divine talisman

Chapter 622

Star world.

When Chen Xi decided to start cultivating the "Xuanci Wing", he immediately came to this vast world of stars.

The reason is very simple, one is that this place is safe and not disturbed by the outside world, and the other is that the law of time here is different from that of the outside world, one year has only passed by the outside world after ten years of cultivation here.

However, although the world of stars is helpful for cultivation, compared to the Paradise of the Paradise, it also has a disadvantage that cannot be ignored, that is, the world of the stars does not have the majestic and pure spiritual power like the Paradise of the Paradise .

Therefore, after fully considering the pros and cons, Chen Xi still decided to meditate in the star world when comprehending Taoism and supernatural powers. After all, he only comprehends exercises and does not need spiritual power.

And only when you consolidate your realm and improve your cultivation, will you choose to cultivate subconsciously in your own paradise, so that you can make full use of the advantages of this "Jiangyuan Lingmai" to provide yourself with endless spiritual power.


Crossing his knees in the vast starry sky, Chen Xi took a deep breath, the witch power surged all over his body, and his whole body was instantly bathed in a state of emptiness and tranquility.


All of a sudden, on his back, nine huge witch patterns glowed, bursting out with an earth-shattering aura, intertwined into a tumbling nebula pattern above his head, mysterious and mighty, echoing the stars in the sky.

At the same time, countless micro-apertures suddenly opened up and down his body, as if stars were lit up around his body, releasing blazing rays of light. When you look carefully, each of the micro-apertures is like a deep little hole. The world, grand and mysterious, seems to contain the mystery of Zhou Tian's endless avenue.

In the eyes of body refiners, the physical body is a precious land, which contains infinite mysteries between heaven and earth. As long as all the 4000 million micro-apertures in the body are opened, the physical body can be sanctified, become immortal, and live forever in the world.

Although Chen Xi's body refining cultivation has never reached the heights that are close to legends, it has already reached the height of "Nirvana Golden Body". thousand.

Now, he wants to use these mysterious micro-apertures to sacrifice the supernatural power "Xuanci Wing"!


A gray ray of black magnetic divine light floated out, creating space ripples in circles in the void, and the momentum was astonishing.

Chen Xi opened his eyes abruptly, operated the cultivation technique, superimposed his hands, and typed out a series of obscure formulas at a dizzying speed. Then, as if he had been summoned, the mysterious magnetic light turned into a gray rain of light. Flying and falling in the micro-orifices around his body.

This step is called "sacrificing power", and it is a key step in the cultivation of "Xuanci Wings". It is to inject all the Xuanci divine light into the [-] micro-apertures of the body, thus creating a mysterious cycle.

At this moment, the Xuanci Divine Light turned into light rain, drifting down one after another, dripping into the micro-apertures of his body, wriggling slowly, gradually boiling, reflecting his whole body like a sun, shining brightly.

Suddenly, a sharp pain came, the pain pierced his heart and penetrated to the marrow of his bone, causing Chen Xi's body to shake for a while.

At the same time, there were bursts of roaring sounds from the micro-apertures all over his body, like the thunder of nine heavens, like the resonance of the Great Dao, emitting an incomparably magnificent breath.

Severe pain lingered all over his body, and his tiny orifices roared. Chen Xi felt as if something was about to come out of his back.


In this endless pain, inch by inch of skin burst on his back, forming bloody lines and traces. These lines are entangled, overlapped, and interlaced in a mysterious and mysterious way...

It actually gradually formed the prototype of a pair of wings!

Chen Xi looked inside and couldn't help waking up. He deduced that the extra mysterious pattern on his back was the "Xuanci Wings" produced by the condensed xuanci divine light.

Although it is only a prototype, the mysterious arcs and mysterious textures are like the brand of the Dao, exuding an unparalleled sense of mystery, with an aura of suppressing the five elements and breaking the shackles of the universe.

This is enough to amaze other body refiners. It is worthy of being the top [-] great supernatural powers on the Golden List of Three Realms' supernatural powers.

This is very different from other supernatural powers. Although the common supernatural powers have their own magic, how can they be like "Xuanci Wings", which directly integrate the Xuanci divine light into the body and perform sacrifices?

Supernatural powers such as Three Heads and Six Arms, Law of Heaven and Earth, Eye of Divine Truth, Star Mahamudra, Wings of Starry Sky, Xingxuan Thunder Body... and so on. Foreign things come to sacrifice.

Of course, saying this does not mean that the "Xuanci Wing" is stronger than these supernatural powers, it just means that this clan supernatural power from the Qingluan clan is extremely unique.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this "uniqueness" that this supernatural power shocked the ancient times and created a brilliant reputation.It is even blunt to say that every time a supernatural power like this is born, it will cause huge waves, and its power can be said to shock the ancients and the present.

