divine talisman

Chapter 321 The reason for robbery [Part 1]

Thank you brother "point to point" for a valuable monthly ticket!


Chen Xi was very angry, and his thoughts became a little disordered.

The sudden appearance of Zhen Liuqing and Yaqing brought him too much information, which made him unable to accept all of it for a while.

Under the surprised gazes of the two women, he turned around suddenly, and went to the desk, rubbed the ink, spread out the white paper, took a deep breath, and swiped down with a brush.

At this time, is he still in the mood to write?

The two women looked at each other, and there was a trace of worry in their eyes. Chen Xi's abnormal behavior undoubtedly showed that in his heart, he was not as calm as he appeared on the surface.

But what was he writing about?

Neither of the two women disturbed Chen Xi, they quietly walked forward and stopped to watch.

Chen Xi's handwriting is very beautiful, the strokes are vigorous, elegant and flying, and the lines of petty seal characters are like flowing runes, with a strong rhythm. Under the light of the moonstone, there is an indescribable beauty, as if it has been contained. There is a hint of the charm of the avenue, which is meaningful and long.

Both women showed a look of astonishment, they never expected that Chen Xi's attainments in calligraphy would be so profound.But soon, they were attracted by what Chen Xi wrote.

"The behind-the-scenes messengers, the Central Plains Zhanwangfu, Huangtian Daozong, Jiudingxian Sect, Yunhe Sect, East Sea Dragon Sha Island, Northern Man Cangku Mountain, these six major forces, their hearts can be punished!

The executor of the black sun robbery, the black sun building, this force takes money to kill people, lawless, if you do many unrighteous actions, you will kill yourself, it should be eliminated!

Assassin level, Gold Core level, all proficient in the art of assassination, experienced in hundreds of battles, without a single defeat, the younger generation tonight, death is not a pity!

The robbery route, between Qingzhou and Jinxiu City, this road should be taken head-on, it is imperative..."

At this point in writing, Chen Xi put down his pen on the desk, and exhaled lightly. The space between his brows was filled with tranquility and peace, as if the few lines he had written just now had smoothed out all his thoughts, and his mind and body had reached an ethereal state. state.

The two women were stunned. From the line of black handwriting that penetrated the back of the paper, they clearly felt a strong murderous intent that could not be dispelled. They made no effort to hide it, resolutely clanged, and almost burst out of the paper!

"Are you really going to be an enemy of those forces? You don't even intend to let go of the Black Sun Building?" After a long silence, Yaqing looked at Chen Xi with a little suspicion, her voice showing a trace of solemnity.


Just as she was speaking, the white paper on the copybook seemed unable to withstand the murderous intent soaked in the lines of writing, and it silently turned into a piece of fine paper scraps and disappeared.

Chen Xi said calmly: "I have to go to the Stars Conference. The actions of these sects have touched my bottom line. Although my current strength is not enough to shake them, one day, I will give them something similar to the Black Sun. Those who pass the test of robbery can live, otherwise, they will die."

"The master is right. The little one has been holding back his anger for a long time. These people are simply shameless. They just pretend to be magnanimous, saying that they survived the robbery and survived the robbery. The grievances between each other are wiped out. It just doesn't make sense."

Mu Kui didn't speak all the time, but at this moment, like a volcanic eruption, he said angrily: "And from the beginning to the end, they were the ones who troubled the master. It would be good if the master didn't settle accounts with them, but now they have bitten him with a hypocritical look. With such an ugly appearance, I really wish to destroy its mountain gate, wipe out its orthodoxy, and make it all extinct!"

Seeing Mu Kui's resentment and uncontrollable appearance, the two women were shocked in their hearts, and they didn't expect that things would be so twists and turns.

Zhen Liuqing asked in surprise: "How did you and those sects become enemies?"

"That's right, it's really rare to offend six great sects at once." Ya Qing also said at the side, she already knew some truths before, for example, Chen Xi took away some magic weapons from Huangfu Chongming and others, so Leading a group of old monsters from the fairyland to fight, but they failed in the Liuyun Sword Sect...

