divine talisman

Chapter 623

"What, you have something to do with me?"

Chen Xi frowned, and his eyes swept over these five or six seed disciples, and finally fell on the young man in the head who was wearing a lavender Taoist robe and had a stern and lonely face. He had already seen that this person was probably one of these people. The leader is gone.

"You don't know that disaster is imminent?"

A seed disciple on one side yelled violently: "As a newcomer, he is not qualified to occupy the blessed land of the cave on the Jiangyuan Lingmai. You actually dare to ask questions knowingly, aren't you looking for death!"

"Leave quickly. As a newcomer, you can only stay and practice on low-level spiritual veins. This kind of treasure land is not suitable for someone with your status. You should move out quickly and give up the cave. Think about your ignorance." For the sake of it, I can spare you once!"

"That's right, this cave is occupied by my Donghua Peak!"

A group of people folded their arms one after another, looked at Chen Xi with cold eyes, and shouted loudly, with their eyes raised above their heads, as if they were chasing away a fly, extremely arrogant.

Donghua Peak?

Chen Xi suddenly understood something in his heart. These guys were probably in the same group as Yunye, and they might have been instructed by Yunye to come here this time.

He still remembered that when he first entered the Qingyun Hall, if the elders hadn't stopped him, he would have almost fought directly with Yunye.

"The competition among the seed disciples is really chaotic. If there is a chance, I might turn my back on the guest and occupy some of the spiritual caves with the top mouth. In this case, I might be able to deter others and never dare to provoke myself again... "Chen Xi was thoughtful.

"Why are you in a daze! Are you moving or not?" Seeing Chen Xi's silence, a core disciple furrowed his brows and shouted angrily.

"Did Yunye ask you to come?" Chen Xi asked suddenly.

"Hmph, there's a lot of nonsense."

The young man in the lavender Taoist robe at the head said coldly, "Chen Xi, I know that you made friends with Luo Qianrong from Beihua Peak as soon as you entered Qingyun Hall, but all of this is useless. Luo Qianrong is strong, but Don't dare to tear yourself apart with me, Donghua Peak, so you should leave obediently, and don't wishful thinking about who else will come to rescue you."

"Oh?" Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, "Could it be that the elders on Shenhua Peak won't interfere in this matter?"

"Haha, idiot, the competition among the seed disciples, not to mention the elders, even those seniors who are hidden from the world, will just stand on the sidelines, understand?"

Hearing that, those seed disciples burst out laughing as if hearing a big joke, their voices revealed an indescribable sarcasm, and they looked at Chen Xi as if they were looking at an idiot.

Chen Xi also laughed, and the smile was thought-provoking. He asked this question on purpose just now to confirm his speculation. Now that he heard the answers from these people, he suddenly felt relieved and understood that no matter how big the trouble he made today No movement, at least there will be no worries.

"Hurry up and get out, you disciples of Xihua Peak, after coming to Shenhua Peak, which one is not a role of slave? Finally, I will give you a chance, if you don't get out, don't blame the seniors for being rude to you!"

Another seed disciple Sen Ran said.

"The disciples of Donghua Peak are really crazy. Even in this Shenhua Peak, they dare to be so arrogant and lawless. I really don't know who gave them such courage..."

Chen Xi didn't speak, but he became more and more curious in his heart. He really wanted to know, among these Donghua Peak's seed disciples, who were the ones who were at the top level, Yunye?Or Wang Chonghuan?

"It seems that you are really stubborn!"

Seeing Chen Xi groaning silently, a seed disciple became a little impatient, and threatened nakedly, "In that case, let him know how powerful he is! Although you can't kill people on this Shenhua Peak, you can beat him half to death. He tortured and humiliated him to pieces!"

"Let's do it, blast him out of the Jiangyuan spirit vein, and let all the seed disciples in the entire Shenhua Peak see this guy's ugly appearance!" The young man in the lavender Taoist robe suddenly shouted and launched an offensive.


He reached out and grabbed it, and the void suddenly collapsed, cracks appeared everywhere, and within a single blow, he actually displayed a powerful Taoist technique, "Blood Gang Breaking Evil Fist".

This is a middle-level Taoism of the Jiuhua Sword Sect. It is extremely powerful and can destroy all directions and shake mountains and rivers. It is an extremely ferocious Taoism just like the innate Taoism of the Chiku clan "Vigorously Collapse the Sky". .

This punch directly killed Chen Xi. The punch was like a tide, and the aura of destruction and chaos appeared everywhere.

"Senior Brother Nie's Blood Gang Breaking Evil Fist has become even more powerful. Rumor has it that this fist has blood-gang auras that surge to the sky, like seas and tides, and is known for its ferocity. It is one of the powerful Dao techniques of my Jiuhua Sword Sect."

"You may not know that Senior Brother Nie has been personally taught by a hidden ancestor, and his strength has naturally increased. According to this momentum, Senior Brother Nie will be among the top within a few years, and Senior Brother Yunye It's neck and neck."

"Look, Senior Brother Nie has displayed twice the fighting power with the perfect 'Blood Soul Dao'. This is equivalent to two great monks of Minghua attacking at the same time!"

