divine talisman

Chapter 377 Dao Martial Jade Card

There are early mornings.


Ascending to the sky, Chen Xi brazenly shattered one hundred and eight handles with his sword, and walked silently with Fan behind his back.

Deng Tian witnessed the whole process and couldn't help talking again.

"Height of 377 feet! Chen Xi was crushed by such a terrifying power of Taoism, but he was able to cut through a hundred pieces with a single sword and save that woman from danger. This level of strength is a bit too terrifying!" Divine talisman [-]

"Wrong! I think that woman's strength is stronger. Didn't you see that she had already killed sixteen enemies when Chen Xi appeared? Speaking of which, I'm afraid she might be stronger than Chen Xi."

"What I'm most interested in is that Chen Xi and that woman can bear the burden of this woman without any shyness. Could it be that the two are lovers?"

"You have all ignored that woman from the beginning to the end, have you ever figured it out? What is her family name and how much do you know? According to me, that woman is from the Demon Sect and her strength is obviously a Demon Cultivator !"

"Demon cultivator? God! Could it be someone from the Blood Moon Demon Sect?"

An Earth Immortal expert from Jinxiu University roared angrily: "What's going on? How could there be remnants of the Blood Moon Demon Sect appearing at the Gathering of Stars? Why?!"

This Earth Immortal powerhouse Daoist Yu is a member of Qiongchi Daozong in the Central Plains. Most of the dozen or so young cultivators who died in the hands of Fan Yunlan just now came from Qiongchi Daozong.It was Yu Kunzi who was so angry.

There was also a trace of surprise and uncertainty on the faces of the strong earth immortals in the hall.

The name of the Blood Moon Demon Sect is simply evil and sinful among thousands of people, causing endless turmoil in the practice world and causing great damage to the Great Chu Dynasty.

These old monsters survived for such a long time, so they knew everything about the Blood Moon Demon Sect and Yu Kunzi also vaguely guessed Fan Yunlan's, so they were unavoidably a little surprised.

"Fellow daoists, don't be so alarmed." Wen Chenghou suddenly coughed dryly and said with a smile: "His Majesty of the Blood Moon Demon Sect already knew it well. The woman named Fan is a member of the Blood Moon Demon Sect. His Majesty's meaning."

What does His Majesty mean?

Everyone is wondering why does the current emperor of Chu do this?Could it be that some agreement was reached with the Blood Moon Demon Sect?

Wen Chenghou swept his eyes and shook his head and said, "Everyone, don't presume that His Majesty's move will be a big deal to me. It's better to watch the competition."

"Yaqing, do you know that woman?" Du Qingxi hesitated but summoned up her courage to ask.

"Chen Xi knows so many beauties, how can I know all of them?" Yaqing's lips curled up, and she felt quite sour when she saw Chen Xi walking towards Dengtian step by step with Fan Yunlan on his back.

"Don't ask me, I don't know you either." Seeing Du Qingxi looking at her, Yun Na quickly shook her head and said.

"Mu Yao, I'm sure she doesn't know that you either?" Du Qingxi looked up at Yan Yan.

Yan Yan said: "I've always said that Chen Xi and I are just ordinary, so I don't care how many confidante he has."

After saying that, she suffered a normal relationship with all the girls?Who would believe it!Divine Book 377

Deep in Yan Yan's heart, a sense of innocence rose. Could it be that every woman has to have you with Chen Xi before she is willing?

"The first group of people have already arrived at Dengtian Peak and started to snatch the Dao Martial Jade Card!" Reverend Daoxuan at the side suddenly cried out in surprise.

Everyone looked at Deng. Sure enough, dozens of people including Qing Xiuyi, Zhao Qinghe, Huangfu Jingtian, Zhen Liuqing and others started to snatch the Daowu jade token.

On Dengtian Peak, there is a waterfall formed by various Daoyi powers hanging on the top of the peak thousands of feet above the sky and pouring down.

The so-called Dao Wu is a similar identity certificate. Only those who go against the Daoyi Waterfall and grab a Dao Wu from it can continue to participate in the Stars Conference.

It is especially worth mentioning that the total number of Dao Wu jade cards is only [-], and the snatching of the Dao Wu jade cards has become the second test of the Stars Conference.

This test is equally brutal.

Because there are a total of 2 young golden cores participating in the Stars Conference this time. According to the external Stars Conference, the maximum number of people who can ascend to the Tianfeng Peak will not exceed [-].

