divine talisman

Chapter 289 Regaining the Talisman

The star pattern wood is about three fingers thick and one foot long. The surface is lavender, and the texture is hard. It is comparable to ordinary magic weapons. The clear silver halo looks very mysterious.

Star-patterned wood is actually a precious wood-type refining material. It is indeed the best choice for making talisman paper, but it seems a bit wasteful.

Chen Xi ignored these, in his opinion, only the talisman paper made of star-patterned wood can withstand the structure of the talisman to the maximum, thus perfectly communicating the power of Taoism, and fully exerting the power of a high-level treasure talisman.

He started to deal with the star-patterned wood, the movements in his hands were dazzled, as if he didn't need to think, every movement and step was easy and smooth.

Cutting, steaming, removing impurities, refining spirituality... A whole piece of star-patterned wood is changing at a speed visible to the naked eye in his hands, like a magic trick, which is amazing.

This is due to Chen Xi's solid basic skills. Before he became a talisman making apprentice in Songyan City, his task was to deal with various materials, and making talisman paper was also a part of it. Now he is dealing with Qi Xing Speckled wood is naturally picked up at will, and it is very skillful.

Soon, this piece of star-spotted wood was skillfully crafted by Chen Xi into a stack of talisman papers, each of which was dark silver in color, uniform in thickness, and dotted with dots of silver markings on the surface, like a smear of silver that would flow water flow.

"The thickness is equal, and it is as flexible as jade. The star-marked wood is used to make talisman paper. The quality is indeed the best choice. When making high-level treasure talismans, there is no need to worry about the danger of being unable to withstand the power of the talisman and thus collapse and fail." Chen Xi put these talisman papers on one side, and started the last step of making talismans——preparing ink.

The quality of the talisman ink also affects the power of the talisman to a certain extent. Excellent talisman ink can draw a well-proportioned and smooth rune structure, which allows the talisman to communicate with the power of heaven and earth very sensitively, thus making the entire talisman powerful. reach a state of fullness.

For example, some talismans are of the same grade, but their power is different. It is because the quality of the talisman ink used is different, which affects the power of the talisman.

In fact, not only the quality of the talisman ink, talisman brush, talisman paper, and the level of the talisman maker also affect the quality and power of the talisman.What Chen Xi is doing now is to reach the highest level in any aspect, so that he can only be satisfied with the high-level treasure talisman produced with this.

In other words, when it comes to making talismans, Chen Xi has the most demanding requirements on himself, and what he pursues is perfection in every aspect, so that he can meet his standards. It has been formed since then, and it is precisely because of such a harsh attitude that he will show super high comprehension and talent in making talismans.


In a jade bowl, there is a pool of emerald green blood, which is rich in aura and exudes majestic power. This is the blood essence of a green-feathered nine-tailed mink. It is expensive enough to be sold on the market. The price of [-] Congealing Infant Pills.As Chen Xi poured the dark red Chiyang snow water into the jade bowl, the emerald green blood essence boiled up immediately, and a series of bubbles burst out.

Each of these bubbles is the size of a broad bean, round and clear, black and white inside are distinct, like yin and yang intersecting, fluctuating in the blood essence, exploding from time to time, the power contained in them gushes out, instantly making the emerald green blood essence in the jade bowl It has a vermilion color and is as viscous as amber.

When all the bubbles disappeared, a piece of thick vermilion ink had formed in the entire jade bowl, and the astonishing power emitted, forming the shape of dragons singing and tigers roaring, floated out, causing the air to retreat and disperse, forming a vacuum zone.

The talisman pen, the talisman paper, and the talisman ink appeared before his eyes one by one, and Chen Xi suddenly felt a long-lost excitement. After so many years, he finally started making talismans again.Perhaps the only difference is that he used to make talismans to make money to support his family, but now it is to fight against the enemy!

Chen Xi took a deep breath, put away all distracting thoughts, his back was as straight as a gun, and his expression was solemn. He sat in front of the writing desk, reached out to pick up the talisman brush that was full of texture when rubbing, twisted up a piece of silver star-spotted talisman paper, and spread it on the writing desk. , the tip of the pen is dipped in the talisman ink that contains huge power, and in an instant, colorful haze floats out from the tip of the pen, like a dream.

In my mind, a series of dense and mysterious rune structures emerged. These were separated from the Qing Emperor Wood Emperor's divine talisman, and could form a top-grade treasure rune structure called "Qing Yi Wan Mu Sheng".

When engraving the five great gods in the world of stars, Chen Xi discovered that whether it was the Qingdi Wood Emperor god or the other four gods, the structure of the runes contained in them seemed to cover all the runes in the five elements. , can form any kind of talismans and formations in different ways.

This feeling is as if the five great talismans represent all the rune structures in the five elements, each of which contains all kinds of talismans of this attribute, all-encompassing, just like the origin of the five elements talisman.

For example, the Qingdi Wood Emperor divine talisman contains the lower nine talisman, spiritual talisman, precious talisman, mysterious talisman, celestial talisman and other talisman structures of the wooden line. There are tens of thousands of them, which cannot be estimated.

However, with Chen Xi's current strength, he can only find some high-level treasure talismans from the divine talisman and refine them. As for the higher-level ones, even if he can comprehend them, he cannot refine them. This is the way of enlightenment. There is no way to change the limit of realm and own strength.

