divine talisman

Chapter 328 Killing the Evil Groups

Spnstyle new notice, today and tomorrow due to accidents, I have no time to surf the Internet for a whole day, and it will be completely fixed the day after tomorrow. I will restore the update first, and move the server to ensure that the data on both sides is synchronized. 2013930

The fifth update of spn!Thank you brother "myju" for your support and reward!Such a brutal outbreak today, please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass for next month!


The death of the one-eyed man shocked the audience.

Even the tavern owner and Qiao Sheng who were hiding behind the counter widened their eyes when they saw this scene. Isn't this new young man too fierce?

Huoya Town was the place where all the villains of the Great Chu Dynasty were exiled. The villains gathered together, and those who could survive here were not extremely powerful. [

And there are newcomers joining Huoya Town almost every day, but these newcomers will soon be tamed by these old people, and those who dare to resist will only die in two words.It is rare that a newcomer can kill an old man when he arrives for the first time.

However, Chen Xi managed to do it, he still only used one sword, and before everyone had time to react, he beheaded a bloody and experienced old man!

But what happened next was even more shocking.

After beheading the big one-eyed man, Chen Xi didn't hold back his hands, ravaged him, and started killing again.His sword talisman pierced through the air like light smoke, and stabbed out with the unparalleled speed of the "Xun Sword Way", aiming directly at the straw Zhang.

Ever since he saw the straw Zhang nailing the woman's naked corpse to the wooden pillars and exposing it to the cold wind, Chen Xi had already started killing this person.

Indeed, these women were all criminals who fled to Fire Crow Town, but why should they die in the hands of straw Zhang, who is also a villain?And after his death, he was exposed to the wild and tortured?

The death of the one-eyed man made Zhang Cao furious. He felt that it was because he didn't take action in time that caused the death of the one-eyed man. So he was very angry and was about to kill Chen Xi, but he never thought that Chen Xi had already The sword came towards him, and the instant anger in his heart was about to explode.

"Damn boy, he probably doesn't know how cruel my methods are, does he?" The angry straw Zhang reacted equally quickly. He was originally one of the five villains in Fire Crow Town, and his strength was at an absolute top level.

When Chen Xi struck with a sword, the others had already dodged to one side, and when he raised his hand, a scimitar shot out with a cold light, strangling towards Chen Xi's neck.

However, he reacted quickly, and Chen Xi reacted faster than him. With a turn of the sword in his hand, the "Xun Sword Dao" transformed into the "Shaking Sword Dao". Unabated, the straw will be ripped open in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, Cao Cao Zhang, one of the five villains, also fell to the ground and died.

The space in the tavern was already extremely small, and the battle between the two took place within a square inch. It seemed that there was no earth-shattering momentum, but each move was direct and ruthless. It was absolutely dangerous and ruthless. To the extreme, as long as he hesitates a little, he may be fatally killed by the opponent.

Moreover, Chen Xi was obviously not only superior in skills, the rank of the sword in his hand also suppressed the end of the scimitar that was straw Zhang, and was directly broken by Chen Xi with gravity, killing it.

If it were replaced with a weapon comparable to Jianlu, it might not be possible for Cao Zhang to die so quickly, but unfortunately there will never be an "if" in this world.

In the final analysis, Chen Xi's moves, combat skills, and magic weapons were all a piece of straw, so he deserved his death in less than an instant.


Everyone gasped, seeing that the straw sheet, one of the five villains, also fell down with one move. Everyone felt that the world was collapsing, so unreal.

Some villains who were about to rush forward, after seeing this scene, froze and could no longer move forward. They were completely frightened by this sword. Where did this newcomer come from? How could he be stronger than himself? like a villain?

boom! [

The door of the tavern was smashed down suddenly, but it was the head Li who saw the situation was not good and planned to escape.But how could Chen Xi let go of this villain who used a human skull as a necklace?

He flickered, followed closely behind, and rushed out of the tavern.

Seeing Chen Xi leave for no reason, everyone in the tavern secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as if they couldn't breathe as long as Chen Xi was here for a moment.

"The Poyue Sword in Zhang Caozhang's hand is the ultimate magic weapon of the earth rank, how could it be broken all of a sudden? Could it be that the sword in that kid's hand is of higher quality than the Poyue Sword?" Someone looked at the bend on the ground in surprise. Knife fragments, muttering to himself.

"No matter how good a magic weapon is, it depends on the person who uses it. If that kid's swordsmanship isn't great, how could he kill Cao Caozhang in just one and a half strokes? That level of swordsmanship... at this moment, I can't help thinking about it." Fear in my heart!" Someone said with lingering fear.

"Do you still have the leisure to pay attention to these things at this time? Run away quickly. After the evil star killed Tou Li, he will definitely come back to settle accounts with us. You must know that we were all thinking about him just now. If you don't run away now, let's wait When?" Someone said anxiously, anxiously.

As soon as they mentioned running for their lives, everyone immediately realized that, yes, that kid looked ruthless at first glance, and if he didn't run away, he would really be killed by him...

"Ah!" However, just as everyone was about to flee for their lives, there was an extremely shrill scream from outside the tavern.At the same time as the voice sounded, Chen Xi's figure had returned to the tavern.

In his hand, he was also holding a bloody head, which was obviously that of Tou Li.

