divine talisman

Chapter 290 Day 5

Tomorrow there will be no rest for the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the [-]D will still be updated at three times. Please encourage me with a monthly pass!


Fengxuan Restaurant is a well-known restaurant in Maple Leaf City. It is quite large in scale and elegantly decorated. It is adjacent to an ancient red maple forest, and the environment is quite quiet. The specially made maple dew wine is famous throughout the city, so the business is extremely hot.

It was noon at this moment, and there were no empty seats in the Fengxuan Building. The monks from all over the world gathered here, chatting, drinking and having fun, and it was very lively.

"Haha, I also participated in the Tianbao Building's auction yesterday. It was really an unprecedented event and wonderful event. Not only did I see a variety of rare treasures, but I also witnessed some major events with my own eyes. Do you want to hear about it?"

"Cut! What a loss of appetite, I also participated in the auction, what else is there that I don't know? But having said that, this auction is indeed full of ups and downs."

"Damn it, don't be so secretive, okay? Tell me quickly!"

"Okay, it's okay to tell you guys. At yesterday's auction, not only the eldest and second young masters of the Sikong family participated, but Lin Moxuan, the golden core disciple of the Huangtian Dao Sect, and Su Jiankong, who has been in the limelight recently, also appeared. Among them, just hearing their names, you should know how grand this auction is."

"Indeed, the young master of the Sikong family, Sikonghen, is a Jindan Perfect Realm cultivator. He has practiced the art of transforming blood from five poisons, and comprehended the corruption of Taoism. He is also a powerful figure among the younger generation. Lin Moxuan and Su Jiankong both Not to mention people, they are the most dazzling young powerhouses of Huang Tian Dao Sect, and it is indeed unexpected that they all appeared at the auction together."

"If you think they are the protagonists of the auction, you are completely wrong. The reason why this auction is so sensational is that a dark horse that is not afraid of anything, even Sikong Hen fancy The magic weapon was taken away by him abruptly. If so, it is nothing. What is amazing is that when competing for the Xuanyan Rongxu Pill, the Sikong family's performance was too domineering. Su Jiankong represented Huangtian Daozong, I came forward and gave a small warning, but it was only a warning, and there was no conflict."

Speaking of this, the voice paused until he attracted everyone's attention to himself, and then he continued: "I didn't expect that strange monk like a black horse to come forward and drive up the price without any scruples. Forcibly causing the second young master of the Sikong family to produce 20 more Congealing Pills, not only that, but at the end, this person even spoke out to ridicule the second young master of the Sikong family, that appearance is simply to slap the Sikong family in the face!"

"That's 20 Congealing Pills. That person is too ruthless. Now, the Sikong family will probably hate him to the bone."

"Who said it wasn't? Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded. Although the Sikong family is slightly inferior to Huangtian Daozong, it is also the overlord of Maple Leaf City. This is the first time someone has been slapped in the face. Do you think it is a sensation?"

"So arrogant, who the hell is that person, who dares to act wildly on the head of the Sikong family?"

"I don't know about this, but I'm afraid this person won't live for many days. Not everyone in the Sikong family can afford to offend. If you want to go away? There is no door! I'm afraid that the Situ family is now Planning how to kill this person."


The topics in the restaurant almost all revolved around yesterday's Tianbaolou auction, and the most interesting one was the daring and strange monk who was always against the Sikong family.

Who is this person?

What is your name?

What kind of cultivation?

What is the origin?

All this aroused the speculation of the monks present. Probably this is a common problem of all people, who have unreasonable curiosity about unknown and mysterious things.


At this moment, a strange force fluctuated, centered on the restaurant, and scattered in all directions.This wave of power is so powerful and so mysterious. Although it is fleeting, it makes the whole restaurant become silent, and there is no more lively scene just now.

What happened?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, because the fluctuation disappeared too quickly, they only knew it happened in the restaurant, but they were at a loss as to what made it, and could not find any trace.

On the second floor of the restaurant, in a superior room.

Chen Xi looked at the talisman that lay quietly on the desk, although his brows could hardly hide his exhaustion, but there was a hint of shock in his eyes.

Just now, when he put down the last stroke to outline the last rune structure, a strange wave of power suddenly surged out from the surface of this talisman, like breathing, bright and dark, fleeting in the blink of an eye.

Although it only appeared for a moment, it made his heart throb. It felt like being coldly glanced at by a powerful enemy. Although it was silent, it made people feel a deep threat.

After calming down his mood, Chen Xi quickly discarded the distracting thoughts in his mind, picked up this talisman, no, it was this high-level treasure talisman named "Qing Yi Wan Mu Sheng", and began to examine it carefully.

The warm and flexible texture is covered with silver star spots on the surface, and a vivid pattern is looming in it. The forest-like trees stand in it, and the vines and weeds spread across the whole land. At a glance, the whole pattern looks like a turbulent green It is flowing, green and verdant, exuding a strong sense of wood.