This young man in a lavender Taoist robe known as "Senior Brother Nie" also seemed to know some of the strength that Chen Xi had shown before the Qingyun Hall, so he displayed twice as much combat power as soon as he struck out, a thunderous blow , not giving the opponent a chance to resist.

"Give me death!"

Amidst the loud shouts, the "Blood Gang Shattering Fist" that Senior Brother Nie had unleashed was approaching in an instant, and it directly slammed fiercely at Chen Xi's chest, with a vicious look that wanted to blow Chen Xi away completely.


At this moment, Chen Xi moved, and he joined his hands together to form palms, enveloping the power of heaven and earth, and slapped out like ten thousand waves rushing, overlapping one after another, like nine heavenly galaxies pouring down.

This palm is powerful and contains the essence of "Mingtao Wanlang Palm". With just one blow, it can completely destroy the power of "Senior Brother Nie"!

What is particularly frightening is that the power of this palm did not just dissipate. Instead, like a frightened dragon flying into the air, a river of blood roared angrily. With a bang, a big sunken crater was directly printed on Senior Brother Nie's chest, and he vomited blood profusely.

Before the seed disciples of Donghua Peak could react, they saw Senior Brother Nie flying upside down like a kite with a broken string. They even clearly saw the surprise, bewilderment, and terror on Senior Brother Nie's face. , the color of helplessness...

"Give me a sigh!"

After Chen Xi defeated Senior Brother Nie with just one palm, his figure flickered, and the next moment he appeared in front of Senior Brother Nie. He raised his hand and grabbed Senior Brother Nie who had been flying upside down in his hand, and directly knelt down on his knees.


The sound of knee bones shattering exploded, piercing the eardrums, and the seed disciples couldn't help trembling in shock, but Senior Brother Nie had already been tortured by this blow and screamed in pain.

"Impossible! How can I lose to you in a single blow when I fight with twice the combat power!?" Senior Brother Nie knelt down on the ground, feeling a strong sense of shame and anger in his heart, he couldn't help hissing shouted.

"It's very simple. Your strength is too weak. It is twice as powerful. You are like a chicken and a dog in front of me. I will not kill you today, but you must be punished for disturbing my cultivation, so I will punish you in front of me." Kneel down in front of my cave to make atonement!"

Chen Xi pressed the palm of his hand, and directly cast out the mystery of the "Great Imprisonment Technique", completely imprisoning Senior Brother Nie and kneeling on the ground. Unless someone with a higher level of cultivation than Chen Xi came to rescue him, he could only kneel here and suffer endlessly. The ordeal of shame.


Brother Nie couldn't struggle, he let out a hysterical cry, his body trembled violently like a goat, this kind of kneeling humiliation made him almost go crazy.

Chen Xi was extremely indifferent and indifferent to this. The competition among the disciples of Shenhua Peak's seeds was very cruel, and it would be difficult for them to gain a foothold here if they were not stronger.

By doing this, he was also trying to make an example to the monkeys, and he was expressing his attitude to the entire Shenhua Peak!

"Hiss! This guy is too cruel!"

"Senior Brother Nie has a higher level of cultivation than Brother Xiong, but he is still vulnerable. Could it be that this boy is really a peerless evildoer as others said?"

"Let's go! This person is so powerful that even Senior Brother Nie was defeated by him. We are definitely not his opponents. Perhaps only the existence of Senior Brother Yunye can surrender to him."

Seeing this, the other four or five Donghua Peak seed disciples all trembled in shock, their mouths were trembling, and they turned around like headless chickens and fled in a panic.

"Could you still be able to escape in the future?" Chen Xi glanced at Senior Brother Nie who was kneeling on the ground like a dead dog, and Chen Xi's eyes suddenly fell on the others.

"Just letting you escape like this this time, how will I, Chen Xi, gain a foothold in the future? You Donghua Peak wants to use me to make a name for yourself, and I just want to use you to make a name for yourself, so that everyone on Shenhua Peak will know that the fate of offending me, Chen Xi, will be terrible." How miserable it is!"

The next moment, Chen Xi was standing in the void with his hands behind his back, his black hair flying, and his clothes fluttering. He looked at the disciple who was flying in all directions, and when he stepped on his footsteps, four or five streaks of long rainbows burst out of his body.

The Changhong is like a chain, penetrating in all directions, like a big canopy stretched suddenly, flying towards those disciples, wrapping them around lightly, and bringing them back.

This is not some way of Taoism, but a fighting skill that Chen Xi realized from "The True Explanation of Da Luo". Like a chain of order, many powerful people are imprisoned in an instant, and those clever means of seizing the sky are like real miracles.

The method he used at this time was to realize from it that although it was not Taoism, it contained the mystery of Taoism, and its power was equally astonishing.

bang bang bang...

Accompanied by a series of muffled sounds, the four or five Donghua Peak disciples who had escaped fell in front of Chen Xi like gourds rolling on the ground, their figures in a panic.

At this moment, looking at the figure as tall as a mountain supporting the sky, they were so frightened that their faces turned pale and trembled. They never expected that even their way of escape would be hit by Chen Xi casually. , completely blocked!


ps: The day after tomorrow, I can almost recover to 2 updates. I feel really guilty when I update these days. When the illness is completely cured, it will explode for a while!

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