divine talisman

Chapter 294

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The vast mountains, towering old trees, covered with dense branches and leaves, the endless deep forest looks extremely dark, this environment is most suitable for hiding traces.

Sikong Hen had his hands behind his back, and his blade-like eyes were filled with cold murderous intent. Behind him, the eighteen Golden Core cultivators of Sikong's family stood solemnly, ready for orders.


A black shadow appeared in front of Sikonghen like a ghost, bowed and said in a low voice: "Master Qi, the torrential rain was too heavy yesterday, and the trace of the target can no longer be traced in this forest. But it is certain Yes, he must still be hiding in the mountains at this time."

Sikong Hen waved his hand and ordered the Shadow Guard to retreat, then turned around and looked at the people behind him, and said in a deep voice: "You three should advance into the forest in an all-round way, and as soon as you find the target, immediately fire the Chiyang Bullet, don't Get entangled with him!"

"Here!" The crowd took orders solemnly, and they formed groups of three, divided into six groups, and searched in the depths of a forest in a semicircle.

"If you don't die this time, how can I, Sikong Hen, have the face to gain a foothold in Maple Leaf City? Just wait, the Mace of Tieqimen is destined to be mine, and no one can take it away!"

Sikong Hen muttered to himself, his figure flickered, and he fled towards the mountain forest alone. He was covered in black mist, and released his powerful aura without any scruples. Wherever he passed, the trees and rocks were instantly corroded into powder, and the ground It was pitch-black and lifeless, and the monsters wandering nearby were all running for their lives in shock.


In front of the canyon cave, Chen Xi stood alone in a blue shirt.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, the divine consciousness as thin as gossamer spread out in a mysterious way, like a huge spider, covering the entire mountain forest.

Soon, one picture after another was clearly presented in my mind.

"Swirling Ripples" is indeed an extremely powerful divine consciousness detection technique. It allows him to clearly control the wind and grass within a thousand miles, and it can also interfere with the opponent's divine consciousness, making it impossible to lock his own position.

"They're here. Eighteen Golden Core cultivators, in groups of three, searched towards us in a semicircle. Sikong Hen was alone, but don't touch him for now, let's deal with the others first. Mu Kui You start from the east side, and if you miss a single hit, you will retreat completely, and let's also let them taste the taste of being assassinated." Chen Xi ordered softly.

Mu Kui was holding a huge mace, with a treacherous and cruel light in his green eyes, he said with a smile: "Master, don't worry, the nine-headed forbearance and sneak attack that our wolf monsters are best at, this time we will let them eat it." Can't walk around."

Chen Xi instructed, "Be careful in everything."

Mu Kui nodded, his body suddenly turned into a phantom of a giant wolf, stomped on all fours, rushed out of the cave, and got into the dense jungle without a sound.

"Ling Bai is right. People don't offend me, and I don't offend others. Obviously, I can't do it. In this practice world where power is respected, the enemy must be more cruel and ruthless. Only in this way will they fear and respect themselves. Dare to make trouble for yourself..."

While muttering to himself, Chen Xi looked up at the sky. Under the sky, there were more than a dozen goshawks fluttering their wings and circling. There was a strange flash in his eyes, and he had disappeared in front of the cave.

The Sikong family's team searched farther and farther away, and the distance between people became wider and wider. These Jindan disciples of the Sikong family all had a Chiyang bullet in their hands, so there was no need to worry about it, as long as Chen Chen appeared in his field of vision. If there is no trace of Xi, you can rest easy if you release the Chiyang bullet.

"What a bastard, a boy from Huang Tingjing needs us to search so hard. I really don't know what Ning Yi, Luo Gui, and Xiu Sanniang are doing. Even such a little guy can't deal with it... "

A Jindan cultivator with a sullen face, cursing in his heart, was walking in the hinterland of a dark forest. His spiritual consciousness kept searching for everything nearby. Tree crowns, rocks, shrubs... were all carefully inspected by him, and he did not let go. Over an inch.

On both sides of him, there is also a person sitting on everything at the same time. The three of them are fanning forward, with a distance of thirty feet from each other. Once one of them has something to do, the other two will immediately find out, and there is no need to worry about any danger. .

Three hours passed without knowing it.They didn't see any trace of Chen Xi at all, and in addition, Chen Xi was just a little guy at Huang Ting's Consummation Realm, these people didn't believe that Chen Xi dared to stay nearby, so they felt that they were wasting time blindly , There was a trace of complaint in my heart unconsciously.

"You guys act first, I have to take a break. I've spent more than half of my consciousness, but I'm exhausted." The Jindan disciple mumbled to his companion, walked under an ancient tree, and sat down on the ground.

"Sanbao, did you exert too much force on Miss Yao'er in Cuihonglou yesterday, making her useless?" The two companions sneered, then shook their heads, ignoring the lazy and lecherous guy, and turned towards him. go ahead.

"I'm useless? Bah, I'm so fucking ignorant. I've been nicknamed a golden gun and never fails. What a reputation is that? You guys, it's pure jealousy..." When speaking, Sanbao subconsciously looked up at the sky .

Suddenly, a cold, pure, and sharp breath came from the top of his head, and a black figure suddenly appeared, probing his hand like lightning, clasping his mouth tightly, and at the same time, a cold light cut across his neck.

"Oh!" Sanbao groaned inaudibly, spit out a pair of dead fish eyes, his face was full of endless panic and despair, his body struggled violently, and there was no more movement.

