divine talisman

Chapter 322 The Treasure Boy [Part 2]

Night color is like water.

The Golden Pond Conference, which lasted for many days, ended today. Many monks who came from afar chose to have a carnival tonight. Regardless of success or failure, they will leave this misty and misty city of thousands of lakes tomorrow.

Although this year's Golden Pond Conference cannot be said to be terrific, it is enough to be called magnificent and full of twists and turns.Among them, there is undoubtedly only one person who attracts the most attention—Chen Xi.

Jiyue of the Xuanji Sect of the Northern Barbarian, Hua Mobei of the Biyuan Xiandao of the East Sea, Wang Daoxu of the Mingxia Sect... all the young generation of Golden Core powerhouses were all defeated by Chen Xi's sword.

As a result, he became the first monk in history to win a hundred consecutive victories in the Golden Pool Conference, and he is the only one who has won a hundred consecutive victories in this year's Golden Pool Conference.

The topic about Chen Xi became the hottest topic in the streets and alleys of Qingzhou City and in teahouses, and it didn't weaken because of the end of the Golden Pond Conference, but became more and more intense.His background, background, and performance at the Golden Pool Conference are all interesting to talk about.

Some merchants even took the phantom jade slips and recorded Chen Xi’s battles at the Golden Pool Conference one by one. These jade slips have also become the best-selling and most sought-after commodity in the city of Qingzhou.

Some people bought it to study Chen Xi's fighting skills, some people bought it to make their nephews follow Chen Xi's example and practice diligently, and some people bought it purely for collection. It is worth mentioning that most of these people have already Most of the young girls are in love...

Under such circumstances, as soon as Chen Xi and Mu Kui walked out of the inn, they were quickly recognized. No matter where they went, they would be chased by countless eyes. Some bold girls even plucked up the courage to step forward. , sent his own sachet, jade hairpin, jade pendant and other thoughtful things to express his admiration for his ignorant love affairs, which made Chen Xi's scalp tingle for a while, and he had no choice but to run away.

Girls' feelings are always poetry, which is easy to understand.

However, Chen Xi didn't dare to show his true colors in the market anymore, and bought a cloak to wear on his body. Then he was secretly relieved, and began to take Mu Kui to buy some materials needed for making talismans.

What made Chen Xi helpless was that after visiting countless shops, the materials he bought were only enough to make seven high-level treasure charms. But after thinking about it, he felt relieved. All of these materials were precious and rare, and he could buy them in the market. It's already pretty good.Under normal circumstances, these expensive and rare materials will only appear at auctions.

But that's not the point. The point is that after purchasing these materials, he actually spent all of the 200 million Congealing Pills he won from the Golden Pool Conference, and even put in [-] Congealing Pills.In other words, the materials used to make seven high-level talismans are worth [-] million Congealing Infant Pills!

When he thought that he and Mu Kui had consumed fifteen high-level treasure talismans in one fell swoop when they were fighting against Sikong Hen and the others, Chen Xi also felt a little uneasy. If it was replaced by the Congealing Pill, how many would there be?

"It's no wonder that high-level treasure talismans are so rare. The materials alone are so amazing. If I entrust a talisman maker to make them again, I'm afraid the cost will be even higher..."

But when he returned to the inn, Chen Xi quickly diverted his attention, looked at the various materials on the table, and silently thought about the various steps of making the talisman in his mind.

Before I knew it, it was already very early in the morning and late at night.

Soft whispers floated from the sky, as dense as weaves, and they fell on the window sill with a rustling sound, making the night as quiet as water, ethereal and clear.

Chen Xi, who was in deep thought, suddenly narrowed his eyes, without raising his head, he said indifferently, "Since you're here, why do you need to hide?"

The window opened slowly without wind, and walked in a barefoot young man in sackcloth. His face was gentle, and his brows were firm and calm. On his bald head, there appeared a bewitching red lotus flower like a tattoo. Disciple Jiyue.

