divine talisman

Chapter 280 Maple Leaf City

The Central Plains area, the core of the vast territory of the entire Great Chu Dynasty, is known as the Splendid Central Plains for its outstanding people and prosperity.

Rumor has it that there are no treasures in the world that cannot be bought here, there are no secrets in the world that cannot be inquired about here, and there are no delicacies in the world that cannot be tasted here. , covering the world.

Flying over the Luoxia River while flipping through the jade slip map, Chen Xi suddenly saw a colossal black shadow rising up on the horizon in the distance, reaching a height of thousands of feet. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a majestic The majestic city seems to be bordered by the sky, and it is impossible to tell how high it is at a glance!


The escape light is like rain, and the rays of the sun are soaring into the sky. All kinds of monks either stimulate the escape light, or control the flying sword, or use their own magical powers, and fall towards the city like raindrops.

"Awesome, all of those monks are above the Purple Mansion Realm, the Yellow Court Realm and the Golden Core Realm occupy a large part, and there are even a few strong Nirvana Realm... It seems that the monks here are far beyond the level of Southern Xinjiang."

Chen Xi diffused his spiritual consciousness, looked at it for a while, and was immediately amazed in his heart. The Southern Border and the Central Plains were only separated by the Luoxia River, but it was as if they were separated by two worlds.

Approaching Maple Leaf City, Chen Xi saw that Luo Tong and Qin Yuwei were eager to return, and immediately bid farewell to them. Helping them to get here was enough, not to mention that these two people obviously had something unspeakable to hide, and they had a lot of preoccupations, so it was better not to bother them.

With such thoughts in mind, Chen Xi led Mu Kui towards the city gate.

Although this Maple Leaf City is located on the edge of the Central Plains, it is many times larger than the Longyuan City in the southern border. The bluestone on the road is spotless, smooth as a mirror, and there are row upon row of tall buildings everywhere. It is also spacious and straight, full of pedestrians, but without the slightest sense of crowding.

A tall and ancient maple tree stands in every corner of the city. The maple leaves are like fire, covering the sky and covering the earth. From a distance, it looks like a piece of fiery clouds paved over the city, which is magnificent.

Walking aimlessly in Maple Leaf City unexpectedly made Chen Xi feel dizzy. Everything here is so prosperous and so different.

"Master, look there, is it the Xuanhuang Mountain where Huangtian Daozong is located?" Mu Kui suddenly pointed to the distance and said.

Chen Xi raised his eyes, and saw that in that extremely far place, there was a majestic giant mountain, towering straight into the clouds, like a pillar of the sky, and its whole body was bathed in a dark yellow mist. For an unknown number of miles, Chen Xi still felt a solid, unshakable majestic aura.

This aura is emitted by the dark yellow mist around the mountain peak, misty, it seems that a wisp of mist can crush a mountain, it is extremely heavy.

Chen Xi nodded.

It is said that this Xuanhuang Mountain was transformed by a ray of Xuanhuang Qi. Ordinary people may think that Xuanhuang is the Qi of Chaos, but in the eyes of monks, this Xuanhuang Qi is the mother Qi of all things. The marrow of the earth, the essence of heaven and earth, is called Xuanhuang.

In the world, places with the aura of Xuanhuang are all rare and blessed places. Huangtian Daozong can build a mountain gate on Xuanhuang Mountain, and it will last for thousands of years without falling down. Its background is indeed comparable to that of ordinary sects.

After wandering around Maple Leaf City for half a day, Chen Xi searched for a restaurant and booked two upper rooms. Then he called Mu Kui and sat on the second floor of the restaurant by the window, ordered a table full of delicious dishes and two bottles of Maple Leaf The city's specialty wine, maple dew, is ready to eat.He still has a lot of spirit stones and spirit liquid on him, so there is no need to worry about not being able to afford them.

"Have you heard that Tianbao Tower will hold a large-scale auction in three days, and it is said that there will be a Xuanyan Rongxu Pill that will be auctioned."

