divine talisman

Chapter 368

Thanks to my brother "Qingdong" for the precious vote.


The crowds on the street were shoulder-to-shoulder.

Chen Xi came to the street in the blink of an eye and leaned out to hold little Chen Yu tightly on his shoulders.

"Little Chen Yu has also grown taller in one year. He is much more handsome than your father when he was a child." Chen Xi affectionately rubbed the little guy's smile and praised.

Little Chen Yu blinked and sat on Chen Xi's shoulder in pitch black, laughing non-stop.

"Why are you here? Where's Chen Hao?" Chen Xi asked Fei Lengcui while teasing Xiao Xiao.

"Father's family affairs cannot do without him, so I asked my mother to bring me to Jinyi to cheer for uncle." Little Chen Yu answered first.

Only now did Chen Xi understand that thinking about it, the current Chen family might be expanding. Naturally, at this time, his younger brother Chen Hao must be in charge of the overall situation.

"For many years, I never thought that you would be able to obtain Nan Jiangxiu like you are today. I'm afraid there is no one who hasn't heard of your name."

After hearing a gentle and hearty laugh, Master Xuan left, followed by a heroic man, Mu Yao and Mu Wenfei.

Seeing the two brothers and sisters are also happy and smiling.

"I've met Senior Wenxuan." Chen Xi hurriedly handed little Chen Yu to Fei to greet him.Daoist Wenxuan is his younger brother Chen Hao's Liu Yunjian, who took care of his younger brother Chen Xi, so he didn't dare to neglect him.

Wen Xuan waved his displeasure and said: "How many times do you still call it like this? If the master would scold me so badly."

"Isn't it good that Wenxuan calls the head office that way?" Chen Xi Wenxuan's master is Liuyun Jianzong's Grand Elder. If his sworn brotherhood is based on seniority, Wenxuan would have to call himself that, so it's better to be friends of the same generation.

Saying that he smiled at the Mu Yao siblings was a greeting.

Then Chen Xi exchanged greetings with Du Qingxi, Duanmu Ze, and Song Lin, and then led them towards his residence.

The noise of the crowd on the street is not a good place to reminisce about the past.

On the way, Chen Xi also realized that Fei Lengcui's mother and son were able to reach Jin safely this time, thanks to Wen Xuan's presence as a master of the Nether Transformation Realm, unless they encountered an Earth Immortal, there would never be any danger.

The three of Du Qingxi also followed Wen Xuan to Jinxiu City.

After all, Southern Border is still too far away from Splendid City, and everyone's strength is not as strong as Wen Xuan, who is really not sure whether he can reach Splendid City safely.

It made Chen Xi quite embarrassed. When Du Qingxi and Mu Yao saw Yaqing, Yunna, and Yan, the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

These five women are more or less related to him. Although they are gathering on the surface at this time, although they are exchanging affectionately, the situation is always a little weird.

The five girls wouldn't be so noisy because of this. They communicated with each other to test that there was no tit-for-tat situation.

They seemed to want to use this to confirm what the other women and Chen Xi were and how much entanglement they had with each other.

As for whether to take some measures after mastering these situations, only they themselves know that women are unpredictable.

Even Wen Xuan and Fei Lengcui were keenly aware of the atmosphere and were a little surprised.

Yan Yan, she can't talk to Chen Xi about the relationship between men and women, at best they are friends, but it doesn't matter to outsiders when she is around, and she has become related.

This made her angry and dumb, and she couldn't explain clearly.

Compared with Wang Zhenfeng, Duan Muze, Song Lin, and Mu Wenfei, they quickly became hooked up, spanking and chatting with each other, as if they met each other and hated each other lately.

This is also very good. Although Wang Zhenfeng is the young master of Leihou's residence, he will naturally not put on airs to Chen Xi's friends in order to make friends.When he intended to make a knot, he soon became one with Duanmuze and the others.

