divine talisman

Chapter 400 Top 2

Thanks to the brothers "Niu Dawan's Fish" and "shirleyz" for their valuable monthly vote support, and thanks to the brothers "Drunken Blue Sky" and "Four Weeks" for their 666 and 10000 rewards!

In the past two days, the brothers have been very supportive, and I will spare time to add another chapter. I will continue to code words.


Su Jiankong lost!

In mid-air, Qing Xiuyi and other young powerhouses who hadn't started the battle all looked solemn.

Before, the fight between Chen Xi and Su Jiankong was too crazy, one used the Wanzang Sword, and the other used the Yellow Heavenly Dao Sword and the Phaseless Nightmare Sword.The swordsmanship of the two is different, but they are both very good at attacking. They are decisive and fierce, which makes others feel tense.

But Chen Xi was most afraid of him. From the beginning of the battle until he defeated Su Jiankong, this guy has been calm and easy, and his comprehension of the Wanzang Sword has reached an unimaginable height, which is amazing.

On the other hand, Su Jiankong, in a nearly desperate state of madness, still failed to force Chen Xi to use his full strength. From this, one can know how terrifying Chen Xi's strength is.

"Chen Xi won!"

"I knew it, this guy is definitely the most dazzling dark horse in this conference of stars!"

"Excellent, is this a duel between sword repairers? The way of the sword is indeed the number one killing technique in the world."

There was an uproar in Splendid City, monks from all corners of the country were excitedly discussing the previous battle, which can be called the most exciting battle since the game.

And through this battle, they also saw clearly the strength Chen Xi possessed, and they were all amazed, as if they saw a bright star slowly rising.

Chen Xi left the Demon Killing Arena, returned to midair, and stood together with Fan Yunlan and Zhen Liuqing.

At this time, many eyes were on Chen Xi.

"This son is very powerful, and the sword in his hand is also a powerful magic weapon. You must not fight head-on with him."

"Sword cultivators are sometimes even scarier than sword cultivators. When you meet this guy, you have to be careful."

"It seems that if you fight against him, you must keep your mind calm, otherwise you will inevitably end up in the same fate as Lin Moxuan."

The other young generation powerhouses who ranked in the top 24 thought to themselves one by one, seeing the strength displayed by Chen Xi, they became more and more cautious in their hearts.

What made them most vigilant was that Chen Xi was not only strong in the way of swordsmanship, but he also practiced the body training of gods and demons, mastering all kinds of powerful supernatural powers. Facing such an opponent with many powerful methods, no one dared to take it lightly. .

"Haha, congratulations to Fellow Daoist Beiheng, this little fellow Chen Xi is really strong..." A group of Earth Immortal Ancestors were also watching the battle nearby, and when they saw Chen Xi's successful promotion, someone immediately congratulated Beiheng.

Beiheng returned the gifts one by one with a smile. When we met in the Jinxiu Hall before, he was like a loner, and no one took care of him. Now, seeing all the ancestors of the earth and immortals chatting up with him with a smile, the sullenness in his heart was swept away immediately, and he was extremely comfortable. .

Compared to Beiheng's elated expression, Zhao Zimei, the patriarch of the Yellow Heavenly Dao Sect's Earth Immortal, turned pale. Lin Moxuan, their eldest disciple of the Yellow Heavenly Dao Sect, was killed by Chen Xi, and now even Su Jiankong was defeated by Chen Xi's hands. The result simply gave him the urge to vomit blood.

"The second match, Huangfu Changtian vs. An Qianyu!" Wen Chenghou's voice sounded again.

Huangfu Changtian, like his younger brother Huangfu Chongming, practiced the Taoist martial art "Nine Pythons Extinguishing the Sky Fist". On the ground, the fighting style is extremely domineering and fierce, and the whole person is like a god of war, invincible.

An Qianyu's own strength was also extremely strong, but against Huangfu Changtian, he was suppressed everywhere. In less than ten rounds, Huangfu Changtian punched him in the chest and flew out of the ring. He almost died.


Witnessing this battle, everyone had the same feeling in their hearts. The fighting posture displayed by Huangfu Changtian was indeed unparalleled, destructive and terrifying.

In this battle, Huangfu Changtian won.

"The third match between Qing Xiuyi and Wang Daoxu!"

When everyone was still immersed in the battle of Huangfu Changtian, the contestants in the third match immediately caused a sensation among all the monks in Jinxiu City.

Qing Xiuyi!

The name alone is enough to attract the attention of everyone present.

