divine talisman

Chapter 370 Climb to Heaven Peak [Part 3]

It didn't take much for Chen Xi to go to Chuhunwei to sign up, because there was no one there and even people planned to close the signup point wherever Chen Xi went. .

Seeing Chen Xi's expressions on the faces of the staff of the Chu Soul Guard, this guy is too calm, did he remember to sign up at this time?

Chen Xi could only smile wryly, hastily tested his bone age, and left in a hurry.


The figure Chen Xi didn't dare to delay Deng Tianfeng who was flying towards the sky any longer.

"Finally, it's because Chen Xi can climb to the peak as long as he doesn't." Master Wenxuan, who saw Chen Xi from a distance, said with a smile.

"Chen Xi will always bring people a series of underestimations. Every time he underestimates him, his end will become very miserable. Your sister Yan Yan?" Yun Na said excitedly.

Yan Yan shrugged helplessly and said, "You have already said what I wanted to say, what else can I say?"

"I knew that big brother Chen Xi would definitely be able to do it!" Mu Wenfei said with a firm expression while clenching his hands.For him, Chen Xi has always been the idol he admires the most.

Seeing her younger brother like this, Mu Yao laughed along with her, and her laughter was like a crisp ding-dong.

Fei Lengcui holds little Chen Yu in her arms and looks at the uncontrollable Chen clan with a smile in her heart, why worry about not being able to create an immortal foundation?

But Yaqing frowned and said: "Chen Xi's can indeed be relaxed, but he is afraid that someone will catch him. Many of his enemies have participated in the Stars Conference."

Everyone's expressions became serious and they stopped looking at Dengtian Peak one by one.

Most of the powerful people that Yaqing said participated in the Stars Conference this time had a lot of similarities with Chen Xi, such as Huangfu Chongming, Lin Moxuan, Xiao Linger, Liu Fengchi, Man Hong and so on.

These people are all well-known, and the strength of one party cannot be one-on-one. If it is not Chen Xi's, I am afraid that it will be very bad if they join forces.

At this time, most of the participants in the Stars Conference had broken through Shenxia and entered Dengtian Peak, but there were still some people who were blocked from the Shenxia light curtain.

There were thousands of people in this group, each frowning, struggling to attack Shenxia, ​​hoping to break through and enter Dengtian Peak.

Flying in mid-air, Chen Xi's speed directly towards the divine glowing curtain of light, and the act of ignoring the divine glowing curtain of light immediately caused some contestants to sneer and want to see how Chen Xi would make a fool of himself.

After all, it has come to this kind of strength to break through, and almost all of Shen Xiaguang has entered the remaining people. The reason for waiting is not because the strength is blocked by the Shen Xia light curtain?

To them, Chen Xi also belonged to this kind of person.

However, it made them creepy. Chen Xi passed through Shenxia easily like a ghost, as if that kind of defense didn't exist at all, and he didn't suffer any attacks on the way!

"Am I not mistaken? Just passed through? Didn't even make a move!"

"Hiss! Isn't this guy's body real? Or is it that I'm seeing a ghost?"

I thought, no wonder seeing this guy so familiar, so he is that Chen Xi! "

Wen Xuan and the others were equally astonished, not only the onlookers, Xu Qian, they didn't notice anything about Chen Xi, after all, all the masters had already entered the board at this time, and the remaining ones were obviously not as strong.

In this kind of situation, Chen Xi's ability to easily enter Shen Xiaguang naturally aroused the enthusiasm of everyone present, and of course many people recognized his identity.

"Hmph! Once he gets into Dengtian Peak for grandstanding, he will know what is dangerous!" Some people saw Chen Xi's sneer.

Chen Xi didn't enter all of this before he entered the curtain of light, he came to a strange sky, and immediately felt a thicker than the outside world, it was so thick that it almost turned into water.

"If you stay here every day, you will be able to get twice the result with half the effort... Huh? Doesn't this place seem to form a small world with what the outside world sees?"

Chen Xi glanced and found that there was a piece of clarity in front of him, and wisps of spiritual energy lingered around the surrounding vegetation like a fairyland.

And here is the majestic Dengtian Peak surrounded by billions of rays of light.

And from here, you can't see the outside world at all, as if it was cut off by an invisible force.

