divine talisman

Chapter 281 Miss Yaqing

"Yes, come in." Mu Kui said solemnly with a solemn expression.

The door was pushed open, and a woman walked in gracefully. She was charming and picturesque, and she was wearing a light blue dress. There was a gleam of wisdom in her starry eyes.

This woman is actually at the perfect state of the golden core, unfathomable. From Chen Xi's point of view, her strength is not even weaker than people like Huangfu Chongming.

"This is Mu Kui, may I ask what your name is?" As a treacherous and ferocious wolf monster, Mu Kui is naturally not stupid, and he can tell at a glance that this woman is probably a high-ranking member of Tianbao Building.

"Fellow Daoist Mu Kui can just call me Yaqing. I heard that Fellow Daoist Mu Kui wants to sell some top-grade magic weapons? I can just provide some help." The woman in a light blue dress laughed, However, her eyes inadvertently stayed on Chen Xi more, which was intriguing.

"That's right, some of these treasures can't be seen, I wonder if your Tianbao Building can eat them?" Mu Kui said.

"Fellow Daoist Mu Kui is just joking. In our Tianbao Building, even some experts from the Earthly Immortal Realm come to buy and sell their secret items, so there is no need to worry about leaking any news."

Yaqing said with a smile, her expression was full of confidence. Speaking of this, she took a deep look at Chen Xi, and then said leisurely: "But I also have something to ask, about the best magic weapon of the earth level, fellow Daoist Mu Kui, can you help me?" Are you in charge?"

"This...of course I can decide." Mu Kui glanced quickly and said in a deep voice.

"Really?" Yaqing smiled inscrutablely.

"Okay, Mu Kui, step back, this Yaqing girl must have recognized my identity." Chen Xi waved his hand, stopped Mu Kui from speaking, then looked at Yaqing, and said calmly, "I'm very curious, Yaqing How did you recognize me, girl?"

A smile appeared on Yaqing's lips, and she said: "In today's cultivation world, it's rare to see people who can sell a batch of top-grade magic weapons at a time, plus Madam once left a portrait of you in the building, Of course I recognize it."


Chen Xi thought of Mrs. Shuihua in an instant, and couldn't help being secretly surprised. Every time he entered the Tianbao Building, he seemed to be unable to escape the eyes of this lady.

"Then how do you know that I will sell some top-grade magic weapons?" Chen Xi asked. Very little is known about snatching magic weapons from Huangfu Chongming and others, so how could it spread to Mrs. Shui Hua? in the ear?

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi don't need to speculate. My Tianbao Building is spread all over the territory of the Great Chu Dynasty. It is easy to know some news. What do you think? It doesn't matter to tell you the truth. Three months ago, because of the magic weapon of Huangfu Chongming and others The news that some old monsters from the fairyland gathered in Liuyun Sword Sect but failed to return is no longer a secret in Tianbao Building, but few people know about it outside. After all, it involves some powerful monsters from the fairyland The face of the victim, this matter should not be publicized."

After Yaqing finished speaking with a smile, she immediately looked at Chen Xi curiously, and asked, "But there is one more thing that I haven't figured out in Tianbaolou until now. What are you relying on to force those even the strongest in the fairyland to give up dealing with you?" action?"

"Let's talk about business." Chen Xi changed the subject and said.

Yaqing was just testing it out, she didn't intend to get an answer, so she couldn't talk about being disappointed, Dang even nodded and smiled, "That's fine."

"Then Miss Yaqing, let's see, how much is this treasure worth?" With a wave of Chen Xi's sleeve robe, a large cauldron emerged out of thin air, emitting a ferocious and vast roar, shaking the void.

The surface of this big tripod is flickering, with thousands of auspicious auras, and nine python dragons with pitch-black scales circling and flying, exuding the majestic momentum of Dingding the world.As soon as he appeared, the air in the entire VIP room was frozen.

"Nine Mang Dinggan Ding, one of the top treasures of the Earth Immortal in Prince Rui's Mansion. This treasure is extremely powerful. When used, it is definitely in an advantageous position in the same realm. It seems that you really took this thing from Huangfu Chongming." Yaqing's starry eyes lit up, she was amazed again and again.

"Estimate the value." Chen Xi smiled slightly.

"This..." Yaqing pondered for a moment, then said, "How about one hundred thousand baby congealing pills?"

"Ningying Pill?" Chen Xi was taken aback.

Yaqing patiently explained: "Fellow Daoist Chen Xi may also understand that after advancing to the Golden Core realm, ordinary spiritual fluids can no longer meet the needs of cultivation, and the Ningying Pill is provided for monks above the Golden Core realm. It is a relatively common ground-level elixir in the world, so it naturally becomes a currency, and it is the most convenient to trade."

"So that's how it is." Chen Xi was stunned, but he thought to himself in his heart that he didn't know how effective this pill would be. If he advanced in the future, he might not be able to do without it in his cultivation.

"Okay, just one hundred thousand baby congealing pills." Chen Xi wasn't sure if the price was fair, but in his thinking, since Yaqing knew Mrs. Shuihua, she probably wouldn't deceive herself.

Seeing that Chen Xi agreed to the price, Yaqing smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist, you don't have to worry about whether the price is reasonable or not. Speaking of which, you have taken advantage of it. After all, these are some stolen goods, and it is extremely difficult to sell them. If someone else comes to buy and sell them, I will just buy them." Give out [-] Congealing Pills."

Chen Xi smiled, but didn't say much. He waved his hands and took out more than ten top-grade earth-level magic weapons. After being appraised by Yaqing, he got another 160 million baby congealing pills.

Among them, Liu Fengchi's Whale Swallowing and Polan Knife is the most valuable, with a total of 18 Ningying Pills, which is more powerful than Huangfu Chongming's Nine Python Dinggan Dingding Ding.