But how Chen Xi became enmity with these six sects, she was not very clear.

As soon as the two girls got the news of the black sun robbery, they came to tell him. Chen Xi was also quite moved in his heart. He stopped hiding it and said slowly: "Simply put, the origin of this hatred is because of the Some treasures were seen by Huangfu Chongming, Lin Moxuan, Xiao Linger, Liu Fengchi, Man Hong, oh, yes, Qing Xiuyi and his two juniors, they all became greedy and took action to surround For me, if you want to take these treasures away from me..."

"And Qing Xiuyi!?"

The eyes of both women were fixed. Although Chen Xi spoke plainly and only listed some places, times, and people, as long as he imagined it in his mind, he could understand how dangerous Chen Xi's situation was at that time.

"Yes, there is also Qing Xiuyi. However, due to some incidents during the battle, they did not snatch anything from me. Instead, I took away the magic weapon in their hands. The hatred was forged on that day. of."

Chen Xi's eyes were deep and far away, as if he was recalling everything that happened that day, and soon he woke up from the memory, and said calmly: "It is also because of this that the old monsters behind these people use this as an excuse to go to the Yun Jianzong, if you want to persecute my righteous brother, hand me over to them."

Deceiving too much!

Hearing the words, the two women were furious in their hearts, and they were extremely shameless of the behavior of Huangfu Chongming and others. These people were greedy to steal people's treasures, but they were robbed in the end. This is an extremely disgraceful thing. To be robbed of treasures They deserved it, but these people told the elders of the sect and used it as an excuse to attract a group of old monsters to deal with Chen Xi. This cannot be described as shameless!

"What happened next?" Zhen Liuqing asked.

Chen Xi hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell the truth. The two women obviously regarded him as a friend, and if they concealed something, it would not be the way to be friends.After pondering for a while, he immediately said: "One of my relatives and friends once left a token and kept it in the hands of my righteous brother Beiheng. It was because of this token that those old monsters became afraid and died. return."

A token made a group of strong earth immortals obediently leave?The two women were shocked when they heard the words, they never expected that Chen Xi would have such a terrifying relative and friend, and that just leaving a token would be so powerful.

"That token has only one white character." Now that he had said it, Chen Xi no longer concealed it, and said, "Perhaps you have also heard some rumors about this token with white characters. Anyway, I didn't think of this token before. So precious."

Zhen Liuqing and Yaqing's eyes suddenly became extremely bright, and they blurted out in unison: "Xuanhuanyu Bauhinia Baijia!"

Chen Xi nodded and said, "It should be."

"No wonder, it is said that even the current Emperor Chu once went to visit the head of the Bai family, but he couldn't even enter the gate. One can imagine how terrifying the power of the Bai family in Xuanhuan is."

Yaqing's clear eyes sparkled with colorful ripples, and exclaimed: "Facing the hundred-character order from the Bauhinia and Bai family, these old monsters naturally dare not do it again. The emperor was angry and laid down millions of corpses, but the Bauhinia and Bai family If you make a move, it will be a disaster to destroy the country!"

However, Zhen Liuqing seemed to realize something, and suddenly said: "No wonder the action of the Black Sun Tower is a robbery, not a pursuit, and there is a retreat for you. It turns out that I was worried about being retaliated by the Bauhinia and Bai family."

Yaqing snorted coldly: "If they were worried about this, they wouldn't dare to engage in any more robbery. Obviously, they didn't want to offend the Bauhinia and Bai family, and they didn't intend to let Chen Xi go, so they came up with such a move. It really took a lot of painstaking effort." , Thankfully they figured it out."

In fact, the two women had already guessed in their hearts that there must be a reason for these old monsters to pursue Chen Xi so closely, and even risk offending the Bauhinia and Bai family to deal with Chen Xi.Perhaps it was because the "treasure" on Chen Xi's body was too precious, and it also had an incomparable attraction to them, the powerhouses in the fairyland.

