divine talisman

Chapter 342 Traveling with Beauty [Part 1]

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This is a canyon with bare rocks, no grass grows, and it is shrouded in a thick layer of mist all day long.


A tall figure pierced through the void, came to this canyon, looked around, found no danger, then sat cross-legged on a rock, and began to clean up the injuries on his body.

On his body, there were more than a dozen scars, his skin was torn apart, blood was flowing, and he could even see bones everywhere, as if he had just experienced a life-and-death battle, and he looked extremely terrifying.

For an ordinary person, with such a serious injury, he might have moaned in pain, but he didn't. Not only did he not cry out in pain, he didn't even frown, appearing extremely calm.

After a while, he finished treating the wound, stood up, and cleaned the blood around him again. This was done to prevent the nearby monsters from smelling the blood and rushing over.

It only took a cup of tea time to finish all this in an orderly manner, but to him, every minute of time seemed to be extremely precious, like a race against time, he would not waste any time, and immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and began to exercise Gong practice.

This person is naturally Chen Xi.

Three months have passed since leaving the Dark Forest.During this period of time, he passed through many dangerous places, such as Wanxie Rock Beach, Blood Spirit Land, Ice Demon Cave...

Every dangerous place is like purgatory, full of endless danger and murderous intent.In the past three months, he has encountered more than a few attacks, including natural disasters, animal troubles, terrifying blood spirits transformed from blood demons, and ice demon heads born from icy cold shadows. They are all difficult and extremely dangerous. After careful calculation, they have to go through a hard battle every day on average.

Among them, several times, they were close to death, and almost died.

The most thrilling time was in the Thunderstorm Desert, which was a desert filled with endless thunder and lightning. When Chen Xi passed by there, he was unfortunately targeted by a three-headed Thunderbird that was entrenched in the thunderstorm. Controlling the power of thunder, his strength was even more terrifying than that of a Nirvana cultivator, and he chased and killed Chen Xi for seven days and seven nights.

If he hadn't used the Wings of the Starry Sky with all his strength, and his body training was strong enough, he would have been struck to death by this fierce bird with a thunderbolt alive. It took a full three days of recuperation for the scars of shock before he basically recovered.

In fact, in this dangerous place full of murderous intentions, this Thunder Ling three-headed bird is still weak, and there are unimaginable terrifying creatures entrenched in some places. Looking at it from a distance makes people feel hopeless and helpless. When encountering such a place, Chen Xi didn't dare to approach it at all, and took a detour to escape.

During this period of time, injuries have become commonplace. Fortunately, his recovery ability is amazing, and he has a lot of healing elixirs on his body, so he didn't die due to his serious injuries.

At the same time, Chen Xi's temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes after being tempered by intensive battles during this period, even though he looks very embarrassed.

With the repeated battles of wits and courage with the Assassin of the Black Sun Building, plus the three months of fighting against all kinds of powerful creatures, the more than ten sets of clothes that Chen Xi carried with him had already been torn into rags. strip.Coupled with the arduous battles every day and night, his body was covered with the blood of ferocious birds and beasts, and he didn't have time to wash it off.

However, the tattered clothes and blood stains all over his body could not conceal his sharp and murderous eyes. This sharp temperament made him look like a cold flashing sword, as if to kill the sky. Poke a hole.


There was a beast roar like wind and thunder, and in the vast fog, two huge leopard beasts with blood pupils like lanterns flew towards them, their fur was black and shiny, and they were bloody and tyrannical.

Wind and Thunder Black Panther!

This is a ferocious beast that is more terrifying than a monk in the Golden Core Perfection Realm. It traverses the mountains and fields, and it comes and goes like wind and thunder. It is an overlord of this canyon.

It glanced at Chen Xi who was meditating cross-legged on the rock, and seemed to know that he would attack at this moment. This human cultivator would absolutely not be able to resist, so he threw his body without hesitation. The huge body that was thirty feet long was like a black lightning that pierced through the void. , culled away.

Just when its giant claws were still a foot away from Chen Xi, Chen Xi, who had been cultivating with his eyes closed, suddenly opened them. At this moment, his temperament suddenly changed!

The overwhelming murderous aura appeared without warning, filling every inch of space.The murderous aura was so strong that it seemed to be brought out from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood just now, causing the void to distort and scream violently.


The menacing Fenglei Black Panther let out a terrified roar suddenly, but as if being choked by the throat, it lost all its strength, and its huge body crashed from mid-air to the ground, limply paralyzed on the ground. The frightened little lamb was trembling and frightened.

Just the murderous aura that was released made a fierce beast tremble, and its fighting spirit collapsed!

"When I came, this ferocious beast had been staying in a cave a hundred miles away in the canyon, guarding a blood poria cocos plant that was about to age for a thousand years. How could it leave the lair for no reason? Could it be that someone lured it away on purpose?"

Chen Xi was thoughtful. At this time, his physical strength had basically recovered, and his injuries had healed as before. He stood up, identified the direction, and then jumped away.

