divine talisman

Chapter 482 Nirvana Phoenix


Chen Xi used the second move of the Great Annihilation Fist, "Inverse Chaos Yin and Yang", and punched out, directly blasting the crushed "City of Lightning and Lightning", after which a wave of will from heaven was transmitted over, and instantly submerged into the sea of ​​consciousness between his eyebrows .

And with the influx of this heavenly will, a stormy sea suddenly rose in his sea of ​​consciousness, and even the floating fragments of the river chart were affected and shook endlessly.

"What a terrifying will of heaven!" Chen Xi tried his best to mobilize his soul to resist. His soul contemplated the statue of Fuxi day and night, and after going through endless battles, he had already become extremely powerful, comparable to a great cultivator in the Nether Transformation Realm. This " Although the will of heaven contained in the "City of Thunder and Lightning" was terrifying, he still endured it and was not harmed.

Soon, under the continuous tempering of this heavenly will, his soul power became stronger and more condensed again, causing bursts of pain between his brows, which shrank and swelled like breathing, as if they were about to split open.

At the same time, Chen Xi suddenly discovered that his grasp of the profound meaning of thunder soared at a frightening speed. In an instant, he had crossed the ninth level of great accomplishment, and was rushing towards the No.12 level of perfection!

The twelve-storied building of the four realms of Daoyi represents the monk's level of mastery of the power of Daoyi. It is divided into four realms: basic, minor, great, and perfect, and each realm is divided into four grades.

Originally, Chen Xi's grasp of the Thunder's profound meaning was the same as other Dao's intentions, hovering above the Xiaocheng realm and below the Dacheng realm, but now, this Thunder's Dao's intention has soared all the way, faintly showing signs of hitting perfection , obviously obtained great benefits from the will of heaven contained in this "City of Thunder and Lightning".

In fact, when you think about it, there is no such phenomenon as the "City of Thunder and Lightning". Even among the many geniuses, those who can attract such visions during the catastrophe are rare.Dangers are dangerous, but as long as you get through it, the benefits you get are beyond ordinary people's imagination.

This is the so-called crisis. If there is no great danger, where will the great luck come from?


The Thunder Profound Truth finally reached the No.11 stage, and it was only one step away from reaching its consummation. However, before Chen Xi had time to regret it, he felt as if the sea of ​​consciousness between his brows suddenly exploded, and there was a roar that made his entire body tremble. I couldn't help but tremble.

The next moment, a shadow of the primordial spirit suddenly appeared above his head, with a handsome face, a straight back, and eyes as deep as the sea, almost exactly the same as himself.

This is the phantom of the primordial spirit, although it is blurry, but the moment it appears, the primordial spirit shines brightly, and various avenues and mysteries circulate around it, and the sound of the Tao rumbles, like the praise of the gods, exuding an eternal and immortal aura .

In an instant, Chen Xi's gaze seemed to pierce through the void, penetrating through the ages, and with a light sweep, his field of vision actually covered ten thousand miles, one hundred thousand miles in an instant...

He "saw" the insurmountable moat that stretched across the sky and the earth in the deepest part of the Falling Treasure Island.

He "saw" streaks of precious light flying out from every corner of the ruins on the Island of Falling Treasures, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

He even "saw" Pei Yu, Qin Xiao, Bi Lingyun and others fleeing to a ruin tens of thousands of miles away at some point, discussing something in a low voice.


The phantom-like pictures in my mind are very real and detailed, the same as what I see with my eyes, but the distance is too far, there are millions of them, spanning the entire The vast and boundless island of falling treasures can see everything on the island.

At that moment, Chen Xi suddenly felt as if he had transformed himself into a god, overlooking the heavens and the earth, everything in the universe, and there was no change in any direction that could escape his eyes.


Chen Xi let out a muffled snort, and all the images in front of his eyes disappeared, while the phantom of the primordial spirit above his head shrank its light and sank into the sea of ​​consciousness. Sitting cross-legged with its eyes closed, its figure was indistinct, like smoke, as if it would disappear in the next moment. .

"Could it be that he hasn't succeeded in crossing the tribulation yet?" Chen Xi was puzzled. Everything just now made him appreciate the various advantages of having a primordial spirit, but it was obvious that he hadn't successfully condensed the primordial spirit yet.

The next moment, he understood everything. After the "City of Thunder and Lightning" was smashed, the catastrophe did not dissipate. Instead, it became more intense. It seemed that God was unwilling to let such a powerful person like him survive the catastrophe. So as to achieve the state of Nirvana.

This is no different from the sky.

Those who defy the sky will inevitably be envied by the heavens. For a person like Chen Xi, the laws of the heavens will inevitably bring down the most terrifying murders.

Ordinary monks who cross the catastrophe and nirvana will only suffer triple thunder disasters at most, and very few can attract lightning weapons, thunder spirits, and thunder and lightning city visions.

Even if there is such a person, after surviving this terrifying triple tribulation, the clouds of that day's calamity should have dissipated. It is extremely rare for someone like Chen Xi to face the odd attack of the fourth tribulation. Appalling.

It is also because of this that those geniuses from various dynasties who charged forward stopped abruptly in the middle, with a look of horror on their faces, like a ghost, and no longer had any thoughts of rushing forward.Instead, they turned and fled.

