divine talisman

Chapter 274 Shocking Roar

The second update!Thank you brother "Ximen Drunken-Hou" for giving 2 666 and 1 888 for your support, and thank you brother "Four Weeks" for giving 3666 again for your support.


The Chen family is very busy now. In the house within a thousand acres, there are many figures, and there are dark heads everywhere, running around, calling for children and daughters, in a mess. 1 product book()

These are all the family members, children, and servants of the major forces in Songyan City. In order to avoid the beasts, they had to leave their homes temporarily and hid in the Chen family protected by the sword array of Tai Qi and dust.

However, the number of people is a bit too much. A power in Songyan City has thousands of people in the big ones and hundreds of people in the small ones. They moved to the Chen family in a swarm on the same day. One can imagine how many people the Chen family has now. lively.

Fortunately, the bags and valuables of these people could be stored in the storage treasure. Although tens of thousands of people gathered in the Chen family's mansion, it didn't seem crowded.

But this time the servants and servants of the Chen family were too busy. They also had to help allocate houses and maintain order, and sometimes they had to help other family members to find children who ran away in the crowd. It looks like I can't wait to grow a pair of hands and a pair of legs.

"God damn you bastard, if you run around again, be careful not to be eaten by monsters!"

"Little brother, I don't know if I can help arrange the place where we are waiting. Here, these are some primordial stones. They are not respectful. Please laugh."

"What? There's not enough housing? Let's go to the Martial Arts Field and build our own house? Well, that's the only way to go. Then, someone, go chop some rocks and ask for square ones to help us build a house together!"

Messy sounds filled the sky above the Chen family's mansion, and this became the only lively place in the entire Songyan City. The other areas had long been dead and silent, only some wild dogs were running around.

In this noisy atmosphere, Chen Xi and Mu Kui returned.


Seeing Chen Xi, the dark crowd on the path automatically gave way to a straight avenue, and the noisy voices also became silent. All eyes looked at Chen Xi with deep awe and reverence.

Most of the people here saw Chen Xi for the first time in many years. Seeing this broom star that everyone laughed at before, and now growing into a legend in Songyan City, there was no one who did not feel amazed.

Some people even regretted that they ridiculed and insulted Chen Xi back then and were afraid, and some people regretted that they beat their chests because they didn't have a friendship with Chen Xi back then.

However, when they saw Mu Kui who was following Chen Xi closely, with green eyes and a faintly demonic aura emanating from his body, everyone present was shocked.

Demon cultivator!

It's still the Great Demon of the Golden Core Realm!

Some people with venomous eyes saw Mu Kui's identity and realm in an instant, and felt their scalp tingle, and almost couldn't believe their eyes. How could a monster of the Golden Core Realm follow behind Chen Xi?

What made them even more astonished was that this big monster followed behind Chen Xi, with a low eyebrow and pleasing eyes, just like a loyal servant and servant, without the demeanor of a strong person in the Golden Core Realm.

How is this going?

Could it be that Chen Xi subdued this golden core realm monster?

Thinking of this, Chen Xi's strength became more and more unfathomable in the hearts of everyone, even with a trace of blind admiration, with a half-step Golden Core Realm cultivation base, he subdued the Great Demon of the Golden Core Realm as a servant, such a person, Who else in Pine Smoke City can stand shoulder to shoulder with it?

Among the crowd, there was a pretty girl who hesitated again and again, finally mustered up the courage, and decided to say hello to Chen Xi, but just when she was about to call out, she was stopped by the young man in white beside her, and said in a low voice: "Junior Sister , now that Chen Xi is not what it used to be, he might have forgotten about us, if you go and say hello, it would be so embarrassing if he didn't recognize you."

The pretty girl was taken aback for a moment, then she looked at another honest-looking young man, and said via voice transmission: "Senior Brother Qu, do you think so too?"

