divine talisman

Chapter 399 Phaseless Nightmare Shadow Sword

Thanks to brothers Ling Tong, Meteor Shengteng, users 99078436, I am a good person, nmnget, I am Xiao Cheng, Tightly, Instant Breaking Dawn, Casual Play for their 13 precious monthly tickets for their support!

Thank you brother wthywq for two 888 and one 3666 rewards!There are also rewards from the brother Xu Tou for reading, drunk in the sky, and jelly and rock candy.

On the first day of Dafeng, I am really grateful for everyone's strong support!Thank you thank you!


Phase Nightmare Shadow Sword! [

An extremely rare Taoist martial art, which contains the Dao of Phantom.

Between heaven and earth, where there is light, there are shadows and illusions, and where there is reality, there are nightmares and illusions.

And the martial art of Xiangmai Yingyingjian is to control the sword with the four realms of heart, spirit, strength, and law. It is very different from the general way of swordsmanship. It is weird, unpredictable, and extraordinary.

Su Jiankong obtained this martial art by accident, and has already cultivated to the level of Dacheng. He can change between virtual and real by swaying it at will, creating all kinds of phantoms, true and false, false and real, hard to guard against.

call out!

A ray of sword light appeared out of nowhere, like a phantom, fiercely piercing towards Chen Xi's Tianling Gai, and it was very ruthless, if it was hit, it would be fatal.

At this critical moment, Chen Xi suddenly raised his head, and the sword glow rapidly expanded in his pupils, but his expression unexpectedly showed no panic, instead he remained motionless, as if he had been frightened stupid.

"too weak!"

Seeing Chen Xi's actions, Su Jiankong couldn't help showing a trace of coldness on his lips. His attack was fierce and unexpected, even if he took out a defensive magic weapon, he might not be able to resist it.

Now that Chen Xi doesn't dodge or evade, it's obvious that he must die suspiciously.


The sharp stabbing of the sword light pierced through Chen Xi's head almost instantly.

"Ha..." Su Jiankong was about to open his mouth to laugh, but before the smile spread, it froze suddenly, because he discovered that after the sword light pierced through Chen Xi's head, not a single drop of blood fell.

Seeing this scene, his pupils shrank, and this time he was shocked to find that it was not Chen Xi's real body at all, it was just an afterimage!

"Very good phantom Taoism, true and false, even I can hardly tell the difference." At this moment, Chen Xi's voice sounded behind him, causing Su Jiankong to be startled.

"The phantom flickers, like a dream, like electricity!" Without hesitation, he moved his figure and disappeared in place. At the same time, dozens of figures rushed towards Chen Xi from all directions like lightning.

All of these figures were Su Jiankong, each with a sharp aura, and they were so lifelike that it was impossible to tell the real from the fake just by looking at them.

"If you use the Huang Tiandao Sword, you may be able to hold on for a while, but unfortunately, you chose a fighting method that is completely useless to me..."

In the indifferent and calm voice, between Chen Xi's brows, a vertical eye suddenly condensed, it was pitch black and deep, as if it could swallow a person's soul into it. [

Supernatural powers - the eyes of the divine truth!


Sweeping his eyes vertically, Chen Xi immediately felt that the world seemed to have become different, with distinct layers of colors, and even the various air currents, particles, and fluctuations that escaped in the void could be seen clearly and clearly.

Under the cover of this strange vision, he could see at a glance that the more than ten figures flying towards him were all illusory, while Su Jiankong's real body was hidden in the distance, only It's just blending with a shadow on the ground.


Chen Xi shook his head, his figure was like lightning, piercing through the air, avoiding the attacks of phantoms one after another, and the next moment he had already arrived at Su Jiankong's hiding place, the sword slashed down.

"How is it possible?! Over the years, I have killed countless powerful enemies with the Xiangyan Shadow Sword, and I have never missed it. How can this guy find out my real body in an instant?"

Su Jiankong's complexion changed slightly, but the shock in his heart returned to the shock, and his reaction was extremely fast. When he stepped on his foot, countless dreamlike sword glows poured out, like a spider's web, and they all used up the power of Chen Xi's sword. block.

"The phantom is like a shuttle, bound by thousands of swords!" At the same time, Su Jiankong resolutely launched a counterattack, already doing his best, his eyes were faintly glowing with fire.

His sword became extremely fast, and a single sword superimposed thousands of sword shadows, covering the sky and covering the earth, like a flood breaking a dike, covering all directions and eight poles.

"It's kind of interesting..." Chen Xi smiled lightly, unfolded his movements, and fought with him.The figures of the two appeared in various places around the arena, the swords and shadows flickered, and the speed was extremely fast.

To Su Jiankong's horror, it was as if Chen Xi had already seen through his own reality, his sword was precise and fierce, and each sword directly pierced through many illusions, approaching his real body.

The Phase Nightmare Demon Sword had lost all its power in front of him!

"Break!" "Break!" "Break!"

Chen Xi still had the idea of ​​sharpening himself before, but at this time, he no longer cared so much. The sword in his hand suddenly became unpredictable, sometimes it was like a thunderbolt, ferocious, sometimes it was like a light wind and drizzle, and it was as dense as a sword. weave.A sword slashed down, with great power and power.

"Damn it! You can't beat me!" Su Jiankong's eyes were red, he was completely insane, his body was surging with real energy, his sword posture changed, he no longer used the Shadow Sword of Shadow, but changed back to the dignified Huang Tiandao The sword, each sword is heavier than the other, pressing down on the mountain, severely suppressing all of Chen Xi's offensives.

The battle between the two was extremely fast, and the Taoist spirit was shaking. The billowing swords pierced the sky and smashed to the ground, like two volcanoes colliding, erupting in brilliant light.

"Amazing! This is definitely the most exciting battle of the duel so far!"

"Indeed, both of them are sword cultivators. Their swords are fierce and brave. It's unbelievable that they can master such terrifying strength at such a young age."

"It's a pity, then Su Jiankong obviously lost to Chen Xi, and was suppressed everywhere. If there is no more mutation, I'm afraid he will lose..."

Outside the Demon Slaughter Arena, all the monks watched with excitement and couldn't restrain themselves.And most people have seen that Su Jiankong's situation has become worse.

"I won't lose! Absolutely not! I am the only genius in Huangtian Daozong, how can I stop here?" Suddenly, Su Jiankong uttered a hoarse shout, and his sword intent soared to the sky. Yuan turmoil, the attack became more and more violent. [

However, Chen Xi gradually became impatient. Although Su Jiankong's fighting spirit was strong, the changes in his sword postures had been exhausted, and he could no longer threaten him at all.

call out!

The sword pierced through the sky and turned into a dazzling flash of lightning, wrapped in surging thunder, wind, sky, water and fire, and slashed down!

For this sword, Chen Xi had already used the power of the sixth stage of the "Wan Zang Sword Manual", which contained the changes of the six great sword powers in one sword. That level of power made the void scream and tremble, and the void was pulverized every inch of it. All the obstacles in front of him were wiped out.


Under this irresistible sword, Su Jiankong was sent flying out, like a kite with a broken string, he fell to the ground thousands of feet away, he vomited blood continuously, his face was already pale, and his whole body ached. Shaking violently.

ps: The consciousness has fallen into a state of confusion, and I don't know how to finish this chapter... I am really tired for five consecutive updates, so I will go to bed first. If there are any mistakes, I will revise them tomorrow.

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