divine talisman

Chapter 291 Shadow Killer

Thanks to brothers "God of Heaven and Earth Demon", "User 13671815", and "Zuiqingtian" for their valuable monthly tickets and support!On this day of Mid-Autumn Festival reunion, Jinyu hereby wishes everyone a happy holiday and all the best!


Torrential rain, lightning and thunder, the world fell into a violent and chilling atmosphere.

Chen Xi woke up from his meditation. He heard the sound of rain outside the window like drums and the rumble of thunder, but his heart was peaceful. From the moment he decided to fight against the Situ family, his Dao heart became pure and flawless, solid as gold, without fear, There is no evasion, only a strong belief in forging ahead and a will as hard as steel.

"Master, you are awake." Mu Kui sat up from the ground, hesitant to speak.

"What, is there something wrong?" Chen Xi was stunned and asked.

"These days, I always feel a little abnormal. There are fewer and fewer guests in this restaurant every day, and even the servants and waiters are gone. It's too weird." Mu Kui scratched his head and said.

"It's indeed a little abnormal." Chen Xi said thoughtfully. When he spoke, his spiritual consciousness spread out, instantly covering the inside and outside of the entire restaurant.

Mu Kui still had something to say, but when he suddenly saw Chen Xi gesturing to him, his heart shivered.

"Someone has sneaked in, three, just wait and see what happens, don't rush to take action." Chen Xi's voice was a little erratic.

Mu Kui nodded, a trace of cold murderous intent surged in his green eyes.

It was already late at night, and the entire restaurant, except for this room, was pitch-black. When Chen Xi silently pulverized the moonstone in the room, the entire restaurant was completely plunged into darkness.At the same time, Chen Xi and Mu Kui also quickly hid in the corner, without any trace.

The main entrance of Fengxuan Restaurant.

"Hey, our little prey found us." The black-robed man in a bamboo hat said coldly and indifferently. The moment they entered, the light in the room on the second floor went out, which meant that the target should have spotted them. .

"It doesn't matter if you find it or not, the result is the same anyway." Beside, the middle-aged man with a face full of scars and a hideous face said indifferently.

"Well, I don't know if the little prey is handsome or not. Sister, I haven't harvested yang and nourished yin for a long time. It really makes people hungry and thirsty." Open it up, revealing a plump, tall, white and shiny breast, full of charm.

The middle-aged man with scars gouged out the breasts of the enchanting woman, and said with a chuckle: "Xiu Sanniang, if the girl spirit snake skill you practiced is not too overbearing, I would have demoted you a long time ago."

"Get out, you perverted mind, how many young girls have you trampled to death? I hate scum like you the most." Xiu Sanniang gave him a disgusted look.

"Don't say it so unfeelingly, there seems to be quite a few fair faces who died under your third mother's crotch, right? We're not the same, don't you think so?" The scarred middle-aged man smiled ferociously, the dense scars on his face twisted like earthworms, looking abnormal terrible.

Xiu Sanniang snorted coldly, and said with disdain on her face: "Hmph, as far as I know, that thing under you is already disabled, and you, a piece of trash, can you be compared with me?"

"Looking for death!" The face of the middle-aged man with the scar suddenly became extremely gloomy, like a scar in his heart that had been uncovered.

"If you want to quarrel, go back and quarrel. If you can't complete the task, the young master will blame you, and no one can go around." At this time, the man in the black robe and hat said coldly, "Start to act, and the battle will be settled quickly."

The two of them froze for a moment, and they all shut up. They obviously had a deep fear of the man in the black robe and hat.


The three of them were in the shape of a character, flying towards the second floor, like ghosts, without making a single sound.



A rush of footsteps sounded, waking up Yaqing who was staring at the rain outside the window in a daze. She turned her head, frowned at her most capable subordinate, and said, "Xin Huan, didn't I tell you not to disturb me?"

Xin Huan's appearance was ordinary, with a dull expression. Hearing Yaqing's accusation, he just stepped forward and sent a document, "Miss, please read this document before we talk."

