divine talisman

Chapter 288 Dao Heart Transformation

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In the hotel room.

Chen Xi was still contemplating. Although he planned to stay in Maple Leaf City for the time being and work hard to improve his cultivation, he always felt a little restless in his mind, as if his decision had violated his own will, and made him feel uncomfortable from the inside out. A decadent mood.

Yes, decadent.

From the moment he decided to escape from the threat of the Sikong family, his heart no longer had the peace and firmness of the past, and he became depressed, heavy, and anxious. He was always thinking about how to escape, how to escape, and not To face it bravely.

Is it because I have lost my determination to forge ahead and my fearless courage?

Do not!

All this is because I violated my Dao heart!

My way is to overcome thorns and thorns, to be brave and fearless;

My Tao has never been troubled and depressed, never evaded and feared...

Today, I can't cover my eyes.

This place cannot lock me.

This world of mortals and everything in the universe cannot deceive my heart.

All these ghosts, monsters, dangers and ups and downs can't stop me from seeking the great way.

This is my way!


At this moment, the soul seemed to be trembling and cheering, like the enlightenment after a blow to the head, like the clarity after the enlightenment, his thoughts were clear, his eyes became firm again, his thoughts became pure and flawless, his Dao heart When the eight winds struck, they remained motionless.

Indistinctly, there is a ray of wisdom flickering in the center of his eyebrows, shining brightly.

"Mu Kui, let's not run away. Since the Sikong family is so aggressive, let's play with them." Chen Xi called Mu Kui to his room through voice transmission, and said calmly.

"Master, you should have done this a long time ago!" Mu Kui excitedly geared up his fists. As a monster with the blood of Kui Mulang, an ancient beast, he was born with a fanatical complex for fighting, regardless of life or death.

"Huh? Master, you seem to have changed, you are a little different from before." Mu Kui raised his eyes to look at Chen Xi, and always felt that his master seemed to have been reborn, and there was a hint of wisdom and enlightenment in his airy temperament. , Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi, as deep as the sea, it seems that no one in this world can shake his soul.

"I just wanted to clarify some things." Chen Xi smiled, then took out the magic weapon of the mace that he bought from the Tianbao Building, and handed it to Mu Kui, "This magic weapon contains some secrets, which are related to Xuanhuanyu Tie Banner Gate's inheritance treasure, you must take good care of it, for you and me, this might be a great opportunity."

After returning from the Tianbao Tower, Chen Xi inspected this top-grade earth-level magic weapon carefully, and as expected, he discovered that hidden in the strange aura inside the mace was actually a pair of Treasure map, on the surface of the treasure map, there are nine characters composed of a line of blood-red runes: "Xuanhuanyu, Langya Mountain, Iron Banner Treasure, Waiting for a Destiny"!

This also made him immediately understand that the fundamental reason why Sikong Hen favored this object so much at the auction was probably because of this treasure map.

"Xuan Huan Yu? That is an incomparably magnificent world. It is said that it is also the closest continent to the Immortal World. It is unbelievable that this Iron Banner Gate is in Xuan Huan Yu!" Mu Kui was taken aback, and his voice trembled. He has also heard various legends about Xuan Huan Yu.

"Yes, but all these secrets can only be known after entering the Xuanhuan Realm." Chen Xi said.

"No, I can't take this treasure. If I lose it, wouldn't it delay the master's important business?" Mu Kui said solemnly with a complete expression.

"You can take it if you want it. It's just an illusory treasure map. If you lose it, you can lose it. As long as you like this magic weapon, you don't need to care about the other things." Chen Xi laughed.

In the end, Mu Kui accepted this fierce and domineering weapon, stopped bothering Chen Xi, and rushed back to his room excitedly to start refining this treasure.


As soon as Mu Kui left, Chen Xi casually took out a large pile of materials from the pagoda of the Buddha, and piled them on the ground like a small hill.

These materials involve spiritual materials, ores, animal blood, exotic flowers and herbs... etc., all of which he scavenged from the Qianyuan treasure house. They are all precious and rare materials with inestimable value.

"This piece of star-patterned wood is made into talisman paper, which is enough to withstand the power of the talisman rune. Chiyang Xueshui and the blood of the green-feathered nine-tailed mink are fused together, and the ink prepared can move the water and move the way, and exert the power of the treasure talisman. The full power of the talisman. As for the talisman pen, it is refined with seven-leaf rainbow grass and ten thousand-year-old pine wood. In this way, the pen can reach the sharpest state, and the ink absorbed is as full as water droplets, coagulated and not scattered. Let the drawn rune structure be even and round, smooth and perfect..."

While thinking, Chen Xi picked out what he needed from the many materials, with a focused and meticulous expression, as if he had returned to the days when he was an apprentice talisman maker a few years ago.

When he decided to confront the Sikong family head-on, he had already decided to use all the skills he had mastered to play a big game with the Sikong family.The talisman is one of his skills.

Speaking of which, since he left Songyan City, he has never made a talisman again, nor has he ever used a talisman in battle. Thinking about it now, this is simply a waste of his fighting power.

In the battles in the practice world, the combat strength of a talisman master is also not inferior to sword repair, knife repair and other professions that are naturally suitable for fighting, and even the power of a talisman master in battle is more terrifying than other monks.

The reason is very simple. Before the talisman formation master enters the battlefield, he can completely set up a powerful formation and wait for the rabbit. Even in a hand-to-hand battle, he can also take out stacks of various talismans and throw them out, causing the enemy to fall into endless chaos. In the indiscriminate bombardment, I feel hopeless.