She is the only reincarnation of a celestial being in the Great Chu Dynasty so far, a celestial proud girl who stands out among all others, like a fairy who is independent from the world, and does not eat the fireworks of the world.

And now, this fairy-like figure is about to enter the ring, showing his supreme demeanor. I ask, who can not be excited?

Even the ancestors of the Earth Immortals focused their eyes on the Demon Killing Arena, curious.

Facing Qing Xiuyi, a first-class top powerhouse, Wang Daoxu felt bitter, but he didn't lose his fighting spirit. On the contrary, his fighting power in the ring was absolutely extraordinary.

But in the end he still lost, his strength was indeed much worse than Qing Xiuyi's, the latter's understatement made him feel irresistible, and he was convinced of the defeat.

"Scene four..."

"Scene five..."

Watching the wonderful duels again and again, all the monks in Splendid City almost forgot to breathe, amazed again and again, even some old monsters with advanced cultivation bases watched carefully and amazed.

In this round of competitions, except for Zhen Liuqing, Fan Yunlan and Master Zhou, all the friends Chen Xi knew were wiped out.

An Qianyu was defeated by Huangfu Changtian.

Wang Daoxu was defeated by Qing Xiuyi.

Hua Mobei was defeated by Huangfu Qingying.

The loss of these three people is not wronged, because there is indeed a lot of gap between each other's strength.

Finally, the third round of twelve matches ended, and the top 12 were selected!

They were Chen Xi, Huangfu Changtian, Qing Xiuyi, Zhao Qinghe, Huangfu Qingying, Fan Yunlan, Zhen Liuqing, Young Master Thursday, Ling Yu, Yu Xuanchen, Su Chan, and Lu Xiao.

Most of these 12 people were unanimously favored by everyone before the start of the Stars Conference.

As for Chen Xi, Fan Yunlan, and Lu Xiao, they were the three dark horses that appeared out of thin air.After going through numerous tests, the names of the three were also known to everyone present.

"You and the other 12 people are the top twelve of this Stars Conference, and everyone can get a Dao Yi Yuan Pill that contains the profound meaning of the Dao." In the nine heavens, Emperor Chu opened and closed his eyes, and spoke calmly.

As soon as the words were finished, twelve jade boxes suddenly appeared in the air and flew towards the hands of Chen Xi and the other twelve people.

Daoyi Yuandan!

It also contains the profound meaning of the Dao!

Even though they already knew that the rewards for the last test were extremely generous, when they heard the current Emperor Chu himself say it, everyone present couldn't help being amazed and extremely envious.

Even the ancestors of the earth celestial beings are envious, the Dao Yi Yuan Dan, that is the supreme elixir that the real celestial beings extract their own Dao Yi laws and fuse various heavenly materials and earth treasures, which can make people comprehend one thing in an instant. The profound truth of the Dao is definitely a treasure that can't be found!

Chen Xi and the others reached out and grabbed the jade box.

Sweep away!

"Huh? The Golden Way..." Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He had already mastered this great way. In other words, this Taoist Yuan Pill was of no use to him.

However, he soon felt relieved. Unlike the numerous trails, the most common roads between heaven and earth are the five elements, yin and yang, wind, thunder, and so on.The profound meanings of the other side, sinking, and so on that I have mastered belong to the rare profound meanings of the great way, but they are rarely seen.

"It's not bad to have this elixir that contains the profound meaning of the Golden Way. After all, from the perspective of outsiders, this is a coveted treasure. It must not be wasted. Maybe it can be passed on to that little fellow Chen Yu." Chen Xi restrained his mind, Put the jade box into the Buddha Pagoda.

"I said before that among the top twelve disciples, two will be eliminated according to their previous performance, and the remaining ten will compete in the final competition." Emperor Chu suddenly said.

Eliminate two people directly?

Immediately, the entire Splendid City fell into a deep silence, completely silent.Everyone looked at Chen Xi and the other 12 people, as if they wanted to distinguish which two were the weakest.

Of course, Emperor Chu's decision seemed a little unfair. After all, these 12 people had gone through countless fights, and they finally got here, but it was a bit too cruel to be directly denied two of them.

But at this moment, no one dared to refute, because it was the current Emperor Chu who spoke, and the rules of the entire Stars Conference were formulated by the Emperor Chu, so who dared to say more?

At this time, Chen Xi and the other 12 people also felt a chill in their hearts.


The Emperor Chu's eyes were like a flash of cold electricity, scanning over, lingering on Chen Xi and the other 12 people. Although they didn't speak, the silent pressure made them all inevitably feel a little nervous.

(Just read the novel)

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