divine talisman

Chapter 481 City of Lightning

Thanks to the brothers "Four Weeks" for giving 000 rewards again. I have seen you all the brothers who cast these days, thank you!


The sky is full of turbulent clouds, the wind and clouds are turbulent, and the thick blood-like electric light shines on the sky and the earth, turning thousands of miles of mountains and rivers into a fiery blood-red color.


There was a sound of thunder, and a huge gap was torn open in the blood-colored sky, which was dozens of miles long, and then the infinite blood-colored thunder gathered together, and it turned into a brilliant and blazing castle of thunder and lightning!

The thunder and lightning castle was so lifelike that it was almost condensed into a real thing. Thunder spirits with bird heads and human bodies flew in it. The thunderous light shook the heavens and the earth, it was extremely terrifying.

"The third level of thunder calamity—the city of thunder and spirits!" Seeing this scene, everyone in the distance was stunned, stunned, and couldn't help shaking.

According to the legend, only those extremely strong men who will not last forever can trigger the catastrophe phenomenon of "City of Thunder Spirit". He was envied by the heavens, and only then did such a catastrophe happen, and he did things like extermination and killing!

"City of Thunder Spirit?" An unprecedented pressure suddenly appeared in Chen Xi's heart, crackling, and there was a slight cracking sound in his dantian, but it was the Qi mechanism in his body that felt this pressure, and his true essence automatically circulated crazily.

At the same time, the spiritual power of heaven and earth within a radius of thousands of miles kept pouring in with Chen Xi as the center. Chen Xi was like a black hole, constantly devouring Ling Li, and refining the majestic spiritual power into true essence to replenish the emptiness in his dantian.

"No, the speed of refining spiritual power is too slow!" Seeing that the "Lightning City" was about to descend, Chen Xi hurriedly took out thousands of Taiqing Jade Liquid Pills, and his true essence was shaken, and all the spirit pills exploded together Burning, turned into majestic spiritual power and instantly absorbed by refining.

All of a sudden, Chen Xi felt that he had become stronger by an unknown amount. The vast amount of true essence was vast and mighty, like a vast ocean, bringing him waves of mighty strength, which made him feel much more at ease.


A thunderbolt as thick as a bucket blasted down at an unimaginably fast speed. Before Chen Xi could dodge in the future, he was directly blasted heavily on his body. Shocking cracks.

Almost at the same time, a thunder and lightning spirit with a bird head and a human body rushed out, holding an epee, drew an arc, and slashed towards Chen Xi.

This sword movement actually contained infinite mystery, as if it was used in the hands of a top sword cultivator, exuding the idea of ​​domineering, killing, and massacring, doing everything possible to destroy.

"Shocking the way of the sword!? No, this is the way of the sword that is more lethal, and it perfectly interprets the true meaning of 'destruction'!" Chen Xi's eyes narrowed, and the golden body of Nirvana was in motion, and where the witch power passed, his whole body was shattered, scorched and black The skin and bones of the skin are restored instantly, and become bright and crystal clear.

At the same time, his sword talisman swept through the air, directly chopped up the epee thunderbolt and the spirit of thunder and lightning, turned it into a touch of "heavenly will" and split it into the sea of ​​consciousness, and was immediately refined by the power of the soul, and the soul also changed. It has to become more and more condensed.

To Chen Xi's surprise, the "Heavenly Will" absorbed this time actually contained a trace of the original profound meaning of thunder, which made his understanding of thunder significantly improved a lot in an instant!

"It turns out that although the City of Thunder Spirit is rare and terrifying, it also contains benefits that ordinary people can't obtain, just like the original meaning of thunder, if you can keep absorbing it, then the control of the spirit of thunder seems to be no different from enlightenment. "Chen Xi's eyes lit up, and he saw the huge value contained in this third thunder calamity.

Just as the lightning spirit was cut to pieces, a row of lightning spirits rushed down again in the sky, holding lightning spears, the shadows of the spears were heavy, overwhelming mountains and seas.

Chen Xi could tell at a glance that each of these spears exhibited a kind of martial art, which contained the five profound meanings of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, thick and thick in the thunder, and unexpectedly produced a terrifying crushing force that circulated the five elements and was endless. Power, just like the five-element divine thunder displayed by his Starry Sky Mahamudra, and it must be purer and more destructive!

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"...

The electric light spear broke through the layered space, and directly crushed Chen Xi's body. Every time he stabbed, his body was scorched black, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

His whole body was blasted into the ground, creating a bottomless abyss, and the land near the ground, which could not withstand this kind of thunder, sank hundreds of feet as a whole, causing countless mountain peaks to explode. The monster beasts were blasted into ashes by lightning, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

"do you died?"

"Haha, the power of the 'City of Thunder and Lightning' is beyond what he can resist!"

The spirits of the people watching the battle from a distance were revived, and they all stared at each other, as if they were confirming whether Chen Xi had been blasted into dross and wiped out in ashes.

