divine talisman

Chapter 282 Power Domain

Chen Xi's sudden appearance made everyone startled.

"Senior!" Qin Yuwei's eyes that were about to cry were filled with surprise, as if she had found a reliable pillar, and her whole person no longer had that mournful look.

"Luo Tong has met senior." The tall and burly Luo Tong pursed his lips, and said in a deep voice, there was surprise in his heart, and more gratitude from the bottom of his heart.

The Qin family is now dilapidated, and has long lost its former glory. As the waiter said, a plucked phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken. No one will care who Luo Tong is, and no one will pity Qin Yuwei, Qin Yuwei. Miss Jia, on the contrary, there are not a few people who take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble.

Like the scene before him, the waiter mocked indifferently, Si Konghua took the opportunity to blackmail and coerce, and everyone around stood by, all of which vividly showed the situation of Luo Tong and Qin Yuwei.

And Chen Xi, a young man who met by chance, had already saved their lives before, and now he stepped forward again, how could this not make Luo Tong grateful?

However, Sikong Hua's face became extremely gloomy. He looked Chen Xi up and down, and said with a sneer, "Brother, you look very ugly, I'm afraid you are not from Maple Leaf City, right? I advise you not to interfere in this matter." It’s not good if you bring yourself to death.”

"That's right, seeing that this guest is so young, he probably doesn't know the prestige of the Sikong family, right? In Maple Leaf City, apart from Huangtian Daozong, the Sikong family is the most powerful. Mr. Sikong Hua is the second young master of the Sikong family. Status is something you can only look up to, it's better not to cause trouble for yourself."

The Tianbaolou attendant also said on the side, he saw that Chen Xi was not dressed like an ordinary person, so his tone became much more relaxed, but inside and outside the words, he still favored Si Konghua.

Chen Xi remained expressionless, nodded towards Qin Yuwei and Luo Tong, looked at the waiter indifferently, and said, "How's that piece of Ten Thousand Years Nurturing Tree?"

The waiter was stunned for a moment, but still replied: "It's not bad at all, what's rare is that it's in excellent condition, and its appearance is also top-notch."

Chen Xi shook his head and sighed, "Then why are you still standing there? Didn't you hear what I just said? Is this how your waiters in Tianbao Tower treat guests?"

The waiter's face suddenly became cloudy and uncertain. As a waiter of Tianbaolou, his status is naturally different from that of some servants. Not to mention his status is noble, at least he can use Tianbaolou's name to do some deceitful things, but he didn't think of Chen Xi Being so shameless, and using his status as a guest to suppress himself, his lungs almost exploded.

However, he couldn't argue with Chen Xi's words, because in the final analysis, he was just a waiter in Tianbaolou. In the eyes of some big shots, he was no different from a humble servant, even worse than an ant. ordinary people.

"Hmph, treating yourself like a donkey's liver and lungs with good intentions is really asking for your own death..." In the end, the waiter glared at Chen Xi with resentment, and turned around to exchange for ambergris, muttering unwillingly.

"Master, do you want me to kill this bastard, a humble waiter, who dares to insult you like this, really deserves to be killed!" Mu Kuibi stared at the waiter with cruel and cold eyes.

"No need." Chen Xi shook his head, arguing with a dog-eyed waiter, it's too boring, and this place is Tianbao Tower, and he got a lot of benefits from Yaqing just now. I don't bother to argue with this waiter.

"Boy, do you really want to meddle in our Sikong family's affairs?" Sikong Hua's face was extremely gloomy, with murderous intent surging in his heart. From the beginning to the end, Chen Xi didn't even glance at him, he simply ignored his existence. As the second son of the Sikong family, Young master, when did you receive such treatment?It's just too deceiving!

"Want to make a move? You, a little monk in the Huangting realm, dare to show off your power in front of your grandfather Mu Kui?" Mu Kui couldn't hold back any longer, and glared at Si Konghua with a fierce look, not hiding his murderous intent and anger.