Soon, he came to a cave, looked up, and sure enough, he saw a slim figure stealing the thousand-year-old blood Poria cocos.

This is a woman with a bumpy figure and extremely hot. Her skin is white and tender, her slightly curled wine red hair hangs over her shoulders, her plump and towering breasts are half exposed, and she is only wearing a short leather skirt on her lower body, revealing a pair of The slender and white thighs are full of sexuality.

For the first time in three months, he saw a human being other than himself, which made Chen Xi feel joyful, and he didn't bother this woman.

He could no longer take in the thousand-year-old bloody Poria cocos. Although these three months of bloody slaughter had gone through all kinds of life and death hardships, he had obtained dozens of kinds of blood from one dangerous place after another. The rare treasures of heaven, material and earth in the outside world are worth a hundred times more than this blood Poria cocos.

"Who!" After picking up the blood poria cocos, the sexy woman was about to turn her head and leave when she suddenly saw a tall figure appearing somewhere far away from her. She couldn't help but His eyes were fixed, without hesitation, a black light shot out when he raised his hand.

After doing all this, a trace of coldness could not help but appear on her sexy red lips.

Because she often goes in and out of this canyon, she has seen a lot of hateful guys who kill people and seize treasures. In order to deal with this situation, she has prepared an extremely vicious hidden weapon - the Kwai Xing Death Needle. It can turn the enemy into a hornet's nest, fall to the ground and die.

In the past, more than one guy fell under her Kwai Xing death needle, and the strength of those dead guys was even in the realm of Jindan Consummation.

So she was very confident that this despicable bastard who appeared suddenly was destined to die the next moment.

However, the next moment, the smug smile on the corners of her lips froze suddenly.

The figure on the opposite side just flicked her sleeves lightly, and her flawless Kwai Xing death needle did not advance but retreated, and shot towards herself!

How can it be?

Her pupils dilated suddenly, and there was a hint of astonishment and horror in her eyes. A thought flashed in her mind unconsciously, is it that I, Yunna, am going to die in my magic weapon today?

At this moment, Yun Na couldn't help closing her eyes.

Duh!Duh!Duh! ...

A dense sound like drums sounded, piercing gold and cracking stones, with a unique rhythm.

Am I not dead?

Yun Na waited for a long time, but there was no trace of pain coming from her body. She couldn't help opening her eyes, and at a glance, she saw that on the ground in front of her, there were sunflower death needles as thin as a cow's hair, on the hard rock. The surface is neatly lined up.

This guy didn't kill the killer, did he have other plans?

Yun Na looked at the young man with ragged clothes, blood stains all over his body, and an indifferent and calm expression, swallowed unconsciously, feeling uneasy.

She is also very confident in her appearance and figure, and she is often greedy and spied on by many people. She has long been accustomed to the look in her eyes that can't wait to press herself under her body.

However, at this moment, when she thought that her body would be used by this blood-stained, filthy, ruthless guy to vent his animal desires, she felt cold and scared in her heart.

How could Chen Xi have thought that in this short moment, the woman in front of him would have so many thoughts?

Although he had just been attacked by this woman, he was not angry, probably because this woman was the first living person he had seen in the past three months, so he couldn't bear to kill her just like that.

But capital crimes are unavoidable, living crimes are inevitable, he didn't bother to be more polite to this woman, and said directly: "Lead me the way, I'll forgive you this time." As he spoke, he shook his right hand lightly.

"Ah!" Yun Na screamed, a huge force came from her waist, and her body rose into the air. At some point, a bloody chain had already wrapped around her waist. She didn't notice anything, the sudden change Make her lose her mind, it's over!This guy is really greedy for his own beauty, and wants to mistreat him...


After a while of spinning around, Chen Xi had already burst into the air, Yun Na closed her eyes in horror, the sound of the wind blowing on her face made her unable to open her eyes.

"What on earth are you... wanting to do?" Yun Na plucked up her courage and said in a trembling voice.

"Lead the way." Chen Xi replied.

Hearing this, the stone hanging in Yun Na's heart finally fell to the ground. She began to think about the origin of this person. This guy needs someone to lead the way. Could it be that he came out of the depths of the Yinling Swamp?


She almost subconsciously denied this guess, it's too outrageous!Because in the depths of the Yinling Swamp, there are even more terrifying thunderstorm deserts, ice demon caves, blood spirit death places, dark forests... This route from Qingzhou to Leicheng was abandoned hundreds of years ago. Over the years, no one has been able to get out of it alive!

But, if this guy didn't walk out from the depths of the Yinling Swamp, how could he not even know how to walk?

At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly stopped, "Where is the nearest town from here?"

Yun Na opened her eyes frightenedly, forced herself to remain calm, and replied cautiously: "The nearest city is also a million miles away, but just ten thousand miles away, there is a barren wood castle built in the barren wood forest. One of the castles, many monks who come to the barren wood forest for trials and adventures will stop and rest there."

Fort Araki?

Chen Xi was stunned. He had never seen this name on the map before, but he didn't stop and continued walking.Since there are monks gathered in Araki Fort, more news must be obtained.

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