divine talisman

Chapter 293

The third update!Brothers, when watching the moon and eating moon cakes, wouldn’t it be wonderful to vote for a monthly ticket?



Two figures jumped out of the city wall, rushed into the torrential rain, and disappeared in an instant.

After flying for thousands of miles, Chen Xi and Mu Kui came to a vast mountain range, found a natural stone cave in a hidden canyon, and then stopped.

This vast group of mountains has an area of ​​nearly ten thousand miles, densely covered with canyons, and there are tall and towering ancient trees, hiding in it, it is difficult to be found.

"This place is only a thousand miles away from Maple Leaf City. We can advance or retreat, so let's stay here for a few days." Chen Xi instructed.

"Master, I'm going to see if there is any danger around." Mu Kui nodded, and when he spoke, he had disappeared at the entrance of the cave and got into the rain.

Chen Xi was stunned, and when he walked out of the cave, his eyes began to look at the surrounding environment.

This valley is quite hidden, behind is a green mountain peak, there are many white dragon-like waterfalls flying down on the mountain peak, and in some crevices between rocks, natural spring water seeps out from the inside of the canyon, and some places are sunken, forming One by one, large or small pools.In front of the canyon, there is a lake as clear as washing, and the heavy rain pours into it, and various fish jump out of the water from time to time, full of vitality.

"Although the beautiful scenery is beautiful, it is not the place where I live forever." Chen Xi shook his head. Beautiful things will always disappear, and only his own strength can always accompany him.

Back in the cave, Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to examine the spoils this time, the two top-grade magic weapons of the earth level, the Earth Sha Saber and the Qingluo Blood Feather Fan. 17 Ningying Pills, and two exercises, one is the magical method of heaven and earth, and the other is the method of using the divine consciousness "circling ripples".There are other miscellaneous items, but they are of little value.

These were the trophies obtained from Ning Yi, Luo Gui, and Xiu Sanniang, but what interested Chen Xi was those two exercises.

The supernatural powers of heaven and earth can make one's physical body into an extremely huge body, the limit is ten thousand feet, and then the strength will increase sharply. If you step on it, the mountains will collapse, the earth and rocks will collapse, and the mountains will be cut off. The power is extremely powerful.This is a supernatural power technique that is very common in the practice world, and it can be practiced by almost all monks who have advanced to the Zifu Realm through body training.

What interested Chen Xi was that in the state of Fa Tianxiang Earth, he could also use other supernatural powers at the same time, which would be extremely powerful. He imagined that if he became ten thousand feet incarnate and used the Star Dou Mahamudra, the destructive power would be even greater. How scary?

But it is a pity that in the world of practice, no one has been able to practice the law of heaven and earth to the point of incarnation. According to legend, only ancient gods and demons can do it.

The reality is that being able to cultivate your body to more than ten feet is already extremely impressive.

However, this still couldn't stop Chen Xi from cultivating. He had already decided to use the law of heaven and earth as an important means of combat to cultivate in the future.

In addition, Chen Xi was very pleasantly surprised by the method of using the "Swirling Ripples" spiritual consciousness. Only now did he realize that it was possible to use the spiritual experience in this way, and the ingenuity of it made him suddenly enlightened and full of praise.

According to his calculations, if he mastered the "circling ripples", at least he would be able to detect and make a decision early when he encountered danger in the future, and he would no longer be as passive as before.

"Master, there are only some little demons from the Purple Mansion nearby, so it's not very dangerous." At this time, Mu Kui walked into the cave and said with a bow.

Chen Xi nodded, and said, "Cultivate with peace of mind. If my calculations are correct, the Sikong family's troops will be found soon, and then it will be a real battle, and it won't be a fluke like it was just now."

"It's a fluke?" Mu Kui scratched his head, and said with a chuckle, "How do you feel, everything tonight is under the master's control?"

"That's because the Mustard Seed Talisman of the Five Elements Sumeru can no longer be made without the extraterritorial space spar." Chen Xi shook his head and said, in fact, he was quite regretful in his heart. If there were enough extraterritorial space spar, he could only If you need to stay in the restaurant, unless you are a strong Earth Immortal who has realized the meaning of space, no matter how many people the Sikong family sends, they will not be able to threaten you.

Of course, it's just not a threat to yourself.

After all, the strengths of Ning Yi, Luo Gui, and Xiu Sanniang are only at the Jindan stage. With their current cultivation, they can still kill them under unexpected surprise attacks. If there are some masters above the Nirvana stage, there is nothing they can do.


Maple Leaf City, Sikong Family.

Sikong Hen carefully put a black snake that was as thick as a thumb with a layer of icy scales on its body, and put it into his beast card.

This little snake was the only one that survived the battle among thousands of poisons in the secret room. With a little domestication, it is not difficult to breed it into a terrifying poisonous beast comparable to a golden core monk.

"Qingya, when I get back that kid's body, I'll give you a full meal with his blood and flesh, okay?" Sikong Hen stroked the animal badge, a rare tenderness appeared on his snow-white cheeks.


