divine talisman

Chapter 276

Ancient gods and demons!

Big hand!

Sloppy old fashioned!

Swallowing the two instruments gourd!

Constitute a sinister, bloody, thrilling magnificent picture.

The aftermath of the battle between the two made the sky above Songyan City seem to have fallen into chaos. The spiritual power was disordered, the sky was shattered, and all kinds of rays of light splashed and scattered like fireworks. The beauty was extremely dangerous.

Except for the Chen family's mansion, the houses, grounds, city walls, and trees within a radius of thousands of miles... were all reduced to powder and annihilated without a trace. Tell me about the shocking battle that happened here just now.

This is indeed a shocking battle. One is an ancient god and demon that exists in the legendary sky, and the other is a strong human being in the sixth level of the earth fairy. Although the confrontation between the two only took place in a few breaths , but the resulting power and influence changed the color of the situation, and the heavens and the earth mourned, as if the doomsday had come.

Similarly, this is also the most thrilling battle that Chen Xi has seen so far.The world-destructive mountain design surged in the right hand of the ancient god and demon, and the astonishing method of the sloppy old Taoist celestial power swaying, and the gourd swallowing the sky, all caused a great shock to his mind.

"One day, I will also be able to reach this level!" Chen Xi took a deep breath, clenched his fists secretly, and there was boundless fighting spirit in his heart. If it wasn't for the sloppy old man who appeared out of nowhere today, he and the Chen family behind him might have been wiped out long ago. Empty, this feeling of rebirth after life and death, made him more eager to have powerful power.


Suddenly, a ray of light came from a distance at a very high speed, and in the blink of an eye, it had arrived at the side of the sloppy old Taoist, and he cupped his hands and said, "Master, are you all right?"

This is a young man with a young appearance, wearing a clean and tidy Taoist robe, tall and straight, straight as a gun, his hair is tied into a bun, interspersed with a mahogany hairpin, his face is resolute and solitary, with sharp edges and corners, especially It was a pair of eyes, deep and bright, as if they could cover the whole world. At this moment, they stood upright in the sky, their clothes fluttered, and they looked like immortals.

"This person is very strong!" Chen Xi's heart shuddered. From this Taoist-robed youth, he sensed an aura that was not weaker than Qing Xiuyi's.

"Teacher Qinghe, you are here, haha, being able to capture an ancient god and demon this time is simply a blessing from heaven. When you return to the mountains, the old Taoist will temper your body with the blood of gods and demons, which will surely make your strength at least as good as that of the gods and demons." It soared by [-]%, even if you meet Qing girl at the Stars Conference, you can completely defeat her! Hahaha..." The sloppy old man looked up to the sky and laughed endlessly, with indescribable heroism and joy in his voice.

"The Gathering of Stars? Defeat Girl Qing? Could it be Qing Xiuyi?" Chen Xi couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly, knowing that this young man in Taoist robes would also participate in the Gathering of Stars in a year and a half, which made him feel a little bit of pressure. The sloppy old Taoist is a strong man in the sixth level of the earth immortal. Since he dares to say so, it proves that the strength of this Taoist robed youth is definitely the existence of the perfect golden core, and he is still at the peak.

Think about it, even Qing Xiuyi can compete against the strong in Nirvana, if this young man can defeat Qing Xiuyi, his strength will definitely be able to fight across the realm!

"The blood essence of ancient gods and demons can benefit you infinitely, but refining it is extremely troublesome, it will take at least a year, and the Stars Conference will start in a year and a half, the time is a bit tight, that's all, I have been traveling for a few years , it's time for us to go back to the mountains." The slovenly old man mused.

"Master, do you really want to use the blood essence of ancient gods and demons on Qinghe?" the Taoist robed youth asked in surprise, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Of course, this Stars Gathering is different from the past. The current Emperor Chu has decided for the first time that after the Gathering of Stars is over, he will open the Hualongchi, which has not been alive for 5000 years, to cleanse the luck of the young handsome man who won the top ten. Gathering dragon luck, this kind of reward has attracted many disciples of old monsters to be reluctant, and they are born one after another, it can be said that geniuses gather, and wind and clouds gather."

The sloppy old man said with emotion: "Among so many geniuses in the sky, with your current strength, you can naturally rank among the top ten, but it is extremely dangerous to enter the top three, but with the spirit of this ancient god and demon Blood, should be enough to enter the top three, and even winning the top spot is not impossible."

"Hualong Pond?" Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and a secret anecdote came to his mind. It is said that under the Jinxiu City, the capital of the Great Chu Dynasty, there is a ninety-five dragon vein that suppresses luck, and gathers the luck of the entire Great Chu Dynasty. The Dragon Transformation Pond is opened in the dragon veins, and when monks enter it, they can condense the dragon's luck and get incredible benefits.

As for the benefits, Chen Xi was not very clear about them. Some said it was improving his physique, some said it was improving his cultivation, and some even said that after obtaining the Dragon Luck, the chances of becoming an immortal in the future would also increase by half.

Of course, this is a rumor, because Hualong Pond has been sealed for 5000 years and has not been opened, and perhaps only some old antiques and old monsters know what its benefits are.