"You...you dare to scold me?" Sikong Hua screamed, but the powerful aura exuding from Mu Kui made him fearful. Although he was furious in his heart, he didn't dare to do anything here. Cece sneered and said: "Okay, I remember you, as long as you can leave Maple Leaf City, I, Si Konghua, will follow your surname!"

This guy is also smart, knowing that it is not suitable to do it in Tianbaolou, so he turned around and left after speaking.

"You still want to follow my surname, bah, is there such a shameless person? What the hell!" Mu Kui said with a face full of disdain.

Si Konghua had just walked out of the Tianbao Building, before he was far away, Mu Kui's words came into his ears clearly, he was so angry that he trembled all over, and almost spit out a mouthful of blood, he shouted frantically in his heart: "Wait, I'm going to tear you all to pieces. Duan, you must die!"

"Master, you won't blame me for being reckless, will you?" Mu Kui turned around, his face had become naive, scratching his head and smirking.

Chen Xi laughed and said, "You didn't kill him, so you can't be considered reckless."

"Senior, I have caused you trouble, because of me, you have offended the Sikong family again, you...you should leave Maple Leaf City as soon as possible, there is still time to go." Qin Yuwei said with a worried face, but she knew how terrifying the Sikong family was, All the elders in the family have Nirvana realm cultivation, and among them there are even those who are strong in the Netherworld realm, and their power is overwhelming, second only to Huangtian Daozong.

In her opinion, Chen Xi offended Sikong Hua, although it would not cause those clan elders to attack, but the Sikong family sent some masters at will, Chen Xi was not enough to deal with it, so she couldn't help but feel secretly anxious for him.

"Senior, what my lady said is correct, you should leave as soon as possible, before it's too late." Luo Tong also advised Chen Xi to leave.

Chen Xi smiled, noncommittal.

At this time, the waiter also brought ambergris. Ambergris is a droplet-like liquid, crystal clear like amber, refined from seven or eight kinds of elixir such as black jade blood lotus and spiritual wood for nourishing the gods. Repairing the soul and awakening the memory has amazing effects. A drop of ambergris can be sold for [-] baby congealing pills in the market, and there is still no market for it, and it is often not available for purchase.

For example, the ambergris in Tianbaolou is not sold at all, and can only be exchanged with Moyu Blood Lotus and Yangshen Spiritual Wood.

"Senior, wait a moment, I have a gift here."

After handing over the ambergris to Qin Yuwei, Chen Xi immediately took Mu Kui and left, but before he could get out of the Tianbao Building, he was stopped by Qin Yuwei again.

This delicate and beautiful girl in a green skirt seemed to have made great determination, and carefully held out a suet-like object, which looked like a flat snow-white bone.

"This is a treasure handed down by my ancestors of the Qin family, but so far no one has been able to crack the secret. Now that my Qin family has fallen and withered, only this thing is left with a little value. Please accept it, senior." Qin Yuwei said firmly.

"Since it is your family heirloom, you should keep it. I am helping you not because I am greedy for your family's treasure." Chen Xi shook his head and said.

"Senior, if you don't accept it, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the little girl to repay your life-saving grace. Do you want the little girl to live in guilt for the rest of her life?" Qin Yuwei said, stuffing the thing into the Chen In Xi's hand, he turned and left quickly.

"Senior, time is running out. Miss and I have to help the Patriarch first. If there is a chance, Luo Xiu will repay your kindness." Luo Xiu cupped his hands solemnly, and left after Qin Yuwei.

Chen Xi was stunned. Looking at the backs of the two leaving, he couldn't help shaking his head.


In a superior room of the restaurant.

"Huh, this thing is indeed a bit weird." Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the bed, looking at the flat bone in his hand, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

This thing is like a piece of suet jade, pure white and clear, gently rubbed, it feels extremely moist, cool to the bone, very comfortable to hold in the hand.