In the end, Chen Xi obtained a crystal card issued by Tianbao Building, which represented the storage of pills. The word "Million" flashed on it, representing 100 million Congealing Pills.The remaining 70 Congealing Pills were stored by him in the Stupa Pagoda.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, this is a VIP invitation letter. I will hold a large-scale auction in Tianbao Building in three days. At that time, there will be a Xuanyan Melting Void Pill auctioned. If you need it, I can reserve one for you at the auction. In the VIP room, you only need to take the invitation letter and come to the auction." When Chen Xi was about to leave, Yaqing suddenly took out a gold-plated invitation letter, handed it to Chen Xi, and said with a smile.

"Then I'll trouble Miss Yaqing." Chen Xi was taken aback, and accepted the invitation letter. He hadn't thought that there would be restrictions on entering the auction.

"By the way, now in Maple Leaf City you have to be careful not to be discovered by Lin Moxuan, he is the core disciple of the Golden Core disciple of Huangtian Dao Sect, and he has a great influence in Maple Leaf City." Yaqing reminded.

Chen Xi nodded, he had already thought of this.

After leaving the VIP room, Chen Xi refused Yaqing to send him off, and walked along the hall on the first floor with Mu Kui towards the outsider.However, when he was about to walk out of Tianbao Tower, Mu Kui suddenly said: "Master, look quickly, isn't that Luo Tong and Miss Qin Yuwei?"

Chen Xi took a look, and sure enough, he saw the figures of the two of them in the crowd. Qin Yuwei was standing in front of a counter, her pale melon seed face was full of anxiety, as if she was discussing something with the waiter behind the counter, but she was met by the waiter. Refuse indifferently.

"Go, go and have a look." Chen Xi thought for a while, and still walked over. He was very surprised. Although Qin Yuwei's poison had already been expelled by himself, it hurt Ben Yuan. Now she is extremely weak, and she is not here at this time. What is the reason for running into Tianbao Building while recuperating at home?

"Please, my father urgently needs ambergris to save his life. How about I repay a Moyu blood lotus again?" Qin Yuwei begged bitterly with a miserable look on her face.

"How can that be done? My Tianbao building stipulates that if you want to get ambergris, you must exchange it with a black jade blood lotus, or a piece of spiritual wood for cultivating the gods that has been heated for thousands of years. This is a rule, and it is impossible to owe you on credit." Shake your head.

"But I need help urgently. Can I buy it with the Ningying Pill? Please, I promise to pay back a Moyu Blood Lotus within a month, okay?" Qin Yuwei begged bitterly, her appearance was so humble pole.

"Aren't you bothering me?" The waiter said impatiently, "You are still the eldest lady of the Qin family, don't you understand the rules of our Tianbao building? Go around, don't affect other guests here."

"How did you talk?" Luo Tong's face was already livid, and he couldn't hold back the anger in his heart when he heard this, and he scolded in a deep voice.

"Hey, what's the matter, want to play wild in Tianbao Tower?" The waiter turned his face, and said in a strange way: "The Qin family is no longer what it used to be, the family is ruined, relatives and friends are betrayed, and now you are still in the Qin family, I'm afraid you two will be left Are you human? As the saying goes, pulling out a phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, who still thinks of you in Maple Leaf City today?"

"You..." Luo Tong was so angry that his eyes were tearing apart, and the veins on his forehead were bulging, but he managed to bear it, and there was even a hint of sadness in those tiger eyes.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart. He vaguely understood that the Qin family was probably already withered, otherwise a little waiter would never dare to say such a thing.

He was about to go forward, but he saw a young man in a Chinese robe with a greasy hair and pink face, who had already stepped forward, looked at Qin Yuwei with a smile and said, "How about it, Miss Qin, I said that Tianbaolou would not agree, but you just didn't listen. I I think you might as well listen to my opinion and agree to be my concubine, how about I help you get Ambergris?"

"Sikonghua, get lost, I will never marry you even if I die." Qin Yuwei gritted her teeth.

A cold light flashed deep in Sikong Hua's eyes, but he still smiled leisurely and said, "It's okay to tell you the truth, my elder brother came back from the Ten Thousand Poisonous Mountains in the morning, and brought back a black jade blood lotus, as you know, he What he is practicing is the five poisons transforming blood skills, all he needs is the stems and leaves of the Moyu blood lotus, but the lotus has no effect on him. If you agree to my conditions, I can ask him to give me the blood lotus to help him. How about you exchange ambergris?"

"Sikonghen? It really is him!" Qin Yuwei was stunned, and then screamed angrily: "That Moyu blood lotus was originally mine, and he snatched it from me!"

"Steal? You are joking, why would my elder brother rob you?" Si Konghua shook his head and said, "Miss Qin, you are afraid that you will lose your head in anger and say such nonsense."

Qin Yuwei looked at the shameless person in front of her, she was so angry that she clenched her teeth and trembled all over, that delicate and beautiful face became paler and more pitiful.

"How do you think about it? Do you want to agree to be my concubine?" Sikong Hua said with a smile: "Your father Qin Zhongming's mind and soul are seriously injured and his memory is lost. If he doesn't use ambergris to help him, he will become a complete idiot. As his daughter, do you have the heart to see this happen?"

"I..." Qin Yuwei opened her mouth, her face was filled with sadness.

"I do have a ten-thousand-year-old cultivating spirit tree here. Waiter, go and exchange it for ambergris and give it to Miss Qin." Chen Xi couldn't stand it any longer, walked out of the crowd, and casually threw a piece of jet black the size of a thumb to the waiter. Rounded wood.


ps: Ask for clicks and red tickets, tomorrow is Monday, this is very important.

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