divine talisman

Chapter 295 Layout to Kill the Enemy

The second update!Thanks to the old brother "Half Marlboro" for the precious monthly ticket!


For three days in a row, Chen Xi seemed to be transformed into a ghost in the forest, appearing elusively and attacking every corner. Every time he shot, he was crisp and quick, killing the opponent instantly with a sneak attack before the disciples of the Sikong family had time to release the Chiyang Bullet.

With his current strength, he has great confidence in killing the peak Golden Core perfect monks like Shang Huangfu Chongming. With the cooperation of Starry Sky Wings, which is faster than lightning, it is only around the middle stage of Golden Core that he wants to assassinate. The disciples of the Sikong family can easily grasp it without any effort.

In three days, six more disciples of the Situ family were killed. Every time when Sikonghen and the others found out, the dead were already dead and lifeless.

Sikong Hen became more and more angry and restless. He decisively ordered the nine surviving disciples to gather together, concentrate their strength, follow behind him, and search around the forest together.

However, as time passed, no matter how they searched, they did not find a trace of Chen Xi at all, as if he had evaporated out of thin air.

In this situation where the enemy is in the dark and we are clearly in the clear, Sikonghen gradually felt the danger, and he no longer dared to treat Chen Xi as a monk in the Huang Ting realm.

Among the nine disciples of the Sikong family who died, six of them were all killed by a single sword strike, their expressions were full of shock, and there was no trace of a struggle at the scene, obviously they were caught off guard and killed by a single blow.

As for the other three people who died, their bodies were all shattered into a puddle of flesh. It was obvious that they had been hit by extremely fierce and overbearing heavy weapons, and they were also killed by sneak attacks.

This made Sikonghen certain that his opponents were two people. One had unparalleled speed, precise control over the battle situation and terrain, and a crisp and skillful killing technique; A thunderous blow.What these two people have in common is that they have rich combat experience and skillful timing, which is far beyond ordinary people.

Facing such an enemy, even Sikong Hen felt a bit of a headache. He didn't expect the situation to develop to such an extent, but he was already on the verge of death and had no choice but to withdraw. If he quit at this time, the dead disciple of the family would die in vain up.

"Everyone, be careful, when you catch this kid, each person will be rewarded with one hundred thousand Ningying Pills!" At this moment, Sikong Hen could only get a big reward to boost morale.

The effect is very obvious. Hearing that as long as they catch the target, they can get one hundred thousand Congealing Pills, all the remaining disciples of the Situ family cheered up, their murderous intent flashed, and the lethargy on their faces was wiped away.

"Chen Xi, oh Chen Xi, for you, I paid all my money. If you let you escape again, I, Sikong Hen, would kill myself by wiping my neck!" Choose people and eat them.

In the dense dark forest, on a big tree tens of feet high, surrounded by layers of dense branches and leaves, Mu Kui bowed and bent his knees, looking like a full bow, looking out from the gaps in the leaves. silhouette.

His emerald green eyes were calm and without a trace of light, only a trace of forbearance and killing intent could be seen in the depths of the eyes.

Gradually, the figure was getting closer and closer, and the appearance of Sikong Hen and others could be vaguely seen.Mu Kui's expression remained motionless, like a dead object, he just clenched the mace's right hand little by little, but immediately loosened it slowly.

He is a treacherous and cruel wolf demon. He knew that under the current situation, there was no possibility of a sneak attack, so he gave up making a move.


The branches and leaves made an extremely thin sound, just like the soft wind blowing the leaves. Under normal circumstances, it would not attract anyone's attention at all.

But at this time, Sikong Hen, who was on guard all the way, suddenly raised his head, and immediately saw a huge silver wolf with two wings, darting out of the treetops tens of feet high, and dodging away to a very far distance.

In this wild mountain, monsters can be seen everywhere, and it is nothing to see a wolf monster, but what makes Sikong Hen excited is that in the paw of the wolf monster, there is a stick that makes him miss it day and night. Mace.