Yaqing was startled, her expression became serious, Xin Huan was the expert sent by Mrs. Shuihua to protect her, her strength was unfathomable, although she was taciturn, she was meticulous in her work. If he suddenly appeared at this time, something big must happen.

This information is very simple, it only describes some information about the three people, it is precise and concise.

Ning Yi, Jindan Perfect Realm cultivation base, fierce and ruthless personality, good at sneak attack and assassination, the leader of the shadow guard of the Sikong family, the weapon of the Sha Dao, the best of the earth, and the Sha Slaying Yin Dao that masters Taoist martial arts.

Luo Gui, a body-refining golden elixir early stage cultivation base, distorted and bloodthirsty personality, one of Ning Yi's powerful generals, mastering supernatural powers, heaven and earth, three corpses into ghosts.

Xiu Sanniang, a late Jindan stage cultivation base, flirtatious and vicious, with a heart like a poisonous scorpion, one of Ningyi's powerful generals, the weapon is Qingluo blood feather fan, the best of the earth, good at seizing the soul and attacking the soul.

"These three are assassins secretly cultivated by the Sikong family. They were sent by Sikonghen to Fengxuan Restaurant to assassinate Chen Xi just after they returned from their mission in Jingzhou's Soul Cracking Land. I'm afraid they have already started doing it now." Xin Huan was orderly. Dao, a calm voice without any emotion.

To assassinate Chen Xi?Yaqing's eyes froze suddenly, and she said angrily, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Xin Huan said calmly: "Miss, I just got the news."

"Damn it! The Sikong family is so lawless, no, I have to go and see, Chen Xi is only a half-step Golden Core cultivation, how can he be a match for these three people?" Yaqing stood up, and hurriedly headed towards the layman.

"Miss, Madam once explained that she is only allowed to pay attention, but not to interfere with Chen Xi's affairs." Without seeing Xin Huan move, his figure stopped beside Ya Qing, as if teleporting.

"You..." Yaqing gritted her silver teeth tightly, her jade face fluctuated, remembering what Madam said, she finally retreated weakly, and waved her hand: "You step back, I want to be quiet."

"Yes." Xin Huan turned and left expressionlessly.

"Oh, this guy can be favored by Madam, I hope he won't have any accidents this time..." After a long time, Yaqing's faint sigh sounded in the empty room.


The inside of Fengxuan Restaurant was pitch black, and you couldn't see your fingers. Only when there was lightning and thunder, there would be a momentary light.

Ning Yi and the three of them came to the second floor quietly, but the speed slowed down a lot, quietly, every move did not even cause changes in the air, just like invisible ghosts.

They are killers trained by the Sikong family. They have always lived in the dark world. They are best at sneak attacks and assassinations. From the moment they became Shadow Guards until now, the three of them have assassinated countless powerful characters together, and none of them were defeated. The cooperation of each other Already very tacit understanding, the division of labor is also very detailed.

Like Xiu Sanniang, because of her powerful spirit, she has always acted as a scout.

However, at this time, just as he was about to approach Chen Xi's room, the leader, Xiu Sanniang, suddenly stopped in her tracks, and a hint of surprise appeared on her enchanting cheeks.

"What's wrong?" Ning Yi who was next to him froze slightly, and said in a deep voice.

Xiu Sanniang said in surprise: "I can't pinpoint their exact location."

Hearing this, Luo Gui, who was full of scars, jumped in his heart: "What's going on?" He knew that although Xiu Sanniang's combat power was slightly inferior to his and Ning Yi's boss, she was the most important reason why she became his inseparable companion. It is she who is proficient in a kind of divine consciousness detection technique called "circling ripples".

