divine talisman

Chapter 379 Waterfall Declares War [Part 1]

Thank you brother "Snow Emperor Supreme" for your valuable support!


When Dengtian Peak saw Chen Xi rushing into the waterfall without hesitation carrying Fan Yunlan on his back, everyone was waiting to see, but some were gnashing their teeth in hatred.

"It's that brat." Cui Tie looked at Chen Xi with gritted teeth on his face, "If it wasn't because of him, Junior Brother Cheng Yun and I would have killed that witch a long time ago!"

"The set of flying swords taught to me by the master is all destroyed here. You must avenge the younger brother." Cheng Yun also echoed.

The eyes of a woman wearing a bewitching face swept the two of them coldly, "Who can blame the skill?"

Cui Tie and Cheng Yun's faces became embarrassing, but they also said that although the words of senior brother Qiu Xiaofeng were not serious, they would never ignore the matter of the juniors.

And that witch is their common elder brother of everyone in Qiongchi Daozong, how could Qiu Xiaofeng stand by and watch?

Sure enough, the two of them, Qiu Xiaofeng, said coldly, "Now that the two of them have entered the waterfall, I'm afraid they will be blown away and eliminated completely if they haven't won it yet. In case I wait for an opportunity, I won't just sit and watch them." Passed smoothly!"

"Isn't it easy to catch this matter with senior brother?" Cui Tie and Cheng Yun are both there. Senior brother Qiu Xiaofeng is the kind of top genius who is completely comparable to Qing Xiuyi and others. The teachers who took care of them couldn't bear to leave first.Otherwise, he might have passed this test already.

Qiu Xiaofeng slightly stopped looking at the waterfall with his eyes fixed on Chen Xi's figure.


The waterfall formed by the condensed power of countless kinds of Taoism surged like a dike, and the sound was terrifying.

As long as you are in the body, you are likely to be affected by a jet of water, and then you will be blasted out by countless nearby jets of water.

The bombardment speed of the densely packed seemingly endless water column is also like an intertwined sheet, and the probability of trying to pick a Daowu from it is extremely desperate.

There are also regularities in it, such as a certain place that lasts for a period of time will slow down and become a fleeting safe area in the next moment.

Many monks participating in the previous competition passed this hurdle by grasping the fleeting and near-misses.

However, it is very difficult for contestants with poor eyesight, speed and psychological quality.

The raging and roaring waterfall, Chen Xi's figure walks like sleepwalking, even with Brahma on his back, his movement speed is still as sensitive as lightning.Whenever everyone thinks that the water column hits only the afterimage left by the speed too fast.

That is to say, Chen Xi still maintained his absolute speed even under the overwhelming water jet attack. The participating cultivators near that incomparably strong visual impact all misunderstood that the speed of the water jet bombardment was much slower...


"Ah!" A cultivator was thoroughly attacked as soon as he entered. He was one of the people who thought the bombardment speed of the water column had slowed down.

Seeing other people, they were immediately wary of where the speed of the water jets became. It was clearly Chen Xi's speed, which created a visual effect that made the speed of those jets of water look much slower.

"This guy can still do this while carrying one on his back, maybe he can pass this test smoothly..." The desire to see a joke in front of everyone present also faded away.

Chen Xi walked through the waterfall with a look on his face. Although a piece of martial arts would flash in the waterfall from time to time, due to the distance and the attack density of the water column, it was not an easy task to successfully win a jade medal.

The most important thing is that Chen Xi still needs to snatch one for Fan Yunlan, so he has to take away two Dao Martial Jade Cards at the same time!

Undoubtedly, the difficulty has greatly increased.

Therefore, in order to be cautious of others, even though they shuttled through the waterfall, what they did not do was to wait for the best one to win two Dao Wu jade cards at the same time.


However, it finally made Chen Xi wait until he watched the two Dao Martial Jade Tablets fly over from the depths of the waterfall like a pair of side-by-side shuttles.

At this moment, when the wings of the starry sky were already ready to go, the wings of the starry sky were played to the back, and a pair of sacred stars studded with stars loomed faintly.