"No way? It is said that this elixir can help monks increase their chances of advancing by [-]% when they advance to the golden elixir realm. How could anyone be willing to auction off such a treasure?"

"What a fuss, now there is only a little more than a year left before the Stars Conference, which Huang Ting Consummation Realm cultivator does not want to advance to the Golden Core Realm within this period of time? Tianbaolou took out a Xuanyan Melting Void Pill for auction , obviously planning to take the opportunity to make a fortune!"

"It's no wonder that so many monks at the Huangting Realm have poured into our Maple Leaf City these days, and they all came here for the Xuanyan Melting Void Pill."

"Who says it's not? As long as you enter the Jindan realm and you're under 30 years old, who doesn't want to witness the grand occasion of the Stars Conference? What's more, as far as I know, there will be some powerful people in this auction conference." The value of the top-grade magic weapon of the earth rank is not lower than that of the Xuanyan Rongxu Pill."

"Tsk, from this point of view, the auction conference held by Tianbao Building is entirely for those monks who participated in the Stars Conference."


The business of this restaurant is very good, and the second floor is also full of people of all kinds. At the moment, most of them are discussing the auction meeting three days later, which seems extremely lively.

"Xuanyan Rongxu Dan?"

Chen Xi was astonished, but also quite moved.It is said that this pill contains a trace of mysterious mysterious energy, which can suppress and resolve the monks when they are going through the catastrophe of wind and fire. It is a rare treasure that cannot be found.

Regardless of the fact that this pill can only increase the [-]% chance of advancing to the Jindan realm, for monks, if they are more sure, they will undoubtedly have a higher chance of winning, and no one will think less of it.What's more, most of the cases in the world where the Golden Core Realm failed, were only within one or two points of confidence!

"I don't lack earth-level magic treasures, but if I can get this Xuanyan Void Fusion Pellet, I can at least be [-]% sure when I pass the tribulation." Chen Xi thought to himself, he had calculated with great concentration before. With my current cultivation base, if I want to survive the catastrophe, I only have a [-]% chance of success. If I can have a Xuanyan Fusion Pill, as long as there are no accidents, I no longer have to worry about failing to survive the catastrophe.

"Let's go, let's go to Tianbao Tower to have a look." Chen Xi got up immediately, and left the restaurant with Mu Kui.


The Tianbao Building in Maple Leaf City is located in the northeast and consists of nine tall and magnificent palaces. These nine palaces are all made of rare creamy white jade. Various forbidden runes are engraved on them, and the power emitted by them fluctuates straight into the sky. Jiuxiao.

At this moment, there are a large number of monks coming and going in and out of Tianbao Building, the stream is endless, and it looks extremely prosperous.

When Chen Xi came here, he looked at the nine majestic buildings standing between heaven and earth like a fairy palace, and couldn't help but secretly click his tongue. Compared to the Tianbao Building in front of him, the Tianbao in Longyuan City and Lanhai City in Southern Border Lou, are slightly inferior, eclipsed.

"Tianbao Building, I don't know whether the owner behind it is Mrs. Shuihua or someone else..." Chen Xi restrained his mind and walked into Tianbao Building.

There was no waiter to receive him.

But if you think about it, what he is showing now is only Huang Ting's aura of consummation, which is very ordinary here, and there are a lot of them. In addition, the business of Tianbao Building is so hot these days that there are not enough waiters.

Of course, there are exceptions. Only some masters of the Golden Core Realm will be greeted by the waiters of Tianbaolou, and those below the Golden Core Realm are just ordinary customers.

Fortunately, Mu Kui was in the Golden Core Realm. Even though he was a demon cultivator, he was also warmly received by the attendants of Tianbao Tower. Instead, Chen Xi followed suit and walked in.

"Master, I..." Mu Kui, who was walking in front, sounded a little uneasy.

"Don't think too much about it, it's up to you to leave. Let's change our identities this time. I'm a servant, and I'll serve you by my side." Chen Xi smiled, but didn't feel anything.