The most eye-catching thing is that there are dense and numerous bone patterns growing on its surface, as dense as a starry sky, just like the structure of rune patterns carved by a talisman master. There seems to be a desolate ancient voice singing in it , soul-stirring.

"What kind of species can produce such mysterious bone patterns between the bones? Is it an ancient god and demon? Or some ancient beast?" Chen Xi thought to himself, but he felt a little regretful in his heart, "Unfortunately, the bone pattern inside The power contained in it has either disappeared or been sealed, making it impossible to see any clues."

After thinking about it, Chen Xi still put this piece of pure white bone into the pagoda of the Buddha, and carefully hid it. He had a faint feeling in his heart that maybe he would be able to uncover the mystery inside it in the future.

Without wasting any more time, Chen Xi took out the "Great Annihilation Fist" jade slip and began to study it with great concentration.

The Great Annihilation Fist in the jade slips now only shows two moves, one is to annihilate mountains and rivers, the other is to rebel against yin and yang, and the third move is to annihilate Wuji in a vague state. .

When he was in the Chen family in Songyan City, Chen Xi had already begun to comprehend the Great Annihilation Fist, and now he has mastered some tricks of using the power of Taoism. He is already able to use the two Taoisms of water and fire into the Annihilation Mountains and Rivers. There is a lack of heat, and only about [-]% of the essence has been mastered.

As for the second method of rebelling against yin and yang, he has no clue so far. Originally, he planned to use the two great ways of yin and yang, but no matter how he deduced it, he still couldn't get the point, so he had no choice but to use it. She put it aside for the time being, and put all her thoughts into the first move to annihilate mountains and rivers.

Chi Chi!

Chen Xi clenched his fists slowly, and suddenly a smear of red flame and a swipe of blue water appeared on the surface of the fist. The two powers of water and fire are at two extremes. Like the enemy of life and death.

Wisps of milky white true energy flowed along the meridian of the arm, followed the change of his mind, carefully poured into the face of the fist, and poured into the two kinds of Taoism of water and fire.

The true essence is like a swimming snake, winding and flowing in the flames and water...

Gradually, the two kinds of Taoism, water and fire, were filled with true essence, and under the control of Chen Xi's mind, they spun into a flame vortex, a water flow vortex, and a wonderful attraction came out from the two vortexes at the two extremes.

What is amazing is that there is a slight connection between these two completely different suction forces, forming a force field on the face of the fist, and the nearby space suddenly collapses and shrinks with the appearance of the force field...

The spiritual power of the surrounding world was instantly absorbed, and the space of the force field seemed to suddenly become solid, giving people a very heavy feeling.

This is a power field, similar to the Dao field, but it is formed by two completely different Dao wills at the two extremes, mixed with true essence.

Chen Xi's eyes were shining brightly, a trace of spiritual consciousness cautiously penetrated into them, and he concentrated on feeling the wonderful changes coming from inside the "power field".

He felt that the two extreme forces of water and fire had formed a connection because of a trace of attraction gushing out of the vortex, and were temporarily in a state of balance.

According to his speculation, the more true energy he pours into it, the stronger the power formed by this "field" will be. When it reaches a certain limit, the connection and balance in this field will be broken, and water and fire will be destroyed. Collision, the two poles collide, thus producing a terrifying explosive force!

This kind of destructive force formed through the convergence of the invisible field and the collision between the two extremes is the real power of the first move of the Great Annihilation Fist to annihilate mountains and rivers.

"If this move is performed, it will at least be inferior to any Taoist martial arts, and even stronger. This is only [-]% of the fire, and if it reaches perfection, I don't know how powerful it will be..."

In the pitch-black room, a vortex of flame and a vortex of water were reflected in Chen Xi's eyes, and two deep and shining radiances of red and blue appeared in Chen Xi's eyes, like a god who could see through water and fire.

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