divine talisman

Chapter 521 Acknowledging the Lord with Blood Drops [Part 1]

The envoys from Xuantianyu arrived, announcing that the final test on the ancient battlefield would begin in one month.

There was a sensation in the whole city, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The children of the major forces who entered the ancient city chose to retreat one after another, worked hard to cultivate, and prepared for the final test.


Northeast region, the central core.

The place is overgrown with wild grass, and there is only one stone tablet standing alone. It is half a foot high and two feet wide. The surface is mottled and dull. Dark brown moss and blue vines spread over the surface of the stone tablet, exuding an ancient and long-lasting atmosphere.

"This is the Battle Oath Monument, a relic left over from the ancient times. In order to resist the enemy, the gods buried many magical artifacts in the eight regions of the ancient city, each of which is stronger than the real immortal artifact. Not weak."

"Whenever the final test of the ancient battlefield comes, one of these treasures will be unearthed in these eight areas, and the person who can obtain the treasure must be the controller of the area."

"And the reason is on this oath stele." Yun Lansheng, with a handsome figure and fluttering snow hair, raised his hand and pointed to the stone stele covered with moss and vines in front of him, and said softly.

"Is this the place where the gods swore to fight?" Chen Xi, who was on the side, looked at the stone tablet, and could clearly see that there was the word "swear to fight" on the surface of the stone tablet.

What is particularly shocking is that the color of the handwriting was actually written in blood, branded on the stone tablet, and the bloody fighting and killing spirit came oncoming.

At this moment, Chen Xi had the feeling of being on the battlefield of gods in a trance. Before his eyes, there were mountains of corpses and seas of blood, endless skeletons, tens of millions, and the overwhelming sound of fighting was like thunder, rolling and agitating, making him want to suffocate, and his whole body was covered in cold sweat .


Even after endless years of erosion, the handwriting on this stone tablet seems to have just been engraved, and there is a spirit of tragic conquest that is breathtaking.

"Be careful, don't use your spiritual sense to search for the oath monument, otherwise you will be directly obliterated by the fighting spirit of the gods inside it, and even the earth immortals will not be spared." Yun Lansheng warned from the side, his expression solemn.

At this moment, not only Chen Xi, but even Huangfu Qingying and the others changed their expressions, and there was a trace of deep awe in their eyes looking at the Battle Soul Monument.

"Those magic weapons of the gods are buried under the oath monument, aren't they afraid of being dug away?" Young Master Thursday couldn't help asking.

"Dig it away?" Yun Lan was dumbfounded, shaking his head and said: "Impossible, there is an oath and battle monument to suppress it, even the gods can't dig out a magic weapon of the gods."

Speaking of this, there was a hint of reminiscence in his eyes, and he sighed: "You must know that the ancient gods are all powerful beings who can shake the Three Realms with a stomp of their feet. The treasures they left behind have long been melted It is a part of this ancient battlefield, if not for this, I am afraid that it would have been dug up long ago, how could it have survived endless years and survived until now?"

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help but feel a bit of confusion in their hearts. Only the treasures left behind are so powerful that even the gods can't take them away. So how powerful are the ancient gods?

"However, there are exceptions. This ancient battlefield will undergo a shocking change every hundred years. At that time, each of the eight regions of the ancient city will unearth a magic weapon of the gods. Choose the area controller, guard The ancient city will not be destroyed. But for you, when this shocking change breaks out, the final test begins."

Yun Lansheng said slowly: "We are the envoys who came from the Xuanhuan Realm to help you absorb the magic weapons of the gods, pass the test, and enter the Xuanhuan Realm."

"That is to say, only those who pass the test can enter the Xuanhuan Realm. What about those who fail?" Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

Yun Lansheng was silent for a moment, before uttering two words from his lips: "Dead."

Everyone was shocked, dead?Did he die in the competition, or did he die in that shocking change?

"But this test is a bit special. With your strength, you don't have to worry about any accidents..."

Speaking of this, Yun Lansheng pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said: "Forget it, you will understand when the test begins. I can only tell you that the number of children who can enter Xuanhuan Realm this time will exceed any previous ones." .”

"Why is this? Senior, can you reveal a little bit, so that I can be prepared when I wait." Young Master Thursday asked curiously.

Yun Lansheng was a little hesitant: "These things are still far away from you. Knowing about them will not help the matter, but will interfere with my state of mind."

Although everyone was mentally prepared, they still couldn't help being disappointed when they heard this answer.

"Hmph, what is there to say? Isn't it because the Three Realms are about to be turbulent, and Xuan Huanyu is not peaceful now? Everyone in the practice world is in danger, so they will relax restrictions, recruit more disciples, and expand their power crazily."

At this moment, the dirty Liu lunatic suddenly appeared. While tearing the meat and drinking, he muttered indistinctly: "If it weren't for this, in the upcoming test, the young people in this city might be the same as before. Ninety-nine percent will be eliminated!"

The Three Realms are in turmoil, and everyone in the Xuantian Territory is in danger! ?