"Huh, it turned out to be a perfect and complete quality!" Chen Xi stared at it for a long time, a trace of surprise floated in his eyes, he clearly felt that the power contained in this high-level treasure talisman had already reached the most perfect state, and could no longer be improved by a single sliver.

As we all know, a perfect high-level treasure talisman must contain nine kinds of Taoist powers, and because of this, a talisman master who can make a perfect high-level treasure talisman will never control less than nine kinds of Taoism.

The "Qing Yi Wan Mu Sheng" in front of me does contain Dao meaning, but it only has the Dao meaning of Mu Xing, and the quality can reach the point of perfection. How can I not surprise Chen Xi?

Soon, he understood that the wooden path means the great way, and it contains countless wooden paths. With it sitting in the talisman, as long as there is no accident, it can indeed make the high-level treasure talisman perfect.

"The perfect high-level treasure talisman is more powerful than ordinary ones, and the power contained in it is also higher. In this way, the power of this high-level treasure talisman is equivalent to a full-strength strike of a monk in the golden core perfection state. !"

A smile couldn't help but appear on Chen Xi's face. Immediately, a sense of exhaustion welled up in his heart. Making this high-level treasure talisman almost consumed half of his true energy, and the power of his soul was also consumed enormously. This feeling was like he had just gone through a Like a fierce battle, his whole body is weak, and he can't wait to fall asleep.

However, Chen Xi had no intention of resting. The talisman ink in the jade bowl was still enough to make another high-level treasure talisman "Qing Yi Wan Mu Sheng". It would be too wasteful to wait for the talisman ink to cool and solidify.

Taking a deep breath, he sat back in front of the desk and started making talismans again.

Another day passed.

After exhausting the last drop of true energy in his body and squeezing out all the spiritual consciousness in the Consciousness Sea, Chen Xi finally made another piece of "Qing Yi Wan Mu Sheng".

But unfortunately, I don't know whether it is a state problem or something is wrong, this high-level treasure talisman has not reached a perfect and full state.

"When I made the first talisman, my state was unprecedentedly concentrated and at its peak state. When I made the second one, although I had enough real energy and spiritual consciousness, my mental strength couldn't keep up. Maybe this is the reason?"

Chen Xi thought about it for a moment, and then stopped thinking about it. He was so exhausted that he was dying, and he had to quickly recover his whole body's vigor and energy.No more hesitation at the moment, sitting cross-legged on the bed, and began to adjust the breath.

From this day forward, Chen Xi has been staying in the room, staying at home, and buried himself in the talisman.For every two high-level treasure talismans, he had to adjust his breath for one day. On average, he made one amulet a day, and the output was very small.

However, the quantity is small, but its power is extremely terrifying. You must know that a high-level treasure talisman is equivalent to a full-strength strike in the late stage of Jindan, and if it is sold on the market, it is definitely a treasure that everyone is eager to grab.

Chen Xi can produce a high-level treasure talisman in a day, with such a success rate and speed, if he speaks out, it may shock everyone's jaws.

No. 15 days.

There was a torrential rain in Maple Leaf City that day, the sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and torrential rain poured down, making the entire Maple Leaf City look like it had fallen into night during the day.

In this kind of weather, even the monks are unwilling to come out for activities, so the whole city, except for a few pedestrians who hurried home, looks extremely deserted.

However, in this bad weather, there were three figures, youyouyouzai appeared in the rain curtain. Although the torrential rain was heavy, they didn't get a drop of water on them. Every step they took, there was a distance of hundreds of feet, just like Like a ghost walking in the rain.

Soon, the three came to Fengxuan Restaurant.

The business of Fengxuan Restaurant is also very bleak today, there are no customers, even the servants and chefs are gone.Only the shop owner stopped at the door of the shop.

Seeing the arrival of the three, the chubby store owner's eyes flashed with horror, his expression became more respectful and humble, and he whispered: "According to the orders of the three, everyone in the restaurant has been evacuated, and now only There are only two guests left in the first-class room on the second floor. Excuse me, do you have any orders?"

"You go, today's loss will be delivered by someone from Sikong's family tomorrow." The leader nodded indifferently. He was wearing a bamboo hat and covered in black clothes, with only half of his chin exposed. His voice was hoarse and cold, like a The poisonous snake is spitting out letters, which is creepy.

"Hey, hey." The shop owner's heart trembled, and he ran away from the place regardless of the heavy rain. In his mind, this restaurant that had been in operation for decades, with the arrival of the three of them, undoubtedly became a devil's den.

"A little guy from Huang Tingjing, but let the three of us go out, the young master is too cautious." On the other side, a middle-aged man with a burly figure and a face full of terrible scars shook his head and sighed.

"Don't complain, today's weather is suitable for killing people." The leader of the man in black wearing a bamboo hat looked up at the sky, and at this moment, a flash of thunder pierced the dark clouds, illuminating his pale face. A paper face, and a pair of blood-colored eyes that don't resemble humans.

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