divine talisman

Chapter 287 Closing

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The calm and breezy voice floated around the auction venue, which seemed extremely abrupt in this quiet atmosphere, with a power that pointed directly at people's hearts.

Everyone was stunned, even Su Jiankong from Huangtian Daozong was also stunned, laughed dumbly, and shook his head, "I'm showing off in order to suppress the arrogance of Sikong's family. Then it will become the target of the Sikong family to vent their anger, ah, people these days really want to be famous, they don't even want their lives..."

"Are you going to fight the Sikong family to the end?" Yaqing said in the VIP room.

"I thought you would say that I wanted to be famous." Chen Xi laughed at himself, then changed the subject and said, "It's not that I'm obsessed with it, but that this Xuanyan Rongxu Pill is very important to me. Of course, beyond As far as I can bear, I will resolutely stop."

Yaqing smiled and said: "You are really very courageous, even the Sikong family doesn't care, if you really want to get this pill, I can lend you some baby congealing pills, how about it?"

"It depends on the situation." Chen Xi thought for a while and said.

Yaqing nodded and said no more.

"It's that kid!" In another VIP room, Sikong Hen instantly recognized that the owner of that voice was the guy who was fighting with him for the mace.

"It turned out to be him again! If I don't kill this kid, it won't be enough to vent my hatred!" Sikong Hua's face was livid, and he gritted his teeth endlessly.

"It's 95, it's worthless if you don't want this Xuanyan Rongxu Pill," Sikong Hen said.

"No! If I don't suppress this kid's arrogance today, I won't be able to swallow this bad breath! Brother, don't worry, how much I spend now, I will let him spit out how much money I spend when I leave Tianbao Tower!"

After Si Konghua finished speaking viciously, he made another quotation: "96!"

"77 million!"

"98 million!"

"100 million!" Chen Xi directly quoted 100 million. After he bought the Xuansha Holy Water and Mace, he still had 100 million Congealing Infant Pills on him. If the price was higher, he would have no choice but to give up this elixir.

He didn't know that the financial resources of Sikong Hua and Sikong Hen had also reached their limit.

"Give up, this price has greatly exceeded the true value of Xuanyan Rongxu Pill, if you bid again, you will only be taken advantage of by others, and in the end you will be taken advantage of by Tianbaolou." Sikonghen said coldly.

"I'm not reconciled!" Sikong Hua's forehead burst out with veins, and his chest heaved sharply, "I don't believe that I can't beat this kid, I don't believe it!"

"What are you going to do?" Sikong Hen faintly felt something was wrong.

"I want an offer! I want to beat this bastard once, and I won't be with him anymore!" Sikong Hua stood up abruptly and shouted: "120 million!"

Immediately, there was a gasp of air at the auction site. A Xuanyan Melting Void Pill was only worth about 80 to the sky, and it had soared to 95 just now, which had already stunned everyone.Who would have thought that not only did the price not stagnate, but it would skyrocket to 120 million again?

120 million, enough to buy almost ten earth-level top-grade magic weapons!

"Hahaha, boy, you are making an offer! Report! Fighting with me, I don't even know how to write the word dead!" Seeing that hateful voice fell silent, Sikong Hua couldn't help laughing, feeling that this Never in my life have I felt as happy as I am now.

"I originally planned to give up voluntarily when it exceeded 100 million, but I didn't expect that Young Master Sikong would be so heroic and spend a lot of money. He is worthy of being a handsome talent of the Sikong family. His wealth is amazing. It opened my eyes and I have to admire it. This Xuanyan Rong The Xudan will belong to Master Sikong."

Chen Xi's voice resounded faintly, but in everyone's ears, there was always a strange smell of yin and yang. It seemed that from the very beginning, he had no intention of photographing the Xuanyan Rongxu Pill, but wanted to test Sikonghua's financial resources. Same.

"Give up voluntarily at 100 million?" Sikong Hua was stunned, the smile on his face froze immediately, as if struck by lightning, his head hummed loudly, and immediately his whole body began to tremble, and a mouthful of old blood rushed to his throat with anger , almost spit it out.

Got fooled again!

***, fooled again!

Thinking of being cheated by Su Jiankong before, and now that he was cheated by Chen Xi again, Sikonghua even wanted to die, hateful, really hateful...

"Look at what you've done!"

Sikong Hen left the meeting angrily. He had already noticed that something was wrong with his younger brother's condition. He was about to stop him, but who would have thought that his idiot younger brother would have already made an offer, and there was no chance of him getting it back.

Thinking of the fact that everyone at the auction site would be laughing at his brothers now, Sikong Hen wished he could slap this idiot brother to death.

But obviously, this idea is impossible to realize, so he had no choice but to leave first, out of sight and out of sight, so as not to be angry and ruin his body.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Seeing that even his elder brother had left him alone, Sikong Hua suddenly panicked and spoke repeatedly.

