divine talisman

Chapter 522 Freezing Heaven [Part 2]


Thanks to brothers "mabed", "God of Sheep", "God of Fish" and "Goddess of Flame" for their valuable monthly votes!


Chen Xi smiled and patted Huangfu Qingying's shoulder.

The next moment, he flipped his palm, and there were three radiant treasures, a long knife as clear as ice and snow, a big seal exuding a majestic and heavy aura, and a sword as smooth as a pool of autumn water.

It is the Xuechi knife, the mountain seal and the Lianxiao sword.

Everyone froze, Chen Xi was too abnormal today, what was he going to do?

The next moment, Chen Xi revealed the answer: "I don't need any of these three magic weapons. This Snow Chi Knife is suitable for Qinghe. It can attack fiercely and fiercely. This mountain seal is suitable for Ling Yu. It can be broken with strength. It is extremely powerful; this Lian Xiao sword is suitable for Master Zhou, the sword is as powerful as the sky, and its agility is extraordinary."

As he said that, without hesitation, he stuffed the three treasures into the hands of the three people whose expressions were already stunned.

These are three half-immortal artifacts!

The treasure that even the Earth Immortal Patriarch was jealous of, did Chen Xi give it to him like this?

At this moment, the three of Zhao Qinghe felt their hearts tremble, they were both shocked and unbelievable, and felt that the treasure in their hands was heavy and hot.

They repeatedly refused, but Chen Xi just shook his head, his attitude was firm.

For other people, this half-immortal artifact may be more precious than life, and it is extremely precious to get one, but to Chen Xi, although the half-immortal artifact is precious, it is far more important than friendship.

And after the three of them get the treasure, at least their strength will have a significant change again. If they encounter danger in the future, they will also have a certain amount of self-protection power, so they don't have to worry about it anymore.

The previous whole day of killing made Chen Xi deeply understand a truth, that alone, he would never be able to save more companions.

And only when they become stronger themselves, then they will have no worries.

What's more, after improving the quality of the sword talisman, he really won't need these treasures. Although there are many magic weapons, if they can't make the best use of them, it's no different from throwing away everything.

"Brother Chen, thank you for your kindness!" Zhao Qinghe took a deep breath, and looked at Chen Xi firmly. Although the words were simple, there was a sense of determination that I would go through fire and water if there were any difficulties in the future.

"You bastard, I don't even know what to say about you! It doesn't matter, anyway, you brother, I have made a promise in this life, even if you blow me up, I won't leave!" Young Master Thursday beat Chen Xi hard. With a slap on the shoulder, he grinned and said.

"This..." Ling Yu scratched his head and smiled innocently, and said weakly: "I am also the same as Master Thursday, um, you understand."

"What a fat man, you deserve a spanking for daring to plagiarize the sincere testimonials that the young master has worked so hard for!" The young master on Thursday screamed strangely, and ravaged Ling Yu's chubby cheeks with his hands like kneading dough.

Ling Yu couldn't take it anymore, and hurriedly hid aside, grievanced and shouted: "What pain and blood, I didn't see your heart vomit, blood oozes out, it's obviously a deceptive thing."

"Fatty! Do you talk like that? Do you want me to dig out my heart and lungs for you to see? You wait, I will cook you up." Master Zhou became furious and chased after him.

"This little guy really has no taste. Fatty's meat is sour and stinky. It's unpalatable. He even wants to cook fatty. It tastes worse than the old man." Crazy Liu giggled strangely.

The crowd burst into laughter.

After distributing the magic weapon, Chen Xi was much more relaxed. Their Great Chu Dynasty was just an ordinary dynasty. Except for himself, Qing Xiuyi, and Zhen Liuqing, the strength of the others was slightly inferior to those of the first-class dynasty, let alone the powerhouses of the first-class dynasty. Compared with the children of top dynasties and ancient country aristocratic families.

Most of the test rankings on the Martial Emperor's Battle Soul Monument are recognition of Zhao Qinghe's potential, and if they only compete for strength, they are even worse.

However, after possessing the Half Immortal Artifact, Chen Xi believed that the strength of each of them would be greatly improved, and even in the final test of the Primordial Battlefield, they could completely compete with the top experts.


Huangfu Qingying stayed behind, and with the help of Yun Lansheng, she wanted to get the approval of the Oath of Battle Monument.

Chen Xi and the others turned back and walked towards their residence.

"You...don't have any opinions, right?" On the way, Chen Xi sent a voice transmission to Qing Xiuyi and Zhen Liuqing, with a trace of apology in his voice.

He gave most of the semi-immortal artifacts to Zhao Qinghe and the others, and left the opportunity to obtain the magic artifacts of the gods to Huangfu Qingying, but he didn't prepare anything for the second daughter, which made him feel a little sorry.

But there was nothing he could do about it, he still had a Fire Feather Fan and Dragon Yan Golden Armor on his body.The Fire Feather Fan is one of the main materials for refining the Five Fires and Seven Spirit Mountains, and it can exert its greatest power only by controlling the Fire Path, so it is not suitable for the two women.

Because as far as he knew, although Qing Xiuyi had comprehended the Dao of Huo Xing, she was only comprehending it, and had no intention of developing on it. She specialized in the Dao of Light.

Zhen Liuqing, on the other hand, is the body of the ancient water spirit, and has a very high control over the two kinds of mysteries of water and darkness, and the fire plume fan is not suitable for her.

