divine talisman

Chapter 333

Thanks to the brothers "Lighting the Lamp to Read Books 13" and "Four Weeks" for their valuable monthly support!


This rocky beach is located at the edge of the deepest part of the Netherfrost Forest. Huge jagged rocks are scattered randomly. Some rocks are even a thousand feet high, but they are only more than ten feet thick. Looking from a distance, they look like a The long spear piercing the sky stands proudly, defying wind and frost.

woo woo woo...

The razor-sharp wind swept over the pile of rocks, passed by those strangely shaped boulders, and made a piercing and piercing sound, like the crying of ghosts or the screaming of demons.

This is a dangerous place behind the Dark Forest—Wanxie Rocky Beach!

Different from the dark forest, Wanxie Rock Beach has no life, its aura is exhausted, and the environment is extremely harsh. There is a strange wind blowing here all the year round, and when it blows into the ears, various illusions will be produced in the mind, which is fascinating and slightly disturbing. If you are not careful, you may lose your three souls and six souls, turning into a mummy.

And the deeper you go, the stronger the wind, and the more terrifying the phantoms will be. Compared with the bloody killings between the beasts in the dark forest, the Wanxie Rock Beach is undoubtedly more terrifying.

Because this is a natural disaster, it is impossible to prevent it.

At this time, in a hidden place in Wanxie Stone Beach, a group of men in black stood awe-inspiring, their expressions were much heavier and uglier, and within a breath, the target escaped from under their noses, and even killed three of them. companions, this result cast a thick haze that could not be resolved in their hearts.

Bloody clothes fluttered, blue hair fluttered, Qiangwei stood quietly on a strange rock, her icy eyes showed no emotion, not even the slightest fluctuation.

Everyone was silent, only the sharp wind humming like weeping and complaining, with breathtaking power.

Not long after, Qiangwei suddenly raised her head, and the other men in black also showed signs of vigilance. They didn't need any greetings, they were immediately ready to fight.

"Rose, it's me!"

A voice as soft as water came from afar, and with the voice, a handsome man with a pointed chin, fair complexion, a smile on his lips, and a dimple on his left cheek came to everyone in the blink of an eye.

The handsome man in white clothes wins the snow, with a smile on his lips, but his temperament is extremely feminine. With his arrival, the surrounding air seems to be condensed, and the fine gravel on the ground is even covered with a layer of crystal clear ice particles.

Behind him, there were also about fifty men in black.

Qiangwei saw the person coming, nodded and said: "Red Fox, you are here."

This person is indeed the leader of the Black Sun Building. At this moment, the red fox who ranks No. 60 on the Black Sun Golden Elixir List, he glanced at Qiangwei and the people behind him, and said in surprise: "Is there really something wrong with you?" ?”

Qiangwei nodded and said: "You guessed it right, whether it was the hunting operation in Huoya Town, the tavern owner's fake map to lure the enemy, or Qi Yin's operation to lure snakes out of the cave, all ended in failure, and I also lost three of my subordinates." .”

"So powerful?" The red fox narrowed his eyes, and with his pointed chin, he looked like a treacherous fox.

Qiangwei said it calmly, but he naturally understood the power of it, and he knew Qiangwei's strength very well, and being able to escape safely from her hands undoubtedly proved that the boy's strength was obviously stronger than expected.

"The higher-ups underestimated this person's strength, especially his control over the situation, which has reached a level that ordinary people can't match. Combined with his keen insight into danger and his decisive and resolute action, even I can't save him. situation……"

Qiangwei analyzed word by word, his tone was steady, calm and calm, and he explained everything he saw in detail.

The red fox's complexion became serious a little bit, and the eyes flickered between the opening and closing of the eyes, and he said decisively: "For this operation, the higher-ups have prepared for a long time, so only success is allowed, and failure is not allowed."

Speaking of this, he raised his eyes to Qiangwei and asked, "Have you ever collected his breath?"

Qiangweisu stretched out her hand, pointed at a water drop-like object, and said, "He killed three of my subordinates. The fluctuation of true energy is very small, and there are not many that can be collected."

The red fox took a look and said, "It's enough, and it's enough to activate a shadow-following treasure talisman."

While speaking, Chihu took out a light blue jade talisman and appeared in his hand. After a little sacrifice, he melted the water drop into the talisman, and then the light flashed, and it returned to its original state.

"Okay, the approximate location has been determined, the target has not left the Dark Forest, let's start to act!" The red fox closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then suddenly opened his eyes and looked far away.

Whoosh whoosh!

Under the leadership of the two leaders Chihu and Qiangwei, the crowd quickly disappeared on the Wanxie Rocky Beach.


In the dark forest, next to a big tree.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged. He had just experienced a fierce battle and killed a blood-eyed green-mouthed crocodile with extremely terrifying strength. He also suffered quite a few injuries.

However, under the powerful body training, his injuries healed quickly, and his strength was also recovering rapidly. It won't take long for him to return to his best condition.

In front of him was a large bow.