The honest young man hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

These two men and one woman were none other than Lu Shaocong, Qu Cheng, and Duan Ying from Hongye Academy. The three of them had been trapped by a group of silver wind leopards on the outskirts of Nanman Mountain, and they were rescued by Chen Xi. They managed to save their lives by chance.

And during the Nanman trial, Duan Ying was almost killed by Li Huai, the eldest son of Li, and was rescued by Chen Xi who passed by at the critical moment.

For Duan Ying, Chen Xi had undoubtedly brought her back twice. In her heart, she could be said to be grateful to Chen Xi with admiration. When she saw Chen Xi for the first time, she couldn't control the excitement in her heart, and wanted to follow him. Chen Xi called out and said thank you.

But seeing that Lu Shaocong and Qu Cheng opposed her, she hesitated again. Yes, Chen Xi is now powerful, surpassing all the monks in Songyan City, and sworn brothers with the Supreme Elder of Liuyun Sword Sect, and his status is also the same. Incomparably sublime, it is no longer something that I can talk about with my peers, if I interrupt again rashly, it's nothing else, what if Chen Xi doesn't recognize me?

"It's been seven or eight years. I'm afraid Chen Xi won't remember the relationship we had in the past. What's more, we also met Chen Xi by chance, and we have been helped by him more times. How dare we bother him?" Lu Shaocong sighed. Chen Xi sought friendship, but it was a pity that he could not resist the reality.

"He's coming!" Qu Cheng said suddenly.

Lu Shaocong and Duan Ying were startled, Qi Qi looked up, and sure enough, he saw that Chen Xi was less than a foot away from himself and the others. He couldn't help but think in his heart, would he...will recognize him?

At this moment, even though they were already prepared to be ignored by Chen Xi, their hearts still jumped up and down, feeling as if time stood still, full of anticipation and entanglement.

However, to their disappointment, Chen Xi did not recognize the three of them, but passed by each other and walked forward.

It turned out that he really couldn't remember himself...

Lu Shaocong, Qu Cheng and Duan Ying felt an indescribable loss in their hearts, and they were even more keenly aware that the brothers behind them all looked at them strangely, as if mocking or Smiling, it made them feel even more uncomfortable.

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have told them, but now it has become a joke. How can I hold my head up when I am in Hongye Academy?" Duan Ying was extremely annoyed, and regretted telling these teachers about her relationship with Chen Xi. Bros.

"This is the case, Junior Sister Duan doesn't need to be depressed, after all, we are no longer the same as Chen Xi." Lu Shaocong comforted.

"Oh." Qu Cheng sighed heavily.

Just when the three of them were annoyed, they suddenly felt that the atmosphere around them became weird, as if all the eyes on the scene were looking at themselves, which made them a little at a loss.

"It's been so many years, so the three of you are still together." A gentle voice rang in their ears, and the three raised their heads, only to realize that Chen Xi had already stood in front of them at some point!

"You...why are you back again?" Duan Ying asked foolishly, her brain was already blanked by the shock of this scene.

"I'm sorry, I've been thinking about things just now and didn't pay attention to this." Chen Xi apologized. He was indeed thinking about things just now. Because of the appearance of ancient gods and demons, he had to treat them with caution.It was also under Mu Kui's reminder that he noticed the three of them.

No wonder Mu Kui reminded that the expressions and breaths of the three of Lu Shaocong were very different from the others because of their agitation, which naturally caught his attention, so he reported it to Chen Xi.

"The three of us can play together in Hongye Academy, so we stay together all the time." Lu Shaocong quickly replied, obviously very happy that Chen Xi didn't ignore them.

"En, um." The honest and honest Qu Cheng could only nod, as if he was so excited that he couldn't even speak.

Not only the three of them were excited, Chen Xi also had a wave of turmoil in his heart, unable to calm down. Seeing the three of them, Lu Shaocong, he unconsciously remembered all the things from the past, Uncle Zhang from Zhang's Grocery Store, Old Man Ma from Qingxi Restaurant, Pei Pei Xie, Qiao Nan... Now, these people are all gone.