As for the Yanlong Golden Armor, it is a treasure worn by men, and they probably wouldn't wear it.

Qing Xiuyi shook her head.

Zhen Liuqing, on the other hand, gave Chen Xi a look of resentment, and said pitifully, "You ungrateful guy, you only think of us now? No, you have to give each of us a half-celestial artifact."

When it came to the end, she couldn't help herself from laughing, as if she felt that being able to tease Chen Xi was a very interesting thing.

Chen Xi rubbed his nose in embarrassment. Even though he saw that Zhen Liuqing and Qing Xiuyi didn't care, he still felt a little sorry in his heart, and murmured, "How about..."

Zhen Liuqing interrupted him: "Okay, I'm just joking with you. You can do this, which means that you treat us as your own. We are too happy to be happy. How can we care about a mere half-celestial artifact. If you want to give it away, you have to give it to us too. One person, one unique treasure in the world, can it be done?"

When it came to the end, she couldn't help teasing Chen Xi again.

She found that there were too few things that could make Chen Xi feel embarrassed, and if she didn't take this opportunity to tease him, it would be simply intolerable.

"Unique..." Chen Xi took it seriously. He frowned and thought for a long time before he nodded seriously and said, "I can't think of anything unique in this world right now, but I will definitely find it for you."

Hearing this, Zhen Liuqing and Qing Xiuyi were startled, they could all hear the seriousness in Chen Xi's voice, as if no matter how precious something unique in this world was, he would not hesitate to get it and give it to himself.

An indescribable warm current slid across the hearts of the two girls, they stopped talking, and they were all quietly savoring and chewing on the inexplicable emotion that Chen Xi had just said at this moment.

This kind of touch made them feel at ease and happy. In fact, this sentence is very simple, but for the two women, it is more precious than the most beautiful love words in the world.

Because, this is what Chen Xi said.

Naturally, Chen Xi couldn't have imagined that, because he could achieve such an effect with just a few words.

& nbs

p; This is why girls are always poetry in their minds, especially in front of the man they like, often a word, a look, and a movement can make them have countless beautiful longings.


There is only one month left before the final test on the ancient battlefield.

What exactly will be tested, no one knows.

Those envoys from the Xuantian Domain who arrived at the Primordial Battlefield also looked like they kept secrets, like they would never open their mouths until the test began.

However, Chen Xi learned from Crazy Liu that these people are not the only ones who have arrived in the Xuanhuan Realm this time, and there will be more envoys arriving one after another during this month.

And the one who has the right to decide the final test is a fairy named Bing Shitian!

That's right, this is a true celestial being, definitely the supreme existence in the human world. From this, we can know how much the major forces in the Xuanhuan domain attach importance to the final test of the ancient battlefield.

Chen Xi has only seen a ray of celestial will since he practiced so far, which came from the celestial jade talisman sacrificed by the Luoshui Shang family.But even so, the power that belongs to the celestial beings has been so shocking that there is almost no thought of confronting it.

If it weren't for the mysterious little cauldron hanging on his chest, he might have been wiped out by the immortal will long ago.

Now, upon hearing that a real celestial figure is coming to the Immemorial City to preside over the final test, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a surge of excitement and longing.

What does a fairy... look like?

Chen Xi's mind was racing with thoughts. Over the years, he had gone through endless arduous battles, seized every minute of his time to train hard, in order to achieve the position of Heavenly Immortal!

This is the obsession in his heart, which has never wavered.

The reason is very simple, only when he becomes a fairy, he will have the opportunity to find the whereabouts of his mother Zuoqiu Xue.

"Boy, are you very interested in Tianxian?" Crazy Liu on the side said with a smile, coupled with his scruffy and skinny appearance, he looked extremely wretched.

Chen Xi immediately woke up from his contemplation, nodded and said, "I really want to know what kind of power the Celestial Immortal possesses."

"I advise you not to be happy too early." Crazy Liu stroked his beard and said with a strange smile, "Speaking of which, Bing Shitian can be regarded as your rival in love!"

"Rival in love?" Chen Xi was stunned and felt absurd. He was just a Nirvana powerhouse, but the other party was an immortal. How could he be a rival in love?What's more, I don't know this Bing Shitian at all.

"Oh, why don't you understand? Then Bing Shitian became an immortal from the Tianyan Dao Sect in the ancient Pure Land. When he was a monk, he was Qing Xiuyi's younger brother. He has been pursuing Qing Xiuyi fanatically. I don't know how many years have passed Now, does he still miss this girl?"

Crazy Liu took a sip of wine, smashed his mouth, and sighed: "Back then, these two were the most outstanding figures of Tianyan Dao Sect, and their voices shook the entire Xuanhuan, as if they were a pair of heavenly talents. Unfortunately, at the moment of becoming an immortal, Qing Xiuyi chose to reincarnate and rebuild, while Bing Shitian became an immortal."

Chen Xi was immediately stunned. It turned out that Qing Xiuyi's previous life was still so famous, and Bing Shitian, a celestial powerhouse who was about to arrive in the ancient city, was Qing Xiuyi's junior back then...


I'm in a bad mood, my question, I'm sorry brothers, I feel a little tired, please understand, you also know, I won't say such nonsense unless there are special circumstances.

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