"Hey," Mu Kui scratched his head, determined in his heart, immediately looked solemn, held his head high, and quickly entered the role of "master".

The space in Tianbao Building is very vast, and being in it is like entering another world. The space has obviously been expanded by powerful people using magic power.There are a variety of treasures here, such as pills, magic weapons, classics, spiritual materials... everything is there, and many monks are constantly flowing in it, wandering and watching.

Suddenly, Chen Xi discovered that in the depths of the main hall of the Tianbao Building, there was a group of powerful auras, which seemed to be incompatible with other people around.

And one of the auras gave Chen Xi a vaguely familiar feeling. He raised his eyes and couldn't help being startled. It was actually Lin Moxuan, the golden core disciple of Huangtian Dao Sect, and beside him, surrounded by seven or eight golden core disciples. Brother Dan, surrounded by stars like the moon, was full of pomp.

"The Taoist sect of Huangtian is the number one force in Maple Leaf City. It is reasonable for Lin Moxuan to appear here. The Golden Core cultivators around him are probably disciples of the Taoist sect of Huangtian." The surprise in Chen Xi's heart was fleeting. Walking into the crowd, he intentionally avoided Lin Moxuan and the others.

Although he is now very sure of killing Lin Moxuan, this place is definitely not the best place to do it.After all, this place is someone else's territory, and we are weak on our own. Once we make a move, we are afraid that we will fall into a doomed situation in an instant.

"Master, the waiter asked me, what do we need to buy, do you think?" Mu Kui suddenly said via voice transmission.

"Tell him to use some magic weapons, and they are all top-grade earth-level treasures." Chen Xi pondered for a long time, and slowly said that in the depths of the vast sea desert, he had snatched more than ten top-grade earth-level treasures from Huangfu Chongming and others. Magic weapons, such as Huangfu Chongming's Nine Mang Dinggan Ding, Lin Moxuan's Huangtian Dao Sword, Xiao Linger's Lingshu Fire Sword, etc.

These treasures are all in the top ranks, but if you use them yourself, you will cause a lot of trouble. It is better to sell them all. It will be clean and easy, and you can also grab a lot of wealth. You can also use it at the auction three days later. .

"Shooting the ultimate magic weapon?" The waitress' eyes lit up, her smile became more charming, and she cupped her hands and said, "Senior, please follow me. We have a special VIP room here for guests like you."

In the VIP room, the female waitress brought Chen Xi and Mu Kui in, and then quietly retreated, leaving only two people in Ruo Da's space.

This VIP room is indeed very vast and magnificently decorated, with scarlet floor paving, bronze censer curling smoke, and bright moonlight lanterns hanging all over the room, wafting down a soft brilliance that is as clear as water. A painting of Songhe Wanshou, with vigorous brushwork and wanton painting style, between the strokes, there is still a vague breath of vastness.

"This should be written by a master who is a master of painting, and the aura surging on it should be the spiritual imprint left by that master painter." Chen Xi observed silently, and he couldn't help feeling in his heart that the Tianbao Tower was indeed a masterpiece. , even such treasures have become decorations hanging here.

"Master, do you really want to sell the top grade magic weapon?" Mu Kui asked.

"The fact that those treasures were taken away by me already made their master angry. If I take them out and use them myself, I'm afraid it will cause great trouble. It's better to sell them." Chen Xi replied casually, and then seemed conscious. Seeing something, he said with a smile: "Mu Kui, you still need a handy weapon, don't worry, after selling these treasures, I will help you buy a better one."

"The little one, thank the master for the reward first." Mu Kui scratched his head and giggled, obviously being extremely happy that Chen Xi had hit his heart.

"Is Fellow Daoist Mu Kui there?" Just as Chen Xi was talking to Mu Kui, suddenly, a voice slowly came in from outside this magnificent VIP room, like the sound of heaven.


ps: Sorry, the number of chapters in the previous section was wrong, and it has been revised.

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