"Brother Chen doesn't sleep late at night, could it be that he's been waiting all this time?" Ji Yue was not surprised that Chen Xi could notice his arrival, and in fact he didn't hide his tracks at all.

Chen Xi raised his head from the desk, looked straight at this body-refining expert who was proficient in both Buddha and demon, and said calmly, "You have been following me since I left the inn, if you don't show up tonight, it will be a strange thing things."

Jiyue was startled, and said dumbly: "Unexpectedly, Brother Chen discovered it."

Chen Xi quietly looked at the lonely moon for a while, shook his head, and sighed, "If you have something to say, just say it, you didn't come here late at night just to chat with me, did you?"

"Okay, brother Chen is quick to talk, to be honest, I came here this time because of the last time." Jiyue smiled slightly and said: "Of course, in order to make brother Chen willing to hand over the pagoda to me, apart from the Buddha Cultivation method, how about offering another magic cultivation method? You must know that the two ways of Buddha and magic are completely different from each other. If you can integrate them, Brother Chen's strength will definitely be improved. This condition is enough to show my sincerity right?"

Without even thinking about it, Chen Xi replied decisively: "I don't need it, thank you for your kindness."

Jiyue's face froze, and she forced herself to suppress the anger in her heart, and said with a smile: "Brother Chen, why don't you think about it again? If you miss this opportunity, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

A hint of sarcasm appeared on Chen Xi's lips, and he said, "I really want to know, do you really think in your heart that with two exercises, you can make me agree?"

"You will agree, won't you?" A smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Jiyue's lips, like a vortex reversing, full of magical power, and at the same time, a strange luster gushed out of his eyes, like gold but not gold, It brings a sense of peace.

Suddenly, great changes occurred in Chen Xi's sea of ​​consciousness. In a trance, he seemed to have come to a world of bliss, where heavenly dragons soared, colorful phoenixes danced, flowers fell from the sky, golden lotuses gushed from the ground, Buddhas chanted scriptures, and believers prostrated and worshiped, their expressions were filled with contentment and happiness.

"All living beings are suffering, birth, old age, sickness and death, catastrophe from the heavens, many disasters in life, my Buddha is merciful, save all living beings, those who lost their way, take refuge in my Buddha, you can obtain bliss, you can obtain the peace of eternal life..." A burst of ethereal Sanskrit sounds reverberated in my heart, Full of compassion, people can't help but want to kneel down to worship and pray devoutly.

Under the chanting of this voice, a trace of bewilderment flashed across Chen Xi's eyes.

Noticing this, Jiyue couldn't help showing a hint of disdain on her lips, "No matter how powerful you are, you can't escape my Leiyin Purdue Curse extradition?"

"Hmph, it's been cheap for you kid, let you die peacefully in the Paradise of Bliss now!" Ji Yue's eyes widened, the golden light in her eyes became more pure and thick, and she almost swept away at Chen Xi.

He believed that Chen Xi would definitely die in the next moment, and he died quietly, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

At this moment, Chen Xi, who was originally looking dazed, suddenly burst out a flash of cold electricity in his eyes, which burst out loudly, not only shattering the incoming golden light, but also rushing directly into Jiyue's sea of ​​consciousness.


Jiyue's head buzzed, as if struck by lightning, her heart was filled with horror, how could it be possible!How could this guy break the Leiyin Purdue Curse?

However, before he could figure it out, a sharp pain like a knife and a saw surged through the sea of ​​consciousness in an instant. It felt like the sea of ​​consciousness was torn into countless pieces. The pain caused him to lose all consciousness completely almost instantly. Finally, with a plop, he collapsed to the ground, unconscious again.

"I'm really looking for a dead end. The power of my soul has completely surpassed the Nirvana realm, how can I be deceived by your tricks?" Chen Xi stood up, looked at the lonely moon on the ground, and shook his head involuntarily.

Although the attack between the consciousness is invisible and intangible, but in terms of danger, it is more terrifying than direct hands. A careless move may damage the soul and become a complete idiot.Even Chen Xi, in the absence of a sure victory, did not dare to use it lightly.

