divine talisman

Chapter 344 Bloody Massacre

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The moment the pitch-black and dumb sword talisman was in his hands, Chen Xi's temperament suddenly changed, and a killing intent as substantial as it was swept out, stirring all around, filling every inch of space.

Just now, Chen Xi, who was standing casually in tattered clothes like a beggar, was like a different person. His brows were full of evil spirits, and his waist was like a gun. In the past three months, the fierce killing intent cultivated in countless arduous battles and killings was suddenly released at this moment!

In an instant, the entire hall seemed to have entered the twelfth lunar month of winter. Everyone's face and body were stiff, as if the light was on their backs, and it was difficult to breathe, and the eyes that looked at Chen Xi were full of shock.

No one could have imagined that the murderous aura released by this ragged and blood-stained guy was as fierce as the substance.

No nonsense, Chen Xi came here after forcibly slashing a bloody road from the dark forest. This is a veritable bloody road. Apart from the blood of countless ferocious beasts, Chen Xi can no longer remember how many times he has been injured and how much blood he has spilled.

In this kind of constant killing and fighting, Chen Xi has mastered a brand-new Taoism—the Way of Slaughtering!The moment he decided to fight, he had already entered the fighting state.

Emotions, Gujing does not waver.

Soul, highly concentrated.

His expression was cold and indifferent.

Killing the enemy at the fastest speed became the only goal in Chen Xi's heart, firm and pure.


The sword talisman that was forged with the Slaughtering Sickle as a sword embryo seemed to feel the killing intent in Chen Xi's heart, and let out a cheer that wanted to drink blood.

The next moment, the thugs of the Vulture Bandits discovered in horror that Chen Xi's figure suddenly disappeared into the air in their field of vision, as if he had evaporated out of thin air, and he could no longer lock on to it!

Puff puff!

A series of dull voices sounded, and a series of scarlet hot blood sprayed into the air, just like lit firecrackers exploding continuously, presenting a perfect blood line in the air, poignant and bloody.

The onlookers discovered in horror that each of the seven rogues closest to Chen Xi had a bloody hole of the same size pierced through their throats.Their expressions were stunned and stiff on their faces, as if they hadn't understood what happened until they died.

What made people's scalp tingle the most was that due to the speed was too fast, from the beginning to the end, they didn't see Chen Xi's figure clearly at all, let alone how he drew his sword.

Puff puff!

The heart-pounding dull sound sounded again, like the footsteps of death, stepping on everyone's heart, making them cold all over, like falling into an ice cave.

In less than a moment, another five bandits died tragically, and the death conditions were exactly the same, all of them were sealed with a sword!

Only then did the other rogues realize what had happened, and they all frightened and fled in all directions. How could they look like members of the notorious vulture rogue group?How could he look like a powerful murderer with blood on his hands?

In Yun Na's eyes, these rogues who made her have countless nightmares are now like a flock of sheep rushed into their den by tigers, so helpless and desperate.

She has no sympathy or pity in her heart. These rogues are too hateful. They specialize in robbing and killing unaffiliated casual cultivators.

Seeing them fleeing desperately one by one now, all she has in her heart is pleasure and excitement.If it wasn't for her lack of strength, she would have wished to rush forward and kill them wantonly.

So relieved!

Thinking of how frightened she was just now, Yun Na felt ashamed for a while, but she didn't feel so embarrassed. She understood that if it wasn't for the fierce man Chen Xi by her side, all of this would have happened. She will return to her previous appearance. At that time, she is afraid that she will not be able to escape the clutches of these rogues.

The rest of the rogues had their fighting spirit collapsed and they ran away. This didn't make Chen Xi stop. These years of fighting made him deeply understand a truth. He should never hold back any enemies. He must kill them all. , Only then can we avoid future troubles forever.

In fact, he did not hold back. In his eyes, these guys were no different from the beasts he had seen before, and it would not be a pity to die.

After these three months of arduous fighting, his cultivation level has broken through again. Both Qi refining and body refining cultivation levels have advanced to the late stage of Jindan, and his strength is more than double that of when he was in the dark forest.

Coupled with the fighting skills and fighting will honed from fighting those terrifying beasts, he can precisely control every aspect of the entire battle situation, and can fight at the fastest speed while saving his energy. Kill the enemy.

Even, he no longer compares himself with others, and there is nothing to compare with at all.People like Qing Xiuyi and Zhao Qinghe, who can be regarded as the peak powerhouses of the younger generation in the entire Great Chu Dynasty, are indeed very strong, and have even reached the limit that they can achieve.

