divine talisman

Chapter 343 Araki Fort [Part 2]

Yun Na let out a sigh of relief. Along the way, the guy in front of her with ragged clothes and blood all over her body didn't do anything to her, which finally put her heart back in her stomach.

She originally wanted to ask tentatively, to see if she could get this guy to take off the bloody chains around her waist, it would be even better if she could let herself act freely.

But she quickly extinguished this thought, because she suddenly discovered that the speed she was always proud of was slow like a turtle in front of this guy. In order to hurry up, it was this guy who carried her forward.She finally realized what it means to be as fast as lightning, as fast as lightning!

After a whole stick of incense time passed, this guy's speed didn't show any tendency to slow down. Yun Na couldn't help but click her tongue secretly, what terrifying physical strength!

However, in this way, Yun Na felt a little worried, just flying in mid-air like this, what if she was attacked by monsters along the way?

You must know that there are many extremely powerful monsters living on the road leading to the barren wood castle. Ordinary monks dare not fly in mid-air, because it is no different from courting death.

But what happened next made Yun Na suddenly understand how ridiculous and superfluous her thoughts were.

Most of the time, this guy won't even stop, raising his sword, and any monsters standing in front of him will be pierced through their heads and die instantly.He is so powerful that until now, no monster can resist his blow.

That feeling, as if his sword appeared out of nowhere in front of the heads of monsters, and then gently harvested their lives, so easy, so casual, so effortless!

Witnessing all this with her own eyes, the only trace of unwillingness left in Yun Na's heart disappeared. In her eyes, this tattered and dirty man was like a ruthless demon god, an existence that she could never shake.

Chen Xi suddenly slowed down, and in the dense forest in the distance, a huge castle appeared in his field of vision.The castle covers an area of ​​about a thousand acres and stands in a circular shape. From time to time, monks can be seen flying in and out. It is roughly estimated that it can accommodate at least 1 people.

To be able to build such a huge building in the depths of the barren forest ravaged by monsters and beasts shows how strong its builder is.

According to Yun Na, this Araki Fort was built by some top chambers of commerce in Leicheng, in order to use it as a landing place for goods.But then it was abandoned for some reason, and gradually became a landing place for some monks who came to the barren wood forest for trials and adventures.

Because there are many monsters in the barren wood forest, and behind it are dangerous places such as Yandang Canyon, Yinling Swamp, Thunderstorm Desert, Blood Spirit Deathland, etc.These places are dangerous, but there are many materials and treasures that are rarely seen in the outside world, like a natural treasure house, attracting many monks from all directions. First, they can sharpen their strength, and second, they can search for some rare treasures. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Because of its special geographical location and excellent defense capabilities, Araki Castle naturally became the safest place for monks to stay.

Chen Xi withdrew the bloody chains wrapped around Yun Na's waist.This chain is obtained from Qiangwei, and it is also a rare earth-level top-grade magic weapon, which has the terrifying power of devouring blood.

Yun Na breathed a sigh of relief when she got freedom, and said cautiously: "It's probably the first time you've come to Araki Fort, do you want me to take you in?" After saying this, she regretted it and wished she could slap herself , with this dangerous guy, is he impatient to live?

"Alright, I will reward you." Chen Xi nodded.

Yun Na froze, this guy is so domineering and cold, he would agree to pay him?God!Is this an illusion?

"Let's go." Chen Xi glanced at Yun Na strangely. He always felt that this woman was a bit weird, as if she often unconsciously lost her mind, and he didn't know what she was thinking about.

Yun Na woke up like a dream, hurriedly leading the way, like a frightened deer.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi shook his head again. This woman looked hot and sexy, but she acted recklessly like a child, and her temperament was too poor.He didn't know that in Yun Na's heart, his image had already become extremely terrifying, and he couldn't calm down at all.

Soon, the two entered Araki Fort.

The first thing that catches the eye is a hall. A single hall can accommodate 2000 people. The space is huge, and this place is far more lively than Chen Xi imagined. Crowds of monks gathered together, drinking and chatting. , very noisy.

What surprised Chen Xi was that the level of monks here was generally relatively high, and there were even a few monks who could bring him a little bit of pressure.Even the most common cultivator's strength is around the golden core level.

It seems that there is no room for monks from the Purple Mansion and Huangting Realm to gain a foothold here.

Moreover, Chen Xi noticed that these people seemed to be chatting, but they all had slight unkindness and strong vigilance in their eyes. This is a trait that only those monks who lick blood with the tip of a knife and have extremely seasoned actual combat experience have.

The arrival of Chen Xi and Yun Na made the hall suddenly quiet, and everyone's eyes focused on them, or rather on Yun Na, their eyes were hot and unscrupulous, extremely greedy.