But at this moment-

With a sound of "嗖", a figure flew out from the crack in the ground, and the sword talisman pierced the air, like a rainbow penetrating the sun, releasing billions of brilliant sword energy, criss-crossing, directly strangling the rows of lightning spirits Boom to pieces.

Seeing this scene, the joy that had just appeared on everyone's faces froze and stiffened, and immediately turned into a look of disbelief, as if they had seen a ghost, dumbfounded, they didn't die!This... this is too fierce, right?

"Don't worry, the strongest attack of 'City of Thunder and Lightning' has not been launched yet, so he won't be able to hold on for long." Everyone comforted themselves in this way, but their expressions became more and more embarrassing.

Because they discovered that in the following time, they became more and more courageous in the battle, and with a sword in hand, they were unstoppable, and even killed all the Thunder Spirits flying from the 'City of Thunder and Lightning'. , Seeing that their complexions were changing, their hearts gradually sank into a trough.

This son is so powerful, he definitely has the potential to grow into a generation of supreme, if he is not killed today, who else can stop him in the future?

"Phew!" Chen Xi was about to heave a sigh of relief after slicing so many spirits of thunder and lightning, and obtained the profound essence of thunder and lightning. Suddenly, there was a violent shock in the sky, and Chen Xi was blinded by lightning. opened.

"Oops, the 'City of Thunder and Lightning' is coming!" As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, his body was hit hard, and the flesh and bones all over his body cracked and exploded, almost destroying more than half of it.

In the robbery cloud in the sky, the glorious and vast "City of Thunder and Lightning" descended, like a palace descending from heaven, surrounded by thunder and lightning, releasing the terrifying power of destroying all ages, directly blasting him and crushing him.

"Nirvana golden body, reshape yourself, Ning!" Chen Xi roared again and again, all the witch power in his body boiled, and they all started to work, repairing the injured body.

The bones and meridians that were crushed by the explosion reassembled at a rapid speed and repaired and grew.

"Boom!" The sky and the earth trembled, and the 'City of Thunder Sky' continued to crush down, constantly bombarding his body, blasting his body, and his body was constantly repairing, and everyone looked at it in the distance. I was so frightened that I almost forgot to breathe.

"This guy... is too scary!" Xu Lengye and the others watched Chen Xi accept the bombardment of the 'City of Thunder and Lightning' in the midst of the thunder calamity, and quickly recover. They were all so shocked that their jaws almost fell to the ground.

Originally, Xu Lengye wanted to rush into Jieyun and snatch back the Fire Feather Fan. It didn't matter if he took a little risk, but Chen Xi simply didn't give him the slightest chance.Because every time he was hit by an impact, Chen Xi was able to recover in the blink of an eye, and rushing forward at this time was undoubtedly courting death.

Seeing Chen Xi like this, not to mention Xu Lengye, even many other strong men did not dare to risk themselves.

"Everyone, I finally see clearly that Chen Xi has already condensed the Nirvana Golden Body, and he can quickly recover his damaged body. However, the 'Lightning City' is not so easy to destroy. Even if he can get through, I'm afraid. He also needs to be severely injured and fall into a weak state. We will kill him in one fell swoop while he is weak."

"Yes, this is our only chance. We must seize it. Not only does this child need to refine Qi to achieve Nirvana, but he also needs to advance in body refinement. With such terrifying strength, once he can overcome the calamity today It's successful, let's not sleep well in the future!"

"Kill! This son must be killed! Otherwise, in the final test of the ancient battlefield, it will definitely become the worst nightmare for all of us!"

At this moment, the attitudes of those geniuses from different dynasties were surprisingly unanimous, and they didn't care about looting the treasures on Chen Xi's body. They were only thinking about how to kill Chen Xi, and Chen Xi didn't get rid of them, making them restless.


While everyone was discussing, suddenly in the midst of the catastrophe, Chen Xi yelled loudly. He stretched out his right hand, and slammed out a move of "Reversing Chaos Yin and Yang". The crushing 'City of Thunder and Lightning' bombarded into countless thunderbolts, which splashed all over the sky, like a fine thunderstorm, sprinkling and extinguishing, it was truly gorgeous.

However, although this thunderstorm energy is beautiful, it is extremely terrifying. Wave after wave, like a bursting tide, stirs up the sky and the earth, spreads around, and forms an incomparably huge mushroom cloud.

"Even the 'City of Thunder and Lightning' was destroyed, he... actually succeeded!" Everyone's pupils suddenly dilated, and an indescribable deep fear welled up in their hearts.

"Hurry up, he has just succeeded in crossing the tribulation, and it is time for him to be weak. Let's attack together and kill him!" Someone yelled loudly, awakening everyone present, and immediately, they took action without any hesitation, and rushed to kill Chen Xi who was in the distance. and go.

However, they had just rushed halfway, as if they had sensed something, they stopped abruptly, each of them looked up at the sky with stunned expressions, where, instead of dissipating, the billowing clouds of calamity seemed to be gestating a new one. Big Thunder Tribulation!

"God! Is there a fourth level of thunder calamity? This talent is too heaven-defying!" Everyone looked like a ghost, and they couldn't find any words to describe their shocking mood at the moment.

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