divine talisman

Chapter 275 Ancient Gods and Demons

Thank you brother "Drunk Blue Sky" for your support, and thank you brother Yue Ruoruo for voting for a precious monthly ticket!


Roaring like thunder, rumbled through the heaven and earth, centered on the deep mountains of Nanman, the sound waves visible to the naked eye spread in all directions. Wherever they passed, the trees smashed, the rocks splashed, the sand and dust raged, and the hard city walls of Songyan City trembled precariously. sound. 1

In an instant, the entire world became icy cold, and a terrifying aura raged like a torrent. The creatures within a thousand miles stopped their sound instantly, trembling with trembling, trembling all over, feeling endless fear in their hearts.

"Such a terrifying roar, could it be that the ancient god and demon couldn't help but want to make a move?"


Chen Xi broke through the sky, raised his eyes and looked into the distance, and saw a towering figure standing proudly in the deep mountains of Nanman. The stretching and towering peaks could only reach his waist, and a thick mist enveloped him. Around his body, he couldn't see his real body clearly, but the monstrous power he exuded disturbed the clouds, and the void was chaotic, just like the arrival of an unrivaled demon king, making the mountains and valleys dead silent.

Although he could only vaguely see a figure, the terrifying aura gushing from his body made Chen Xi's heart shudder, and he felt a faint feeling of shortness of breath.

This is due to the great disparity in the realm, and the pressure caused by the power. If it is an enemy head-on, this power alone may be enough to destroy anyone's fighting spirit.


so horrible!

Chen Xi had felt this kind of feeling before in that celestial phantom in the Qianyuan Treasure House, and he had also felt it in his sworn brother Beiheng. He didn't even think about it, and he knew that the strength of this figure must be above the earthly fairyland. superior.

"Yes...it's that ancient god and demon!" Mu Kui stood beside Chen Xi, trembling with fear, and deep fear and fear welled up in his green eyes.

At this moment, in the deep mountains of Nanban, that sky-high figure suddenly turned around, a pair of eyes flashed and thundered, like two clouds of thunderclouds embedded in the sky, such a pair of eyes are not only terrifyingly large, but also And murderous shocking!


The moment this huge figure looked up, Chen Xi suddenly felt his soul tremble, his whole body seemed to be pressed under a big mountain, and he almost couldn't breathe.


In the sea of ​​consciousness, the statue of Fuxi suddenly appeared, and hundreds of millions of rays of light swept out across the sky. Chen Xi suddenly felt a burst of relief. The terrifying oppression had disappeared, as if it had never happened, but the cold sweat soaked on his clothes told him , All that just now happened for real!


Amidst the sound of surprise like thunder, the huge figure straddled the mountain and came to the outside of Songyan City in an instant, where the tall and sky-supporting body stood there, just like a pillar reaching the sky.

He seemed to be surprised by Chen Xi's reaction. Looking down, his pair of lightning and thunderous eyes were like a lake hanging high in the void, and the divine light shot out, dazzling and dazzing.

At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly understood the feeling of an ant. Facing this ancient god and demon, he was like an ant facing a towering tree, so insignificant and inconspicuous.

And under the gaze of the eyes of this ancient god and demon, he felt as if he had been seen through inside and out, and there were no more secrets to speak of.

"Damn it, how dare you practice my clan's body-refining technique, humble human being, you have offended the dignity of my gods and demons, it is unforgivable!" The god demon seemed to see that Chen Xi had cultivated the body training technique, and suddenly thunder clouds flashed in his eyes, throwing endless murderous intent.

Just when this ancient demon appeared in front of Songyan City, Chen Xi already sensed that something was wrong, and hurriedly led Mu Kuifei into the Chen family's mansion. Seeing this guy's murderous intent towards him, his heart sank into a trough. .

"Damn it! If this ancient god and demon makes a move, I'm afraid it will hurt everyone present!" Chen Xi glanced around, and saw that no matter men, women, old or young, under the power of this ancient god and demon, they were already terrified. He fell to the ground, his face was bloodless, and his expression was extremely horrified.

"Die, those who plagiarize my family's profound truths are destined to perish in the world." Accompanied by a thunderous voice, a big hand raised to the sky slapped fiercely towards the Chen family's house below. .

This beat is like dark clouds overwhelming the city, the power of heaven and earth is gathered in one palm, wanting to destroy the world.


However, just as the big hand was pressing down, thousands of brilliant sword lights burst out from the sky above the entire Chen family mansion. In the bright moonlight, a surging sword intent soared into the sky, blocking in front of the big hand in an instant.

Astonishingly, it is Tai Qi Mo Chen Sword Formation.


The aura trembled, the moonlight splashed, and the palm of the ancient gods and demons shook the entire sword array, causing infinite and violent fluctuations, as if it would be broken in the next moment.

However, this world-destroying attack was finally blocked.

This also made Chen Xi's hanging heart a little calmer. This Tai Qi Dust Sword Formation is composed of tens of thousands of high-grade earth-level swords and nine top-grade earth-level swords. The strong broke into it, and they couldn't break through it for a while.

At this moment, the great formation had not yet been broken, and Chen Xi immediately realized that the strength of this ancient god and demon was probably just like what Mu Kui said, it was in the realm of the earth fairy, and it would never be higher.

"Formation? Damn it, if I regain [-]% of my strength, I won't be able to break even a small formation in one blow! Damn it, I don't believe that even if I try my best, I won't be able to break a single formation!"

With a dull roar, a ferocious aura swept across the nine heavens. This ancient god and demon seemed to be enraged. A mountain-like pattern appeared on his right hand. It was dense and complex, just like runes. It exuded terrifying and destructive power, and slapped down again. .