However, at this moment, Chen Xi had only just condensed the embryonic form of the "Xuanci Wings", and those gray Xuanji Divine Lights were still continuously pouring into its micro-apertures, continuously condensing.

Time passed, and three days later, there were countless bloodstains on Chen Xi's back. The bloodstains were as dense as a galaxy, as if someone had carved an extremely complicated "blood talisman" on his back. Some of the bloodstains had already formed scars. And some bloodstains are still emerging and spreading...


Another three days later, suddenly, an extremely dark and terrifying wave suddenly spread from Chen Xi's body. Wherever it passed, the void oscillated like a tide, and there was a violent crashing sound, almost shattering. .

Then, with a flash of gray light, a pair of wings quietly spread out on Chen Xi's back.

It has a slender and sharp outline like a blade, a simple and clean arc, and a gray and chaotic atmosphere. With its wings spread out, it seems to be only about ten feet long, but there is a grand atmosphere that penetrates infinite space and covers ninety thousand miles of mountains and rivers.

The most important thing is that on this pair of wings, there are complex and unpredictable runes flashing and gestating in them, as if expounding the profound meaning of the heavens!

Chen Xi was amazed in his heart. He had been looking at the pair of wings. Its shape was simple and its arc was smooth, like the most perfect masterpiece of the heavens. But what surprised him the most was that the runes conceived in the pair of wings, He never saw through it!

One is that the runes are fleeting and have never been clearly manifested, and the other is that it is really too complicated, as if the stars are all over the sky, and the universe is built there.

This is the supernatural power - "Wings of Xuanci", a unique skill from the Qingluan clan. It is said that it is the supreme supernatural power of the ancient mythical beast Qingluan enlightened from its own bone patterns.

The complicated runes conceived on the wings are the natural runes of the divine beast Qingluan, just like the texture of the avenue, mysterious and indescribably powerful.


Chen Xi took out a top-grade heavenly treasure from the Pagoda of the Buddha, which contained earth element attributes, and wanted to test the power of the Wings of Xuan Magnetic. However, as soon as the magic weapon appeared, it was violently swiped by a wave of waves in an instant. , directly blasted into a pair of scrap copper and rotten iron, and the essence of earth elements contained in it was wiped out.

Just like that, a top-grade magic weapon of the heaven rank was completely abolished!

Even though Chen Xi had already assessed the power of the Xuanci Wings, he still couldn't help being surprised when he saw this sudden scene. It was too domineering. This wave of killing the five elements and suppressing the universe was really too terrifying.

It's no wonder that the "Xuanci Wing" can be compared with the top ten five-color divine lights in the ancient times. Just this ability to restrain the essence of the five elements is enough to be called earth-shattering.

After all, most of the magic weapons in the world, regardless of their grades, are refined from the essence of the five elements. However, the Wings of Xuanci are born to restrain the essence of the five elements. Such a heaven-defying effect will definitely move other cultivators endlessly.

Chen Xi originally wanted to use the sword talisman to test the power of the "Xuanci Wing", but in the end he couldn't help it. It was not easy to refine the sword talisman, and now its power is no less than that of a semi-immortal weapon. If you get hurt, it will be too distressing.


The next moment, he had returned to his cave from the world of stars, and the wings of black magnetism had now been retracted into the many micro-apertures on his back, and when he was not in use, there was no trace of it at all.

"The cultivating of the Wings of Xuanci was successful, but I am afraid that if I want to fuse with the Wings of the Stars, it will be very difficult for me to do so with my current ability. Fusion, I'm afraid there will be a lot of disadvantages..."

Sitting cross-legged in his own cave, Chen Xi once again sorted out all the cultivation methods of the Wings of Xuanci and Wings of the Starry Sky, and found that with his current strength, it is indeed impossible to integrate these two supernatural powers into one.

After all, these two supernatural powers are stronger than the other, and each of them is enough to shock the world. If you want to merge them into one, perhaps only the powerful people above the fairyland can do it.


Just when Chen Xi was immersed in the exercise deduction, all of a sudden, the entire blessed place in the cave shook violently, as if someone was attacking from outside.

"This Shenhua Peak is the core of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, and the Jiangyuan Lingmai where I live is a first-class blessed place. It will never be attacked by foreign enemies. Could it be..."

Chen Xi suddenly opened his eyes, and between opening and closing, wisps of extremely cold electric light rolled out, swish!The next moment, the other person had disappeared and appeared outside the cave.

With a glance, he saw five or six seed disciples floating in the void around Jiangyuan Lingmai. Naturally, all of them were cultivated in the Nether Transformation Realm, and each seed disciple had a very strong aura. , arrogantly, watching himself fly out of the cave with cold eyes.

"Are you the newly promoted seed disciple a few days ago?" The leader was wearing a lavender Taoist robe and a feather crown. Xi.

Obviously, the attack that Chen Xi's cave was subjected to before was caused by this group of people!

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