"Qinghe understands." A gleam of lightning flashed in the eyes of the Taoist robed youth, and he said calmly: "Master, your kindness to Qinghe is as great as a mountain, and Qinghe must win the first place in this star meeting, so that he can live up to your cultivation and teaching."

"Hahaha... I don't ask you for anything in return as a teacher. I just hope that you can enter the Xuanhuan Realm safely. Being a teacher is already enough to be proud."

"It will definitely be!" said the Taoist robe young man.

"Let's go." The sloppy old man nodded, his eyes swept across the Chen family's mansion, You Qi took a deep look at Chen Xi, and without saying much, he took the young man in Taoist robes and walked away.

And the young man in the Taoist robe never looked at the Chen family's mansion from the beginning to the end, let alone noticed Chen Xi, as if in his eyes, only his master was worthy of his attention, and everything else was insignificant.

"Weird, why does that sloppy old man look at me like this?" Chen Xi looked at the place where the two disappeared, but he couldn't understand it.

He didn't know that this sloppy old man was an old monster in the Central Plains who could not hide from the world, and he was an old friend with Taoist Longhe, a powerful fairyland powerhouse of the Yunhe School, who had been with Taoist Longhe for many years. Several heavenly and earth immortals gathered together at Liuyun Sword Sect, but the news that they returned home because of a white letter also spread to his ears, which aroused his curiosity.

It is also because of this that he appeared in Southern Border, in Songyan City, just to meet Chen Xi, an unknown little guy, and to satisfy his curiosity, so the appearance of a sloppy old man was not Just a coincidence.

"Are we... saved?"

"Haha, we are not dead, the sky has eyes!"

"What happened just now? What kind of monster is that huge figure as tall as the sky?"

"Who knows, I'm ashamed to say that I was so scared that I fell to the ground just now, and I didn't realize anything."

"Ah, you fainted from fright too?"

The great war ended, and in the Chen family's mansion, which was reborn after the catastrophe, the buzzing voices broke the silence. There were those who were grateful, those who had lingering fears, those who couldn't believe it, and those who were excited and ecstatic. Everything proves that they are still alive, as long as they are alive, life is full of hope, isn't it?

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi was also sincerely happy in his heart. Once the ancient gods and demons were eliminated, the disaster that threatened the major forces in Pine Mist City would also disappear.And the monsters in the deep mountains of Nanman lost the control of the ancient gods and demons, at least for the time being, they did not dare to act rashly anymore.

"But those monsters are a hidden danger after all. If you don't want to find a way to solve it, I'm afraid it will delay your cultivation schedule." Back in his room, Chen Xi originally planned to practice, but he was still thinking about it in his heart, and he couldn't enter for a long time. In the best state of cultivation, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Master, are you worrying about the safety of Songyan City?" Mu Kui said cautiously: "Actually, I have one thing to pay attention to, but it's a bit difficult."

"Let's hear it." Chen Xi was startled. Mu Kui came from the deep mountains of Nanman, and he knew everything about there. Perhaps his attention was not bad.

Seeing that Chen Xi paid attention to Mu Kui, his heart was lifted, and he said quickly: "Now that that ancient god and demon has been taken away, the entire Nanman deep mountain has no leader, and the most powerful demon cultivator is only at the Golden Core realm. King Qiuhu and Old Turtle King Xuanjing, if any one of them sits in town, it will be enough to deter the monsters, making them dare not invade Songyan City again."

Chen Xi's eyes lit up. That's right. Now that these two demon kings have reached the Nirvana state, asking them to go to the deep mountains of Nanman will undoubtedly be able to unify the group of demons and strictly control them. The crisis in Songyan City will not be over. Is it solved?

"Good idea, Mu Kui, you've helped me a lot." Chen Xi praised.

Mu Kui scratched his head, grinned and said: "Mu Kui is also very happy to be able to help Master, but the Qingqiu Fox King and the Xuanjing Old Turtle King don't know where they are now, and it's very troublesome to find them."

"Leave it to me. I know where the two of them are. When this matter is resolved, I don't need to worry about the safety of the Chen clan. In this way, we can leave." Chen Xi said with a smile.

"Where is Master going?" Mu Kui was stunned and asked nervously.

"Naturally, I want to go to the Central Plains to take a look. There is only one and a half years left until the Stars Conference, so it's time to go and see how prosperous the Central Plains is." Chen Xi said with burning eyes.

In fact, there is another reason why he didn't say it, and that is that his cultivation is now at a bottleneck, and he only needs to survive the catastrophe before he can advance to the Jindan realm.This step is extremely dangerous and difficult to overcome. It needs a suitable opportunity to break through the realm, and no matter how closed it is, he can't make any progress. Therefore, he decided to put the opportunity to break the realm on going out to experience.

"Don't be nervous, I will take you away this time." Seeing that Mu Kui was still nervous, Chen Xi couldn't help laughing, and comforted him.

Only then did Mu Kui heave a sigh of relief, and said with a smirk: "That's good, that's good."


ps: The essence is used up, this is the first time since the book was opened that the essence is not enough, some book review posts and posts of support and rewards, I will add more essence next week.

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