divine talisman

Chapter 279 Corrosion of Dao Will


Today is such a surprise for me, all because of you, my brothers, you are so powerful and domineering!


The stem of this lotus is about the thickness of a thumb, with twelve leaves, surrounding the black lotus that once bloomed in full bloom. Whether it is the leaves, stem, or lotus, they are all extremely black, shiny and jade-like The luster of the lotus, wisps of blood-colored mist curls away from the lotus, exuding a seductive fragrance.

Black Jade Blood Lotus!

Chen Xi's eyes narrowed, and he recognized this incomparably alluring elixir. It is said that this thing was born in the first-class poison in the world, and it grows a leaf every 1000 years. When it reaches twelve leaves , a pitch-black lotus flower will bloom, and its effect is also extremely miraculous. It can replenish the soul and regenerate the sea of ​​consciousness. It is a sacred object for healing the soul.

"Unexpectedly, there is a mature black jade blood lotus growing here. I'm afraid that these people came here for it, but they were attacked by the colorful Jade Flame Spider..." Chen Xi thought to himself.

"Little girl Qin Yuwei, dare to ask senior's name?" Seeing Chen Xi seeing the Mo Yu Xue Lian, the girl in the green dress changed her complexion, she hurriedly stepped forward, said with a bow, her body faintly blocked in front of the Mo Yu Xue Lian.

"I just happened to pass by and I'm leaving soon, so I don't care about my name." Chen Xi smiled, pointed at the Mo Yu Xuelian, and said, "You must have sacrificed so many people to pick this thing. "

Qin Yuwei's face became gloomy, she nodded and said: "Exactly, the original senior saved me and Uncle Luo, so this thing should belong to the senior, but..."

"Needless to say, this thing is not of much use to me, you should take it quickly." Chen Xi interrupted shaking his head, his power of soul has already reached a height comparable to that of a cultivator in the Nirvana realm, so naturally he would not be rare on Mo Yu blood lotus.

"Thank you, senior." Qin Yuwei was startled, as if she didn't expect Chen Xi to be so eloquent, and immediately there was a deep sense of gratitude on that pretty face. To her, this black jade blood lotus was indeed too important. Otherwise, he wouldn't have risked his life to come to Wandu Mountain.

Chen Xi smiled, turned around and came to the corpse of the Seven-Colored Jade Flame Spider, looked it up a bit, and picked up a dark green bead from a pile of corpse fragments, about the size of a pigeon egg, green and glistening, radiant and radiant, exuding a hint of If there is a cool breath.

This bead is the essence of the colorful Jade Flame Spider. It is called the Jade Flame Bead. It can dispel all kinds of poisons. It is also considered a rare treasure. If it is sold in the market, its value is quite astonishing. At least it can be exchanged for one Earth-level magic weapon.

Chen Xi was playing with this Jade Flame Bead in his palm, but Qin Yuwei carefully took out a jade box and picked it towards the Black Jade Blood Lotus. The lotus flower of the Black Jade Blood Lotus is where its essence lies. The moment it was picked, The petals will change from black as ink to blood red, just like burning blood, containing amazing medicinal power.


However, just when her fingers were about to touch the ink jade blood lotus, a black shadow appeared out of thin air. With a big hand, she pulled up the entire ink jade blood lotus by the roots, then turned around and left, as fast as leaving The arrow of the string has swept thousands of feet away in an instant.

"Ah! Don't—" Qin Yuwei's complexion changed drastically, and she screamed, with a hint of crying and despair in her voice, she was extremely miserable,

"Looking for death, you dare to steal and rob under my nose, please stay with me!"


With a sword chant, the light of the sword soared into the sky, and a rune appeared around the sword talisman, shining like gold, with a cold texture, surrounding the sword body, exuding an unparalleled sharpness.


Chen Xi rushed out violently, and with a flick of the sword talisman, the entire sky was like a piece of cloth, torn apart by the fierce and murderous sword energy, like a golden rainbow sword energy, slashing at that distant black shadow from afar.

"Hmph! Poison spreads all over the world!"

The black figure snorted coldly, without turning his head back, his right hand became extremely black in an instant, and slapped fiercely at the sword energy coming from behind, with a bang, a strange black light gushed out from his palm, along the With the sword energy, he quickly plundered towards Chen Xi.

What is particularly shocking is that where the strange black light passed, the sharp and unparalleled sword energy seemed to be corroded, and it cracked inch by inch with a chirping sound.

"Corrosion of Dao will? The power in the palm actually contains a strong poison. It should be an extremely vicious Dao grade martial art, and this guy's strength is probably around the Golden Core Realm, but he can't do anything to me." Chen Xi stared. He squinted his eyes, turned the sword talisman, and unleashed the wings of the starry sky with all his strength, waiting to rush up and kill this person.

"Senior, don't chase after me, save my young lady, she... she is dying!" A tall, middle-aged voice came from behind, anxious and frightened.

Chen Xi was startled, and turned his head to look, only to see that Qin Yuwei had fallen to the ground at some point, and that delicate and smooth skin was being corroded by a layer of pitch-black smoke bit by bit, becoming shriveled and shriveled.

"Don't move, I'll try to detoxify you."

Glancing from afar, seeing that the black shadow had disappeared, Chen Xi also extinguished his thoughts of chasing after him, turned around and came to Qin Yuwei's body, circulated his witch power, transformed it into pure Yimu essence, and poured it into the opponent's body along the meridian of his arm .