In fact, Chen Xi also wanted to chat with Wang Zhenfeng and the others, at least to chat with Reverend Wenxuan, at least to temporarily avoid the attention of these women.

But both Wang Zhenfeng and Master Wenxuan have long recognized that accepting Chen Xi is tantamount to causing trouble, who would talk to him?

Misfortune is kind enough to add insult to injury.

Chen Xi had no choice but to pay attention to little Chen Yu, but the little guy was playing with the furry Bai Kui now, and he was helplessly entangled in not caring about his uncle.

This entanglement lasted until they returned to Chen Xi, and then he was secretly relieved, and hurriedly got into the kitchen under the pretense of preparing a banquet to welcome everyone.

The door was also locked.

This little obstacle made it difficult for these five women to break in easily, but due to their identities and the resentment in their hearts, they let Chen Xi go for the time being.

Zhen Liuqing, who made Chen Xi's head so dizzy just as he was preparing everyone to get together for dinner, came here!

Looking at this beautiful Wang Zhenfeng and other men from the East China Sea who are highly appreciated by the current emperor of Chu, they are full of amazement and astonishment.

And why did those women's heads... have another opponent?

Only Chen Xi couldn't help but let out a deep feeling that he was more exhausted than beheading a powerful beast at this moment.

Zhen Liuqing's bright and clear eyes swept away and keenly captured the weirdness in the atmosphere. She walked to Chen Xi's side without a smile on her skirt, looked at the full table and exclaimed, "It's so rich, I haven't had it yet, can you help me prepare a pair of bowls and chopsticks too? "

Can you sit still?

In Chen Xi's mind, these women are not ordinary. On the contrary, each of them is smarter than the other. Trying to settle it is simply a complicated and headache-intensive situation that is daunting.

"Here are the bowls and chopsticks for you."

Little Chen Yu walked up to Zhen Liuqing and acted very well-behaved, but the next thing that made Chen Xi want to slap him was the little guy who was so innocently blinking in the dark, "Are you also my uncle's confidante?"


Wang Zhenfeng opened his mouth and coughed dryly.

The faces of Wen Xuan, Fei Lengcui, and the others became weird one by one. Never thought that this little fellow would poke that layer of window paper and let Chen Xi hide it?

Zhen Liuqing glanced at her with her clear eyes, and then she smiled at little Chen Yu and said, "If you ask, you will know."

How could Chen Xi sit down and pick it up and pondered, "Everyone must be tired after a long drive, have a meal and go to bed early."

He glanced at Master Wenxuan.

Reverend Wen Xuan coughed dryly and laughed loudly: Everyone, first of all, the delicious food on this table was cooked by Chen Xi himself and let it cool down, so it's hard to eat. "

Being present belongs to his seniority, and speaking out to help at this time did not arouse anyone's dissatisfaction.

"I didn't see that he still has such a good hand. Since it is his own hand, I have to taste it." Zhen Liuqing took a deep look and smiled, then picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started to eat.

Others also drank one after another, and the atmosphere quickly became lively.

Chen Xi immediately relaxed and hurriedly stood up and said, "The Stars Conference will be held soon, I want to practice hard during this period..."

"Splendid City, I'll help you entertain these days, so you can rest assured and leave the rest to me." Chen Xi Yaqing said with a smile before she waited.

"The Stars Conference will soon require the strong to take advantage of this time to prepare more for participating in the Stars Conference." Wen Xuan also said with a smile.

There are no other people with two people. The Stars Conference is not prepared by gathering many heroes from the entire Great Chu Dynasty.

Only Chen Xi, Wang Zhenfeng, and Zhen Liuqing will be present at the Stars Gathering. Everyone else is here to watch, and they dare not disturb them so as not to affect their performance at the Stars Gathering.

"Uncle must take the first place!" Little Chen Yu said crisply.


p: I wrote too many things about the relationship between children without knowing it. The next chapter cuts to the point. ||little|say| (..)

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