divine talisman

Chapter 327 Fire Crow Tavern

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From Qiao Sheng's mouth, Chen Xi had a general understanding of the strength of these villains in Fire Crow Town.

Among the thousands of villains, the strength of the five villains, Cao Caozhang, Rentou Li, Chi Luolan, Wu Fuzi, and Qi Yin, is at the top level.All of them have the cultivation base of Jindan Perfect Realm, killing people like hemp, and have extremely rich combat experience.

Chen Xi was actually very surprised when he first learned about this situation. After all, in his view, since Huoya Town is home to the most vicious and vicious people from the entire Great Chu Dynasty, it stands to reason that the most powerful villains should not have such little strength. .

But after Qiao Sheng explained, he understood instantly.

The evil person whose cultivation base is above Nirvana is too great a threat, and the crimes committed in the outside world are also too serious. The sky is angry and the people complain, and not killing them is not enough to vent the anger of the people.Against these villains, the Great Chu Dynasty did not dare to be negligent, worried about breeding tigers, so it adopted the most ruthless killing of these people. [

Under such circumstances, how could these villains whose cultivation base was above Nirvana dare to stop in Huoya Town?

The existence of Cao Caozhang and the others are coolies. Within the controllable range of the Great Chu Dynasty, there is no possibility of being killed, but as long as they advance to the Nirvana state, they will inevitably be killed.

For monks, this is too painful, and they cannot advance, which means that their life span is limited, and there is no difference between living and waiting to die.

Perhaps this is the punishment given to them by the Great Chu Dynasty. Living and waiting to die is sometimes more tormenting than killing them directly.

All in all, after understanding the strength of Fire Crow Town, Chen Xi no longer worried that his life would be threatened, and followed Qiao Sheng into the Fire Crow Tavern.

It is worth mentioning that before entering the tavern, Qiao Sheng carefully told Chen Xi that these old people would deliberately find fault with newcomers and show their power, so Chen Xi should be patient when it is time to be patient, and don't do stupid things.

Chen Xi was noncommittal about this.

As soon as the door opened, a gust of cold wind came in. Chen Xi stood still at the door, and the originally noisy tavern suddenly became noisy.

In the small tavern, more than a dozen tables were scattered around, and dozens of villains were gathering around the tables, drinking and chatting.There is a long counter at the far end of the house, and the tavern owner rests behind the counter with his chin propped up.

Seeing Chen Xi coming in at this moment, all eyes in the tavern were looking this way. These villains all had dark eyes and hideous faces. When they saw Chen Xi's unfamiliar face, there was a trace of mockery in their expressions.

"Hey, there is a newcomer here, welcome to Fire Crow Town. But this little brother is really handsome, would you like to come to sister's place for a drink?"

An enchanting woman sitting among many villains, with her chin resting on one hand, blew a loud whistle. A pair of peach blossom eyes stared straight at Chen Xi, her glances swirling, as gorgeous as peach blossoms.

As soon as this delicate voice came out, the quiet atmosphere just now broke away, and the tavern became lively again.In the eyes of these people, Chen Xi looked young and thin, and he didn't have any threatening power.

"This woman is Chi Luolan, would you like to have a drink with her?" Qiao Sheng joked with a smile.

"Have a drink? Be careful that your head is cut open and used as fertilizer for planting flowers." From a corner, an old voice sounded. It was an old man in a Confucian robe holding a scroll in his hand. He was drinking alone.

Without Qiao Sheng's introduction, Chen Xi roughly guessed that this old man must be another martial artist. From the appearance alone, it is really hard to imagine that such a refined old man would like to listen to the screams of living people to be able to do so. fall asleep.

"Brother, don't listen to that old guy's farting. I Chi Luolan only kills those who don't like it. Sister, I think you are very pleasing to the eye. I wish I could hold it in my palm and take care of it. How could I use you as fertilizer?" Chi Luolan chuckled.

"Hey, which new guy wasn't held in the palm of your hand and cared for by you, so that his forehead was cut open?" Wu Fuzi seemed to like to argue with Chi Luolan, and exposed her unceremoniously.

Immediately, Chi Luolan didn't care about molesting Chen Xi, and started arguing with Master Wu, causing other villains in the tavern to burst into laughter. [

Chen Xi ignored these, came to the counter, and said, "I need a map of the Dark Forest."

At this time, Qiao Sheng quickly came to the counter and whispered to the tavern owner a few times, probably to introduce Chen Xi's identity. After speaking, he smiled and left, leaving the tavern owner and Chen Xi behind.

The tavern owner nodded and said, "I do have the map of the Dark Forest here, but the map is incomplete and the price is expensive. Are you sure you want to buy it?"

Chen Xi nodded. He had a premonition that the black sun robbery against him had already begun. If he didn't hurry up and enter the "third route" that had been planned, he might be seized by the enemy.

And having a map of the dark forest is undoubtedly much more convenient.

The tavern owner raised his head, sized Chen Xi up for a moment, and calmly quoted a price: "50 Congealing Pills."

Hearing this, all the noise in the tavern suddenly fell silent again, and all of them stared at the tavern owner strangely, as if they didn't expect that this black-hearted owner was not only black, but also so outrageous this time, it was obvious that the lion opened his mouth.

