divine talisman

Chapter 278

One-foot-long pickled ink prawns with pickled peppers, slices of bamboo shoots as thin as cicada wings, green roe meat with golden yellow oil, crispy crispy Poria cakes, and a pot of black-bone chicken with phoenix tail that is still bubbling The soup, served on the desk, is full of color and fragrance, and even the air is filled with an attractive fragrance.

"Let's eat." Chen Xi took a sip of the wine and said to Mu Kui with a smile.

"No need, I don't have to eat." Mu Kui said hastily, with an embarrassing look on his face. It was his first time cooking, but he used salt as cooking oil, which felt too shameful.

"Try it. Although we cultivators have long been able to live without food, it is still a kind of enjoyment to eat some delicacies." Chen Xi handed over a pair of chopsticks and said with no refusal.

"Thank you, master." Mu Kui couldn't refuse, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and started to eat. He only tasted a piece of bamboo shoots that were as white as snow. I couldn't help picking up another piece to eat.Then it got out of control and started to gobble it up, and there was no restraint at all.

"Wow!" Bai Kui raised his head from the plate, and glared dissatisfiedly at Mu Kui, who was grabbing food from him. Seeing that this guy was eating faster than himself, he quickly buried his head in the plate again, and swallowed.

Chen Xi smiled slightly, but he stood up, returned to the cabin and began to meditate.There is only one and a half years before the Stars Conference, he must seize the time to practice, and strive to reach the Golden Core level within this time, otherwise he may not even be qualified to participate in the Stars Conference.

In a flash, half a month passed.

On this day, Chen Xi woke up from his meditation, and vaguely felt that there was a strange wind surging inside the Xuanmin Gate in the middle of the Great Lake of True Essence in his dantian, as thin as a hair. Not noticeable.

"Hurry up, the catastrophe of wind and fire is gestating, and maybe it won't be long before the opportunity for me to advance to the Golden Core Realm will come!" A smile appeared on Chen Xi's lips, he stood up, stretched his muscles and bones, and arrived at the bow.

"In the distance should be the Wandu Mountain. The Wandu Mountain stretches for tens of thousands of miles, and behind it is the Luoxia River, the boundary river between the southern border and the Central Plains..." Chen Xi took out a jade slip map and looked down from a height Below, examine it against the map.

After a long time, he put away the map and told Mu Kui: "When we reach the Wandu Mountain Range, we will cross it from the ground."

Mu Kui took orders solemnly. During the half month of Chen Xi's closed-door training, he has been guarding the surrounding area, flying in the sky, which is also full of dangers, and various natural disasters may happen.If you choose to travel by land, although it takes a bit longer, it is much safer in comparison.

The Wandu Mountain Range stretches for thousands of miles, and is filled with a thick layer of poisonous mist and miasma all year round. There are all kinds of poisonous insects entrenched in it, among which the five types of poisonous insects, snakes, scorpions, spiders, centipedes, and toads, are the most powerful. The following monks entered it, and all of them were attacked by various poisons, and died of poisonous poison.Even a cultivator at the Golden Core Realm needs to bring some antidote holy medicines before he dares to set foot on the Ten Thousand Poisons Mountain Range.

Three hours later, Chen Xi put away the treasure ship, flew down to the ground, and brought Mu Kui towards the middle of the Wandu Mountain Range.


With the light of the sword, a thousand-legged centipede bursting out from the cracks in the rock was cut in two. The corpse was as thick as a bucket, and its thousands of claws were dark with a faint blue luster. Its blood flowed on the ground, and the grass and trees Suddenly withered, lifeless, the soil on the ground was dyed as black as ink by the poison, emitting a foul smell.

"Wan Poison Mountain is worthy of being called Wan Poison. Along the way, there are at least a hundred kinds of poisons encountered, and all of them are not weaker than Huang Tingjing monks, and they are highly poisonous. Ordinary monks really dare not step into it."