What a joke, this is the fourth stage of thunder calamity. The "City of Thunder and Lightning" is so terrifying, how can this fourth stage of thunder calamity be worse?I'm afraid that if you get a little bit contaminated, you will be instantly powdered, and your body will disappear!


The robbery cloud was rushing and whistling fast, and the bloody thunder was so intense that it seemed as if it was about to drip blood, condensing into the true shape of a phoenix. The phoenix flew around, surrounded by hundreds of millions of fire clouds, burning the sky and the earth, and let out a sound The clear cry is like a soul-stirring sound, stirring nine heavens and ten earths.

"Nirvana Phoenix Calamity! This is Nirvana Phoenix Calamity! How is this possible? According to rumors, only in the oldest ancient books of the Taichu period, there is a record of Nirvana Phoenix Calamity. This is a calamity that only appeared in the Taichu period !" Seeing this scene, a strong genius in the distance backed away in fright, and the companions beside him also showed horror.

"God, the Nirvana Phoenix Tribulation is actually true. Isn't this a legend?" Xu Lengye was dumbfounded, and also backed away again and again, fearing that it would be affected: "If Chen Xi is chopped to death, then wouldn't my Fire Feather Fan Was it also destroyed?"

"According to the rumors, those who can attract the Nirvana Phoenix Calamity all have the potential to grow into the Supreme, but even in the prehistoric era when outstanding people were born in the early days, very few people survived. Such a catastrophe, let alone him. Xi, even if we get a little closer and get involved in the catastrophe, we will immediately lose our souls." Some people were terrified and trembling.

"Everyone, calm down. Although Chen Xi is strong, he may not be able to survive the Nirvana Phoenix Tribulation. Even if he takes ten thousand steps back, if he can survive, he will definitely suffer serious injuries. We have plenty of opportunities to kill him."

Someone forced himself to suppress the fear in his heart, and said in a cold voice, "Everyone, you have also seen that this guy has the potential to become a supreme being, so today he must be killed, otherwise let alone you and me, I'm afraid In the future, even our companions and teachers will be punished by him!"

"Yes! Today, no matter what, I will kill him!" Hearing this, the hearts of the others were all terrified, and their opinions were even more surprisingly unified. Some dynasty powerhouses who had hatred for each other also chose to be patient and cooperate for the time being. Together, they plan to deal with Chen Xi together.

At this moment, Chen Xi really began to face the fourth level of lightning tribulation.


A phoenix was bathed in the flames, with dazzling thunder and lightning flowing all over its body. With a loud cry, it swooped down, its wings curled up, and all the spiritual energy was sucked away.

Even Chen Xi felt that his energy and spirit would be plundered by this phoenix, and he felt a strong throbbing about being suppressed and refined.

With a wave of his arms, he punched out the big annihilation fist, and instead went up to the phoenix, smashing it with one punch, but the lightning power carried by the phoenix still penetrated into his body, directly crushing his body. Half of it exploded, looking like flesh and blood, extremely terrifying.

"Nirvana golden body, repair my body!" Chen Xi shouted loudly, the witch power surged all over his body, and frantically repaired the exploded body. force.After going through the third thunder tribulation before, he had consumed a lot of witch power.

The power of this nirvana phoenix calamity is too terrifying, this is just the first blow, and half of his body will be blown to pieces. If he doesn't replenish his witch power, even if he has the Nirvana golden body, he will die with hatred today.

However, before Chen Xi could fully recover, another phoenix bathed in flames swooped down from the sky in the sky. It was thunderous, and it fell violently. Its wings wrapped Chen Xi around, and during the rotation, raging fire erupted, intending to kill him. Refining and refining.

Chen Xi gritted his teeth, exhausted all his strength, pushed outwards, and completely blasted the phoenix off, while his body was severely injured again, his flesh and blood were scorched black, and there were countless lacerations, and the bones inside the wound could even be seen.

"Cry!" "Cry!" "Cry!"

The crowing of phoenixes shook the heavens and the earth, and then, dozens of phoenixes suddenly swooped down from Jieyun, each head was bathed in the flames, and the power of hundreds of millions of thunder and lightning covered the sky and the sun, and surrounded Chen Xi in an instant.

These phoenixes are all transformed by the supreme thunder mystery, and each end is much more powerful than the original thunder weapon and thunder spirit, and each end even has the power to directly kill the strong Nirvana.

At this moment, this group of phoenixes surrounded Chen Xi, their wings vibrated, fire and thunder roared, and they collided with each other. It was as if the sun and moon were moving, squeezing, and wanting to refine everything!

In just an instant, all the flesh, bones, and bones of Chen Xi's body were crushed to pieces, leaving only a few things floating in the air, the fragments of the River Map, the small mysterious pagoda, the Pagoda of the Buddha... and a wisp of primordial spirit!

"What a terrible calamity. I'm afraid that guy Chen Xi is completely dead?" Everyone in the distance couldn't see the scene in the catastrophe clearly, but they could clearly feel an unstoppable terror. It's so terrifying, even if you look at it from a distance, you can't even think of resisting, and all thoughts are lost.


ps: Get the catastrophe done tonight.

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