divine talisman

Chapter 334

Thanks to brothers "Tianxu Zigong", "terryhong", "Ling Tong", "user 09768750", "user 046(179", "point to point", "popular shengteng" for their valuable monthly support, thanks to brother "terryhong" Once again, 666's support and reward! Thank you!



The light blue treasure talisman in his hand fluctuated slightly, the red fox narrowed his eyes, and smiled softly, "The target seems to have found us and is heading back to the dark forest. Let's go, the hunt is about to begin."

The red fox stepped on the void with his toes, splashing a circle of void ripples, his speed suddenly increased a lot, and the other Black Sun Tower assassins followed closely behind.

Including the fifty Black Sun Tower Assassins led by Qiangwei, their group now has one hundred and seven people.

These people are all assassins who have experienced many battles, and they are extremely sophisticated. They fly into the air, spread out, and sweep forward in a fan shape. Urgency, showing a very high fighting quality, and the cooperation between each other is also very tacit.

The red fox didn't hold up its defensive strength, and let the cold wind like a knife blow on his face, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression was quite enjoyable.Hearing Qiangwei's description of Chen Xi, he felt that the killing in his heart was aroused a little bit.

It had been a long time since he had encountered such an interesting opponent, and he was looking forward to the upcoming siege.

The red fox is not worried that the target will run away, or that no one will be able to escape from his hands, because in his hands, there are countless ways to lock the enemy, and the shadow-following treasure talisman is just one of his means.

He is not good at fighting, and his strength is even slightly inferior to that of Qiangwei, but he is ranked 68th on the Black Sun Golden Elixir list, which is even higher than Qiangwei, who is ranked No.70.

The reason is very simple, his tracking skills are unmatched among all commander-level assassins.The reason why the organization sent him this time is to firmly lock on the target and prevent any possibility of the target being able to escape!

"Attention everyone, the target has stopped, get ready to hunt!" The red fox did not miss this time, and soon found the general location of the target.


This is a forest-covered hill, about a thousand feet in size, like a small convex hump raised in the thick forest, very inconspicuous.

Chen Xi stood in the air, his clothes loose, when suddenly he raised his head and looked at the distant sky.

In the distant sky, a group of small black spots are flying towards this side at an astonishing speed. In the air, a murderous aura, like dark clouds plummeting down, swept over.

There was a trace of coldness on Chen Xi's lips. He had been preparing for this day for a long time. Now that he saw the mighty Black Sun Tower assassin appearing, there was no tension in his heart, only endless killing intent.

He didn't have any distracting thoughts in his heart, and his mind was extremely clear. He just waited for an excellent moment, and he would launch a thunderous strike without hesitation.

Because he doesn't like being passively beaten, and he doesn't like being treated as prey.But this time, he wanted to let the other party know who was the hunter and who was the prey!

In the sky, the red fox and Qiangwei stopped. Behind them, one hundred and five black-clothed assassins scattered away, and the air mechanism had locked the surroundings from afar.

The dull and pure murderous intent covered the sky and the earth, and the monsters within a hundred miles nearby seemed to be aware of something wrong, and did not dare to approach this side.

Qiangwei raised her plain hand and closed her ears with the blue silk, the purple chains on her wrists jingled, making a strange and soul-stirring sound.She stared at Chen Xi with no emotion in her cold eyes, as if staring at a dead person.

This is the person who escaped from her siege and robbery. This time, she can no longer tolerate this happening!

Looking at Chen Xi who was standing alone in the distance, a soft and sinister smile appeared on Chihu's lips, and he said with a leisurely smile: "I know that running away is a waste of energy, so I don't plan to run away? That's fine, entrust us to the Black Sun Building to assassinate him." Your guests must also be willing to see how you died tragically with their own eyes."

The red fox didn't act in a hurry, but pinched the formula and sacrificed a mirror with surging water.

This mirror is called "Consonance Mirror", which belongs to the ranks of rare treasures. It does not have any offensive power. Its function is very simple. It can transform the surrounding scenery and what is happening all the time.

Another person who has a consonant mirror, even if he is a million miles away, can see everything happening here through the mirror, just like being there.It's amazing.

Obviously, the red fox did this to make everything that happened here be witnessed by some people who are thousands of miles away.

Chen Xi had even guessed that somewhere, Prince Rui, Huangfu Jingtian and the group of old monsters were gathering in front of the other consonant mirror, looking towards him.But he wasn't worried, so what if he saw it?Who wins and who loses is still uncertain.

Just as Chen Xi guessed, at this moment, in the space full of immortality in the depths of the Zhanwang Mansion, a consonant mirror appeared in the sky, and its inner scenery flowed, revealing every detail.

Seeing the scene where Chen Xi was surrounded by the crowd at the Black Sun Tower at this moment, the six old monsters, Huangfu Jingtian, Taoist Longhe, Mo Lanhai, Zhao Zimei, Master Liuxiao, and Chongxu Sanren, each of them raised their expressions, and their eyes widened. Show excitement.

"Hei Ri Lou is indeed the number one assassin organization in the world. It's really a big deal to dispatch so many people just to kill a little guy. This kid will definitely die this time!" said Mo Lan, the owner of Dragon Shark Island. Hai admired.

