divine talisman

Chapter 371 Daoist Oppression [Part 4]


The farther you are from Dengtian Peak, the more you can feel that the whole body of this mountain seems to be gathered by countless Taoism, and these Taoism powers are extremely powerful, just like the rumbling roar of the pouring from the top of the mountain.

It's like a universe oscillating vertically and horizontally.

Before Chen Xi could feel a pressure from the depths of his heart, it seemed that as long as he stepped towards this mountain, he would be doomed.

And he noted that this 99-foot-high mountain has already been climbed by many people, the number of which is no less than [-].

From a distance, it looks like a group of ants climbing up step by step.

At the end of the day, there were only a few people who had reached the halfway up the mountain. Because of the distance and the sunlight, Chen Xi couldn't clearly see who the leading people were.

In the end, they had only marched for a hundred years. These people's strength was obviously about to be stepped up, walking panting, and every step seemed so difficult and heavy.

It's like going against a raging mountain torrent, which makes people worry that they may be washed away at any time.


A young man uttered a sound, the whole person was thrown away by a huge force, and the white light disappeared.

He has already been eliminated.

Chen Xi knew that this guy seemed to be called Wei. He was defeated in the Golden Pond Conference because his cultivation base was perfected in the Golden Core, and his strength was quite strong.

But now he was eliminated in the position of thousands of feet high.It is indeed shocking.

"You can only know if you try it yourself." Chen Xi stopped stepping forward.

To his surprise, when he was running his whole body, he felt the pressure all over his body swept away, and he didn't feel any pressure anymore when he stepped on Dengtian Peak.

"It turns out that the obvious test of climbing the Tianfeng Peak is the pressure faced by the monk's Dao Yi to the Dao Yi realm controlled by Dao Yi. On the contrary, the pressure will increase."

"Now I have mastered more than ten kinds, except for the other two, the other side and the sinking, all of which have reached the Xiaocheng state, and the pressure on them is naturally much less."

Chen Xi understood in an instant that he would not step up again.

The path to climb Tianfeng is only wide enough to accommodate more than a hundred people side by side straight to the peak.

The higher you go, the more stress you will have.

This kind of pressure comes from the Taoism surging down from the mountain. All kinds of Taoism powers gather and transform into a torrent, seemingly invisible, but this kind of pressure is directed at the human heart, and there is no escape.

Magic weapons and the like are of no use here under the pressure of this torrent of morality.

Walking gradually made Chen Xi understand a lot. For example, according to his current moral will, he can fly with ease, at least he won't be under too much pressure and threats in Wanzhang Fan.

As for the ten thousand feet above, he still can't judge it.

Chen Xi would never foolishly choose to fly, that way it would be too easy to cause the enemy to be attacked.

If he hadn't had enough spiritual sense to master the "circling ripple" and other wonderful spiritual sense detections, those who came to Tianfeng before would have been attacked by many sneak attacks.

At this time, there must be many enemies waiting for him on Dengtian Peak, and he dared not be negligent.

So among the others, Chen Xi walked in a very orderly pace, as if climbing steps in a rhythmic way, without any trace of stagnation.

He also didn't see the slightest bit of calm as usual.Before he knew it, he had marched three thousand times, leaving a large group of monks far behind.

Although Chen Xi didn't want to make it too public, his easy climbing style gradually attracted some people's attention.

"That kid looks very light and I don't know which faction he is from."

"Idiot! That person is Chen Xi! It's only reasonable that the only one who has achieved a hundred consecutive victories in the Golden Pool Conference can do it."

"He is Chen Xi? It really is a well-deserved reputation."

I have a lot of people I want to deal with, and they are all powerful. It is hard to say whether he can reach the peak. "

The monks of the younger generation on the mountain looked at the people who were drifting away, some people sneered...the expressions were all different.

But they didn't have the mind to pay attention anymore, because the pressure of the Taoism pouring down from the mountain peak was too oppressive. At the moment they were distracted, three monks couldn't bear the Taoism and were washed down and completely eliminated in an instant.

Facing such cruelty, they had to concentrate to ensure that they would not be eliminated.

Climb to the height of [-] feet.

A group of young monks were gathering around ten people. It was strange that they no longer looked up, but looked down at the same time, as if they were waiting for something.

"The guy who got almost the entire army of us ambushing under Dengtian Peak just now is about to pass everyone's preparations." One of the young men in black who looked like the leader said sternly.

"The whole army is wiped out? Is that kid so powerful?" Someone on the side asked in surprise: "If so, is it... dangerous for us to be here?"

"We are outnumbered, but we still have to allocate more than half of our energy to resist the ubiquitous Taoism. If we do it, we can only exert less than [-]% of our strength. What if that kid and all of us will be eliminated? It's not easy I just got there and I don’t want to leave because of it.”


The young man in black suddenly swept his eyes across the crowd: "We are all golden core cores from various major forces, so why can't we take Chen Xi alone?"

"What's more, I heard that as long as Huangfu Hou successfully completes it, each of us can get 300 million Ningying Pills! We have to fight for this sum, what do you think?"

300 Congealing Infant Pills!

The hesitation in the eyes and hearts of the others swept away and became excited.

This is what people call death for birds.

As many as there are can drive as many people to bleed desperately for it.

The scene in front of me is that those from the six major forces including Prince Rui's Mansion, Yunhe Sect, Huangtian Taoist Sect, Jiuding Immortal Sect, East Sea Dragon Shark Island, and Beiman Cangku Mountain have moved on Chen Xi because of the 300 million Congealing Infant Pills. Murder!


p: I can't bear my eyelids and I'm hungry!Tired again!Drowsy again...it's too difficult, please take care of the word count in this chapter.Tomorrow, the recovery essence will continue for four more! (.guan.)

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