raised its head to the sky and roared loudly. The deep roar seemed to vent its excitement, filled with unspeakable complex emotions, piercing the sky and shaking the world.

On the city wall, Chen Xi was also stunned, and when he recognized the identity of this two-winged silver wolf, a rare excitement rose in his heart.


Isn't this guy the first monster he encountered when he entered the deep mountains of Nanban?

At that time, I still occupied other people's cave!

In mid-air, the two-winged silver wolf has turned into a stout young man with piercing eyes, isn't it Mu Kui?There was already a trace of tears in his pair of green eyes.


Reunited after a long absence, Chen Xi and Mu Kui both had something to say, so they sat on the wall of the city, chatting freely while drinking.

From Mu Kui's mouth, Chen Xi finally understood everything that happened in the Nanman Mountains. It turned out that ever since he took away the fragments of the river map suppressed in the Nanman Mountains, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the Nanman Mountains in recent years.

For countless years in the past, because of the fragments of the River Map, the monsters in the deep mountains of Nanman, no matter how amazing their talents, no matter how long they practiced, could not break through the realm of the Purple Mansion, like the old turtle king Xuanjing and the fox king Qingqiu. , Black Ape King, Thunder Eagle King and other existences who dominate and dominate, at that time, it was only the completion of the Zifu.

However, as the fragments of the river map were taken away by him, the cultivation bases of the entire Nanman deep mountains have continuously advanced in just a few years, like some monsters with a trace of the blood of ancient gods and beasts, even within a year. Realm, stepped into the realm of Golden Core, and stepped out of three big realms in a row!

However, Chen Xi was still wondering why the pieces of the river map were suppressed in places like the deep mountains of Nanman?Could it be that there is something hidden in this?

"Today's Nanman deep mountains are not what they used to be. There are about a dozen demon cultivators at the Golden Core Realm, thousands at the Yellow Court Realm, and even more at the Purple Mansion Realm, almost tens of thousands. Compete and fight. It has also become more tragic than before. Fortunately, the master taught me the qi refining method of the Ice Crane Jue, and I practiced hard day and night. I just wanted to meet the master as soon as possible, and I also advanced to the Jindan realm. I have never been bullied by other demon cultivators." Mu Kui said with a sip of strong wine.

Although Mu Kui said lightly, Chen Xi knew how difficult it was to survive among so many monsters, and he couldn't help asking, "Where is it above the Golden Core Realm? Could it be that there are no demon cultivators?" achieve?"

"Yes, but they have left the deep mountains of Nanban. You know the masters. They are Qingqiu Fox King and Xuanjing Old Turtle King. If you hadn't killed the Black Ape King, Thunder Eagle King, Green Mang King, Mo Jiao King and Kunpeng King back then, I'm afraid they have reached the height of Nirvana now." Mu Kui replied.

It dawned on Chen Xi that these seven demon kings were originally the overlords in the deep mountains of Nanman. They possessed the bloodlines of ancient divine beasts. It is reasonable to reach the state of Nirvana.

"Then why did you rush out of the deep mountains of Nanban and invade human cities?" After a long silence, Chen Xi finally raised this question. Now, the relationship between him and Mu Kui is nominally a master-servant relationship, but the reality is that they have already established a relationship. He is in a hostile camp, so he has been avoiding talking about this topic, but he still has to face it, otherwise it will not be good for both of them if this continues.

However, Mu Kui seemed to have known that Chen Xi would ask such a question a long time ago, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, as well as a trace of hidden deep fear, and he sighed, "We have no choice but to start a war with human monks."

"Why?" Chen Xi frowned.

Mu Kui gululu drank a few more sips of strong wine, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Because an ancient god and demon woke up in the deep mountains of Nanban."

Ancient gods and demons!

Chen Xi was stunned, and his heart was filled with shock. The ancient gods and demons lived in the ancient times, and their race could even be traced back to the time when the world was not yet opened.These gods and demons are born with infinite strength, their height is as high as the mountains, and their strength is enough to burn rivers and seas, pick stars and moons, and dominate all directions. When the three realms are not divided, they are the masters of the heavens and the world, the supreme kings, and the human beings. At that time, it was only a vassal, and its status was not even as good as that of a monster.

But with the prosperity of the human race, many earth-shattering and powerful beings were born, and the supremacy of these gods and demons was broken, and they gradually withdrew from the stage of history.But even so, the illustrious reputation of gods and demons has been handed down forever, and the mention of the word gods and demons still makes people feel awe and fear.

Moreover, cultivation methods such as the body-refining flow of gods and demons are learned by strong human beings from ancient gods and demons. From this, we can know the influence of the gods and demons on the heavens and myriad worlds.

And the reason why they are called gods and demons is because this race is born as the son of gods, the body of all demons, and controls incredible supernatural powers, so the name gods and demons has been handed down from the origin.

However, in today's practice world, this race is generally called ancient gods and demons, in order to distinguish it from some demon monks and people of immortality.

Now that there is an ancient god and demon awakening in the deep mountains of Nanman, one can imagine the shock in Chen Xi's heart, but he immediately realized a problem, the fragments of the river map appearing in the deep mountains of Nanman, could it be suppression This ancient god and demon, right?

"How strong is this ancient god and demon now?" Chen Xi asked.

"Should... be almost equivalent to the powerhouse in the fairyland?" Mu Kui scratched his head and said, "I have never seen his true strength, but I have heard other demon cultivators say that this ancient god is in the endless Over the years, his strength has been severely weakened, and now his strength is only one ten-thousandth of his heyday."

"Awesome, one ten-thousandth of the strength can be compared to the powerhouse of the fairyland, and only the ancient gods and demons have such terrifying strength!" Chen Xi couldn't imagine that an ancient gods and demons were in their heyday. , to what height should its strength reach.

Immediately, he felt a thump in his heart, this time he was in big trouble, with this ancient god and demon in charge, let alone Songyan City, it would not be a problem for an army of monsters to sweep across the entire southern border!

"Then... what are you going to do in the future?" Chen Xi took a deep breath and asked slowly.

"Of course I'm by my master's side." Mu Kui replied without hesitation, without even thinking about it: "Master, now my strength is still above yours, if I stay by your side, I won't be a waste any longer, you But don't reject me again."

Looking at the look of hope in Mu Kui's eyes, Chen Xi was also very moved. Monsters are indeed more vicious, treacherous, and dangerous than humans, and they have an extremely blind worship of power, but there is no doubt that once they choose to submit, their loyalty will be destroyed. But it is hundreds of times stronger than humans, and there is no need to worry about it betraying itself.

The Mu Kui in front of him is a living example. According to his current cultivation level, he is already on an equal footing with Chen Xi. The reason why he swears to follow Chen Xi to the death lies in his loyalty.

"Okay! From now on, you will follow me." Chen Xi also stopped being hypocritical, and said seriously.

"Is this true?" Mu Kui was stunned. Originally, he thought that if Chen Xi rejected him, he would risk his life to force Chen Xi to agree to him.

"Of course it's true, let's go, go to my house first." Chen Xi smiled, patted Mu Kui on the shoulder, turned around and ran towards the city.

"Go to the master's house..." Mu Kui pinched his arm, the pain proved that all this was true, Mu Kui's heart was filled with joy, his face was radiant, and he grinned until his ears On the other hand, if he wasn't afraid of disturbing Chen Xi, he would have raised his head to the sky and howled to vent the excitement and excitement in his heart.

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