Human Tou Li used to be fond of using human skulls to make necklaces, but now Chen Xi cut off his head. Seeing this scene, everyone was terrified and restless. Not to mention running away, they didn't even have the courage to look Chen Xi in the eye.


Chen Xi threw it away casually, and Human Tou Li's head was torn apart, exploding into a ball of plasma and breaking into bones, and fell to the ground.However, he looked at Chi Luolan and Wu Fuzi, and seeing their terrified faces, he couldn't help shaking his head: "The straw is dead, and the head Li who wanted to use my head as a bone bead is also dead. How about you? Do I still need to be used as fertilizer, or stuffed into a manhole to make me scream?"

"Don't dare, dare not." The heads of the two shook like rattles. Even though they were villains with bloody hands, they still looked so terrified and weak when they faced the threat of death.

"I'll give you a chance to understand your own fate." Chen Xi said indifferently, he is not a soft-hearted person, since these vicious villains dare to provoke him, he must kill them to avoid future troubles.

"Please... Please, senior, give the little girl a way out!" Chi Luolan begged in a mournful voice, with a sad and pitiful expression.

"Small crimes deserve death. You have eyeballs. I beg you to let me go." Master Wu also had a trace of elegance, tears streaming down his old face, and he was extremely annoyed.

Chen Xi remained indifferent and unwavering.

Seeing the method touched Chen Xi, Chi Luolan and Master Wu looked at each other, a trace of resentment and hatred flashed in their eyes, and they brazenly attacked almost at the same time.

Whoosh whoosh!

With one move of the red Luolansu hand, a blood-colored flying knife with a handle of cold light pierced the air and struck. These flying knives were strange in shape, similar to flower petals, criss-crossing in mid-air, forming a bewitching blood-colored Luolan flower pattern, and the Taoism in it surged. It turned out to be a powerful Taoist martial arts.

Almost at the same time, Wu Fuzi also made a move. In his hand, there was an extra jet-black jade fan. When the fan opened, sharp screams like howling ghosts and wolves burst out. It was crushed until the void was broken inch by inch, and it attacked and killed Chen Xi.

This sonic attack also contains a hint of rhythm! [

However, in the face of the terrifying attacks that followed, Chen Xi just casually slashed out with his sword, and the sharp sword energy contained a mighty "sword power".


The sword energy was like a tide, and the turbulent waves hit the shore. In just a moment, the majestic sword energy crushed and drowned all attacks. Chi Luolan and Wu Fuzi couldn't hide, and they were attacked by the sword energy, and their bodies were cut. Counting the bloody scars, it looks like two bloody men from a distance.


Chi Luolan and Wu Fuzi didn't even have time to let out the exclamation before dying, and they both fell to the ground, dead.

There is nothing weaker than water in the world, and no one who conquers difficulties can win. This is the "Hall of Swordsmanship" in the avenue of water.

In just a short moment, the five villains of Huoya Town, except for Qi Yin who wandered in the dark forest, the other four were all killed by Chen Xi's sword.

The hearts of everyone in the tavern were ashamed, and they looked at Chen Xi with despair.They know that even if they add up to others, they may not be this person's opponent.


It's so scary!

Even the four most powerful villains in Huoya Town were killed by him in one move. Although his cultivation was only at the early stage of Golden Core, his strength was so terrifying that everyone present despaired.

These wicked people at this moment are like a group of lambs waiting for their orders. They feel resigned to their fate, and they don't even have the thought of struggling.

As a result, the atmosphere in the tavern seemed very silent, even the air was more dignified.

"Little brother, enough people have been killed today, how about letting them go?" In this suffocating atmosphere, the tavern owner who had been staying behind the counter spoke slowly.

"Okay! Naturally." Chen Xi said, looking very straightforward.

Everyone was stunned, as if they didn't expect that Chen Xi would agree to this matter so easily, they didn't know whether to believe it or not, so no one dared to be the first to leave here.

"Leave if you are told to leave, what are you still doing?" Qiao Sheng scolded from the side.

At this moment, everyone fled as if they had just woken up from a dream, as if the tavern was already a magic cave, and if they stayed any longer, their lives would be lost.

In an instant, only Chen Xi, the owner of the tavern, and Qiao Sheng were left in the Fire Crow Tavern.

"I agree to your request, and I also hope that you can answer me a question truthfully." Chen Xi took out the map jade slip of the Dark Forest that he bought just now, stared at the tavern owner and said, "Is this map real? of?"

An imperceptible trace of panic flashed in the depths of the tavern owner's eyes. It was fleeting and soon recovered. He was about to speak, but was stopped by Chen Xi.

"I repeat, I hope to get a real answer, otherwise..." Chen Xi looked around and said calmly, "I'm afraid you will be buried with this tavern."

Unknowingly, the owner of the tavern was sweating profusely, his smile was stiff and reluctant, and he hesitated to speak, as if he felt that once he said those words, he would face a catastrophe.

"Guest, you..." Qiao Sheng couldn't help but said.

Chen Xi interrupted straight away, and said coldly: "It seems that in your hearts, orders from the Black Sun Building are obviously more important than your own life?"

Black sun building!

When the tavern owner and Qiao Sheng heard this word, their pupils shrank, and immediately they sat down on the ground as if they had lost all energy.

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