divine talisman

Chapter 378 Reaching the Peak [Part 2]

Tomorrow will be 6:11 pm, [-]:[-] pm and [-]:[-] pm.If so, we will notify you in advance.


Dengtian Peak is a huge and incomparably hazy ground that is smooth enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

And at the top of the mountain, there is a huge waterfall with a width of [-] feet rumbling down, like a galaxy falling, with extremely majestic momentum.

What flew down from the waterfall was not ordinary, but formed by various Taoist powers into rolling water sprays.Divine statute 378

The green, the red of the wood, the yellow of the fire, the Taoism of the earth... There are even some colors in them, but they exude all kinds of terrifying auras, as if all the avenues and trails between the world and the earth are covered. Contains 'color' color Wei thrilling.

Seeing this scene, I am afraid that any monk who is determined to aspire to the way of heaven will not be able to help but understand that he will not be able to rest for a long time.


Like a galaxy-like waterfall pouring down and thundering, the rolling water splashes flashed bright lights from time to time.

If you look carefully, there are jade plaques that are as white as jade.It's like silver fish flickering in the waterfall, appearing extremely psychic.

That is, if Dao Wu climbed to the top of the peak and successfully snatched one, he would be transported to a strange place and wait for the start of the next round of trials.

About 2000 people have arrived, or they are all standing in twos or fours, standing in the distance from the waterfall. Dao Wu's eyes flashed across the waterfall from time to time, and there was a fanatical light of determination.

But there are very few people who really want to win one from the waterfall. It is not as difficult as imagined, and it can even be said to be extremely difficult.

The waterfall transformed by various Taoist powers contains a terrifying attack, and each water column is equivalent to a full-strength blow of a monk in the Jindan realm.And that waterfall has hundreds of thousands of water columns like this, almost hundreds of millions, dense and endless.

If you don't have the strength to break in alone, it's like facing an army composed of countless golden core monks, you will be thrown out and completely eliminated in an instant.

It is not impossible to win a Dao Wu from it.Everyone stopped here to observe and found at least three ways to pass.

One is to use unparalleled speed to flash through the water column, but no matter how fast the water column pours, the person who can rely on speed to flash through the water column is himself the top genius.

These top geniuses can do it no matter what method they use, but they can't do it with just their strength.

For example, the top ones like Qing Xiuyi, Zhao Qinghe, Huangfu Changtian relied on their own strength to easily win a Dao Wu and entered a strange space.

The second method is to use one's own defense to fight head-on. This requires that the monk must have cultivated an extremely powerful defense and reached a very high level. It is too low and martial arts is too low to pass.

The third method is to use powerful martial arts to blast away. This requires the participating monks to cultivate extremely powerful Taoist eyesight, and they may be blown away by the endless water column.

Except that the first method is too demanding for the contestants, most monks still choose the second and third methods, which are relatively safe and secure.


With a series of sounds of breaking through the air, at least eight monks restrained themselves and rushed towards the waterfall.Divine statute 378

The positions chosen by these eight people are not obvious from each other, and they have been well thought out. After all, if they choose the same space where they can move and dodge, it will be extremely disadvantageous to snatching the Dao Martial Jade Card.

boom! boom! boom!

However, as soon as the eight of them arrived at the waterfall, they fell into the chaos of thousands of water jets. In the blink of an eye, seven of them were blown away, and only one of them was lucky enough to get a Dao with his brave and unparalleled breakthrough. Wu Blink has been rumored to have disappeared.

The seven people who were blown out were also teleported and eliminated.

Seeing this crowd, they became more and more afraid to act rashly.

In the blink of an eye, they were completely wiped out, and they could bear the blow of the Stars Conference. Facing this, they had to be extremely cautious and tried to find the best time to do it.

Just as Chen Xi climbed to the top of the mountain with Fan on his back.

When he came here, the oppressive force of morality all over his body immediately dissipated. The ease almost made Chen Xi feel comfortable, and he felt like he wanted to go home with the wind.

"This guy actually climbed to the top of the mountain with one on his back?"

"God! That's twice the pressure of morality. How did this guy do it?"

"Awesome! It's really amazing!"

Someone discovered Chen Xi and Fan and couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

Hearing the gazes of the other people nearby, they all fell on Chen Xi in unison. When they saw Fanyun on his back, a strange and shocked look suddenly appeared in their eyes.

"Put...put me down? I...I can do it by myself..."

Being stared at by everyone, Fan Yunlan felt completely silent and became as thin as a stammer, even with a delicate and pretty face, she couldn't help but want to bury herself in Chen Xi's so as to avoid these gazes.

Chen Xi didn't just shake his eyes and didn't care about his surroundings, he went straight to the waterfall over there and looked at it silently.

"Not too much, now that you don't have to be distracted to fight against those moral oppressions, you can fully exert your strength and it should be easy..."

"What is this guy going to do? Is he going to snatch the jade token behind my back?"

A bad feeling suddenly rose in Fan Yunlan's heart, but before she could make a sound, Chen Xi had already stepped on his back and suddenly turned into a stream and rushed towards the waterfall.

"Who is this guy? Tai Kuang wanted to take a Dao Martial Jade Card as soon as he came in?"

This guy is really able to carry a person on his back, which means that if he is strong enough, it is possible for him to get a Dao Martial Jade Card.But he still carries that on his back, which is indeed too overwhelming. "

"Climbing to the top of the mountain is just to resist the oppression of Taoism. As long as the Taoism is under control, there will be no accidents. But this guy's behavior of snatching the Dao Martial Jade Card and being blown away as soon as he touches it is obviously a bit Menglang." Shenlu 378

This test of snatching the jade token is extremely dangerous. From the hundreds of people who have entered the waterfall so far, only a few dozen people have succeeded!

This kind of terrifying panning made everyone dare not be careless in the slightest.

However, it was in this extremely severe situation that when they saw Chen Xi running on his back in spite of everything, all of them shook their heads and waited, as if they were doing this to satisfy their depressed mood of not making any progress.

() (.guan.)

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