The right wrist swings flexibly, twisting like a spirit snake, soft as if there is no bone, scarlet rune traces emerge from the tip of the pen, flowing and winding on the silver rune paper, the movements are a little jerky at first, this is the rune that Chen Xi has not made for a long time But soon, he regained the feeling he used to have before, the strokes of his pen began to become agile, and the structure of the runes on the talisman paper also became smoother, like streams of water pouring down naturally, without any trace of chiseling.

"Qing Yi Wan Mu Sheng" is a high-level treasure talisman, although it is a kind contained in the Qing Emperor Wood Emperor's divine talisman, but it is also extremely complicated, requiring ninety-nine and 81 kinds of talismans to be carved. It also contains nine rune structures, and each rune must be blessed with the power of Taoism, which can also be called a vast project.

Although it is dense and complicated, if it is successfully produced, the power of this high-level treasure talisman is enough to be equivalent to a full-strength strike of a late-stage Jindan monk, which is extremely powerful.

Time passed bit by bit, night receded and day rose.

During this period of time, Chen Xi was like a clay statue, his eyes were staring at the talisman paper without blinking, his expression was calm and without any emotion, only the right hand that had been nimbly manipulating the talisman pen could prove that he was still a living.

Mu Kui came here earlier, seeing Chen Xi concentrating on crafting talismans, although he felt strange, he didn't dare to disturb him, for fear of disturbing Chen Xi.And in order to prevent the outside world from affecting Chen Xi, he immediately sat cross-legged in front of Chen Xi's door, neither eating nor drinking, and keeping an eye on his surroundings, even if there was any disturbance nearby, he would not be able to escape his eyes and ears.

At this time, the Situ family in Maple Leaf City was also planning an action against Chen Xi.

This is a gloomy and dark secret room, which is full of spiders, centipedes, toads, snakes, and scorpions, each of which has an astonishingly huge body, looks extremely hideous, and has bloodthirsty rays of light in its pupils.These are five kinds of extremely poisonous beasts, surrounded by clouds of poisonous mist, there are thousands of them, crawling over the entire secret room.

The stench and disgusting aura, like thick mist, filled every inch of space. When an ordinary person came in, he would die instantly and turn into pus if he just smelled a trace of the aura.


At this time, all kinds of poisonous beasts in the secret room seemed to be going crazy, fighting each other, screaming shrilly, every death of a poisonous beast would be swallowed up by the opponent in an instant, the battle was extremely tragic.

Standing outside the secret room, Sikong Hua watched the bloody fight, and heard the shrill screams, his legs trembled, and a hint of disgust and horror appeared on his face.

He knew that this was a way of cultivating powerful poisons. Lock them in a secret room and let them fight each other. Only the last poison can survive. With a little cultivation, it can transform into more terrifying and powerful, and become the king of poisons.

Like the many poisons in the secret room in front of me, the last surviving one is strong enough to transform into an existence equivalent to a golden core monk, and it is also highly poisonous, ferocious and bloodthirsty, extremely cruel, and extremely terrifying. If a Jindan cultivator touches it, he will be mercilessly killed, turning into a puddle of foul-smelling and disgusting pus.

But Si Konghua didn't care about these things, he was already frightened by everything in the secret room, and wished he could escape here early.However, he glanced at his elder brother Sikonghen beside him, and finally suppressed the panic in his heart, and stayed here obediently.

"You said that kid has been hiding in Fengxuan Restaurant since he left Tianbao Tower?" Sikong Hen looked away from the secret room, turned his head and asked coldly.

"Exactly, that bastard is like a coward with no guts at all. I really don't know how such a coward would dare to challenge our Sikong family." Sikong Hua said disdainfully.

"I don't want to hear this, I just want to ask you, have you found out his name and identity?" Sikong Hen frowned.

"His name seems to be Chen Xi. According to the reports from the spies, this person should not be a cultivator from our Maple Leaf City. If you kill him, there is nothing to worry about." Sikong Hua thought about it, and said nonchalantly.

"Okay, go ahead and tell those spies to keep an eye on that kid at all times, and if he has a motive to leave Maple Leaf City, he will report it quickly. If anyone dares to break the chain at this time, let him escape from his eyes." Run away, hum! This secret room is his final destination!" Sikong Hen pointed to the secret room in front of him, and said coldly.

"Brother, it's just a foreign monk. If you kill him, you'll kill him. Why wait for him to leave the city?" Sikonghua asked. While speaking, he looked at the bloody and tragic fight in the secret room, and couldn't help shivering, secretly said : "If someone is thrown in, the end will be too miserable..."

"Wait, after fifteen days, Ning Yi and the three of them will be back. If the kid still can't shrink back then, then we have no choice but to kill him secretly."

Sikong Hen thought for a while, and ordered: "Remember, don't touch that kid for a while, after all, what happened in Tianbao Building has spread throughout Maple Leaf City. If that kid dies, Huang Tian Dao Sect will definitely use it Use this as an excuse to suppress our Sikong family, and when the time comes when father blames him, neither you nor I can afford it."

"Damn it! It's Huang Tian Dao Sect again, always going against us everywhere, I really wish that everyone in Huang Tian Dao Sect would die!" Si Konghua muttered angrily.

"There will definitely be a day when I get back the mace and find the inheritance treasure of the Iron Banner Gate from Xuanhuanyu, maybe I will have enough strength to crush Huangtian Daozong..." Sikonghen murmured, coldly Murderous intent welled up in his eyes.

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