However, Prince Rui Huangfu Jingtian sneered and shook his head and said: "The six of us spent all our money to ask Heishilou to come out to deal with this kid. It's nothing to send out so few people."

"The old man doesn't care about these things, as long as the treasure on that kid's body can be obtained safely, no matter how much you spend, you won't be wronged." Taoist Longhe chuckled.

Mentioning the treasure on Chen Xi's body, everyone's eyes were filled with fiery fire. They stared at the Consonance Mirror. It looked like they wanted to pull Chen Xi out of it all at once!

In the sky above the small mound covered by trees, the two sides faced each other from a distance, without saying a word about the scene.

Both of them hold the belief that they will kill each other, so as to kill each other in this battle, do they need to waste their tongues?

Although he knew that his side had an absolute advantage, Chihu still decided to send a few people to test it first.He has gone through countless battles, and he knows that he cannot be careless. If Chen Xi can live to this day, his strength will definitely not be simple.

He summoned five subordinates and said casually, "Quick battle and quick decision."

These five people did not dare to be careless. Although the target was only one person, they were able to escape from the hands of Commander Qiangwei, and their strength should not be underestimated.If it is one-on-one, they know they are invincible.But if it is five against one, they have enough confidence.If you want to gain a foothold in the Black Sun Tower, especially as an ordinary assassin, you must learn how to cooperate with your companions.

This is why they have survived all these years.

The five black-clothed assassins approached, and they stood in different positions, echoing each other from a distance, and locked onto Chen Xi's breath firmly with a fighting style that had no dead ends.

Without waiting for these people to get close, Chen Xi made a move suddenly, and his power surged. The majestic witch power poured into the pitch-black Star Extinguishing Bow with a gloomy luster, stretching it like a moon.


In an instant, Chen Xi turned into another person, with terrifying murderous intent surging out of his body, his black hair fluttering, his murderous intent lingering, and coupled with his bow and full moon figure, he looked like a god who exterminated demons in ancient times. Awe-inspiring.

The five people who surrounded them took a breath, their expressions suddenly changed, disturbed by Chen Xi's murderous intent, there was an extremely slight fluctuation in their minds.

Although this fluctuation lasted less than an instant, it was caught by Chen Xi keenly. The hand that clamped the bowstring suddenly seemed to be flicking the rhythm of a piano, and it changed five times in a row!


Like the sound of death-chasing souls, or the beating of desperate drums in the heart, the five invisible arrows instantly turned into five streamers of light, and went straight through the air.


The body of an assassin in black suddenly shattered, as if he had been hit by a god's sledgehammer. The terrible impact exploded his shattered flesh and blood into a dance of blood, flying all over the air.

The power of an arrow is so terrifying!

In fact, this is quite normal, the way of arrows is very different from other fighting methods, if you don't hit it, you will be fine, one hit will definitely kill the enemy, its attack power is powerful, and its range is far, there is no one comparable to it.

Although this arrow is only an invisible arrow, it contains Chen Xi's huge witch power, and it is covered with the will of the wind and the will of the sky. Human's sharp weapon is hard to guard against.

Bang bang bang!

Almost at the same time, the bodies of the other four people were also exploded into a cloud of blood, flying and falling, leaving no bones left.

In an instant, all the unknown black-clothed assassins sent by the red fox were killed, and they didn't even have time to scream before dying. The extremely bloody scene made everyone present shrink their pupils.

They all naturally recognized the Star Extinguishing Bow in Chen Xi's hands, and knew that it was a witch treasure. It was originally a treasure in Qi Yin's hands, but when it was used in Chen Xi's hands, the power it erupted made them dare not confidence.

This guy is not only a body refiner, but his strength in body refinement seems to be even higher than that of Qi Yin!

This sudden recognition made everyone present tremble in their hearts. You must know that before this operation, all the materials they came into contact with showed that Chen Xi was just a Qi refiner, and he never said that he actually He also practiced body exercises.

Even if there is a slight deviation in the news, it will cause a change in the result of the action. As an assassin, this must be kept in mind. The strength of body training that Chen Xi displayed at this moment undoubtedly caused a slight change in the situation.

The death of these five people revealed this slight change, which is actually a good thing for their next actions.Because their absolute advantage has not changed.

"Wu Treasure! God and Demon Body Refining Flow! There are so many secrets in this little guy..."

All the old monsters in Prince Rui's Mansion also witnessed this scene, except for being shocked at the beginning, they soon recovered.

From their point of view, no matter how strong Chen Xi's personal combat ability is today, he is still only one person after all. Facing the current encirclement of No. [-] on the Black Sun Tower, especially with two commander-level assassins sitting in his command, his ending will be different. There is only one, and that is death!


Chen Xi seemed to be unaware of his situation, and kept drawing his bow and arrows, shooting at the black-clothed assassins in all directions.

But it's a pity that after taking precautions, these black-clothed assassins showed their formidable personal strength, and they all avoided these shots calmly, making all of Chen Xi's attacks in vain, as if they were doing useless work.

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone, Chen Xi really seemed to be in a fight between trapped beasts, struggling to the death.

No one noticed that where the invisible arrows shot by Chen Xi landed, there was a faint gleam of light without attracting attention.

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