As for the "treasure" that can attract the strong earth immortals, what else is there besides immortal weapons?

However, it is not good for them to inquire any more. Everyone has some secrets, so it is better not to inquire about these "treasures" on Chen Xi.

Chen Xi naturally understood where the root of the matter was. The treasures on his body, whether it was the Pagoda of the Buddha, the Nether Record and the Exorcist Pen inherited from the Great Emperor Youming of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, or even Lingbai, were enough to make any strong person in the fairyland Crazy, those old guys are no exception.

"Then what are you going to do next?" Zhen Liuqing asked.

The question went back to the topic at the beginning, but Chen Xi had straightened out his thoughts at this moment, and he no longer had any worries about gains and losses in his heart, and said calmly, "Clash a bloody road to Jinxiu City."

"How about I mobilize the power of Tianbao Building to help you enter Jinxiu City?" Yaqing worried.

Chen Xi smiled: "No need, the black sun robbery was aimed at me, and all the Golden Core cultivators were dispatched. If you get involved, it will not be beneficial to Tianbaolou, and it will make things worse. Don't worry, both of you. So far, there are many people who want to kill me, Chen Xi, but I have lived to this day, and they have all died long ago."

Seeing that Chen Xi had made up his mind, the two girls stopped trying to persuade them, and chatted for a while, then took their leave and left.

They knew that even if they stayed here at this moment, it would be useless and would delay Chen Xi's time on the contrary. Rather than doing this, they might as well leave early, leaving Chen Xi more time to prepare all countermeasures against the enemy.

"Master, don't worry, this time I will risk my life to get you to Splendid City safely!" After the two women left, Mu Kui said with a solemn expression.

Chen Xi was stunned, and resolutely refused: "You don't want to interfere with this operation, just stay in the Pagoda of the Buddha. If you stay by my side, if anything happens, I will regret it for the rest of my life. What's more, with my current strength , and absolutely not afraid of any Golden Core cultivator."

"I..." Mu Kui said anxiously.

Chen Xi stopped him from speaking, and said seriously: "Mu Kui, this time, no matter what, you have to listen to me. I still have to attend the Stars Conference, go to the Ancient Battlefield, go to Xuanhuanyu... I still have a lot of things to do, why not?" Is it possible to die so easily?"

Mu Kui's lips trembled twice, and he nodded.

Chen Xi patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Cultivate hard in the pagoda of the Buddha. Aren't you a mid-stage Golden Core cultivator? When you arrive at Jinxiu City, you must advance to the late-stage Golden Core. Don't let me down."

Mu Kui gritted his teeth, and said firmly: "Don't worry, master, if you can't advance, the younger ones will kill themselves!"

Chen Xi was dumbfounded. Mu Kui was fine with everything, but he was too serious about his own words, as if he would regret it for the rest of his life if he couldn't do what he ordered.

"Let's go, accompany me to buy some materials needed to make talismans, and buy a map between Qingzhou and Jinxiu City. If you see something, buy it all. The 200 million condensate won at the Golden Pool Conference It's time for Yingdan to come in handy..."

"Master, when shall we leave Qingzhou?"

"It won't be too late for me to set off after I have cultivated my body training to the state of Advanced Golden Core and everything is ready."

"Master, I'm still a little worried..."

"If you talk nonsense, I will stuff you into the Pagoda of the Buddha. You have no confidence in me?"


The two masters and servants, one in front and the other in the back, rushed towards the major shops in Qingzhou City, spending money like running water, sweeping up wantonly, as if unaware of the imminent danger.


ps: When reading this chapter, when Chen Xi was writing, did he feel like when he was reading an Infinity Stream novel and receiving tasks?This is also done for the sake of brevity and clarity, so that brothers can understand it and at the same time make it interesting to read, instead of piling up a lot of unnecessary words to fill the number of words.

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