divine talisman

Chapter 369 Opening the Curtain [Part 2]

The second update!Staying up late today will also finish it, but it will be in the early morning. You can watch it tomorrow.

Star world.

Ji Yu stared at the tall figure sitting cross-legged in the distance with his hands behind his back.

Just when Chen Xi entered the world of stars, he only talked with himself and began to meditate cross-legged. From the beginning to the end, he seemed to be comprehending something.

In fact, in terms of Ji Yu, what Chen Xi has mastered now is comparable to some peerless generations in the ancient times, and even a little bit stronger than the cubs of ancient gods and demons.

Cultivators in the same realm possessing this level are completely enough to be among the top!

But... he doesn't seem to be satisfied?

Ji Yu just watched quietly without disturbing.

"Water and fire are merciless!"

After a long time, Chen Xi suddenly stood up with a simple punch speed, but it gave people a feeling that there was nowhere to escape.

It seems that all the four fields and eight poles of Mangmang are under the lock of this punch.


This unpretentious thing can even fly around the void around the fist with unpretentiousness.

Almost a wave of terror filled with annihilation of all things suddenly turned from the fist into two waves, one mighty, containing water, and the other, tyrannical, containing fire.Like water and fire roaring out of each other.


Suddenly, a huge streak of thousands of feet long appeared!From far away, like a emptiness dug out of the void, it exudes a palpitating breath.

This is the first move of the "Great Annihilation Fist", "The Annihilation Mountain was only given a new name by Chen Xi with the power of water and fire.

"Very good boxing! But what he displayed with this punch doesn't seem to be the real power of the boxing..." Ji Yu's eyes suddenly came to light.From his point of view, Chen Xi only used this boxing method to use the Taoism, not the Taoism possessed by this boxing technique itself.

But even the power of this punch is still terrifying.The two Taoisms of water and fire are originally at the two poles of each other. This punch can release the two Taoisms of water and fire in a unique way, and its conception is amazing.

Dajue cannot create such a martial art without great wisdom.

"Reverse Yin and Yang!"

Chen Xi's figure once again flew through the sky like a startled dragon, and there was a palpitating force gathering in his fist.

The two forces, one black and one white, are like deriving two worlds in the fist. The world seems to be reversed, and the other world is reversed. But everything in the world is upside down.

Just being far away makes people feel so sad that they want to vomit blood.


The two completely and completely mutually exclusive forces finally erupted, and the endless void of Yin and Yang was blasted to pieces and plunged into a kind of chaos.

However, this punch hadn't exhausted all its strength, and Chen Xi's figure suddenly turned pale and almost fell to the ground.

"The difference between Yin and Yang is too great. If you can't fully grasp this punch, not only will you not be able to use it, you may even hurt yourself... What went wrong?"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, frowned, and recalled carefully the punch he had just punched, and everyone fell into a state of obsession.

"The power of yin and yang is the most powerful of the two original forces. If they can be integrated, it may also be of great benefit to his future participation in the yin and yang avenue."

Ji Yu nodded slightly and turned to leave.

He was going to help Ling Bai restore the little guy's consciousness since he fused the golden spirit lotus fruit into Ling Bai's body.

On the one hand, it is because Lingbai is absent in the first place. It is more difficult to replace a pair than all the creatures in the world.

On the other hand, because Lingbai once damaged himself, he consumed the fused golden spirit lotus fruit twice, just for a change. He wants to restore the original source, but it can't be recovered overnight.

However, when Ji Yu wakes up soon, Ling Bai's strength will show a terrifying speed. With Jin Ling's strength, he may be even stronger than Chen Xi at that time.

Ji Yu is looking forward to that day.


In ten days, a dazzling haze rose from the sky of Jinxiu City, and then there was a shocking sound, shooting out billions of rays of light.

Everyone in Splendid City was startled, and it felt like a divine dragon had unfolded its roar from the endless dusty years in its slumber, shaking the wind and clouds on the ground.

For a moment, there was a vision in the sky above Jinxiu City, lightning, thunder, Shenxia and Longyin rushed straight to the sky.

"Dengtian Peak is going out and the Stars Conference is about to kick off!" All the elders in the city widened their faces and were very excited.

Splendid City was originally illusory, but now there are some blurs, as if a mountain range is looming.

