divine talisman

Chapter 286

Tianbaolou's auction this time was indeed unprecedentedly grand, with many treasures.

Just after the ground-level top-grade magic weapon mace was bought by Chen Xi, another treasure was being auctioned below. It was a rare refining material, and the whole body was surrounded by fiery red lightning, crackling and flashing. , exuding a strong destructive force.

Chi Xiao Lei Ze Tie!

Seeing this object, everyone in the room was breathless. This is a refining material with three attributes of fire, earth, and thunder. It is extremely rare. It is used to refine magic weapons. Its grade is at least at the earth level. The ranks of the best.

Chen Xi is not going to buy it. First, this item is useless to him. Second, the price of this item is too astonishing. The base price alone is [-] Congealing Infant Pills, which is even more expensive than the ground-level top-grade magic weapon mace just now. Thirty thousand higher, only slightly lower than the Taoist martial art snow lion's sound wave skill.

It is not difficult to imagine that if the bidding is fierce, the final transaction price will be more than 50.

Sure enough, after several rounds of bidding, it was bought by Lin Moxuan of Huangtian Daozong at a price of 63.

It is worth mentioning that during the bidding process, that Su Jiankong bid repeatedly. Originally, Chixiao Lei Zetie could be photographed for only about 50 yuan, but he abruptly raised it to 63 yuan. He was so angry that he sat in the VIP room Lin Moxuan slammed down the wine glass in his hand again.

There were not many fierce biddings in the subsequent auctions, but there were quite a few treasures, such as "Nine-color Scrophulariaceae", "Ten Thousand Years Blood Chalcedony", "Tai Sui Ziqiong Flower", "Beautiful Star Silver Stone", "Dragon Beard Whirling Wood"... Wait, Chen Xi even saw a spirit beast "Qingwen Spirit Ape" that had comprehended the meaning of Dao.

This "blue-patterned spirit ape" is blue all over, with a green glow in its fur and a pair of wings on its back. It roars like thunder, and its power is astonishing. Moreover, its speed is faster than lightning. Daoyi, spiritual wisdom is extraordinary.

What is particularly eye-catching is that its strength has clearly reached the realm of Huang Ting, but it shows no signs of transforming into a human form. It is obviously also possessed of noble blood and has unlimited potential. Such a spirit beast can be used to guard the cave, or serve as a slave. Servants are all very good choices.

This beast was also bought by a Nirvana Realm monk at the price of 100 Congealing Pills.

All in all, the auction held by the Tianbao Building this time involved all kinds of rare treasures, exotic beasts, magic weapons, materials, exercises, and panacea...there were endless and extraordinary grades.

But he didn't do any of them, quietly waiting for Xuanyan Rongxu Pill to appear.

In fact, most of the people here, like Chen Xi, are waiting for this pill. These people are all in the Huangting Consummation Realm, and they all want to take pictures of this thing, so as to increase the chances of advancing to the Golden Core Realm.

All of a sudden, a commotion spread throughout the auction house. Unknowingly, the much-anticipated Xuanyan Rongxu Pill finally appeared.

This pill was not covered by the brocade, so that everyone present could see it very clearly. It was about the size of a baby's fist, and its surface was glowing with a faint blue luster, like a pool of blue spring water, crystal clear and faintly visible. There are strands of tadpole-like white streamers flashing inside it, forming countless mysterious runes.

Looking at it from a distance, this pill is like the heart of the ocean, with incomparably vast pure medicinal power emerging from it, making people feel refreshed and happy, and everyone wants to have it.

"What a powerful medicinal power!" Chen Xi was startled inwardly, and faintly felt that this pill seemed to be alive and full of spirituality. Just that trace of medicinal power caused the door of the mysterious female in his dantian to tremble, and the sound of the wind suddenly As soon as he got up, the fiery air lingered, and it almost triggered his catastrophe!

"This elixir belongs to the ranks of the earth-level elixir, but it is an extremely rare elixir with infinite uses. It is made by picking the energy of Xuanyan and blending hundreds of rare elixir. One furnace can only be refined. It is extremely valuable to make one. In the cultivation world of the Great Chu Dynasty, only the current Emperor Chu can make it." Yaqing explained from the side.