"Meeting is fate, and I don't have anything good to give you. Here are three sets of yellow-rank magic weapons, as well as some pills used in cultivation, which will be of great help to you to break through the realm."

As he said that, Chen Xi casually flipped through it, and there appeared some magic treasures such as gloves, armor, boots, jade pendants, etc., all of which were in the ranks of the best of the yellow rank. It contained some panacea.These are all collected from the corpses of the enemies over the years, and they have not been counted specifically. They have been piled up in the pagoda of the pagoda, and it is most convenient to give them away.

"How can this be done? It's too expensive!" The three of them were almost dazzled by the sight, and repeatedly declined.

When everyone around saw this scene, their eyes widened and they were full of envy. These magic weapons were all the best of the Huang rank, and they were all in complete sets. Plus the elixir in the jade bottle, the value was simply immeasurable!

Of course, this was just the opinion of the people around him. In Chen Xi's eyes, these magic weapons were no longer of use to him, and their value was not that great.

"Accept it, it's useless to stay by my side." Chen Xi said in a tone that could not be refused. In Songyan City, along with Uncle Zhang and Old Man Ma who died one by one, he no longer had any friends, and now he had three friends. An old friend, while feeling emotional in his heart, wanted to help them.

The three of them declined again, and then accepted it. The things that Chen Xi gave would not be bad, not to mention that Chen Xi gave them treasures as friends. This was a friendship, and they had no reason to refuse.

After chatting for a while, Chen Xi bid farewell to the three of them and walked to the hall. He wanted to discuss with his younger brother the matter of the ancient gods and demons.

As soon as Chen Xi left, the scene suddenly exploded.

"Junior Sister Duan, it turns out that you and Chen Xi really have friendship!"

"Hey, this is a complete set of Huang Jie's best magic weapon, what a big deal!"

"Junior Sister Duan, let me see what kind of elixir is in that jade bottle, which can help break through the realm. This kind of elixir can only be bought in big cities like Longyuan City."

A group of brothers from the Hongye Academy rushed forward one after another, surrounded Lu Shaocong, Qu Cheng and Duan Ying, talking in a hurry, and there was a deep sense of envy in their words.

The three of them put away all the treasures calmly, their faces glowing, and they didn't say much, but they were all excitedly thinking, "Chen Xi promised to invite the three of us to drink tonight, what should we say then? What would be good?"


"Ancient gods and demons?" In the main hall, Chen Hao was startled and almost couldn't believe his ears.

"It should be true. I decided to go to the Liuyun Sword Sect later. Please, Big Brother Beiheng, come to see if there is a strategy to defend against the enemy. If we really can't fight, we have to evacuate from Songyan City as soon as possible. preparations." Chen Xi said slowly.

"But now the clansmen of other major forces are in our Chen family. If we want to evacuate, the speed is too slow. If that ancient god and demon really comes to the world, there will be unpredictable and serious consequences. " Chen Hao sighed, frowning.

"The matter is not so serious. Let's talk about everything after I come back from Liuyun Sword Sect." Chen Xi immediately made a decision, and said, "During this time, you should first tell the other Patriarchs about this matter so that they can have their own opinions. A mental preparation."

"Brother, don't worry." Chen Hao nodded, and his expression became firm and calm again. Whenever there is a big event, there is a calmness. This is what his elder brother Chen Xi taught him since he was a child.

"Then I'll set off now." Chen Xi nodded and stood up.

But at this moment-

Suddenly, a roar that resounded through nine heavens and ten earths suddenly came from the deep mountains of Nanman, making the mountains dormant, everything trembling, and the entire Chen family mansion was trembling endlessly due to this sound.

This voice, like the roar of a god, is earth-shattering!

Suddenly, countless horrified screams sounded, and the Chen family mansion became a mess.

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