"Hmph, mind your own business!" Sikong Hen snorted coldly, and left without looking back, but said in his heart: "I'll stay outside, and as soon as I find out the identity of that kid, I'll kill him , take back the mace and the treasure on it, so I want to see, who dares to laugh at me!"

"Congratulations to the second young master Sikong, who bought the Xuanyan Rongxu Pill at a sky-high price of 120 million. This kind of handwriting is the first of its kind in Tianbaolou's auction. It is destined to be widely circulated and talked about by the practitioners." On the road, Du Feiyu's heroic congratulatory voice sounded.


But Si Konghua fell to the ground, his heart was like a thousand arrows, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Pfft!" In another VIP room, Yaqing couldn't help laughing out loud, she never expected that Chen Xi would be so mean when teasing people.

"Actually, I really plan to buy this Xuanyan Rongxu Pill." Chen Xi explained seriously.

"I know, it's that Young Master Sikong who is too impatient and too stupid." Yaqing giggled, she couldn't breathe from the laughter, and the branches trembled.

Chen Xi rubbed his nose, and felt that this matter was really a bit ridiculous, that Sikong Hua was indeed a useless waste, if he calmed down a little, he wouldn't have ended up in such a situation.

In the next auction, although the treasures were rare and precious, compared to the previous ones that were magnificent and exciting, they seemed indifferent.

Chen Xi didn't stay at the end, and planned to leave. It must be said that it was a pity that Xuanyan Rongxu Dan was taken by others, but there was no way, who let such a wonderful young master like Si Konghua appear on the scene.For the current plan, he can only rely on his own strength to survive the catastrophe.

"You have to be careful of the Sikong family's revenge on you." When leaving, Yaqing said with a serious expression, "You have offended the two young masters of the Sikong family this time, and I am afraid that as soon as you leave the Tianbao Tower, your traces will be covered by Sikong. master."

Chen Xi nodded and said, "I know this, but in Maple Leaf City, his Sikong family wouldn't dare to attack me without authorization, would they?"

"Of course, Maple Leaf City is also the territory of Huang Tian Dao Sect. If there are frequent fights, who would dare to come to Maple Leaf City? Although the Sikong family is powerful, they dare not challenge the authority of Huang Tian Dao Sect."

Yaqing said: "However, you definitely can't stay in the city forever. If my guess is correct, from the moment you step out of Tianbao Tower, you will be monitored by the Sikong family's spies. Once you leave Maple Leaf City, you will definitely be monitored by Sikong's masters Siege."

"So it looks like my situation has become precarious?" Chen Xi thought thoughtfully. Even though he said so, his expression was not nervous at all, and he still looked calm.

"Aren't you worried?" Ya Qing glared at him, and muttered, "I don't know if you are bold or fearless, it's really worrying."

"Miss Lao Yaqing is worried, but although the Sikong family is powerful, it may not be able to trap me." Chen Xi laughed. He could see that Yaqing really cared about him, and he couldn't help feeling a little moved in his heart.

"Who's worried about you? Let's go and disappear before my eyes so as not to upset me." Yaqing spat.

Chen Xi smiled, and took Mu Kui to leave. Just as he was leaving the VIP room, he suddenly turned around and said seriously, "Miss Yaqing, thank you very much today."

After all, he left completely without looking back.

"This guy!" Yaqing shook her head, but a smile appeared on her delicate and bright face. After a long time, she murmured to herself: "Although this guy is bold, his strength seems to be a little low. If an expert chases him down, his life is bound to be in danger, so I, should I help him..."


Walking out of the Tianbao Tower until returning to the inn, Chen Xi found more than one group of spies along the way, like maggots on tarsus bones, filling every corner.

This also made him realize clearly that the Sikong family's influence in Maple Leaf City is indeed as Yaqing said, and should not be underestimated.

"Master, what shall we do next?" Mu Kui asked cautiously.

"Let's play by ear." Chen Xi mused, "If it really doesn't work, just stay in Maple Leaf City for a while, anyway, there is no unparalleled road."

Having said that, he was thinking quickly in his mind. With his current strength, facing the siege of a group of Jindan monks, he had the greatest chance of escaping Maple Leaf City, but if he encountered one or two monks above the Nirvana Experts, that's troublesome.

"However, as long as you survive the catastrophe of wind and fire, you should have the strength to fight against monks in the nirvana realm. If you can improve your body training and advance to the golden core realm, and use the wings of the supernatural starry sky, you will be more sure of escaping safely. foot……"

Sitting cross-legged in the room reserved in the restaurant, Chen Xi thought for a long time, and finally put the opportunity to escape on improving his own strength. As long as the strength is strong enough, all problems will be easily solved.

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