Just now he intentionally showed a flaw, Ji Yue thought that there was an opportunity to take advantage of it, unconsciously he was undefended, no longer prepared, and he took this opportunity to use his "God Killing Technique" with all his strength, destroying Ji Yue's consciousness with one blow. ocean.From then on, Jiyue lost her sea of ​​consciousness, she was no different from an immobile idiot, and could only wait for death in this life.

This means harming others instead of harming oneself, and retribution is not good.

The sound of Jiyue falling to the ground also woke up Mu Kui outside the door, he walked into the room, saw Jiyue motionless on the ground, and said in surprise: "Master, did you kill this person?"

"No, but it's almost as if he's dead." Chen Xi shook his head and said.

"Great, let me see what's on this guy..." Mu Kui didn't care so much, rushed up eagerly, and started to search for the spoils.

This guy Jiyue is worthy of being a disciple of such a famous sect as the Xuanji Sect. He has more than 100 million Congealing Pills on his body, and the prices of various medicinal pills used for healing are also astonishing.

In addition, there are two supernatural powers, namely "Three Heads and Six Arms" and "Dragon and Lion King Seal". As for the breath-adjusting and breathing exercises used by Buddhist and demon cultivators, they are not brought with them.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help shaking his head. This guy came here tonight, and he didn't have any intention of exchanging the Buddha's and Demon's skills for the pagoda. Otherwise, why didn't he bring it with him?

However, this supernatural power "Three Heads and Six Arms" is something that Chen Xi can't put it down. This supernatural power is not exclusive to Buddhist cultivators. Other body refiners can also practice it. Moreover, Chen Xi noticed that "Three Heads and Six Arms" is the same as "Fa Tian Xiang Di". It is a kind of instant enhancement of physical strength, which can assist other magical powers to use. The only difference is that "Fa Tian Xiang Di" can be purchased in the market, but this "Three Heads and Six Arms" is a secret magic power that cannot be found on the market. No, and it is only possible to find it in some ancient big sects.

Chen Xi couldn't help but look forward to it, if he combined "Fa Tian Xiang Di" and "Three Heads and Six Arms", and then used the Starry Sky Mahamudra, how terrifying would his power be?

"Hey, master, what do you think this is?" Mu Kui said suddenly, he was holding a blood spar in his hand, which he just found from the pile of sundries on Ji Yue's body.

This blood spar is in the shape of a rhombus and is crystal clear throughout. There is a plasma-like liquid surging inside it. From a distance, one can clearly feel a strong rush of blood.And this blood energy has no bloody smell, on the contrary, it is pure and mellow, taking a sip, like drinking nectar, makes the whole body feel comfortable and lively.

"Witching Blood Crystal!?"

Chen Xi blurted out that he vaguely seemed to have heard that after a body refiner reaches the Golden Core realm, there will be a huge obstacle in the replenishment of witch power. Once it is exhausted, it will take a very long time to cultivate back.

And as long as there is a witch-transforming blood crystal, after the huge blood energy contained in it is absorbed, it can be instantly transformed into witch power, pouring into the flesh and blood membrane, and restoring the lost witch power to its original state.

This treasure is almost the same as the Ningying Pill and Taiqing Yuye Pill needed by Qi refiners, and has the same effect.

"How many of these things does this guy have on him?" Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a little excited, he was already sure that this blood spar was definitely a witch blood crystal.It is said that this thing was born deep in the center of the earth and was conceived and nourished by the essence of the earth. It is quite rare and extremely difficult to pick.

"A lot, almost tens of thousands. Before, I thought it was a pile of useless rubies." Mu Kui scratched his head and laughed.

"Jiyue has really become my treasure-giving boy now. Not only has he sent powerful magical powers, but also a large number of witch-turning blood crystals. With it, coupled with the Dragon Soul Jade Pendant and Xuansha Holy Water, I will surely You can smoothly advance to the Golden Elixir Realm of Body Refinement within three days!" Chen Xi clenched his fists fiercely and said with burning eyes.


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