Chen Xi put away the sword talisman, and became vigilant in his heart. The reason why he chose to cross the Ten Thousand Poisonous Mountains was to sharpen his martial arts cultivation. The poisons here are dangerous and treacherous, and their strength is not weak. It is a natural martial arts training ground, he will not miss it.

Lifting his footsteps, Chen Xi walked deep into the mountains.

Mu Kui followed behind step by step, looking at Chen Xi's back, his heart was full of admiration, originally he thought that his cultivation level surpassed Chen Xi by a head, and he could definitely help Chen Xi more, but after seeing what Chen Xi wanted After displaying the terrifying strength, he finally realized that even if he had advanced to the Golden Core realm, he was probably far from being Chen Xi's match.

"No, I have to seize the time to improve my cultivation. Once my cultivation is left far behind by the master, I'm afraid I will become a burden again..." Mu Kui clenched his fists secretly, his fighting spirit was high.

In a canyon.

This canyon is not big, but it is quite different from the surrounding lush and lush mountains. There is no grass, and there are bare gravels everywhere. Only in the middle of the canyon, there is a small pond within ten feet. The black lotus, the flowers, leaves, branches and stems are extremely black, and there are traces of blood-colored mist around the whole body, making it extremely coquettish.

At this time, around the pond, a group of people gathered, or were besieged there, because opposite them, there was a colorful spider the size of a millstone.

What is shocking is that this colorful spider has an extremely beautiful face, but its body is bloated and colorful, with many disgusting cancerous tumors, and its eight big feet are as sharp as knives. From a distance, this colorful spider looks so weird and evil that it makes one's scalp tingle.

And around its huge body, there is still a layer of poisonous mist like haze, and the beauty reveals an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

"Miss, hurry up, before it's too late!"

"This colorful Bixia spider has at least a thousand years of Taoism, and it is only one step away from transforming into a human form. However, its strength is comparable to that of a monk at the Jindan stage. We are far from opponents. Miss, you should hurry up!"

"Go! Let's block it!"

This group of people was obviously headed by the woman in the green skirt in the center. Facing the terrifying poison such as the colorful Bixia spider, the dozen or so men with strong bodies and strong temperament were all anxious at this moment, talking in one go.

"I'm not going, I'm going to die together, how can I abandon you and ignore you?" The woman in the bi skirt is also extremely beautiful, but her delicate melon-seeded face is already pale, she shook her head firmly and said: "What's more, this time I was the one who asked to come to Wandu Mountain to look for the Black Jade Blood Lotus, so I can't leave."

Hearing this, a tall middle-aged man next to him frowned and said anxiously: "Miss, if you don't leave, how can we deal with the enemy with peace of mind? You can't help if you stay here, so let's leave quickly!"

"Yes, miss, you take that black jade blood lotus and leave quickly. With it, you can exchange it for ambergris from Tianbao Tower and save the life of the young head of the Feng family. In this way..."

"Stop talking!" the woman in the bi skirt interrupted through gritted teeth: "It's better to die here than leave you and run away. Now... only you and my relatives are left."

"Miss!" The tall and middle-aged man's face was full of pain. He watched the girl grow up from a young age, and his affection was as deep as that of a father and daughter. How could he bear to watch her die like this?


At this moment, the colorful Bixia spider launched an attack, and its eight big feet flew like blades falling from the sky, crushing the body of a guard in an instant, and then opened its mouth to spit out a ball of spider silk, wrapping around the corpse Flesh was swallowed into the stomach.

"Old Ninth!" Seeing his old brother being killed and eaten in an instant, the tall middle-aged man's eyes were about to burst, he roared angrily, and the giant ax in his hand set off a ball of light and chopped out.


The power of the giant ax slashed on the back of this poisonous thing, but it seemed to be slashing on extremely hard metal, splashing a series of sparks, but it didn't hurt it at all, but it took this opportunity to snatch away three more guards life.