This evil must be with Chen Xi!

"I'm going to hunt down that wolf demon. You stay where you are, and don't leave without my order!" Finally, he saw a trace of the enemy, which made Sikong Hen so excited that he wanted to scream up to the sky. Without hesitation, his body He shot out like lightning, and chased after the wolf monster.

Before the voice fell, Sikong Hen had disappeared into the depths of the forest.Seeing this, the other disciples of the Sikong family were taken aback. Could it be that the young master has discovered the traces of the enemy?

"Ah!" A shrill scream sounded, piercing the silence of the dark forest, like a night owl crying, it was creepy.

It turned out that just as they were stunned, a black figure appeared out of thin air and rushed into their team. With a flick of the wrist, a cold light suddenly rose, killing one of their companions in an instant.

"It's him, our goal this time!"

"Damn it, you assassinated one of us again. Now that you've exposed your traces, just wait to bear our wrath!"

"Brothers! Kill him, and you will have one hundred thousand Congealing Pills!"


The death of the companion did not cause much panic. Almost instantly, the remaining eight disciples of the Situ family screamed and killed Chen Xi as if they had been spayed with chicken blood.

This black shadow is naturally Chen Xi, and the reactions of these people have already been calculated in his calculations. In fact, it is not only Mu Kui who is hiding here, he himself has been waiting here for a long time, in order to get rid of these people at this moment. Everyone wiped out!

Yes, it's total annihilation.

Sikong Hen gathered these people together, so that he and Mu Kui had no chance to carry out an assassination. If this situation continued, he and Mu Kui would not be found out, so he immediately decided to take the initiative!

In order for the operation to be carried out perfectly, Chen Xi ordered Mu Kui to wait on the big tree early, and deliberately showed a little bit of a horse's foot to attract Sikong Hen's attention, in order to divert the tiger away from the mountain and make the dragons leaderless. Naturally, he could take the opportunity to cut off these little minions.

Now it seems that half of the plan has been successfully completed, and the rest is to kill these people in a short time, and then quickly support Mu Kui, and finally solve the culprit Sikong Hen.

call out!

A Zhangba iron gun with raging flames between it, struck first, the cold tip of the gun pierced the air, like a meteor falling, the momentum and speed are top-notch.

Facing the attack that pierced through the air, Chen Xi's eyes did not fluctuate in the slightest. The countless arduous battles in these years, coupled with the continuous improvement of his strength, the current situation would not cause him to fluctuate in the slightest.

The wrist rotates flexibly, and the sword talisman is like a swallow copying water, with a light stroke.


A sharp sword light containing the meaning of Jinxing Dao appeared in the air, and it was as sharp as a dragon, and it was astonishing. It was like an unparalleled sharp scissors, which cut open the void with a chirping sound, easily smashed the tip of the spear, and pierced his throat.


With a muffled snort, the disciple of the Situ family froze, and a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes, as if he didn't expect Chen Xi's sword to be so sharp and fast.

A burst of scarlet hot blood spurted out, gorgeous and poignant, and the disciple of the Situ family finally fell to the ground and died in bewilderment and bewilderment.

Seeing this scene, the few people closest to Chen Xi retreated subconsciously.


Ignoring these things, Chen Xi would not let any emotion affect him once he started to kill. He threw his body, used his starry sky wings with all his strength, and rushed into the crowd.

Like a wolf among sheep.

The disciples of the Situ family discovered in horror that they couldn't lock onto Chen Xi's figure at all, and could only see a black shadow flickering quickly in their eyes.The speed of this little ant in Huang Ting's Perfect Realm is three times faster than theirs, almost comparable to teleportation!

But compared to his weapon and swordsmanship, its speed is completely negligible. Every time this indifferent young man swung that pitch-black long sword, he swayed a chilling and deadly aura, with the intention of killing straight at him. Jiuxiao is so sharp that it is unimaginable that any magic weapon that touches his blade will be split into two.