However, at the moment when he was dispatched, there was a terrifying momentum, and even an extremely sharp piercing sound could be heard.

Someone is hitting on yourself!

Chen Xi's eyes flashed a glimmer of sternness. He finally waited but was caught by someone, and he couldn't help but feel a little anger welling up in his heart.

He was particularly annoyed that this one was not only to destroy him and snatch the most important thing, but its target was the vicious Fanyin on his back.

If it was just him, he would naturally not be afraid of this kind of thing, but because of Fan Yunlan, he had to give up snatching the jade token for the time being.

At the critical moment, Chen Xi already had the will to kill in his heart, and when he almost sensed the attack coming from behind, he turned around and slid away gently to one side.


Just as he flashed, a huge True Yuan pierced through the air and slammed into the waterfall, shattering thousands of pieces, exploding snowflakes in a frightening manner.

Chen Xi judged almost instantly that the power contained in this punch was extremely high. If he hit Fan Yunlan without dying, he would be seriously injured!

This judgment made him angry again.


A figure almost appeared at the waterfall, he was dressed in a strange appearance, it was Qiu Xiaofeng of Qiongchi Daozong.

He stood proudly at the waterfall, motionless like a pine tree, and the torrents around him melted all the water jets coming from all directions without hurting him at all, let alone shaking his figure in the slightest.Demonstrated extremely terrifying strength.

"Eldest brother finally made a move!"

"The time chosen by the elder brother can be said to be sophisticated, and only he can do it perfectly."

Ping Cuitie and Cheng Yun outside the waterfall were all very excited.

"In Xiaqiongchi, Dao Zongqiu just wanted to capture that witch. I didn't intend to talk to fellow daoists. I think you didn't mean to hurt you just now. I also hope that fellow daoists will not implicate that witch in my life because of this matter." .”

Qiu Xiaofeng's eloquent voice seemed quite extraordinary.

Fan Yunlan's phoenix eyes were the first to say coldly: "Let me deal with this despicable villain! He deserves to be killed for making such a big talk while he is not prepared!"

Chen Xi frowned and shook his head, "You can just stay on my back and get rid of him in a matter of minutes, so there's no need to be so troublesome."

Qiu Xiaofeng's face suddenly turned cold and his eyes sighed softly: "It seems that fellow daoist has been turned into one of his side by this witch. It's really sad. I will give you one last thing to let go of everything. Today I will kill the demon and send you two on the road! "

A trace of a sword talisman appeared on Chen Xi's lips, and he appeared in Yaozhiqiu to declare war with actions!

Fan Yunlan saw a trace of indescribable feeling rising in his heart for no reason, as if he didn't expect that Chen Xi would be so determined to be an enemy of anyone.

This kind of feeling made her feel another inexplicable feeling that the years-long unconsciousness towards Chen Xi deep in her heart had dissipated a lot.

She no longer thought about An Xin lying on Chen Xi's generous vest, feeling a sense of solidity and warmth that she had never felt before.It seems that as long as there is Chen, even if the sky falls, people will no longer feel intimidated.

Seeing that Qiu Xiaofeng and Chen Xiyao and other people nearby also reacted with fire in their eyes, this is a good show!What a ferocious thing would it be if something happened in the waterfall transformed by Taoism?

Even the many monks in Jinxiu City noticed this and all cast their eyes and held their breath for fear of missing any details.

"Bastard! Why is it that the younger generation is more despicable and shameless than the other? Don't they have a bit of integrity and demeanor?"

Yaqing, Du Qingxi, Yun Na, Yan Yan and other women were all biting their eyes with hatred, and they did not hide their disgust and hatred for Qiu Xiaofeng.

The ancestors of Jinxiu University and the earth immortals no longer set their sights on Dengtian Peak to fight in the terrifying waterfall transformed by Taoism?This has never happened in previous Stars Conferences.

On the other side of the duel, this naturally caused all the ancestors of the earth immortals. Some people wished him the next moment, and some people expected him to show off and destroy his opponent...

This event that is about to take place in the waterfall on the top of the mountain has attracted countless attentions. (.guan.)

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