These days, he intends to exercise his body-refining strength, puts aside his qi-refinement cultivation, and uses all his shamanic power to fight, not only practicing the supernatural powers of heaven and earth, three heads and six arms, but also trying to start learning how to draw a bow and shoot an arrow The way, gain a lot.

With Chen Xi's cultivation base, after casting the Heavenly Object and Earth method, his body can reach a height of sixteen feet, and his own strength will also skyrocket by about [-]%. If he cooperates with superhuman powers, although his own strength does not increase, but the strength he can display in battle can Improve a lot.

Purely in terms of body training, with the assistance of these two supernatural powers, the combat power he possesses is even higher than that of Qi training!

And with the assistance of Fatianxiangdi and Three Heads and Six Arms, whether it is using the Wings of the Starry Sky or the Mahamudra of the Stars, the power exerted has also increased by about [-]%.

Don't look at it's just a [-]% increase, it's definitely an earth-shaking change when it's used in battle.Just like a few days ago when he was beheading a terrifying beast with a piercing striped tiger, he fought normally. He was not his opponent at all, but after using Fa Tian Xiang Di and three heads and six arms, he was able to kill it in just three moves. The prickly-striped tiger slapped into a puddle of meat.

As for the practice of archery, it is also a small achievement.

To draw a bow and shoot an arrow, you must pay attention to quick eyesight, quick hands, and free movement of the mind. Not only must the strength be sufficient, but also speed and accuracy are extremely important, especially the accuracy of the head, which is the most basic requirement to test an archer.

A hundred steps to penetrate the Yang, a hundred steps to penetrate the heart, these are all requirements for ordinary people. For monks and body refiners, if they want to show strong force on the arrow path, the requirements for aiming, speed and strength are even more stringent.

Because the battles between monks all have the ability to fly into the sky and escape from the ground, and their movements are as fast as lightning. They are sharper than the most dexterous swallows, and faster than the best flying hawks. It is very difficult to hit them accurately. It is also conceivable.

For the current Chen Xi, he does not lack strength and speed, what he needs to practice is how to lock onto the target and hit the target.

The practice of archery is completely different from other martial arts, and the requirements for spiritual consciousness are higher than one's own strength.

Only when the consciousness is strong, can you lock the enemy's actions, catch a chance to kill the enemy when there is no time, and firmly grasp it, and then attack brazenly. Any slight negligence may make the attack fail .

All in all, the most basic thing in archery practice is "eye to hand", mind and body are one, the moment you decide to shoot an arrow, you must complete all actions such as drawing the bow, nocking the arrow, aiming, shooting, etc. at the same time, so that you can play your best. The true power of the archery path.

Of course, this is just the basics.

It is said that in the ancient times, some powerful archers who were proficient in archery could even pierce the void with a single arrow, pulverize the stars, destroy hundreds of mountains, and kill enemies thousands of miles away in a single thought.

Chen Xi can only be proficient at shooting arrows now, and he has found a trace of the arrow's path. This is thanks to Qi Yin. Among the treasures stored on Qi Yin's body after death, there is a jade slip, which records famous It is the supernatural power of arrows called "Star-breaking Moon Arrow".

This supernatural power records the knowledge about the way of archery in detail, such as how to draw the bow to make it more powerful, how to do it when nocking the arrow, so as to achieve the fastest speed...etc.

Of course, this archery supernatural power must be displayed with a bow and arrow witch treasure. Chen Xi only has a Star Extinguishing Bow in his hand, but no arrows. He can only rely on the power of the bowstring to shoot invisible arrows. Can't compete with real arrows.

It is worth mentioning that this kind of arrow must also be of the witch treasure level, because ordinary arrows simply cannot withstand the power contained in an arrow when fired, and only witch treasure level arrows can exert a full range of power. The full power of the arrow.

But even so, with Chen Xi's current arrow strength, within a hundred miles, it is enough to kill any ordinary Golden Core cultivator.As for how powerful it is, it depends on the situation.

Chen Xi opened his eyes, woke up from the meditation, his spirits were radiant, and his whole body had recovered to its best condition. He grabbed the Star Extinguishing Bow on the ground, and was about to move forward.

Just at this moment, a subtle power fluctuation suddenly swept across his body, like a wave of water rippling leisurely, disappearing without a trace.

Treasure Talisman That Follows Like a Shadow!

As a talisman formation master who was able to create perfect high-level treasure talismans, Chen Xi recognized the source of this wave of power almost instantly.

As the name suggests, this shadow-following treasure talisman is a high-level treasure talisman used for tracking. It only needs a wisp of the enemy's breath to search for the enemy's location, like a maggot on the tarsus bone, which follows everywhere.

If you want to avoid this kind of search, unless your strength reaches the realm of the underworld, even the monks in the nirvana realm will not be able to avoid it.

"Is it finally here?" Noticing this slight fluctuation, Chen Xi not only didn't feel nervous at all, but seemed a little impatient, as if he had been waiting for a long time.He carried the Star Extinguishing Bow on his back, instead of moving forward, he turned around and rushed towards the dark forest.

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