In less than an instant, the vitality of the three treasures died out, and the whole person still kept sitting on the ground, like a clay sculpture.And that black shadow has long since disappeared.

"Huh? Why do I feel that something is wrong?" A hundred feet away, one of Sanbao's companions suddenly stopped and looked back suspiciously.

"Liu Zi, you're fucking suspicious all day long, there's only the two of us here, so what's wrong?" Another person muttered.

"Just now I seem to have noticed a trace of murderous intent... No, I have to go back to see Three Treasures, Lai Zi, you wait for me here for a while, I will go back." Liu Zi was surprised, and said, he turned and swept back.

After a while, Liu Zi still didn't come back, Lai Zi called out tentatively, but got no response.

Could it be that something unexpected happened to Sanbao and Liuzi?Laizi's heart skipped a beat, his face suddenly became solemn, he held the weapon tightly, and walked carefully towards the position of the Three Treasures.

Soon, he saw the two of them, Sanbao sitting on the ground, while Liu Zi was leaning on the tree, but to his horror, there was a pool of blood spreading silently under the two of them.

Enemies are nearby!

Laizi was terrified, without hesitation, he was about to take out the Chiyang Bullet and release it, but he suddenly felt a strong force coming from above his head, and he almost subconsciously dodged to the side.


The leper's face was covered with blood, the bridge of his nose collapsed, and he fell on his back. Tears mixed with blood filled his eyes, and he couldn't see anything for a while.

"Here! The enemy..." It has to be said that his reaction was extremely good. The moment he was injured, he kept dodging to one side, and at the same time was about to release the red sun bullet in his hand, but the next moment he was cut off by a cold light. , blood spurting, completely dead.

Chen Xi's burly figure appeared next to Lai Zi's corpse, he bent down and picked up the red sun bullet, after a little scrutiny, he guessed its purpose.And on the other two people, each also carried a Chiyang Bullet.

"This guy's exclamation before he died must have attracted the attention of others. In this case, I will help them and release the Chiyang bullet. I am very curious. Three Chiyang bullets appeared in different places at the same time. , what should Sikong Hen do?"

While thinking about it, Chen Xi raised his hand and released three lightning green hawks with extraordinary steeds. These three flat-haired beasts are aerial spies domesticated by the Sikong family. They were caught by Sikong Hen and others when they entered the forest. .

Soon, Chen Xi tied the three red sun bullets to the Lightning Cyan Eagles, and immediately stuffed three black talismans into their bellies.In his hand, there are three other white talismans.

"The twin chain fireball talismans are not even spiritual talismans. One is black and the other is white. They are connected to each other. As long as they don't exceed five hundred miles, crushing the white talisman can cause the black talisman to explode, which is enough to detonate the red sun bullet."

After finishing all of this, a smile appeared on Chen Xi's lips, and he looked at the three frightened and restless Flash Lightning Eagles, and said, "I wish you all good luck."


The wings of the three lightning green eagles vibrated, and they flew in different directions. In the blink of an eye, they had rushed out of the vast forest and disappeared under the distant sky, and Chen Xi's figure also disappeared.

"Trash! A bunch of trash!"

A moment later, with a wisp of billowing black mist, Sikong Hen suddenly came here, looking at the three Jindan disciples of the family who died tragically on the ground, his face was ashen, and his eyes were burning with anger.

Afterwards, another seven or eight disciples of the Sikong family flew over. Looking at the three corpses soaked in a pool of blood on the ground, and Sikong Hen with a furious expression on one side, everyone fell silent.

"A small ant in the Yellow Court Realm can cross the border and kill the Golden Core Realm monks many times. Is he too powerful, or are you all a bunch of useless?" Sikong Hen's eyes were like lightning, and he scolded coldly.

Everyone bowed their heads and remained silent, but their hearts were extremely angry and aggrieved. As disciples of the Sikong family, they wanted wind and rain in Maple Leaf City, but now they couldn't even catch a kid from Huang Tingjing, that is, Sikong Hen Needless to say, they felt extremely ashamed in their hearts.

"Young Master, that kid didn't escape very far. I'll catch up and capture him!" said a disciple.

"Chasing? People have escaped, where should we go after them?" Sikong Hen said through gritted teeth, he couldn't control his anger anymore, Ning Yi, Luo Gui, and Xiu Sanniang were dead, plus the three in front of him, one day Within a short period of time, his Sikong family lost a total of six Golden Core cultivators, and all of them died at the hands of a little guy from Huang Tingjing. How could this not make him angry?

It wasn't the cultivators from the Purple Mansion on Rotten Street, or the usual cultivators from Huang Ting, but the six Jindan cultivators who were at the top of Maple Leaf City!Sikong Hen couldn't bear such a big loss.

call out!

Suddenly, an extremely sharp sound pierced the sky, and immediately everyone saw that a dazzling fire bloomed under the sky, dazzling.

"It's Chiyang Bullet! The enemy is over there!"

"Great, that kid is finally blocked!"

"Chase, kill this kid, and vent your anger for the young master!"

Everyone was gearing up, looking excited, and even the anger on Sikong Hen's face dissipated a lot.

call out!call out!

However, just as they were about to leave, two extremely sharp voices sounded again, and two more Chiyang bombs exploded under the sky, one in the west and one in the east, separated by hundreds of miles , and they are all different from the position where the first Chiyang bullet appeared.

All of a sudden, everyone was completely dumbfounded. Which direction should they chase after the three different positions?

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