Chen Xi was also keenly aware of this. He turned his head to look at Yun Na, and found that this woman was indeed good-looking and possessed the qualities of being attractive.

In fact, Yun Na looks much more than good-looking. Her slightly curly wine-red long hair hangs over her shoulders, which makes her charming and bright face have a lazy and seductive taste. Her plump and towering breasts are half exposed, full and beautiful It is mouth-watering, especially the pair of slender thighs exposed under the short leather skirt, which are as smooth and white as round ivory, revealing an indescribable temptation.

Such a sexy beauty with a bumpy figure and an incomparably hot sex appeared in front of everyone, and it was difficult not to attract attention.

Although Yun Na was not inexperienced, but at this moment when everyone was staring at her with undisguised greed, she couldn't help feeling a little flustered, and subconsciously moved closer to Chen Xi.

What she didn't expect was that her inadvertent actions stimulated these people even more.

There was a burst of whistles in the hall, extremely loud, these guys were booing, all of them laughed unscrupulously, and some even said some unsavory words from their mouths.

"Little girl, sleep with my brother for one night, and I will guarantee you immortality and death, so I can't stop!"

"I didn't expect to meet such an attractive chick in this place where the birds don't shit. Look at her skin, it's so tender."

Yun Na's expression became extremely ashamed and indignant, she pursed her lips tightly, as if she dared not speak out.

Chen Xi frowned, and just when he was about to speak, there was a sudden commotion from behind the crowd.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

More than a dozen monks separated from the crowd and squeezed over.This group of people all looked extremely fierce, wearing black strong clothes, with a vulture-like pattern on their left shoulder, and wherever they passed, other monks dared not speak out, obviously fearful of these people.

After these people came face to face, they surrounded Chen Xi and Yun Na brazenly.

Yun Na's face turned pale with fright, she recognized them, the Vulture Bandit Group, this notorious bandit group was full of extremely vicious gangsters.

They criss-cross the barren forest, making a living by robbing and killing countless people. Everyone has blood on their hands. Many forces tried to wipe them out, but none of them succeeded.In this regiment, every member is quite powerful!Especially their leader, Meng Laotu, has a fierce reputation and is feared by everyone.

Since they only target casual cultivators who have no background or sect, they have never offended the disciples of famous sects, and now they are living a more nourishing life.

What scares Yunna the most is that as early as a month ago, she was targeted by Meng Laotu, the leader of the vulture gang, and threatened to take her body away if she refused to be his concubine. ...

She is just a child of a dilapidated small family, how can she possibly compete against the leader of the vulture gang?She ventured into the Yandang Canyon before, firstly to pick up blood Poria cocos, and secondly to avoid this incident, but she never expected to be bumped into by these murderers now.

In just an instant, the blood on Yun Na's face faded completely, and her whole body trembled uncontrollably.

"Hmph! You bitch, it's fine if you don't agree to be my boss's concubine, but you even find a man who looks like a beggar by your side. Don't you think my boss can't even compare to a beggar?"

"You guys and girls are really tired of living!"

"Boss, did you hear that from behind? It's all like this. I think it's not too late to kill this woman's concubine, but bring her back and let the brothers have fun together. "

A group of murderers from the vulture bandit group clamored one after another, and looked at Chen Xi with undisguised disdain and murderous intent. When their eyes fell on Yun Na, they turned into unscrupulous greed and scorching color. , as if wishing to swallow Yun Na into his stomach.

The other monks in the hall saw this scene, but no one stopped them, and chose to watch with cold eyes. The vulture bandits are too powerful, and they dare not provoke them. How could they risk their lives for two people who have never met before? People in their early years?

Yun Na became more and more terrified, with a look of despair on her face. She looked at Chen Xi beside her, and opened her mouth to speak, as if she wanted to tell Chen Xi the reason and remind him to leave quickly and alone.

However, he was stopped by Chen Xi. He looked at the people in front of him, and smiled: "I never thought that I would encounter such a huge formation as soon as I came to Araki Castle."

Yun Na was stunned, and looked at Chen Xi with fear and worry, as if she couldn't figure out how this guy still wanted to make jokes at this time, could he be fooled by fright?

Hearing this, all the murderers of the Vulture Bandits couldn't help but sneer. This guy in dilapidated clothes is really interesting. He still speaks hard when he is about to die. He is really ignorant and fearless.

Chen Xi put away his smile, and asked seriously: "It's okay to kill people in Araki Fort, right?"

Yun Na was in a state of insanity, and she didn't understand the real meaning of Chen Xi's words, so she nodded immediately.

Chen Xi didn't ask any more questions, and raised his hand to take out the sword talisman.

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