Countless spider-like cracks suddenly appeared on the light curtain condensed by the Tai Qi Mo Chen sword array, and the surging sword intent contained in it suddenly became chaotic, and it was only one point away from collapsing!

Chen Xi's expression suddenly became extremely dignified, and he quickly escaped thousands of Taiqing Jade Liquid Pills, threw them into the foundation of the formation as if he didn't need money, and even activated the magic formula, urging the entire sword formation with all his strength.

Now the Tai Qi Mote Sword Formation has become everyone's hope for survival. If it is broken, all that awaits them is death, so Chen Xi can't care less about it, and he can control his sword formation with all his heart, not daring to be distracted at all. .

However, to Chen Xi's despair, the recovery speed of the entire sword array was too slow, and it was far from keeping up with the attack speed of this demon!

How to do?

Senior Ji Yu, please take action?Impossible, senior, since he forcibly collected Xuanci Mountain, he has been unable to appear in the world.

Then run away now?There should be a sliver of hope with the Wings of the Starry Sky, but if this happens, my brother and the others may suffer, and this plan will not work.


At the juncture of life and death, Chen Xi thought of thousands of strategies to defend against the enemy almost instantly in his mind, but he refuted them all. Facing the existence of ancient gods and demons, it seemed that all strategies had failed, and only death remained. Available now.

In fact, deep down in his heart, Chen Xi had been wishing that his mysterious senior sister with great supernatural powers and boundless mana would appear again, but until now, none of this had happened.

"Hmph, it's really troublesome to be able to block the power of my two palms, but the formation is no longer enough to protect you, now you all die to me!" At the same time, the right hand was raised again, the runes in the palm of the palm rolled, emitting infinite divine light, and he clapped it with one palm!

"Haha, I have traveled all over the world for decades, looking for rare and exotic objects, but unexpectedly I met an ancient god and demon in this remote place, and now it will become my possession!"

Seeing that the Chen family's mansion and everyone in it will be wiped out under the hands of big hands, at this moment, a heroic laugh resounded, the voice was loud and loud, like Huang Zhong Dalu, accompanied by the voice, a sloppy old man dressed in rags, Appearing above the heads of the ancient gods and demons, with a wave of the sleeves, a gourd surrounded by rosy clouds hangs upside down in the air, shooting out a burst of colorful light towards the ancient gods and demons.

"Looking for death!" The ancient god and demon seemed to sense something was wrong, and no longer cared about destroying the Chen family's house, it turned around and slapped the gourd with its palm.


The palm of the hand collided with the gourd in the void, and the sky seemed to be torn apart, the clouds and mist were broken, the void was chaotic, and all kinds of turbulent and terrifying forces erupted, illuminating the sky and the earth, which was extremely terrifying.

"Hey! Master Dao's Heaven-Swallowing Liangyi Gourd, how can you, an ancient god and demon with only a sliver of blood essence, be able to fight against it, catch it quickly!"

The slovenly old man stood in the air, with a withered finger, pointing at the gourd shrouded in rosy clouds. Suddenly, the whole gourd became nearly a thousand feet in size. The sound is ethereal, and all kinds of visions appear between the heaven and the earth like a horse watching flowers.

And inside the mouth of the gourd, countless runes are intertwined to form sections of divine glow, and these divine glows converge into an incomparably huge vortex, exhaling two kinds of airflow, one black and one white, just like day and night, filled with an extremely mysterious energy Dao meaning.


A terrifying force of swallowing and sucking gushes out from the mouth of the gourd, and everything between the heaven and the earth rushes into the gourd as if uncontrollable. That kind of vision is like a Kunpeng swallowing the sun.

"Damn it! It turned out to be a half-celestial weapon! I'll let it go this time, and I'll settle the score with you next time!" The body of the ancient god and demon shook, as if it had also been swallowed by the gourd's force, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. Apprehensive, he snorted coldly, turned around and ran towards the deep mountains.

"Since you're here, leave it to the old Taoist!"

The sloppy old Taoist laughed, shook his arms, and shot thousands of extremely mysterious formulas in an instant, and the surging power gushed out from his body, not the true essence, but surpassing the true essence, which made countless monks The coveted Xianli!


With the support of the immortal power of the old Taoist, this semi-immortal artifact called the gourd of swallowing the sky, suddenly burst out a ten thousand zhang long horse-like glow, swept the huge body of the ancient god and demon, and dragged it into the gourd .

"No! How could you, a little Earth Immortal and sixth-level celestial ant, be able to subdue me? I am an ancient god and demon, above all races..." With a thunderous roar that shook the world, this ancient god and demon struggled violently Every inch of struggle shatters the void and shatters the earth, it is extremely terrifying.However no matter how he struggled, he couldn't get rid of the Shenxia around his body, and was carried towards the gourd bit by bit.

"If you were in your heyday, how would the old man dare to call your attention? It's a pity, now you are only supported by a ray of blood left over, so how can you be the opponent of the old man? Capture me!" The sloppy old man spit out suddenly Essence blood was sprayed on Tunxiao Liangyi Gourd, which made his skinny cheeks pale, which obviously consumed a lot.

However, the effect was extremely astonishing. A gigantic beast figure that devoured the sky and the moon rushed out of the gourd magic weapon, with berserk power surging from its body, it swallowed the ancient god and demon in one mouthful, and then transformed into a monster. As a streamer, it got into the inside of the gourd and disappeared.

Almost at the same time, the sloppy old man took the gourd in his hand with a casual move, let out a long laugh, and raised his hand to completely seal the gourd's mouth.

Just like that, an ancient god and demon whose height surpassed the sky and whose power shook the sky was sealed into the gourd!


ps: It’s too hard, a keyboard key of the notebook is dropped, and the typing speed is at least 3% slower!

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