But Chen Xi has cultivated so far, even if his actual combat experience has doubled, he has not yet reached his limit. His potential is still huge, and there is still more room for improvement. If he is given enough time, he is completely confident that he can surpass him. Above any young generation of Jindan powerhouses in the Great Chu Dynasty!

Even now, his strength is enough to disdain most of the young generation of Golden Core powerhouses.If it was just a comparison of combat experience, the life-and-death battles that Chen Xi has experienced all the way so far, I am afraid that no one can do it.

This is an extremely valuable experience, because only after receiving the baptism of life-and-death bloody battles countless times, can one truly understand the meaning of fighting and show superhuman fighting methods in battle.This is something that cannot be taught by any elders of the school or martial arts classics. Everyone must experience it and hone it.

The so-called master leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual. The same is true for cultivation, and the same is true for fighting.

The killing is still going on.

The screams sounded continuously in the hall of Araki Fort, and the shrill voice before death made everyone present shiver involuntarily as if they were soaked in bone-chilling water.

This is definitely a massacre without any suspense!

Facing this massacre, no matter how determined their minds were, they couldn't help but feel awe and fear.

Even the onlookers were so frightened, let alone the murderers of the vulture bandit group. At this point in the battle, they were almost completely stunned.

In one face-to-face meeting, seventeen or eight people fell down on their side. How could they fight in such a destructive, completely one-sided battle?How... to resist?

Behind the crowd, Meng Laotu, the leader of the vulture gang, changed his complexion drastically, and he felt great regret. Didn't he just be greedy for a woman's beauty, how could he provoke such a plague god?But the situation is critical, and he has already seen that it is too late to be soft at this time, so there is only one way left...

Meng Laotu's face turned hard immediately, gritted his teeth ferociously and shouted violently: "Get out! Leave the barren wood castle, leave the green hills behind, and don't worry about running out of firewood!"

The sound was loud, like thunder, resounding throughout the hall.

However, what Meng Laotu didn't expect was that there was no response to his voice, and even after hearing his voice, everyone present looked at him strangely.

Um?what happened?

Meng Laotu's heart skipped a beat, sensing something was wrong, his eyes swept around again, his face full of scars suddenly became extremely stiff.


The 29 subordinates he brought this time are all lying in a pool of blood at this moment. A blood hole has been pierced in each of their throats. The dark red blood is still flowing, filling the air in the entire hall. A thick, nauseating smell of blood.

Meng Lao is bald as if struck by lightning. These subordinates have followed him for many years, but now they are all turned into cold corpses. How can he accept this?

However, compared to the sadness in his heart, he still cherishes his life more. Years of life licking blood with the tip of a knife made him wake up from the emotion of losing his brother in an instant, and at the same time, he was ready to escape preparation.

He had even thought that after escaping this catastrophe, he would lead a large number of brothers to come here in the future, and he must kill this plague-like guy alive!

However, when he was about to take action, he suddenly discovered that the atmosphere around him was too weird, as if all the eyes in the hall were full of pity...

Are these guys crazy?

Meng Laotu felt very baffled, and then he seemed to suddenly realize something, raised his head and hurriedly swept around, his expression suddenly became terrified.

He swallowed his saliva, still unwilling to give up, turned his head with difficulty, and sure enough, he saw that the plague god had come behind him at some point.

And the pitch-black long sword that killed his 29 brothers was only an inch away from his neck, and he could even see traces of warm blood remaining on the sword!

It's over, I'm afraid I'm doomed this time...

As soon as this idea came to Meng Laotu's mind, he suddenly felt a pain in his throat, and immediately there was a "poof" sound in his ears, which was exactly the same as the sound made by his brothers when their throats were pierced just now.

However, Meng Laotu, the notorious leader of the vulture bandits who had been in the barren castle for many years, was blinded and died. Before he died, he saw a splash of blood splashing in the air, and a pair of cold and calm eyes .

After killing Meng Laotu, Chen Xi took back the sword talisman, and without even looking at the dead body on the ground, and ignoring everyone's shocked and speechless eyes, he went straight to Yun Na and asked, "Is there a room here? I want to rest a bit."

Yun Na let out a cry, woke up from the bloody and shocking scenes, nodded hurriedly and said: "Yes, yes, as long as there are empty rooms upstairs, you can live in them,"

Chen Xi nodded, turned around and walked upstairs, and said as he walked, "The treasures on these rogues will be your reward for guiding me."

Yun Na was stunned, as if she suddenly thought of something, she shouted: "Senior, I forgot to tell you that the upstairs room is not for anyone who wants to occupy it. You must have a certain strength, otherwise you will only be bombarded down. If it is serious, it is more likely to be killed!"

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