2 people went to snatch [-] Daowu, and the competition was completely predictable.

"With Chen Xi's ability to snatch a Dao Martial Token, it shouldn't be a problem, but now that he bears that strength, he will definitely be subject to what happens..." Reverend Wen Xuan frowned, but he couldn't continue speaking.

All the girls around them also stopped thinking nonsense and cast their eyes on Chen Xi one after another.


Sixty-nine thousand feet.

Seventy-five thousand feet.

Eighty thousand feet.


With Fan Yue on his back, Chen Xi felt the pressure from the pressure of morality coming from all directions. It felt like walking in a raging mountain torrent. He had to devote half of his energy to counteracting this to avoid unavoidable problems. Was swept away by mountain torrents.

In other words, if you meet Chen Xi now, you can only display [-]% of your normal strength.

Others who achieve this kind of necessity will also encounter this kind of terrifying moral oppression, and even the strength they can display is not as good as Chen Xi.

Because the truth is that the amount of moral oppression suffered by the latter is not the slightest difference from that of Chen Xi.But now this kind of situation has all fallen on Chen Xi.

In other words, even though Chen Xi could only display half of it, it was because he was carrying the oppressive power of two people's moral will to move forward!

If it was just him and not himself... Fan Yunlan who was lying on Chen Xi was also thinking about this question.Divine Book 377

She no longer thinks about how to deal with it, because it will make her heart flustered and at a loss.So in order to distract her, she concentrated all her thoughts on Chen Xi's strength.

- She has been observing his breath, his speed when climbing the mountain, and the changes on his face.

Because through these tiny details, she could faintly perceive the extent of Chen Xi's current state.

The result made her overwhelmed, and she almost couldn't believe the reason she came up with was that she might not be Chen Xi's opponent with everything she had now!

This guy in the vast sea and desert is only Huang Ting, and now his strength has skyrocketed to this level?

"Can you tell me how you participated in the Stars Conference?" The voice that shocked Chen Xi suddenly sounded in Fan Yunlan's heart.

Fan Yunlan was silent.

"It seems that her hatred for me is still very deep..." Chen Xi couldn't help but waver a little and stopped moving forward.

From the [-]-zhang high and spacious mountain road into Dengtian Peak, there are only sporadic threes and twos, and it is rare to see groups of monks.

In addition, the oppressive force of morality on the mountain peak is getting more and more, and it is difficult to see the fighting along the way. Compared with the situation of the two of them, it is still extremely safe.

"Three, I have practiced a secret technique that allows me to abandon the Nirvana realm and return to the Golden Core realm."

After passing Fan Yunlan's voice, Chen Xi listened intently without tapping his ears.

"And my blood and demon clan and the current emperor of Chu have also reached a price for allowing me to participate in the stars. The three thousand blood moon demon sect will not appear in the world again."

Chen Xi was stunned to pay such a high price just to let Fan Yunlan join the group of stars?What is the Blood Moon Demon Sect seeking?

"I have already told the suzerain that the stars must be among the top ten this time, otherwise I will die as an apology." Fan Yunlan continued.

Chen Xi couldn't help but interjected again: "For what? Entering the Primordial Battlefield? Or Xuanhuan Domain?"

Fan Yunlan shook his head and said, "I can't tell you something about my Blood Moon Demon Sect."

Chen Xi didn't but asked another question: "Then why did he attack you just now? As far as I know, those people before you who have always been black-veiled and very few people know about you, how could you have grudges against those people for no reason? "

"They?" Fan Yunlan said with a trace in his voice: "Most of them are from the sects near the bloody land outside the wilderness of the Central Plains. There are Qiongchi Dao and Huainan, and maybe you are also my blood and demons who have been entrenched in the bloody land outside the wilderness. It is inevitable that something will happen, and this kind of struggle has lasted for thousands of years. These sect disciples naturally hate me, a witch from the blood and demon clan."

Only now did Chen Xi understand the matter, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of indifference since ancient times. Such things, which have been accumulating for countless years, can only be resolved through fighting and killing.

"We're almost at the peak and you still won't let me down?" Fan Yunlan said suddenly.

"You just went through a lot of exhaustion, I'm afraid I haven't recovered yet, so I'll carry you on my back." Chen Xi raised his head and saw that he was only less than three thousand feet away, and he was able to climb the mountain. He could even vaguely see a huge river pouring down from the void like a Milky Way. Fall nine days.

() (.guan.)

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