Any cultivator who fights with the talisman master will have such a feeling in the battle, as if he is not facing a single person, but facing thousands of troops, and he is a pitiful creature who has been beaten by a group... …

Of course, Talisman Array Masters also have weaknesses, and it is obvious that the number is too small, and the level of comprehension of Talisman Dao is generally not high, and those who can reach the level of Grand Talisman Array Masters or Talisman Array Masters are absolutely rare.

And there is such a cognition in the practice circle that among tens of thousands of talisman masters, only one can become a talisman master, and if one wants to reach the height of a great talisman master from a talisman master, there is no one in ten thousand. As a Grandmaster, the odds are even slimmer, and it depends on luck.

As we all know, talismans are divided into the lower nine grades, spiritual talismans, treasure talismans, mysterious talismans, celestial talismans, and the legendary divine talismans.

Those who can make ninth-grade talismans can only be called talisman masters; those who can make spiritual talismans and treasure talismans are already at the level of talisman masters; , it needs to be refined by the strength of the master of the talisman array; as for the divine talisman, that level is even higher, which is beyond the scope of the master of the talisman array.

Although Chen Xi's understanding of talisman dao has reached an extremely high level, with his strength, he can only produce high-level treasure talismans, and his strength is equivalent to the peak level among talisman formation masters.

There is still a long way to go to reach the level of a grand talisman array master.

However, with his age and cultivation base, it is extremely rare to be able to make a high-level treasure talisman, and if he speaks out, he will definitely be treated as a freak.

The reason is very simple, with his Huang Ting realm cultivation base, he was able to produce a high-level treasure talisman equivalent to a full-strength strike of a Jindan late-stage monk. Such a method, I am afraid that no one in the entire Great Chu Dynasty practice world can do it. Even looking at history, such rumors are rare, enough to be called ancient times.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi started to make the talisman pen. He first brought the seven-leaf rainbow grass and the ten thousand-year-old pine heart wood in front of him.The seven-leaf rainbow grass is only the size of a palm, and its branches and leaves are as slender as hair, but they are extremely flexible, and they can't be cut by a sword. Its seven leaves show seven different colors. From a distance, it looks like a cluster of colorful feathers condensed Together, they are swaying and beautiful.

Chi Chi!

A wisp of spiritual fire surged from Chen Xi's palm. It was almost transparent, and the temperature was not high. Instead, it exuded a bit of bone-chilling cold, and even the forest air condensed into a layer of frost.

This is a kind of flame that he condenses by using a rune structure in the Scarlet Emperor Fire Emperor's talisman, called Nether Cold Spirit Fire, and using it to refine the seven-leaf rainbow grass can effectively retain its flexibility and spirituality , without hurting it a bit.

In fact, there are tens of thousands of rune structures contained in the Scarlet Emperor Fire Emperor's divine talisman. Each rune structure is taken out separately, and it is a kind of fire line rune. Yin fire, yang fire, cold fire, dark fire and other fire attribute powers are born from the accumulation, and dark cold yin fire is just one of them.

Of course, this kind of flame is not real, but is born from the mysterious structure of runes. With Chen Xi's current control over the way of runes, he can display them at will, without needing to use cumbersome seal carvings on rune paper.

Soon, under the baking of the Nether Cold Spiritual Fire, the water in the Rainbow Echinacea was evaporated, and its hair-thin branches and leaves became fine and smooth, with a soft luster, resembling animal feathers.

An hour later.

After refining more than a hundred plants of the seven-leaf rainbow grass, Chen Xi gathered enough wolf hairs for refining the nibs of the talisman brush, and carefully weaved these seven-leaf rainbow grass into a bunch, and then he started forging the talisman brush. pen.

If it is said that the pen nib made of the seven-leaf rainbow grass can suck the ink as full as water droplets without causing conflicts between rune attributes, then the function of the pen holder is to accommodate the influx of spiritual consciousness and true essence, making it unimpeded and smooth. hinder.

This ten-year-old pine heart wood is very suitable for refining into a talisman pen holder. It is dark blue in color and full of vitality. The texture on the surface is hard and smooth, which can make the true essence and spiritual consciousness run perfectly in it.

In order not to let the gas of gold and iron damage the quality of the Wanzai pine heartwood, Chen Xi used the witch power of Yimu to condense a blue Yimu knife, and then carefully carved the Wanzai pine heartwood, and finally formed a half-foot Long, as thick as an index finger, with a dark blue, round, smooth and textured barrel.

Finally, he started to glue the pen nib made of horse chestnut and the pen holder made of Wanzai pine heartwood together with the cyan chalcedony liquid.

Qingxuan chalcedony liquid is a material that can be commonly used in refining tools. It can make two different materials blend together perfectly without conflicting, so that the refined items can exert the best power.

A quarter of an hour later.

Chen Xi let out a long breath of foul air, and held the talisman brush that he had made before his eyes to look at it.The talisman pen with smooth lines and dark blue color has a caressing texture in the hand. The wolf hair on the pen tip is now as white as silver. Only when the real essence is poured into it, there will be a colorful aura around the pen tip , Misty and misty, extremely agile.

Slightly pouring spiritual consciousness and true energy into the talisman brush, a strange feeling suddenly came to his heart, he felt his true energy and spiritual consciousness flowed in the talisman brush like water, and finally gathered at the tip of the pen, flowing extremely smoothly , This feeling is like moving your fingers with your arms, as if the talisman pen has become the hand of true essence and spiritual consciousness, and there is an intimate connection.

"This pen is refined to fight against the Sikong family, so its name should be Miekong pen." After Chen Xi finished looking at it, he put down the Miekong pen and began to make talisman paper.

He had no idea how much shock this extinguishing pen, which he had roughly named, had caused the world of talismans after endless years.

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