Although Chen Xi can't see it from here, the outside world can see it very clearly. However, what he sees is so extreme that he can only clearly see everything that happened on Dengtian Peak.

As for those lakes, spirit vines, trees, and land... they cannot be seen from the outside world.

This is the miraculous place of Dengtian Peak. This existence history is longer than Jinxiu City, filled with countless mysteries everywhere.


Chen Xi seemed to have noticed a trace of a figure appearing on his lips, suddenly without any warning, it wasn't a climbing tree flying towards the distance, but a tree that came hundreds of meters away in an instant and punched it out with a big punch.


With the sound of breaking, the tree shattered, and a figure suddenly rushed towards it, but it was tightly locked by Chen Xi's right hand, and he did not dare to act rashly again.

This is a gray-robed man who looked at him in horror at this moment, and seemed to have no idea how Chen Xi would find him.You must know that even the Nirvana monks can hardly detect his restraint!

"Tell me who made you wait here and I can spare you." Chen Xi said coldly.

Since entering here, his spiritual consciousness has been spreading with the technique of "circling ripples". The gray-robed young man's energy-holding kung fu, but he couldn't escape him, and he noticed it in an instant.

Originally, he wasn't very good, but he noticed something in the eyes of the gray-robed youth looking at him, so he was relentless.

"Don't try to reveal your identity. I'll have enough time to kill you before you leave here." Chen Xidan noticed the faint movement of the gray-robed youth's right hand and immediately understood the opponent's intention.

The identity received in Chuhunwei's registration also has teleportation. If the contestant is in danger, he can be teleported out of the outside world as long as he pinches it.

The grey-robed youth's face suddenly darkened and he said in despair: "Is there any way for me to survive after being told by you? If I want to kill you, I won't listen, but if I want to sue you, I won't be able to reach the summit of Dengtian Peak!"


Chen Xi crushed this person's body without any hesitation, and then found a strategy from his corpse—he immediately understood everything.

In the storage bag is only a top-grade sword, more than [-] crystals, and an identity jade badge.

The most important thing is that this piece of identity jade is impressively written with the words Zhao Wu, the later stage of Jindan of the Huangtian Daozong of the Central Plains, and so on.How could Chen Xi not know who was targeting him?

"It's really a wicked heart! It's time to solve this incident that happened in the desert of the vast sea..." Chen Xi didn't bother to look at the corpse on the ground and fled it into the distance.

The Stars Conference is a glory for the younger generation to become famous all over the world, and it is also an extremely cruel decision. Although jade charms can be transmitted by virtue of status, casualties will inevitably occur.

This was common among the stars in previous sessions, so Chen Xi did not need to worry about violating the rules of the conference.

With the help of "Swirling Ripples", Chen Xi once again discovered that some people who tried to mistreat him either alone or in twos could break through the curtain of light and enter the realm of cultivation. They were all considered strong, but they all died in the end without exception. in his hands.

From the identities of these people, it can also be seen that some of them are from the Yellow Heaven Dao Sect, the Nine Cauldron Immortal Sect, the Palace of Prince Rui, and the Dragon Shark Island of the East China Sea... This also made Chen Xi more aware that this was a battle of many forces joining forces to target him. An act of revenge!

"Being able to enter the Ascension to Heaven must be an extremely outstanding potential in these sects. If I can use one of them, although it won't hurt his tendons, it will inevitably hurt his vitality."

Chen Xi's expression was icy cold, his mind was high, and his whole person was like a murderous executioner who never blinked.

Some cultivators discovered what they wanted early on, but they were still wiped out cleanly and neatly by Chen Xi.This is inseparable from the speed of Starry Sky Wing, which gave him a unique advantage.

But even if someone still escaped, Chen Xi was helpless if the other party pinched his identity and resolutely gave up directly.

By the time he arrived at Dengtian Peak, Chen Xi had seized 27 identities. At the same time, he had also harvested nearly 300 million condensate and a bunch of earth-level magic weapons.

These monks are the core young people who are cultivated by various sects, have great potential, and naturally have considerable wealth in their qualifications.

Now they are all in Chen Xi's pocket.

"What an astonishing power of Taoism!" Standing on the Dengtian Peak, Chen Xi raised his head and felt an unspeakable shock in his heart. () (.guan.)

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