This technique is mysterious and quite rare. Xiu Sanniang won it from a child of a dilapidated family. Using her spiritual sense to perform this technique, it can cover all movement and movements in a radius of thousands of miles, just like the size of a spider. Afterwards, no matter how much any creature restrains its breath to hide, it will be seen through and its tracks will be firmly locked on. On the contrary, if the enemy's consciousness wants to lock them, it will be disturbed. This is the powerful and unique feature of "Ripple Ripple".

It can be said that within a range of thousands of miles, no one can escape her detection, not even a monk with a higher realm than her can escape Xiu Sanniang's detection within this range.

This is also an important reason why the three of them have killed countless powerful people and survived until now. As long as Xiu Sanniang realizes that something is wrong, they can escape safely.

Now, the three of them met a guy who could avoid the detection of "Swirling Ripple"!They didn't dare to underestimate this little prey in Huang Tingjing anymore.

But that's all. There are countless magic formulas and magic weapons in the world, and there must be some who can avoid the detection of Xiu Sanniang's spiritual sense. From their point of view, perhaps their little prey this time is only possible with the help of some kind of magic weapon. To achieve this step, the strength is still unsatisfactory.

So the three of them are still full of confidence to kill, because what they are best at is fighting in the dark, even if they can't lock the specific location of the target, they are not afraid.

"Get ready. The moment you open the door, use all your strength to kill the target in one hit. If the time is delayed, your identity will be exposed. In that case, the young master will be passive. You must know that Huangtian Daozong is doing everything possible Thinking about how to suppress our Sikong family." A cold voice like a poisonous snake came out of Ning Yi's lips.

Both Luo Gui and Xiu Sanniang nodded, understanding the seriousness of the matter.

Ning didn't say any more, and immediately reached out and pushed towards the door.


This is an empty space, full of chaos, extremely narrow, and can only accommodate two people standing side by side in it.

What surprised Mu Kui was that standing in this space, he could overlook all the scenes in the room, but it was impossible to detect his trace from the room.

"Excellent, this treasure talisman called "Five Elements Sumeru Transforming Mustard Seeds" made by the master has the power of ghosts and gods. Hiding in it, no one can find it unless it is a master who understands the meaning of space." Thinking of this Mu Kui's heart grew more and more admiring for this young but proficient master of the talisman array.

Chen Xi was staring at the room at this moment, his brain was extremely clear and calm, he had prepared everything, just waiting for the enemy to enter the urn.

This five-element Xumihua mustard talisman is one of the high-level talismans he has made these days. It is refined from some space-related rune structures collected from five kinds of divine talismans. It can be used in the void. An independent space is opened up in the space, which overlaps with the original void. Being in it is like being in another world. You can completely ignore the detection of the divine sense, and you can see the enemy, but the enemy cannot see yourself. It is extremely mysterious. It is also extremely powerful, and it is definitely a big killer for hiding traces and assassination attacks.

It is a pity that the materials used to make this talisman are too rare, and a material called extraterritorial space spar is needed. He searched all the materials in his pagoda, only to find one the size of a thumb.It is impossible to make more than one.

Moreover, this high-level treasure talisman is not perfect. Due to the lack of space, the power of the treasure talisman can only last for a quarter of an hour. Once the time passes, this space will disappear and return to reality.


Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and saw that the door was silently pushed open. What shocked him was that it wasn't those three people who came in, but a black knife with a suffocating aura, and a huge fist mixed with the sound of howling ghosts and wolves. , and a feather fan billowing with blue mist.

Sharp knife light!

Fierce fist!

Light and agile lupine!

Three kinds of attacks, each of which carried the terrifying power of killing everything and crushing all directions, appeared in the room at the same time at the same time, and that kind of power almost wiped out the tables, chairs, screens, beds, and all kinds of people in the room in an instant. All the decorations are powdered.

Even the air and void fluctuations were annihilated. As a result, the attack that was supposed to be earth-shattering, instead presented a silent state, which was extremely strange.

Obviously, the purpose of Ning Yi, Luo Gui, and Xiu Sanniang's attack this time is to silence all life and movement in the room, so as to avoid abnormal noises and attract the attention of nearby monks!

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