"Huh? There is a battle happening there. The colorful Bixia spider is so powerful, at least equivalent to the power of a monk in the middle stage of Jindan!" A figure appeared thousands of feet away from the canyon, and saw this scene in an instant.

This person was naturally Chen Xi. He traveled through the Ten Thousand Poison Mountain for three full days, and encountered many powerful poisons along the way, but it was the first time he encountered such a powerful spider poison.

"Jie! Jie!" At this moment, the Seven-Colored Jade Flame Spider let out a sharp hiss, and its eight long blade-like legs flew into the air again. Wherever it passed, the void air flow was torn into strips, making a sharp sonic boom.

In the blink of an eye, three guards were disemboweled again and became the delicious food of this poisonous beast.

"Sixth! Seventh! Eleventh!" The tall middle-aged man roared angrily, like crazy, but what made him even more horrified was that the poisonous thing actually killed the young lady.

No longer caring about his own safety, he swung his huge ax and stood in front of the girl in the green skirt, intending to cut off a long-legged sharp blade that was attacking him.


To his desperation, his giant ax was cut off by the long legs of the poisonous creature instead, a bloody scar was cut on his chest, and he flew backwards.

"Uncle Luo!" The girl in the green skirt exclaimed, with a look of determination on her snow-white face, she held the sword and slashed at the colorful Bixia spider.

"Jie! Jie!"

However, her strength is not even half that of a tall middle-aged man, and in the eyes of the poisonous creature, she is not threatening, but like a delicious meal delivered to her mouth, she couldn't help but let out a sharp and proud neigh, and waved a With only long legs, it swept out.


Seeing that the girl in the green skirt was about to be cut in half by the waist, a dazzling cold light suddenly appeared. The streamer, which seemed to appear out of nowhere, pierced the delicate and charming cheek of the colorful Bixia spider with a fierce and sharp aura.


The terrifying sword energy pierced through the sword body, rampaging through the poisonous body, cutting its incomparably hard body into countless pieces, and crashing to the ground.

The girl in the bi skirt narrowly escaped death, and quickly backed away, looking at the colorful Bixia spider on the ground that turned into pieces in horror, as if she couldn't believe that she had come back to life.

"Miss, are you alright?" The tall middle-aged man was lying on the ground, covering the wound with his hand, but he couldn't stop the blood from flowing. The blood turned purple and black. It was obvious that the blow just now had poisoned him too.

Bi Qun shook her head blankly, then woke up with a start, hurried to the middle-aged Gao, and said excitedly, "Uncle Luo, that poisonous thing is dead, dead."

"Miss, it was that senior who saved us, hurry up and thank that senior." The tall middle-aged man said while his lips were purple, but he stood up and looked into the distance.

The girl in the green skirt was stunned for a moment, and when she raised her eyes, she saw a tall and thin young man walking towards her. About the same age as myself.

"Thank you for saving my life, senior." The girl in the green skirt said with a bow. Although she was amazed by Chen Xi's youth, she also knew that there were too many young and strong people in this world, and some of them were not even weaker than some older generation monks.

"It's just a little effort." His clothes fluttered, and Chen Xi came to the pond in an instant, glanced around, and found that only the young girl and the tall middle-aged man were still alive.

"What did the senior say? If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I and the young lady would have died on the spot." The tall middle-aged man gritted his teeth and stood up, panting and cupping his hands.

"You've been poisoned, you'd better lie down and use your kung fu to heal your wounds, or your life will be in danger. I have a Huaqing treasure pill for detoxification, and you take it." Chen Xi shook his head, and handed a pill to the tall and middle-aged man. Medicine, after finishing all this, he glanced inadvertently, and immediately saw that in the pond in front of him, there was a pitch-black lotus blooming, bathed in traces of blood mist, it looked extremely coquettish.


ps1: Is this a scene where the hero saves the beauty?

ps2, a little brother "xzxo0508" from Shenlu Tieba is engaged today, everyone is free to go and bless~ Jinyu also sends his blessings here: a hundred years of marriage, and a long life together!

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