At this moment, the door of the room was knocked open, and Sikong Hua ran in staggeringly, and shouted in panic, "Brother, it's not good, Ning Yi, Luo Gui, and Xiu Sanniang lost their hands, and everyone was brutally tortured." kill."

"What? Say it again!" Sikong Hen's heart was shocked, and he shouted in a cold voice. His face became extremely gloomy at this moment, and there were bulging veins on his right hand holding the beast card.

"Dead, all of them are dead." Si Konghua said dryly with a mournful face.

"How could this be? These three are all assassins trained by his father himself. Since carrying out the mission, none of them have been defeated. They even killed a monk who was in the initial stage of Nirvana. How could they all die?" Sikong Hen still didn't dare Convinced, he gritted his teeth and said, "The target this time is just an ant in Huang Ting's consummation realm, how could it miss?"

"But, this... it's all true!" Sikong Hua said in panic. He was also terrified when he heard the news just now, so he quickly came to inform his elder brother.

Sikong Hen took a deep breath, and quickly suppressed the anger in his heart. He knew that he must not lose his mind at this time, otherwise it would be difficult to salvage the situation.

"Notice, order all the shadow guards in the family to search for that kid in the whole city. In addition, dispatch a pair of disciples who have advanced to the Jindan stage in the family to come and wait for my order!"

Sikonghen spoke calmly and quickly, and ordered: "Remember, you must not let father and other elders know about this matter, otherwise your and my status in the family may be shaken."

Sikong Hua nodded fiercely, gritted his teeth and said: "Brother, this time you take action yourself, you must kill this kid, and don't let him escape again."

"Are you doubting my ability?" Sikong Hen snorted coldly.

Sikong Hua shivered, and quickly said: "Brother, I have full confidence in you, so I'll arrange the manpower first?"

Sikong Hen waved his hand and said no more, because he could hardly contain his murderous intent.

Soon, all the shadow guards in the Situ family were dispatched to search for traces of Chen Xi in the entire Maple Leaf City.These shadow guards were all responsible for spying on information. Although they were all stronger than the other three, they were all very good at tracking and searching. In less than an hour, one piece of news was sent back to the Sikong family.

At the same time, a team of 18 Jindan monks appeared in front of Sikong Hen. These [-] people were all elite figures from the younger generation of the Sikong family. They were heroic and powerful.

"Escaped from the city, hmph, continue to track me down, and be sure to lock on to his target!" Sikong Hen ordered coldly.

"Yes, young master." The member of the Shadow Guard nodded, flipped his palm, and there was an extra lightning blue eagle specially used to convey the news, and it flew into the night sky.

"Everyone, the target we are chasing and killing this time is a cultivator in the Huang Ting Consummation Realm. Don't underestimate him. This son survived the hands of Ning Yi, Luo Gui, and Xiu Sanniang, which is by no means comparable to ordinary monks."

Sikong Hen glanced at the [-] family members who possessed Golden Core Realm cultivators, and said coldly: "But you don't have to be overly vigilant, this time I will do it myself, and the reason why I brought you along is to make sure nothing will go wrong. Understand. Yet?"

"Understood!" Everyone agreed loudly, all gearing up, full of murderous intent.

"Okay! If this operation is successful, I will definitely reward you all. Alright, let's set off now!" After Sikong Hen finished his explanation, his figure flew away to the outside of the city.

The eighteen Golden Core disciples did not hesitate, set up the Dunguang, and followed closely behind.

After they all left, a tall and tall figure walked out from the darkness. This person's eyes were like lightning, his eyes were as fierce as a tiger's, his majesty was everywhere, and he exuded a domineering aura. He was the head of the Sikong family, Sikong Xiaoyun.

"Patriarch, do you want to let the old man follow the young master to prevent accidents?" An old man with gray beard also appeared immediately. His skin was smooth, like a baby, and his every move carried a fierce and fierce aura. Obviously a great monk in Nirvana.

"No need, if you can't cut a jade, you can't make a weapon. Hen'er is proud and arrogant. Some setbacks are not a bad thing for him." Sikong Xiaoyun shook his head.

"Patriarch, let the old man follow along. The young master is the old man watching him grow up. If you don't look at him, you will always feel uneasy. Patriarch, don't worry, unless it is a critical moment, the old man will never help you." The gray-haired old man Asked again.

"Yonglin, Yonglin, what do you want me to say about you? If I don't agree to protect you to such an extent, I'm afraid you will be impatient with me." Sikong Xiaoyun sighed helplessly.

The gray-haired old man chuckled and said, "The Patriarch knows me best."

"Go ahead, but Yonglin, it's better for you to show up less. Back then, you killed a disciple of Huangtian Daozong, but some old monsters of Huangtian Daozong have been thinking about it. Once the traces are exposed, I'm afraid I can't protect you anymore. It's gone." Sikong Xiaoyun instructed.

Hearing the word Huang Tian Dao Zong, the eyes of the gray-haired old man turned cold, and immediately recovered, nodded and said: "I understand." After saying that, his figure flickered, turned into a black light, and disappeared suddenly.

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