divine talisman

Chapter 292 Please enter the urn

Ning Yi, Luo Gui, and Xiu Sanniang's assassination experience is indeed extremely rich. Not to mention the shocking lethality in a single blow with all their strength, they can also kill all movements in silence according to their own wishes. The control of power has also reached a level of perfection.

In just an instant, the room where Chen Xi was in was completely devastated, with countless cracks, and there was not a single intact thing.In fact, if the three of them hadn't controlled the power, the explosive power would have been enough to destroy the entire restaurant.

"Well, let me see how our little prey died. The young master told me that he will also take his body back when he dies." Luo Gui, who was covered with scars, looked at the dead room, Gearing up to walk inward.

"This pervert is so interested in corpses." Xiu Sanniang cursed in disgust, and entered the room with Ning Yi.

"Huh? No, why can't I find his body? There doesn't even seem to be a trace of blood... Is it difficult for this kid to be evaporated by our attack?" Luo Gui searched every inch of the room, but couldn't find a trace of anticipation. Can't help but be puzzled by the minced meat and corpses that will appear in the movie.

"Evaporation? It means that people evaporate, so the magic weapon of storage should be left behind, right?" Xiu Sanniang sneered.

"Let's search carefully together. Just now, with our all-out attack, even if a cultivator in the Nirvana realm suddenly bumps into him, he will still be hurt. If nothing happens to that kid, he should surely die." Ning Yi said coldly.

Just when the three of them moved, there was a soft hiss in the air, the sound was almost inaudible, like a very sharp blade cutting through a piece of thin paper.

However, the expressions of the three of them changed at the same time.


Ning Yi's pupils suddenly narrowed like needles, and he saw that a near-empty sword light suddenly appeared three inches from Luo Gui's throat, stabbing out as if teleporting.


Unparalleled fast!

Facing this sudden sword strike, Luo Gui didn't react at all, and was pierced through his throat by the sword.

At the same time, a huge black mace covered with icy sharp thorns stretched across the air and slammed down on Xiu Sanniang. The shadow of the stick was dignified, like swinging a mountain, but it was so fast that it collapsed the void. Cracking, fierce and domineering to the extreme.

Xiu Sanniang, who had already sensed that something was wrong, fully demonstrated the quality of a killer, without even thinking about it, she propped up a mirror-shaped defense weapon shrouded in red light outside her body.


There was a dull impact sound, and Xiu Sanniang's petite body seemed to be hit hard by a mountain, and her figure was staggering and unstable. It can defuse the terrifying impact force on the body.

"Luo Gui, Xiu Sanniang, are you alright?"

Ning Yi was vigilant about his surroundings, exuding terrifying power all over his body, but his heart was filled with incomparable horror.That wisp of sword light and a mace seemed to appear out of nowhere. After one blow, they disappeared without a trace, not even a trace!

How can such an attack that comes without a trace and goes without a trace make people feel chilling?

Ning Yi's heart sank quickly.

"I'm fine." Xiu Sanniang looked around in shock, looking around like a frightened bird. The "circling ripple" technique she was proud of lost its magical effect for the first time under the enemy's attack and was useless.

"How could something happen to me? It's not that easy to kill me, three corpses turned into ghosts!" At this moment, Luo Gui, whose throat had been pierced, let out an angry and ferocious voice.


Luo Gui's body exploded suddenly, divided into three parts, the middle body's throat was pierced, and it was already dead, while the other two were intact, with a flash of blood, and re-fused into a body.

Ning Yi and Xiu Sanniang were not surprised. Luo Gui is a cultivator at the early stage of Body Refining Golden Core. Quick recovery.

In fact, among the three of them, if Xiu Sanniang plays the role of a scout, Luo Gui is a defensive meat shield. Coupled with Ning Yi's fierce attack, the three of them are mutually horns in the battle, able to play Unleash the most powerful power.


However, just when Luo Gui's body had just recovered, on the side of his head, a sharp and almost nihilistic sword light appeared out of thin air again. Amidst the crackling sound, Luo Gui's head was instantly crushed into a cloud of blood mist.

The blood mist still wanted to condense together, but it was annihilated by the lightning arc carried by the sword light, completely disappearing, and in the blink of an eye, Luo Gui became a headless corpse.

This sword completely wiped out Luo Gui's vitality, no matter how high his body training level was, no matter how powerful his supernatural power was, if his head was wiped out, he would still be hard to survive.

"Luo Gui!" Ning Yi hissed in surprise, he had already noticed that the ray of sword light flew out from the place where Luo Gui died.


The evil knife in his hand slashed out without hesitation, the jet-black light of the knife was like a black waning moon, splitting the void and galloping like lightning.

However, Ning Yi's hateful attack with all his strength was in vain.The void was torn into countless pieces, and no trace of the enemy appeared.

How can it be?

Could it be that the strong Earth Immortal who controls the space avenue is nearby?

The horror in Ning Yi's heart was like a stormy sea, and he felt a deep fear from the inside out.

The avenue of space is the highest dao in the avenue. No matter how high the understanding of ordinary people is, it is absolutely difficult for ordinary people to comprehend it. In the thunder calamity, grasp a trace of the profound meaning of the space avenue.

This is a power that only the strong in the sixth level of the Earth Immortal can master, and it is an insurmountable iron law.Similarly, this is also the standard for judging how many cataclysms a strong Earth Immortal has survived.