"What? Emperor Chu?" Chen Xi was startled, and made a sound in surprise.

"It is indeed the current emperor of Chu. He is not only a supreme emperor who controls the world, but also a master of alchemy!" There was a trace of reverence in Ya Qing's clear eyes, and there was a faint fanaticism in her expression. Obviously, she worships the current Emperor Chu extremely.

"So that's the case. Everyone said that the background of Tianbao Tower has the shadow of the royal family of the Great Chu Dynasty. Now it seems that it should be true. The Xuanyan Rongxu Pill that can be obtained from the current Emperor Chu and put up for auction has already explained everything. But Having said that, since this pill is so precious, its price will definitely not be low, it depends on whether I can get it right..." Chen Xi thought to himself.

Sure enough, Du Feiyu, who presided over the auction meeting, said in an extremely enthusiastic voice: "I don't think I need to explain the effect of this Xuanyan Melting Void Pill, because as far as I know, most of the fellow Taoists present are probably doing it for this reason. Dan is here. The starting price is 15, and each increase must not be less than [-]!"

15 Congealing Infant Pills!

Speaking of which, Ningying Pill is also a kind of earth-level panacea, but from the price, it can be seen that there is no way to compare with a Xuanyan Rongxu, presumably, there is a difference of one hundred and eight thousand miles.

"16 Ningying Pills!" Although the base price was high, it couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the people. As soon as Du Feiyu finished speaking, someone started calling for the price.

"17 million!"

"18 million!"

"19 million!"


There were calls one after another, but now all the bidders were monks in the ordinary seats, but no one in the VIP room made a sound. Maybe they were watching the situation quietly and planned to make a move later to win it in one fell swoop.

Noticing this detail, Chen Xi couldn't help but shook his head. The ultimate ownership of this Xuanyan Rongxu Pellet might fall into the hands of the cultivators in the VIP room.

"70!" Sure enough, just as the calls from ordinary seats became sparse, a voice finally came out from the VIP room, raising the price to 70 Congealing Pills in one fell swoop.

Immediately, most of the monks in the ordinary seats showed extremely disappointed expressions. This price was beyond their ability, and even if they lost their fortunes, they were far from being able to achieve it.

"71!" In the VIP room, Su Jiankong, who is now famous in Huangtian Dao Sect, said lightly.

Chen Xi couldn't help being startled. This guy has already reached the Golden Core Consummation Realm, so what is he trying to do?

"Xuanyan Rongxu Pill is amazingly effective, and it is rare in some ancient sects to have it. I'm afraid Su Jiankong bought it as a gift." Yaqing explained from the side: "It's not just him, I'm afraid there will be more in the future." There are some powerful big shots who will also sell them, even if they don’t use them themselves, they can buy them as gifts for their nephews.”

Chen Xi's heart sank. Competition among peers is better. If you add some big shots with huge wealth in their hands, I'm afraid it will become even more difficult for him to obtain this pill today.

"72!" An old voice rang out from the VIP room, with a touch of majesty, one could tell that his identity must be extraordinary.

"73!" At this time, Chen Xi was also interested, and tentatively called out a price, but he didn't expect that the old voice just snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice, "74! "

"This old guy doesn't care about his manners, and his cold snort is actually full of threats." Chen Xi rubbed his nose, but he didn't think so in his heart.

Yaqing covered her mouth, giggled, and said, "This is indeed an old fellow, an old man named Qi Lengshui, a well-known casual cultivator in the Nether Transformation Realm in Maple Leaf City, with a weird temper, and likes to rely on the old to sell the old, but you don't have to worry, he This person thinks very highly of himself, and he will not shoot you."

Chen Xi smiled bitterly and said, "You probably don't bother to take action against me."

Yaqing blinked her eyes: "If you think so, I can't help it."