The history of Dengtian Peak, which is a near-miraculous existence, can no longer be said to be extremely ancient before the completion of Jinxiu City.

The height of this mountain is [-], and it is filled with infinity, covering almost all avenues and trails between heaven and earth.

If a monk walks with insufficient Taoism, he will be sent flying out of the mountain in an instant.

Even if you have a deep sense of morality, it is as difficult as climbing a solitary cliff with your bare hands.

It is also Zhengding Tianfeng that has become the first test at the Stars Conference. The younger generation who participate in the conference must arrive to pass this first test.


The Splendid Hall in the far distance suddenly rushed up, and it turned into an extremely blurred stalwart, which could not be seen clearly, but the ancient desolation emanating from the body made the world tremble.

"Master Qi Ling of the Jinxiu Hall! After a hundred years, his aura has become more and more fearful. Who would dare to come here to make trouble when he sits in the world of stars?"

People of the older generation were all amazed, and then sent a voice transmission to the younger generation around them: "You must be careful when climbing the Tianfeng Peak. In addition to contending with the mountain's own morality, you must also be careful about other people. You must be careful about squeezing out Deng Hanhen."


The true face of Dengtian Peak is finally revealed in the world. This is an ancient, solitary, vast, and extremely majestic whole body with billions of colorful rays of light on its surface.

The hundreds of millions of colorful rays of light are caused by the Taoism of Feng Shui, Earth Fire, Yin and Yang, Thunder, Mountains, Sun and Moon, etc. Just looking at it from a distance makes people unable to restrain themselves.

As soon as Dengtian Peak turned into the sky, everyone in the entire Splendid City was set up one by one by young strong men from the northern barbarians, southern Xinjiang, East China Sea, and Central Plains, and quickly rushed towards Dengtian Peak suspended in mid-air.

Those who were not qualified to participate in the Stars Festival also rushed to seize the advantage, and the spectators stood densely on the Dengtian Peak.

These people either came to help their relatives or friends this time, or sent the background of their disciples, or simply came to see the demeanor of the young generation of strong men.


Qing Xiuyi, Zhao Qinghe, Huangfu Jingtian and others rushed to the others first, followed closely by others, like locusts, the number should be at least two thousand. This is a very magnificent scene.

There is still a curtain of divine light on Dengtianfeng Mountain.

This curtain of divine light is roughly equivalent to that in the later stage of Jindan. Only by breaking through this layer of divine light with one's own strength can one climb to the top of the mountain.


Shenxia's light curtain broke open, and Qing Xiuyi and others broke in with ease, and then disappeared.

"Lin Moxuan, Xiao Ling'er, Liu Fengchi, Man Hong, Pei Zhong, Xue Chen...are they moving together to prevent them from being squeezed down on Dengtian Peak?"

"It is certain that these geniuses and strong men look down on each other, and there are some conflicts among most of them, and there are some frictions with each other when climbing the Tianfeng Peak. It is certain."

"Only in this way is it wonderful!"

"It's too bad that there are a total of [-] people participating in the Stars Conference this time. Only Deng Tianfeng can eliminate [-]% of the contestants!"

The entire Splendid City was caught in a noisy discussion.

A corner of the crowd, Wen Xuan frowned anxiously and said, "Chen Xi hasn't come yet?"

Brother Mu Yao, Yan Yan, Yun Na, and Fei Lengcui couldn't understand why Chen Xi didn't show up until now.

Yaqing shook her head and smiled wryly: "Since that day, there has been no movement in his closed room. It's true that he hasn't gone to Chuhunwei to collect the jade medal for the competition. If you don't participate, you don't even want to enter Dengtian Peak."

"Mother, uncle, he's here!" Little Chen Yu, who had been walking around with her eyes wide open, shouted crisply when she saw Chen Xi's stern figure.

Everyone raised their eyes and saw a tall, handsome young man wearing a green shirt, looking this way. Could it be Chen Xi?

"I'm a bit late." Chen Xi arrived at the crowd in an instant, apologetically, and he had been comprehending that trick these days, "Upside Down Yin, and somehow he forgot that if it wasn't for Ji Yu's mention, he almost missed the big deal.

"Don't hurry up and go to Chuhunwei with me, you won't even be eligible to participate in the conference!" Ya Qing glared at Chen Xi vigorously, grabbed Chen Xi's hand and rushed towards the distance. (.guan.)

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