And every time he strikes the sword, it will bring different powers of Taoism, raging and roaring rivers, violent and flamboyant seas of fire, shocking and destructive thunder, majestic and thick mountains, ethereal gusts of wind... One kind is magnificent, reaching the original meaning of the Great Dao, which is terrifying and makes people despair.

The unparalleled sharpness of the sword is intertwined with all the mysteries of the avenue, like a scythe harvesting life, plowing out a tragic picture of death on the field of life.

Chen Xi's eyes are cold and indifferent, without any fluctuations. He is like a master who is proficient in the way of swordsmanship. His movements are straightforward and without a trace of superfluous, but the power and changes contained in them are as vast as the ocean. Every attack can obtain The biggest victory!

The eight great swords of the Wanzang Sword change freely and easily, allowing him to crush any fighting skills of the people around him in terms of Taoist martial arts.

The methods of attacking with consciousness, illusion, god shaking, and killing gods are unexpected, attacking the mind, interfering with the enemy's actions, making them full of loopholes, and giving him more opportunities to take advantage of.

The incomparable speed of Starry Sky Wings and the meticulous and comprehensive capture of the enemy's actions by "Swirling Ripples" make him like a wisp of smoke floating in the crowd, elusive and unlockable, so no attack can touch him.

The enemies fell one by one.

In the blink of an eye, there were only two or three people left, and only fear, despair and helplessness remained on everyone's face.Although they had already begun to value Chen Xi's combat power, but at this moment, this scene made them deeply realize that they still underestimated the terrifying strength possessed by the other party.

With Huang Ting's perfect cultivation base, even killing five or six Golden Core cultivators in one move, while he himself was unscathed and not stained with any blood. Can you imagine?

This guy... is simply a monster born to kill!

"Spare me! Senior, spare me..." A disciple of the Sikong family with an earthy complexion knelt on the ground and begged Chen Xi for mercy. He was completely frightened and his fighting spirit collapsed.


His voice stopped abruptly, and a flash of sword light appeared like a flash of light, piercing his throat with incomparable accuracy, bringing up a splash of bright red blood foam.

Chen Xi didn't even look at the corpse lying on the ground, and turned around to kill the next target.

"Run away!" Seeing this scene, the only two people left completely collapsed, turned around and fled desperately, wishing their parents would have two more legs.

Seeing this, Chen Xi had a hint of sarcasm on his lips. If these two people blew up their golden cores at this moment, they might be able to injure themselves severely. It's a pity that they cherished their own lives too much and didn't have the guts to do so, so they still had to die in the end.


The wings of the starry sky flashed, and the second came first, and the sword talisman drew two beautiful arcs.

In an instant, the person who fled at the front let out a scream, and the pupils of the companion behind him shrank, seeing a very strange scene, the head of the person in front flew to the side, but the body was running forward!He unconsciously looked down at himself, but was shocked to find that his body was gone!

It turned out that, like him, my head had been cut off... This was his last thought before he died.

The normal battle lasted less than a few breaths, and all the nine Sikong family Jindan disciples were killed, and their bodies fell in a pool of blood, exuding a disgustingly strong bloody smell.

Groups of monsters hid far away in the forest, sniffing the smell of fresh blood floating in the distance, with extremely greedy expressions in their eyes, but afraid of that tall figure, they dared not go forward .

"Next, it's time to deal with Sikong Hen..." Chen Xi raised his head, scanned his surroundings with his spiritual sense, and instantly determined the direction. His figure flew away like lightning.


After making sure that Chen Xi had completely left, the monsters in the forest rushed out and devoured the corpses on the ground. The scene was extremely bloody.

"I haven't seen it for half a year. I never thought that this guy's strength has reached such a level..." Deep in the forest, a pair of eyes looked at the bloody land, with a trace of solemnity in their eyes, but soon, he was silent He left without hesitation, chasing after Chen Xi who had left with peace of mind.

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