"75!" At this moment, a sonorous voice came from the VIP room where Sikonghen was located. It turned out that there was an extra middle-aged man in the room who was as fierce as a tiger, and he was sitting in the center. A monstrous momentum that can only be looked up to rises.

The two brothers Sikonghen and Sikonghua were standing respectfully behind the middle-aged man at this moment, without a hint of domineering at all.

"Patriarch of the Sikong family, Sikong Xiaoyun!"

"Unexpectedly, in his capacity, he also came to participate in the auction!"

"It's over, this Xuanyan Fusion Pill will definitely fall into the hands of the Sikong family."

Hearing that voice, the auction site exploded immediately, and there were many discussions. Sikong Xiaoyun's appearance actually caused such a sensation, which shows how terrifying his power in Maple Leaf City is.

"This is troublesome!" Chen Xi frowned, the young ones were difficult enough, but here comes the old ones, the hope of getting the Xuanyan Rongxu Pill this time is probably very slim.

"Hua'er, you can handle the rest by yourself. I don't believe it. For my sake, who would dare to snatch this elixir from you. You have to practice hard, and don't let me down. Alright, I have something to do Go ahead."

Sikong Xiaoyun stood up, patted Sikonghua on the shoulder, then nodded to his eldest son, Sikonghen, turned around and left, really coming and going in a hurry.

"Hahaha... With my father's support, I'll see who dares to rob me!" Sikong Hua shouted excitedly.

"Huh!" Sikong Hen snorted coldly. Obviously he was extremely dissatisfied with his father's arrangement. In his opinion, if he got his father's support when auctioning the mace magic weapon of Tieqimen, he would definitely be able to sell it. The treasure was taken down, but unfortunately, all this has become empty talk.

"Brother, don't worry, when I take the Xuanyan Rongxu Pill, I will go with you to kill that kid and get back that magic weapon of the mace!" Sikong Hua rolled his eyes and said hastily.

"What can you help? It's better to take the elixir, practice quickly, and strive to enter the golden elixir realm as soon as possible, so that you can live up to your father's careful cultivation of you." Sikong Hen frowned, but his voice was much more relaxed.

Sure enough, as Sikong Xiaoyun said before leaving, because of his face, none of the monks present dared to increase the price.

"75, is there anyone raising the price?" On the auction stage, Du Feiyu looked around and asked feebly. The appearance of Sikong Xiaoyun made the treasure that could have been auctioned with a sky-high price, but no one dared to pay attention to it. My heart is also extremely uncomfortable.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but no one dared to increase the price.

Seeing that the Xuanyan Rongxu Pill was about to fall into Sikonghua's hands, suddenly, the voice of Huang Tiandaozong Su Jiankong sounded again, "76!"

The monks present, including Du Feiyu on the auction stage, were all refreshed and secretly happy. If one could find a party in Maple Leaf City that could ignore the power of the Sikong family, only Huang Tian Daozong, the true overlord of Maple Leaf City, was the only one.

As the most dazzling Golden Core Realm powerhouse of the Huangtian Dao Sect, Su Jiankong's voice at this moment is indeed qualified to ignore the threat of the Sikong family.

"90!" Sikong Hua was more vicious than his elder brother Sikong Hen, raising the price by 14 in one fell swoop. After obviously realizing that he could not threaten Su Jiankong in terms of power, he planned to use his financial resources to defeat Su Jiankong.

"Heh, I didn't intend to take the picture at first, so why not give it to you? It can give your Sikong family an extra 14, and it can be regarded as a lesson for you, let you understand that Maple Leaf City is not the world of your Sikong family. !" Su Jiankong's reserved and proud voice echoed around the auction.

"Damn it! You are too deceitful!"

Si Konghua regretted unceasingly. If he had known this earlier, it would be good to call out more than 75 yuan. Not to mention the loss of 14 yuan, he was even squeezed out by Su Jiankong. It's disgusting.

"95!" However, just as Si Konghua and his wife had settled everything, there was another voice, which was extremely ear-piercing.


***Who is here to disrupt the situation again?

Sikong Hua was furious, he gritted his teeth in anger, his expression was ferocious, he wished he could choose someone to kill.

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