Chen Xi and the others were shocked in their hearts. They had made various guesses just now, but they didn't expect the answer to be so shocking, and it actually involved the turmoil of the Three Realms!

The so-called Three Realms are the human world, the fairy world, and the six realms of reincarnation in the underworld.And each of these three interfaces contains countless worlds of different sizes, and the scope involved is simply unimaginably vast.

Like today's human world, there are three thousand big worlds and hundreds of millions of small worlds. How can the races and species derived from these countless worlds be described by hundreds of millions?

Not to mention the six realms of reincarnation in the fairy world and the underworld, which also have various bizarre planes and species derivatives.

But now, a catastrophe could affect the entire Three Realms. Even though Chen Xi's state of mind had already been honed to be as firm as a rock, after hearing about this incident, there was still an uncontrollable surge of turmoil that could not be calmed down for a long time.

Seeing that everyone's expressions changed, Yun Lan couldn't help but wryly smiled. Only this crazy old guy dared to say this without any scruples, right?

But the words have already been spoken, and he can't hide them, so he can only comfort him: "But you don't have to have any psychological burden. According to the calculations of the powerful people in the Xuanhuan Realm, there are still thousands of years before the chaos of the Three Realms. It is still very far away. What's more, even if the sky falls, there will be someone to carry it, and now there is only one thing for you to do, and that is to practice with peace of mind, so that you can become stronger quickly."

"That's not bad. For you and me, a thousand years of time may be spent in just a retreat, but for these little guys, there is still a long way to go, so there is no need to panic." Liu Uncharacteristically, the lunatic agreed with Yun Lansheng's words in a rare way.

Chen Xi and the others unconsciously exhaled a foul breath.

There are still thousands of years before the Three Thousand Unrest, as long as you take advantage of this time and make adequate preparations, there is no need to panic too much.

After all, each of them is still very young, and their cultivation has already reached the realm of Nirvana. A thousand years is enough for them to make a great leap in their cultivation.

Of course, the premise is to be able to live well.


According to Yun Lansheng, the War Oath Monument needs blood to recognize its owner in order to be recognized as the master of the area.

And, only in this way, can one have a chance to obtain a magic weapon of the gods after the final test.

And the method of recognizing the master by dripping blood is only in the hands of these envoys from the Xuantian domain, which is why all the monks in the city know the existence of the oath monument, but no one pays attention to it.

Yun Lansheng, as one of the envoys of the Mysterious Realm, naturally knew this method, but Chen Xi and the others had different opinions on the choice of who would recognize the master with a drop of blood.

From the perspective of Huangfu Qingying, Qing Xiuyi, Fan Yunlan and others, no matter in terms of personal prestige or personal cultivation, this quota should belong to Chen Xi.

In other words, in their hearts, only Chen Xi possessed this prestige, and finally obtained the magic weapon of the gods.

This is a kind of trust that has been produced through countless events and countless running-in. It is impossible for other people to reach such a height.

In other words, Chen Xi has now become the leader of them, the children of the Great Chu Dynasty, and is irreplaceable.


Chen Xi refused, and in the end, he made a final decision: "Let the little princess recognize the master with blood."

It's not that he doesn't want to get the magical artifacts of the gods, but that he has too many treasures on him, and there is no need to add one more.

And he has other arrangements. After the final test, they and others will enter the Xuanhuan Realm, and at that time, they may have to part for a while.

Therefore, he wants to prepare a gift for these companions who have fought side by side with him and shared joys and sorrows.

In any case, they were from the Great Chu Dynasty, even if they entered the Xuanhuan Realm, it was the same. Compared with each other's friendship, some treasures were nothing at all.

When the treasure is gone, you can look for it again, but if the friendship is gone, there will be one more regret in life.

Chen Xi's decision not only surprised Qing Xiuyi, Zhen Liuqing, Fan Yunlan, Young Master Zhou, Zhao Qinghe, Ling Yu and others, but even Huangfu Qingying, who was the person involved, had an unconcealable astonishment on his face. .

No one thought that Chen Xi would give up such a huge opportunity, and he would be so happy and open-minded.

And Yun Lansheng and Liu Crazy were also taken aback, feeling very strange.

One must know that this is the magic weapon of the gods, it is stronger than the real fairy weapon, and even the earth immortals are extremely envious of them, and yet Chen Xi gave it up so straightforwardly without hesitation at all. How not to surprise them?

"Chen Xi, you..." Huangfu Qingying was stunned and at a loss.

"We all come from the Great Chu Dynasty. We have received too much favor from His Majesty the Emperor of Chu, and we have never had the chance to repay it. This opportunity, you can help His Majesty to receive it." Chen Xi teased with a smile.

After Qing Xiuyi and the others were stunned, they all nodded their heads. They respected Chen Xi's decision.

Huangfu Qingying was inexplicably moved, the circles of her eyes were faintly red, and the tears in her eyes were about to weep. She knew that what Chen Xi said was just to let herself accept this gift with peace of mind, and not feel uneasy because of it.


Christmas is coming, Xiao Xixi is going to distribute gifts to his little friends =??=

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