Chen Xi frowned, and remained silent for a while. He still took out a storage bag and threw it over, "I hope this map is worth the price."

The owner of the tavern suddenly cheered up, nodded with a smile and said: "Probably you know that guy Qi Yin, this map is drawn by himself after so many years of wandering in the dark forest. It not only records the path of the dark forest, but also It is definitely worth the price to mark out some dangerous places.”

As he spoke, the tavern owner took out a light blue jade slip and handed it over.

After a little scrutiny, he didn't find anything wrong, so Chen Xi immediately accepted it, nodded and said, "Thank you." He turned around and walked out the door.

The owner of the tavern was startled, as if he didn't expect Chen Xi to be so urgent, and thought, "Could it be that this kid has committed a crime that angers everyone, and is being wanted with all his might? Or he won't stay for even a moment?"

"Brother, since you've come to Fire Crow Town, why don't you leave without drinking a glass of wine?" In front of the tavern, a burly one-eyed man suddenly blocked him, looking at Chen Xi in front of him, and said in a rough voice.

"Get out of the way, I'm going on my way." Chen Xi said flatly.

"Oh, it's fine if you want to hurry, but you have to ask the brothers and sisters here if they agree." The one-eyed man sneered.

"I don't agree, a newcomer has finally arrived. The brothers are in high spirits and want to drink and celebrate. Wouldn't it be too chatty if the party is not here?"

"That's right, you young man is too rude, it's not too late to invite everyone to have a drink before leaving."

Many villains in the tavern shouted one after another, looking at Chen Xi playfully, with a trace of fiery greed deep in their eyes.

Just now Chen Xi took out 50 Infant Congealing Pills to buy the map, and they all saw it. At this moment, in their eyes, Chen Xi is like a fat lamb, and they really don't want to take a bite of it.

"Are you really determined not to let go?" Chen Xi completely ignored everything around him, and only stared at the one-eyed man in front of him, with a trace of murderous intent gushing out of his eyes.

A cold wave suddenly surged in the heart of the one-eyed man, and he felt a kind of uncontrollable fear, but soon he woke up, stared at Chen Xi with shame and anger, and said ferociously, "Are you threatening me?"

Having said that, in fact, he already faintly felt a little uneasiness in his heart, but because of face, he was still holding on, and he even thought that the chill gushing out at that moment just now was just his own illusion. [

The ferocious shout of the one-eyed man suddenly made the faces of the other people in the tavern turn unfriendly, and each of them put their hands on the weapons, showing their murderous intentions.

The entire tavern was instantly filled with murderous intent, and the air seemed to freeze.

"Brother, you are so handsome, don't do anything stupid, or else you will die and be used as fertilizer by my sister." Chi Luolan cast a coquettish wink at Chen Xi, saying There is a killing intent between them.

"It's not bad to be locked in the old man's human pit. The painful screams will definitely let the old man sleep well." The martial master also closed the scroll in his hand, and looked towards this side leisurely.

"It's a pity, I can only use the corpse of a beautiful girl for my doll, and I can use it even if I kill it." At this moment, the door of the tavern was opened from the outside, and a piece of straw in brocade and sable fur walked in.

Beside him, there was still a naked-chested head Li. Hearing this, he couldn't help saying in a low voice: "What a pity, it would be nice to let me make bone beads."

Chen Xi raised his eyes and looked around, his expression was still calm, and he said calmly, "Okay, I'll invite everyone to drink, how about a pot for each person?"

The one-eyed man sneered and said, "Succeed, a pot of wine contains 300 Ningying Pills, and you take out two or three million Ningying Pills, and we can drink happily, how about it?"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to drink it." Chen Xi suddenly sighed.

"Can't you drink it? Little bastard, when you die, you will know whether the uncle can afford it!"

The one-eyed man was furious. He never expected that at this time, Chen Xi would still be so stubborn. Immediately he let out a growl, and grabbed Chen Xi with his hands, ready to strike first.


The palm wind roared, and the strong true energy was wrapped in a fierce spirit, like a roaring beast, wanting to choose someone and devour it.The strength of this one-eyed man was obviously extremely strong, and his tactics were skilled and sophisticated. As soon as he made a move, he used all his strength without reservation, which showed that he was not as reckless as he appeared on the surface.

Unfortunately, what he met was Chen Xi.


A cold light suddenly appeared, and the powerful palm force collapsed halfway before it touched Chen Xi's body.

The big one-eyed man's eyes widened and he froze in place. In less than a tenth of an instant, his eyes turned from vicious to shocked and then dull.A bloody hole had been pierced through his neck at some point, and the blood splashed out suddenly at this moment, spraying all around, and his burly body also crashed to the ground, unable to stand up again.

The battle seemed to be over before it even started.

Before the other villains had time to act, the one-eyed man had already crashed to the ground. Seeing the bloody throat of the one-eyed man on the ground, everyone was shocked. They never dreamed that a thin young man, a newcomer The handsome young man in Huoya Town was able to kill the one-eyed man in an instant.

One must know that although the one-eyed man is not outstanding in strength, he still has a late-stage Jindan cultivation. Before he came to Huoya Town, he was also a well-known murderer in Beiman, and his hands were stained with blood.

But at this moment, he just died like this!

"I said before, you can't afford the wine I invited." Chen Xi said calmly without looking at the dead body on the ground.

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