The power of wood represents vitality, it can nourish the origin, cause all things to germinate, and it also has an extremely powerful effect on healing, like the star big handprint that Chen Xi displayed that day, and a ray of Yimu god lightning struck down, making the ground blink A piece of green vegetation grew crazily in the space, which shows how powerful the effect is.

After a cup of tea.

Qin Yuwei's expression was completely expelled from the poisonous black mist, and her shriveled skin became crystal clear and plump again, but her face was extremely pale, and her breath was extremely weak.

Seeing this scene, Gao Dazhong heaved a sigh of relief, knelt down on the ground with a puff, and kowtowed gratefully: "Thank you for saving my life, senior, thank you for saving my life!" He was so excited that he was incoherent.

Chen Xi's heart was deeply moved. In his opinion, this tall middle-aged man was just the girl's guard, but he was so loyal and guarded the girl from the bottom of his heart. It had to be admirable.

"This poison is too domineering, it hurts her vitality, and she won't be able to recover for a while. In the future, I will find some pills that nourish vitality and energy for her to swallow, and she should be able to recover." Chen Xi helped the tall man who was kneeling on the ground. Middle-aged, exhorted.

The tall, middle-aged man nodded repeatedly, and his gratitude to Chen Xi was beyond words.


Suddenly, a ray of light flew over, before the person arrived, a voice came: "Master, that guy is too fast, he escaped."

This person was Mu Kui, who flew to the ground and stood beside Chen Xi with a face of shame, as if he felt that he was too useless.

"It's no big deal, next time I see him, it's not too late to settle accounts with him." Chen Xi waved his hand, and he felt a little annoyed at being snatched away the treasure right under his nose.

"Senior, I can vaguely guess the identity of that person." The tall middle-aged man suddenly said: "The one who is good at using poison kung fu must be a member of the Sikong family in Maple Leaf City, and when I came to Wandu Mountain, I heard that Sikong The young master of the family, Sikong Hen also entered the Wanpoison Mountain, it is said that he was looking for some poisonous substances and practicing his own poisonous skills."

"Maple Leaf City, Sikong's family?" Chen Xi was taken aback. As far as he knew, there was no city like Maple Leaf City in southern Xinjiang. Could it be a city in the Central Plains?

Thinking of this, he opened the jade slip map he carried with him and saw Maple Leaf City in the Central Plains. To his surprise, the Huangtian Dao Sect where Lin Moxuan belonged was also entrenched in Maple Leaf City.

And this Maple Leaf City is just behind Wandu Mountain, on the other side of the border river between Southern Border and Central Plains.

"Senior, my young lady is very weak, so I will take him away first. If there is a chance to meet in Hongye City, Luo will definitely sweep the bed and wait for him. He will give up everything and repay the life-saving grace this time." At this time, Gao Da Qin Yuwei, a middle-aged girl with a green skirt on her back, is ready to leave.

Chen Xi saw that the other party was also seriously injured and brought an extremely weak young girl with him. He had almost lost all of his combat power. He was afraid that he would not even be able to get out of Wandu Mountain, so he could only say, "I'll send you out, I'm going anyway. In the Central Plains region, go to Maple Leaf City to take a look, it won't waste any time."

The tall and middle-aged man nodded silently, feeling more and more grateful to Chen Xi in his heart. He was young, yet chivalrous and courageous, without the arrogance and domineering air of a young man at all. How could such a character not be admired and appreciated from the bottom of his heart?

Along the way, Chen Xi also learned something about the tall middle-aged man and the green-skirted girl Qin Yuwei. The tall middle-aged man was named Luo Tong and was the head of the guards of the Qin family in Hongye City, and the young girl Qin Yuwei was the eldest miss of the Qin family.

They entered the Ten Thousand Poisons Mountains this time to pick up the holy medicine Mo Yuxuelian, which can heal the soul, but they happened to encounter the colorful Jade Flame Spider, and almost wiped out the entire army.

Now only Luo Tong and Qin Yuwei were lucky enough to survive.

However, when Chen Xi asked why they risked their lives to pick the black jade blood lotus, Luo Tong shook his head bitterly, as if he had something to hide, and did not say the reason.

Very late in the evening.

When Chen Xi and the others walked out of the Wandu Mountain Range, a mighty, turbulent and roaring river first came into view. The river was so vast that it could not end at a glance, and the surging water mist, under the illumination of the gorgeous sunset glow, formed a layer. Layers of orange-red ripples, accompanied by the sound of the surging river like a dragon's chant, this picture looks extremely magnificent.

This is the boundary river between southern Xinjiang and the Central Plains - Luoxia River!

It is said that tens of thousands of years ago, there was a fish demon in Luoxia Hanoi. Once he attained enlightenment, he rose to the sky. The creatures inside were stunned and their minds wavered. Since then, this river has been called the Luoxia River, and it has been passed down to this day along with the legend of the fish demon becoming a fairy.

"After crossing the Luoxia River, everything is full of unknowns for me. There may be endless dangers on the road ahead, but I will definitely survive. Even the mountains of corpses and seas of blood can't stop me from becoming a strong man!"

With his back to the Luoxia River, Chen Xi glanced at Nanjiang once again, turned around resolutely, and without any hesitation, sped towards the Central Plains region on the other side of the Luoxia River.


ps: Entering the Central Plains in the next chapter, Xiao Xixi will rise, explode, and rule the world!

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