There is nothing wrong with Ning Yi thinking this way, the fault is that he got the wrong partner.I'm afraid no one would have guessed that Chen Xi could make the "Five Elements Sumeru Transformation Mustard Seed" treasure talisman that could superimpose space. In this way, as long as he hid in the space created by the treasure talisman, he could completely avoid all attacks.

The superimposed space is a parallel and isolated existence, and it contains extremely profound space mysteries, and only the strong like the earth immortal can apply it to the heart.


The chill in Ning Yi's heart became more and more intense, he felt that he had jumped into a trap, and the breath of death was enveloping him, he didn't dare to hesitate any longer, he made a decisive decision, and shouted: "Get out!"

Xiu Sanniang was frightened by Luo Gui's death for a long time, this was the first time they had fallen into such a horrific desperation since they carried out the assassination mission, so when they heard Ning Yi's order to retreat, they went to the house without hesitation. rushed outside.

The dark Fengxuan restaurant is so eerie and terrifying in their eyes at this time, the icy chill spreads uncontrollably to their whole body, and there is a deadly murderous intent hidden in the darkness, like a carefully crafted trap, waiting for them into the urn.

It's just that the owner of the trap seems indifferent to their departure.

When they got closer, they could escape from this dark restaurant in another ten feet. They could even see the torrential rain pouring down outside the gate, and the dazzling lightning.This kind of night, so violent and chilling, but it can't compare with the ubiquitous deadly breath in the restaurant.

But no matter what, in the hearts of Ning Yi and Xiu Sanniang, as long as they escape from this restaurant, it means safety, and they escape the situation where the enemy is in the dark and we are in the clear.

call out!

The moment he left the gate of the restaurant, suddenly, there was an extremely subtle sound of piercing through the darkness,

"Be careful!" Ning turned pale with shock, and exclaimed, wanting to remind Xiu Sanniang beside him, but a scene that he never expected happened.

boom!Xiu Sanniang actually slapped him on the chest, knocking him flying, and with the help of this palm, Xiu Sanniang rushed out of the restaurant door like an arrow from the string and disappeared in the boundless rainstorm. In the night below.

"So ruthless! Such a vicious mother-in-law! To escape for my life, I will attack me. Even if I die, I will not let you go!" Ning Yi was extremely shocked and angry, his expression was cloudy, and he immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.Xiu Sanniang's unexpected palm had completely shattered his internal organs, leaving less than [-]% of his fighting strength.


At this moment, Ning Yi saw a clear star-like figure passing by his side at a frightening speed and rushing out of the restaurant gate.

"Could this person be the target of our operation this time? It depends on the situation that the vicious woman Qing Sanniang went to kill, hahaha, very good, I can take this opportunity and leave safely..."

Seeing that this figure ignored him, Ning Yi was startled for a moment, and then a look of joy welled up on his face. He forced himself to support his seriously injured body, and stood up slowly.

"Why, do you still want to live?" A deep voice sounded from behind, and Ning Yiru was struck by lightning, and the ray of hope that rose in his heart was extinguished immediately.

Ning Yi turned his head, he wanted to see who the guy who made him assassinate was, and whether he was an Earth Immortal sixth-layer strongman who comprehended the will of space.

However, what greeted his gaze was a mace falling through the air. The cold and dark surface was covered with sharp thorns. Isn't this the treasure that the young master ordered to take back?

This was Ning's last thought before his life, and the next moment his whole body was smashed into a puddle of flesh.

"Bah! What, dare to think of assassinating my master? It's really asking for death, and death is not a pity." Mu Kui walked up to Ning Yi's body with a huge mace in his hand, and he took a sip, his face full of disdain. , but the next moment, he began to search for the treasures left by Ning Yi.

A top-grade magic weapon, the Disha Saber, [-] Congealing Pills, and a pile of gold and silver treasures, apart from these, Ning Yi has no other treasures on his body.

Mu Kui put them away unceremoniously, thought for a while, then turned and went back to the room, and searched for Luo Gui's treasures. This guy is poorer than Ning Yi, and he only has more than [-] Congealing Pills and a book called "Ningying Pill". As for the supernatural powers that follow the heavens and the earth, as for the supernatural powers of the three corpses that he used just now, he couldn't find them, and he didn't seem to carry them with him.

After finishing all this, Mu Kui rushed out of the restaurant without hesitation, turned into a two-winged silver wolf with a swish, and swept across the rainy night sky towards the city gate far away.

"The master's grasp of the battle situation is simply too good. In human terms, it is called strategizing, using soldiers like gods, and using a magical high-grade treasure talisman to turn the unfavorable situation into an excellent advantage. First, kill Luo Gui suddenly. The other party was frightened, and his fighting spirit collapsed, and once his fighting spirit collapsed, it would be easy to kill him... The ridiculous thing is that those two people are still killing each other, they are really a bunch of trash, such a killer deserves to be called a killer?"

While flying over, Mu Kui recalled the scene just now in his heart, and the admiration for Chen Xi in his heart had reached the point of blindness.

After a moment.

Mu Kui saw from a distance, a figure standing on the city wall, the torrential rain couldn't cover his body, he was as tall as a spear, floating out of the dust, it was the master Chen Xi.

"Master, before Sikong's family reacts, let's leave quickly." When Mu Kui saw Chen Xi, he immediately knew in his heart that the escaped Xiu Sanniang must have lost her life.

"No hurry, let's rest outside the city for a while, since the Sikong family wants to play with me, how can I not accompany to the end?" Chen Xi said leisurely with his hands behind his back.

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